Chereads / A New Life In How To Train Your Dragon / Chapter 5 - The Search For A Dragon

Chapter 5 - The Search For A Dragon

So I'm thinking of making it so Kaarik is partially immune to electricity. This'll tie in with his nightmares, memories, the markings on his hands, and the Skrill.

This isn't everything I have planned for him, I have some basic ideas, but I'm not exactly sure what I'll give him. What do you guys think? Give me some ideas and let me know in the comments.

Oh and let's see if we can get to 80 power stones. If we do I'll release a bonus chapter this week. Enjoy the chapter!


Kaarik's POV


"Shit." As soon as Helga said that, the dragon started spewing flames at us. I immediately tackled Helga out of the way.

"Run!" We immediately began to book it toward the village, dodging the dragon's fiery breath as best we could.

We burst into the village, continuing to evade the dragon as its frustration grew with every failed attempt to catch us in its jaws as we kept running.

"What do we do?!" Helga shouted, both of us were beginning to run out of breath.

"Okay, I have a really dumb plan," I told her as we ran side by side.

"Kaarik…?" She said in a worried tone.

I didn't reply. The limit on how many shots most dragons can fire was fairly common knowledge. We just needed to wait until it exhausted its flames.

The chase continued, with the Monstrous Nightmare still trying to roast us alive. Then, at last, the moment I was waiting for arrived. It hit its shot limit.

"You trust me, right?" I asked Helga as we rolled out of the way of the dragon's clawed wing.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with—" She didn't get to finish because I immediately spun on my foot and dashed towards the Monstrous Nightmare.

'This is gonna hurt like hell.' Raising my fist, I slammed it into the dragon's snout. 'Damn, that hurts!' Reeling back in pain, my eyes widened as I just barely rolled out of the way of the dragon's teeth as it grazed my arm, causing blood to flow.

"Kaarik!" Helga yelled.

"Stay back! I've got this!" I shouted at her, motioning for her to stay away.

"You obviously don't!" She yelled as she ran toward me.

"Ugh! Why are you so—"

"Watch out!" Helga screamed, tackling me to the side, and saving me from being impaled by the dragon's talons.

"Alright, I've had just about enough of this dragon. Tag team?"

 I told Helga.

"Tag team." She nodded in agreement.

As we got up, we split to execute a pincer attack. Quickly signaling to Helga, I pointed to my eyes and received a nod of approval. The dragon scanned left and right before picking me as its target.

I waited until it approached before sidestepping out of the way, then immediately rushed forward, pulling back my arm, and thrust it into its eye as hard as possible.

And it turns out a dragon's eyes can be quite the vulnerable body part. The dragon instantly roared in pain and appeared a lot more pissed off than before.

It seemed ready to pounce on me again, but unfortunately for the dragon, Helga was faster as she sank her fist into its other eye. Now essentially blinded, it began thrashing around, screeching in pain as it tried to hit either of us. 

Just as we were about to continue the attack, Stoick jumped in front of us. "You did good, kids. Now let me handle this." He said before attacking the dragon.

Stoick continued his assault until it could no longer fight and was inevitably brought to the ground. He then ordered a few people to capture it and take it to the arena. After that, his gaze shifted to me and Helga, particularly focusing on Helga, glaring at her in disappointment.

"Well, that couldn't have gone any better." She chuckled lightly, turning as she was about to leave.

"Helga… I thought I told you to stay at the forge." Stoick uttered, sighing as he brought a hand to his face.

"I don't remember you telling me to specifically stay at the forge. Only to help out." She retorted.

"Odin's beard, why can't you follow the simplest directions? You could have been hurt, killed even! Then there's the fact you roped Kaarik into this as well!" He shouted.

"You saw what we did, Dad. I can help!" She shouted back.

"You're not ready."

"How can I be ready if you've never given me the chance to be?!" She screamed before running away.

"Helga! Hel—argh. Kaarik, make sure she gets home safe." He told me, sighing as he began walking away.

Nodding, I began chasing after her, eventually finding her sitting in front of her house.

"I don't get it, Kaarik… After training for so many years, how could he still not think I'm ready?" She said in a defeated tone. "You saw what we were capable of, right? We fought that Monstrous Nightmare and I bet if we had weapons on us, we could have even killed it…"

I looked at her, and tears began to form in her eyes. Rolling my eyes, I sighed before grabbing her and giving her a side hug. She tensed slightly before relaxing into my embrace.

"You know your dad is just trying to protect you, right?"


"It might not seem like it, but we still have much to learn."

"But—" She tried to interrupt.

"But," I cut her off. "That doesn't mean he won't come around; you just have to wait a little longer. I'm sure he'll see your side eventually." 

