Athena's POV:
I always thought my mom if I could even call her that was just plain wicked to me but knowing that this was planned I cant help but investigate so I pick up my phone and call nova.
(Athena -bold,Nova-normal)
Hey thena whats up
Am good well I think I am
Whats wrong
I need you to investigate on Sofia ferrari and gather all info about her life before she got married till when she had me and my brothers
Wait isnt that your mom
I just found out that she is behind all that I went through well majority of it
Woah that was unexpected
when we meet we will talk more
Okay maybe when we go to school
Ok Bye and trouble Bry for me
Ofc I will trust me bye
(Athenas pov contd)
"So do you forgive me" I heard Ari say
I could never be mad at her she is my twin and I love her so much so instead of replying I give her a big warm hug and we are interrupted by a knock on the door .
With a come in i see my brothers come in with red eyes and regret in their faces. They look terrible right.
"I forgive you guys it wasnt your fault but u guys did hurt me by nor believing me but its all in the past so come on and join the hug"
After the hug we talked watched some movies and just had fun like old times then we went to bed cos we are going to hell tommorrow and by that I mean school
The next morning....
I wake up to the bright sun greeting me with its warmth and the birds chirping a melodious song...yeay that didnt happen I actually woke up to the blaring sound of my oh so lovely alarm clock .
After contemplating wether I should skip school or not I later decided to get up and get ready
I go in the bathroom and do my business then move to the cl9set to pick an outfit.
I decide on a brown cropped hoodie with matching joggers and my white vans with some gold chains and rings.
I do light makeup and pack my schoolbag with neccessary things , I dont really need to go to school because I have graduated with my degree in business, fashion and psychology but I do it cos of the fun cliches and dramas of highschool.
Anyways, I make my way downstairs to find my family wow the word family sounds strange coming from my mouth.I discover that Sofia isnt here but who the fuck cares as my motto says "thats a problem for tomorrow" I see Caspian half asleep having his breakfast in a sour mood me too brother me too on the other side I see Silas in his usual bubbly nature how on earth can someone be this bubbly on a monday morning before I can even blink i see Arianna skip in with a bright smile .Makes me wonder who are really twins with who
I take time to look at my brothers and sister's outfit . Silas is wearing a blue sweatshirt with black jeans while Caspian is wearing a similar outfit but a green sweatshirt and black leather jacket.
Arianna is wearing a pale pink croptop and dark blur dungaries it actually looked cute but what can I say any one related to me mut have a pretty amazing fashion sense.
When we were through with breakfast we made our way to the garage when Caspian shouted " Am driving u guys" and made his way to the black ferrari and I immediately called shotgun then Ari and Si sat at the back but U couldnt help but say "really a ferrari driving a ferrari so creative" and they burst out laughing.
We pulled up to the drive way of the school and the cliche stares and murmurings were present. Before I could make a dramatic entry the passenger side door swung open with such force that am scared it would fall off and there stood Nova with a fuming red face
"Athena ferrari you are in so much trouble"
Oh my !am so dead!!!!!