Chapter 20 - Ch. 9 P. 2

 That question got her a look of Pure Shock from Travis, and it took her lightly smacking his face to bring him back to reality, because talking and snapping her fingers didn't work. He grabbed her hand and blinked a few times. Looking up at her he said "Yes, but are you sure that you are okay with it? I know you will be safe here even if you are alone. If you want, I can stay outside the door to guard you?"

Scarlet thought about her answer before she said "It's easier for me to run Males off if I have One in here with me already. You also understand what I want, so it can only be You or No One." After hearing the explanation, he understood and said "You can just tell me where you want me, I can sleep by the door and answer it from now on? Anytime you want me to leave I will leave without a fuss."

Scarlet was happy by his willingness to stay with her, for reasons unknown to her couldn't help but Smile. 

As things were cleaned up after dinner there was another knock at the door. This time Travis was the one that answered it. When he opened the door was funny, because the person on the other side turned out to be the Leader of the 'Green Rock Mountain Village'. Travis looked at him with a blank face and asked, "What can I do for you Leader?"

The 'Green Rock Mountain Village' Leader recovered quickly and said "Hello, my name is Edgar, and I was wondering if I could speak to the 'Great Spirit' for a few minutes." Since he was very nice and polite when asking to speak to Scarlet, she decided to let him in. She said "He can come in, but it needs to be quick. I need to put My Pup down for bed."

Travis moved aside and let Leader Edger in the room. Taking a seat opposite Scarlet Travis stood guard next to him. Scarlet didn't say anything about what Travis was doing and just let him do what he wanted.

 "Speak quickly." Said Scarlet in a tone that gave no room for negotiation. 

Seeing how he was on limited time Leader Edgar went striate to the point. "I would like you to Stay here and Teach us how to be better at taking care of our Females and protecting our territory. Clearly, we are not doing well considering the condition of things now. Would you be willing to stay and teach us? I promise that we won't keep you for long, of course we will of be More than Happy to have you if you do decide to stay."

Scarlet just looked at him striate in the face and said in a friendly yet flat tone "I will help you, but I will need to think about how long My Pup, and I will stay. That is all I'm going to say about the matter. If there is nothing else, you may go now." 

Leader Edgar smiled at the answer because he was not Automatically Rejected and said "No, Little Female that is all, but if I may know One thing?"

When she signaled for him to continue, he said "May I please know your name?"

Scarlet didn't hesitate with a stern look she answered with a Firm "No." 

To know someone's name was already personal enough for her, but having someone know her name was Far too personal. Feeling like it would be better to remain known as the 'Little Female' or 'Great Spirit', Scarlet ended the meeting with nothing else being said.

After Travis walked Leader Edgar out of the room and closed the door, she made sure to seal it when it was firmly closed. As he made his way back to his seat and said "Knowing your name is too personal, right? Since you call me Kitty when you know what my name is, it would be too personal for you to call me by it. Am I correct?"

It was Scarlet's turn to look suppressed this time. She laughed at him and said, "How is it that you know me so well when we don't know anything about each other?"

He simply said, "I know all that I need to know." With a smile he continued "But I don't know where you would like me to sleep." Chuckling as he gestured around the room, he couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

Scarlet looked around and told him to take the bed. As he was about to fight with her over her decision, she gestured to him that it was fine and that she had her own place to sleep. Admitting defeat, he just shook his head and got ready for bed, while Scarlet got her hammock out and set it up. Being the curious cat that he was, Travis just looked at it and said, "What is that thing? and where did you learn to cook?"

Laughing Scarlet said "This is called a hammock, and as for cooking skills. That is Mainly from my family, but I also picked up on things through the different places that I have been and people that I have met."

"The Young Dragon Chef said you weren't from here. Where are you from?" He asked out of curiosity and didn't really expect her to answer any of his questions, but if she was willing to answer he was going to ask. If there was any chance to get to know more about His Little Female that has Captured his heart, he would take it. 

To his pleasant surprise though his question was answered "I'm from across the Ocean, I was just brought here by mistake. The ones that are responsible for be being me here were trying to kill me and screwed it up. This attempt was the closest that anyone has ever come to killing me and let me tell you I've have had a Lot of close calls."

Hearing that didn't make him feel Better, but knowing that she was brought here by accident, in fact it made him Terribly sad to know that the people responsible for it wanted her to Die. 

He said "I'm sorry about what happened to you and the reason that you were brought here, but I am Happy that their plan didn't work, and you are Here for me to get to know and learn from. I know that you can take care of yourself but if anything, ever happened to you. I would never be able to rest until you were avenged, and Your Pup kept safe. This I promise you." He looked at her with such a serious gaze that it shocked her to her very core. She believed every word he said, and it Warmed her heart. 

"This was getting dangerous, and I needed it to stop. Now!" She thought to herself. Taking a deep breath, she said "Good Night Kitty." And hopped into her hammock without another word.

Travis said, "Good Night, I'll be here if you need anything."

"This Male is going to be the death of me." Scarlet thought again. 

The night did not go well for Scarlet, because she didn't like being in a Big place with so many people. Also, My Little Fuzzball woke up hungry and was really whinny. As she was quietly making his food, she tried to keep him quiet, so not to disturb Kitty. Singing him a lullaby that her mom sang to her, she was too distracted to realize that Travis never went to sleep.