After this Annie explained to us a lot of stuff. Firstly, about rarity. Everything followed this color scheme from chests to classes. The rarity color scheme went like this.
Blue being most common and weakest. After that is yellow less common and stronger than the blue. After that is red, followed by golden and prismatic. As for classes go most important things on our rank is to have at least red class. This will ensure the we reach level 50 on which the personal trait is achieved. Everything else can be fixed later but the trait is very important. We all sighed in relief since our classes qualified for that. She explained to girls that they should be able to pick classes with higher rarity as they rank up in tiers, it's very rare to start with class higher than red.
As for the tiers they go from un-tiered to tier 10. Tier 10 being the ultimate top. And there is one more think she explained to us. There are three types of chests, the ones we are finding are the lowest ones so called wooden chest. They spawn on all planets up to tier 3. Earth being now tier 1 those will be the only ones that people will be able to find for a while. On the planets between tier 4 and 7 are steel chests, and on planets above that are golden chests. These are very rare and very valued; they are also the reason why my trait is so sought after. Since it maximizes the chance to drop of chests.
Last thing we spoke about were monsters. As we thought they are also getting their classes and going up the tiers. Normal ghouls, zombies and so on are un-tiered. The special ghouls like jumping and crawling ones are tier one. The most special ones among tier one ghouls are ghoul commanders; they can command other un-tiered ghouls. Like we saw during the fight with the ghoul giant. The giant ghoul we fought was tier two ghoul that was ghoul commander on tier one and evolved into colossal ghoul commander. According to Annie we were lucky that it became colossal since it is the easiest one to deal with. Due to them being slow and not very intelligent, other options on tier two for commanders are much smaller but deadlier. Since they are much smarter and quicker.
Once this was done Annie asked us to check our notifications. Since the system is meant to give out quest when you encounter a very challenging fight, we should be having quest with good rewards. And she was right indeed there was a completed quest to kill the giant. Reward was random skill scroll. A thing that we should not have access to for some time. She also let me know that there is no way for me to pick use dealer's choice on skills that will girl's get. Since once I select the skill, I automatically learn it so the girls have to put out with random skill selection, but she also let me know that it tries to pick out skill useful for the person according to class and skills it already possesses. First one to try her luck with a random skill was Karla.
She received a tier one skill called vampiric blade.
Vampiric blade (Tier 1)– Once activated you heal for 10% of the weapon damage you deal.
While active you will lose 10 mana every second.
According to Annie it was decent skill and will become quite powerful once properly upgraded. Since we got three red chests from the colossal ghoul, I quickly pulled out a necklace with mana cost reduction for Karla so she could use her skill freely and while I was at it, I pulled the bow for Brook from the second one. We still had one left I decided to pull something for Jessica from the last one since I wanted to be fair to her and she helped us in the fight.
Once that was done Brook decided to have a go on her random skill, she received skill called dash. It was skill that let her quickly cover distance of 20 meters in a straight line. Perfect for getting space in case she was attacked in melee.
I went as last and once I saw the vast selection, I was not sure what to pick. I thought about it for a moment but I ended up asking Annie for help.
"Annie, I would love some AOE skill. Is there something good for me?"
She thought about it for a bit and then she spoke. "You should pick Cone of frost, no worries I know how it looks just please trust me."
I looked at the skill and it was frost damage dealing frontal cone spell that would deal decent damage but it was again scaling purely from my magic and ignoring my agility. I contemplated it for a moment but then I decided to trust Annie. I chose the skill and what followed left me speechless.
Cone of frost (tier 1) acquired.
Cone of frost has small chance to mutate thanks to you already having Ice fencing skill. Dealer's choice prevented the random decision.
Do you want to mutate the skill?
"It wants to mutate. Should I let it, Annie?" I asked still a little surprised.
Annie smiled and answered. "Yeap, that's why I suggested the skill."
I chose yes and skill mutated into frost cleave, a tier two skill that let me attack everything in quite large cone in front of me. Scaling properly from both of my stats. Costing very little mana and even benefiting from my weapon damage and abilities. It was perfect skill.
"Awesome thanks Annie. Now I realized, why none of their skills never mutated?"
She giggled. "Skills have low chance to mutate. You have to be either very lucky or need to have a trait that helps with it."
I nodded in understanding.