Sighing, she sat there momentarily, but I could see the gears turning in her head. "This Night Fury! How could I forget?!" she shouted before springing out of my grasp and turning to me. "Get up, Kaarik. We have a dragon to find!"

"She's back, people," I groaned as Helga dragged me. 





Helga pulled me into the forest, but not before I suggested we grab some weapons, and a bandage for my arm first. And now, here we were, searching for the Night Fury Helga had shot down, with her leading the way and me following behind. I watched as she started marking things off in her journal.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking over her shoulder at the journal. I saw a replica of the forest, but it was filled with crossed-out sections. 

Helga glanced at me before huffing in frustration and returning to marking her journal. 

"Okay, what's the matter?" I said as I stepped in front of her. 

"Argh! It's this damn dragon! I can't find where it landed, and we've been out here for hours!" She screeched, throwing her journal on the ground. "Seriously, how do we not find a single clue as to where it went?!" 

"Calm down. I'm sure we're close." Turning around, I scanned the forest for oddities. "Look over there." I pointed to a tree that was snapped from the base up. 

I watched Helga perk up at the sight before picking her journal off the ground and running in that direction. Following her, we spotted a crater trail in the ground. We followed it until we eventually saw our target trapped in ropes. 

"Kaarik, we found it! We finally found it!" Helga shouted excitedly, shaking me before running toward the dragon. 

"Careful, Helga. We don't know if it's still alive," I cautioned as I followed behind her. 

"Well, if it is, we can just kill it and then take it back to my dad. Do you understand how much this changes things for us? This is my ticket to being seen as a real Viking—not one who can't handle herself on the field." She hissed that last bit to herself. 

"I guess, but I'll let you deal with this. You're the one who shot it down, after all," I said as I leaned against a tree.

This was it, the scene from my fragmented memories. The only difference is that this is my Helga, not some wimp from that movie. She could kill this dragon right here and right now, massively changing the future.

But it wasn't my choice to make. I wasn't going to stop her dream. Plus, I'm pretty sure she'd attack me if I got in the way. I watched as she unsheathed her sword and inched toward the Night Fury.

She wore an excited expression as she raised the sword above her head. At that moment, the dragon moved, startling her back slightly as it gazed up at her. She prepared her blade again as I watched the dragon accept its death.

'I guess this is it,' I thought with a sigh. It'd be a slight setback, but it wouldn't hurt the plans I'd thought of. If I succeeded in what I was planning, we'd be able to stop almost anything that came our way.

"Shit!" I was jolted out of my thoughts as I heard Helga scream. 

"Helga?!" I drew my sword and shield, ready to attack or defend at the slightest danger, though it was only her throwing the sword into the dirt. 

"Damn it! Why can't I do it?!" She shouted, cursing herself for being weak. 

"What are you on about?" I questioned as I lowered my weapons.

Sighing, she looked up at me. "You know how long I've been waiting for this moment, Kaarik. Yet now that it's here, I can't bring myself to do it." She said, sitting in front of the dragon and staring at it. "I don't know what to do…"

"Do what you feel is right. That's all I can tell you right now." I said as I stood behind her.

Looking up at me, she smiles at me before getting up off the ground. Grabbing her sword, she walked toward the Night Fury, pausing to stare at it for a moment before glancing at the ropes.

"Don't make me regret this, dragon." She glared at the creature before starting to cut away at the ropes.

As soon as the ropes were cut, the Night Fury sprang up with a low growl, glaring at us as we stared each other down. Both our guards were up as the dragon watched us intently. It roared before trying to fly away, although it seemed unable to fly more than a few feet into the air.

"Well, wasn't that something…" I chuckled as I sheathed my sword and strapped my shield on my back.

"Tsk, whatever… let's go home, Kaarik," Helga said before we silently walked back to the village. 

Upon reaching the village, we parted ways, and I headed back home. Walking inside, I greeted my parents, dinner already on the table. I was about to dig in, but they stopped me. It looked like they had something important to say.

"Kaarik, you know that dragon training starts tomorrow." My dad tells me while stuffing his face with food. My mom rolls her eyes at his antics before she turns to me.

"We understand that we've trained you to the best of our abilities and that you've trained with the other teens, but please do be careful." She said in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'll be fine. With Gobber there, nothing too bad should happen." I quickly respond.

After dinner and some family banter, I head to bed exhausted from the long day, but ready for whatever tomorrow has to throw at me.


"Welcome to dragon training!" Gobber shouted as he lifted the arena gate, allowing us all to enter.

As we all walked further into the arena, everyone looked around.

"I thought it'd look a lot different from when we were kids," Astrid whispered to Helga.

