Chereads / A New Life In How To Train Your Dragon / Chapter 4 - Prologue: Final

Chapter 4 - Prologue: Final

Yo! I honestly didn't expect to get to 50 power stones so quickly that's awesome. Did you guys see the HTTYD live-action trailer? What do yall think about it? I for one think it looks really good, I'm excited to see it.

Anyway as promised here's your bonus chapter for this week. Fair warning it might be a bit cringe. But what do you guys think about the rewrite so far? I'd love to hear yall's opinions. Enjoy the chapter!


It took me longer than I'd like to admit to make it to the forge. I need to be more lenient with my training because this is straight torture. As I made my way through the forge entrance, I saw Helga reading a book as she sat in front of Gobber, who was trying to teach her about forging.

"Kaarik, glad you could make it! Come sit. You're just in time for my forging lesson." He loudly announced.

"Nice of you to drop in." Helga smugly added, looking up from her book as she watched me drag myself to the seat next to her.

"Shut it." I groaned, slumping into the chair as I attempted to relax my muscles.

"Alright, calm down, you two. Lessons start now." Gobber told us as she waved some blazing steel over his head. "Now, watch as I make this steel into a sword, and then you'll do the exact same."

"Why can't we get to the good bits, like…" She purposely paused to add to her supposed suspense. "Dragon killing!" Helga beamed, raising her arm excitedly and smacking me in the face.


"Sorry, Kaarik!" She chuckled nervously.

"I swear you're gonna be the death of me…" I grunted as I rubbed my cheek.

"So when are we gonna learn?" Helga said, pushing for an answer as she leaned forward in her chair.

"Patience, Helga. You know Stoick doesn't want you fightin' dragons till he knows you're good n ready. You still have a long way to go before we even consider any of that now." Gobber informed her.

"Aw~ but I've already been training since I was little!" She whined.

"You're still little," I said in the straightest, deadpan voice I could, side-eyeing her as she turned to me and pointed at me accusingly.

"You're one to talk! You'll be able to kill dragons sooner than I can!" She shouted.

I only smirked, causing her eye to twitch as it looked like she was about ready to pounce on me.

"Alright, alright, calm down! You're both acting like a bunch of gremlins." Gobber said, interrupting our little squabble. "You'll learn all about dragon killing in due time, but for now, focus on your training and honing your skills. Now, back to the lesson."

Afterward, Gobber returned to teaching us how to use the forge, craft different items, and other blacksmithing skills.





"Hm, we learned a lot during that, though I think Gobbers' teaching methods need to be… better," I said as Helga and I walked out of the forge covered in ash.

"Better is an understatement," Helga groaned, coughing in her hand. "I'm going home now. I need to get this stuff off of me."

"Alright, see you later," I told her, waving goodbye as we began walking in different directions. Noticing it was starting to get dark, I began racing towards home. Making it home, I shouted to my parents, "Mom, Dad, I'm back!"

"Kaarik, just in time. Your father and I are going out to help deal with the dragons tonight, so I want you to stay inside and wait for us to return." My mom said, grabbing a spear.

"Don't worry, son, you'll be able to join the fight soon enough." My father said before getting a sharp glare from Mom. "When you get older, of course." He said, coughing in his hand and looking away.

"Alright then, we're off, dinner's on the table!" Mom said, and with that, they left.

"These are going to be some annoying years…" I groan before walking toward my room.


4 Years Later

Helga's POV

Berk, the only home I've ever known. Seven generations, and yet every building is new. We've got all a Viking could want. Fishing, hunting, and a surprisingly charming view of the sunset. Although there's still a lot left to be desired, we make it work.

Yep, it's pretty great. The only problem we have is those damned pests. Oh, right, I should probably explain. You see, most places might have mice or mosquitoes, but unfortunately for us on Berk, we have…

"Damned dragons," I say, quickly slamming the front door right as a Monstrous Nightmare spewed flames at me.

Most of the time, if you were a somewhat normal person, you would likely leave this place. Not us. We're Vikings. We have stubbornness issues. Seriously, these people are as stubborn as Thor.

Running out of the house, I dodged a guy who fell from who knows where as he landed on his back with a thud, immediately getting back up to fight. How he doesn't have any broken bones, I don't know.

So you're probably wondering who I am. My name is Helga. Cool name, right? At least it's better than the name Hicca or Hiccup. Anyway, back to running. Dodging flames and frenzied Vikings, I was suddenly knocked off my feet as someone had crashed into me sending me to the ground.

"AAAGRH! Mornin'!" The person screams in my face before running off.

Weird… but not unusual. As I got up, I kept running while multiple people waved and said good morning. Running towards some stairs, I almost got toasted by a dragon before some large man grabbed me by the collar of my vest. I was about to yell at him, but then I realized who had snatched me.

"Helga! What're you doing out here? Shouldn't you be at the forge?" He demanded.

"I'm here to help with the fires. What else?" That was a lie. What I actually wanted was to be able to finally kill my first dragon.

'Oh~, I can already feel it.' I think to myself, a tingling sensation spreading through my body.

"We've already got the others for that. Go help Gobber at forge." He commanded before shoving me away.

That was Stoick the Vast, chief of the tribe. People say that when he was a teenager, he took a dragon's head clean off its shoulders. Honestly, I believe it. I've seen him going toe to toe with dragons before, so it's not too hard to believe. Oh, and one more thing about him… he is also my father.


Third POV

"What have we got?" Stoick asked a Viking beside him.

"Gronckles, Nadders, and, among other things, a Monstrous Nightmare." They responded.