"Can't expect too much, I guess." Helga shrugged, standing next to her.

"I hope I get some wicked burns!" Tuffnut yelled as he turned to his sister.

"I'm hoping for a bit of mauling myself. Maybe, like, on my shoulder or lower back… yeah." She giggled, rolling her shoulders.

"Y'all are weird…" I said, staring at them.

"You're one to talk, you training maniac," Snotlout replied.

"At least I train. Which is more than can be said for some," I shot back, looking him up and down. I heard Astrid and Helga chuckling at his shocked expression so I decided to go talk with them.

After talking with them for a while I found out that Helga and her dad had a 'heart-to-heart' about dragon slaying. She said he allowed her to join dragon training, and she could finally fulfill her wish of killing dragons, but now she doesn't think she can do it after letting that Night Fury go. As we joked, Gobber called for everyone's attention.

"Alright, let's get started! The one who does their best in training will earn the honor of killing their first dragon in front of the whole village!" Gobber shouted, standing next to the cage lever.

"I would've had all the honor already if I had just killed that damned Night Fury," I heard Helga whisper to herself.

She was still salty about not finishing it off.

"Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight," Gobber told us.

As he started listing the different species, Fishlegs muttered their 'stats,' which irritated Gobber.

"Can you stop that?! And, last but not least… Gronckle." He said the last dragon's name and put his hand over the lever.

"W-whoa, whoa, wait! Aren't you supposed to at least going to teach us first?!" Snotlout panickily blurted out in a panic.

"I believe in learning on the job," Gobber replied, pulling down the lever and letting the Gronckle loose.

"Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead."

We all scattered as the Gronckle rushed at us, missing before crashing into the wall.

"Gobber, you suck!" I shouted as I sprinted for a shield.

"Duly noted. Now, what's the first thing you're going to need?"

"A shield!" I yelled, already holding one.

"Correct! Shields! Go!" Everyone else rushed to grab a shield as Gobber continued his 'lesson.'

'Seriously, is this training or a death battle?' I thought, watching the twins fight for a shield before it was blasted from their hands.

"Ruffnut, Tuffnut, you're out!" Gobber yelled from the sidelines as he watched everyone run around like chickens.

"Idiots…" I sighed and shook my head at the two.

"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronckle have?" Gobber shouted, leaning against the wall.

"Five?!" Snotlout yelled, darting around the arena.

"No, six!" Fishlegs shouted, waving his shield in the air.

"Six, correct! There's a point for each of you!"

Fishlegs nodded excitedly, only for the Gronckle to spot him and blast his shield to pieces, scaring him as he scurried off screaming.

"Fishlegs out! Helga, get in there!" Gobber shouted at Helga.

"I am in here!" Helga yelled back, dodging a blast of magma.

I look over at Snotlout who is distracted and failing to flirt with Astrid before he gets shot at, and sails through the air before he lands on the floor.

"Snotlout out!"

Ducking under a blast of molten rock, I ran over to Helga and Astrid as they stood together.

"We need to take this thing down," I said as I watched the Gronckle look toward us.

"We know." They both grunted in response.

"Astrid, you distract it. Helga, with me," I commanded, and we all nodded at each other.

"Over here, you oversized turd," Astrid shouted as she banged her axe against her shield.

Spotting her, the Gronckle started to chase her around the arena, slamming into the walls as she kept dodging it.

"Now would be a good time to enact your plan, Kaarik!" She yelled at me.

"Working on it! Helga, you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said, gesturing at my shield.

"Are you kidding me?" She looked at me, shocked.

"Nope," I said, popping the p.

With that, we both ran toward the Gronckle. As Astrid dodged it again, she rushed past us while I slid to a stop, turning around and bending down with my shield above me, knowing it was all up to Helga now. 

Running, she stepped on my shield, and as soon as she did, I lifted it, throwing her upward as she jumped toward the Gronckle. Before it had time to react, Helga was already using her shield to slam it into the ground with her momentum.

"Now go, go!" I shouted to Astrid. Running toward the Gronckle, Helga held its wings while I kept its tail still. Astrid would then hammer her shield, hard, against its face whenever it tried to shake us off.

"Well done, you three! With your teamwork, you managed to take the Gronckle down. I must say, I'm impressed. I didn't think any of you could do that, honestly," Gobber scratched his head. "Now then, get off it so I can put it back in its cage."

He got his wish because we were distracted by his talking, and the Gronckle bucked us off before charging at him. But Gobber wasn't just all talk when it came to training. Grabbing the Gronckle by its mouth with his hook hand, he spun it around before throwing it back into the cage.

"Training is over! Rest up. Training will continue tomorrow. Dismissed!"