"Any Night Furies?"

"None so far."

"Good." Flicking a piece of burning debris off his shoulder plate, Stoick ran back into the fray and began attacking dragon after dragon.


Helga's POV

I didn't stop running until I finally made it to my destination, the forge.

"Oh, nice of you to show up. I thought you'd been carried away." Gobber sarcastically told me as I went to grab some bent-looking weapons.

"Yeah, yeah, I know I'm late. Though being grabbed would give me that chance to finally get my first dragon kill, wouldn't it?" I laughed, grinning at him as I began to make weapon repairs.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves too much there, Helga. You still barely know the basics of dragon hunting." Gobber said.

"I know enough," I grunted as I hammered the warps out of the steel sword.

Gobber was a meathead with a loud mouth, but I loved him all the same. He's basically my uncle if I honestly think about it. He's been there ever since I was young, though it's been about four years since he started actually teaching me. He's taught me almost everything I know about forging, but his methods could be better. Still, he did a great job.

You're probably wondering why I'm working during a dragon raid. Well, like I said before, we're Vikings… What can you do about it? Looking out the forge's window, I saw the battle continue as Vikings took on the onslaught of dragons.

"Fire!" I heard someone yell before another yell was heard in the distance.

"Alright, guys, you know the drill!"

Right, I forgot to mention some people. Ok, there's Fishlegs, Snotlout, the twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Astrid, and then there's… I blank on my next thought as I watch Kaarik trying to extinguish a house fire. It was like time slowed down for me as I watched him dodge the dragon fire shot at him.


He wasn't bulky like the other Vikings, which was another thing I liked about him. But Thor was stronger than he looked.


I also couldn't help but notice the sweat dripping down his—


"Ah! Yes! Gobber! Was there something you needed?" I was shocked out of my daydreaming as I turned toward a screaming Gobber.

"What are ya doin'?! Help me get these weapons to the people!" Doing as told, I immediately rushed to get the newly repaired weapons out of the forge as Viking after Viking came to receive their weapon before departing to battle again.

After we caught a break from the rushing Vikings coming to take and repair their weapons, I turned to Gobber.

"Gobber, I think it's finally time I got my first dragon kill," I said.

"Helga, we've had this conversation before. You're not—" I cut him off.

"Gobber, I've waited long enough! I know Dad is only trying to protect me. But I'm ready! I know I am! And I can help! With this…" I told him, walking over to a sheet covering a contraption. Removing the cover, I show off my Bola launcher. "This can help me take down a dragon from a long distance. After that, I can—"



"No, Helga. I promised Stoick to keep you out of trouble. So the only thing you can do right now is—" Before Gobber could finish his sentence, a loud screeching noise could be heard from a distance as it approached closer and closer.

"Night Fury!"

"Get down!" A shot of purple-looking dragon fire hit a watchtower before blowing it up a second later.

"Odin's beard! Alright, Helga, I need you to man the forge. They need me out there. AAAAAH!" With a war cry, he ran out of the forge.

Turning away from the entrance, I looked at my contraption. I felt upset—no, pissed off is a far better term for what I was feeling. I could help. This could finally get me my first dragon kill quickly and easily, and they won't even consider the idea. I continued staring at it, to the point that I didn't even hear someone had entered the forge.


"AAAH!" I shrieked before throwing a punch in the direction I heard the voice come from.

"Woah, calm down. It's me." Kaarik said as he caught my wrist.

"Why did you do that!" I yelled.

"It was funny, and it seemed like you could use some cheering up." He laughed.

Sighing, I just looked at my contraption, the gears in my head turning, now that Kaarik was next to me a smirk pulled at my lips.

"Say… You wouldn't happen to be busy at the moment, would you?" I inquired, turning to him with the widest smirk I could muster.

"Well, uh, I…" He began to back up.

"Great! Help me push this out. We're going to catch us a Night Fury."

"We're gonna die..." I heard him groan as we dashed out of the forge, Kaarik pushing the bola launcher behind me.

We ran across the battlefield, dipping and dodging dragon fire and Vikings, until we finally reached the far edge of the village where a cliff overlooking the ocean. Then I began to set up my bola launcher.

"You're surprisingly okay with all this, Kaarik," I told him while finishing the launcher setup.

"Well, it's not like I could stop you. And even if I tried, you're hard headed like that." He sighed, causing me to chuckle as I began to aim the launcher in the air.

"Alright, Helga, this is your one, and only shot. Don't mess it up. Prove 'em all wrong." I sat there for a minute before taking a deep breath. "I'm ready," I told myself as I concentrated on the sky.

We sat there, waiting for what seemed like an eternity. My palms were sweating as I patiently waited for my chance. And then it happened. The Night Fury made another attack. It was in that single moment that I saw it.

It was only for a second, but I saw its silhouette in the explosion while it flew away. Immediately, I took the shot and fired the launcher, the recoil causing me to stumble back slightly as I looked up at the sky. It was then that I saw it, the Night Fury crashing toward the Earth.

"I-I hit it? I actually hit?" I had a feeling of accomplishment and shock. I didn't think I could actually hit it. My legs gave out as I slumped to the ground. It was by pure luck that I could even see it before it got away.

"I saw it, too," Kaarik said from behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. "You did good."

Looking up at him, I smiled warmly. Placing my hand on his, I sat there, relishing this moment. However, the moment was quickly stolen from me.

"Shit." I heard Kaarik mutter, his eyes looking in a certain direction. Looking in the same direction, I saw what he was looking at, a Monstrous Nightmare.

"Shit," I repeated his words.