Chereads / Sex God : Daily New Stories / Chapter 99 - SEX SHOP SLUT: CUNT LICKER


Hope you're ready for my next adventure.

So, after I accidently found myself tied up, gagged and losing my virginity to two random, older men. I broke up with Doug, told my parents I was starting my job at Sherry's Toy's. I did get the morning after pill after I had both those men cum inside of me. I also had decided that I was going to go on the pill.

I knew I wanted a lot more sex and no way I wanted to get pregnant.

My parents would've killed me if they found out their innocent, good catholic daughter got knocked up by a stranger.

To everyone that knew me, nothing had changed. I wore my plaid skirt that went just above my knee, I wore thigh high white socks and a white blouse. I was still the good girl everyone knew, but inside, I had changed.

Something about being in that position, fucked so hard and treated like a slut woke something up. I wanted more.... Needed more.

My first shift at Sherry's Toy's went pretty normal considering it was a sex toy shop. Grace, the 20 year old girl who worked there and offered me the job had a uniform made for me. She thought the catholic school girl look was a good way to get more men in, so she had it designed just like my normal outfit except... sluttier?

The skirt was shorted, just below my ass. My blouse was tight and the buttons almost opened where my large breasts were and it had the company logo sown onto it.

Whereas Grace's uniform was similar, but with a green top and a black skirt. Her red hair and red lipstick looked great with the green top.

She was kind of gothy looking, with black eye liner, earrings and the many tattoos down her arms. She also had large tits like me, but she was a little thicker everywhere else as well. Not fat, more curvy. She was also a little taller than me, but that wasn't hard since I was only 5 foot 4.

Grace showed me what she does all day on her shifts, mainly just keeping the place clean and talking to customers. She told me it's best to flirt with the men because they will buy more and we get commission. However, flirting wasn't my strong suit. Hell, a few weeks back I was a virgin.

After my first shift I went home, I got a bus because I didn't want my parents finding out where I actually worked.

But as I lay in bed I couldn't stop thinking about sex. That BDSM room, I wanted to go in it again, but I also wanted to do a good job for Grace.

Then the next day, it was pretty quiet so Grace went and got us some Chinese food for lunch. She sat on the counter where the will was. It was like a glass counter and all sorts of dildos inside. And I sat on the swivel chair near to her tucking into my food.

"Don't forget," Grace said between bites, "you get a discount on all toys here, go wild."

I could feel myself blush, I was still a nervous little girl. Just because I had accidentally got fucked by two older men that didn't make me suddenly outgoing.

"Oh right, yeah." I whispered and looked down at my food.

"You know, you're pretty shy," Grace said, "all things considered."

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"Well you know, considering you're a freaky slut." Grace said bluntly.

"I'm not." I whispered and once again looked down at my food.

"Hey I meant no offence," Grace replied, "I'm the same, but I think people can tell with me, but you, who knew you would be up for that kinky shit."

I had to tell her the truth sooner or later, plus before going into that BDSM I pretty much never lied. I was a good catholic girl.

So, I brushed my blonde hair between my ears and looked up at her.

"I, erm, I didn't know what was going to happen in that room." I whispered to her.

I could see the confused look on her face as she ate.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well you seemed so confident when you talked about the stuff in there, I didn't want to seem like some stupid little girl," I continued, "so, I said I knew what it all was and before I knew it you had me tied up and then the two men came in."

"Wait, hold on a sec!" Grace said and leant forward to look at me, "You're telling me you haven't had sex in one of those rooms before?"

With my face blushing, I looked down at the floor.

"I... I never had sex before that day."

"FUCK. OFF!" Grace said in complete and utter shock, "Do not tell me I accidentally lost you your virginity?!"

"Well..." I whispered.

I couldn't believe it, she definitely thought I was some weirdo. I didn't think she would want to work with me anymore, now she found out I wasn't some experience slut.

"Oh god," Grace said.

I looked up and could tell she didn't know what to say.

"I thought, you know, that you liked it." She said to me.

"I did." I quickly replied, and then my face burnt red again with embarrassment.

Oh god, why am I so stupid!

"I just, didn't plan it, that's all." I told her.

"You liked it?" Grace asked me, "So, you are glad it happened?"

I shuffled about on my chair awkwardly, "Yeah, I was saving myself until I was married, but... I'm so glad I didn't wait that long."

Grace let out a little chuckle at that.

"Thank fuck!" She almost shouted, "I felt so fucking guilty then! Like I had ruined your life!"

She doesn't think I'm some frigid weirdo?

"No," I replied with a whisper, "You didn't."

"Then why are you being so shy?" Grace asked me.

This woman was clearly a lot more confident than me and in touch with her sexuality.

"Well, I'm a catholic girl," I told her, "there's expectations for someone like me. No sex before marriage, on swearing.... No BDSM."

I laughed at that last one, even it made me blush.

"Well when you're here with me, don't worry about it," Grace said and continued to eat her food, "You can do whatever the fuck you want in here, as long as it's legal that is."

It was so strange for me, sure, my friend Emily was pretty unruly but this Grace was a whole other level! We were exact opposites of each other, but I liked that.

"Go on," Grace said with a grin, "Swear, say whatever the fuck you want and no one will shout at you."

I looked up at her and could tell she was being serious.

"I... I shouldn't." I whispered.

Maybe I wasn't ready for this job, maybe I was just a dumb girl that found herself accidentally getting fucked by two men.

"Come on, it'll be good for you," Grace told me, "Watch, I'll show you.... Fuck, shit, cunt, wanker, bitch, bastard!"

I nearly choked on my food as she listed off every swear word under the sun! I burst into laughter and then nearly fell off my chair.

"Go on, catholic girl, say one." Grace egged me on.

"Shit." I whispered out.

I don't know why I was so embarrassed, the words that came out of me whilst those two men fucked me were far worse. But that was in the moment, I was horny and getting fucked, this was different.

"Louder." Grace said.

"Shit." I said in my normal voice.

"There you go, a little louder." Grace told me.

"Shit!!!" I shouted almost at the top of my lungs.

Oh my god, this feels great!

"There you go," Grace said with a happy smile, "we'll make a rebel out of you yet."

I couldn't get the smile off of my face as we carried on eating, although I still felt nervous, Grace just had a way to relax me.

When we finished the food I took Grace's empty box and threw them into the bin.

I looked up at the BDSM room, flashes of that day came back to me and I felt between my legs squirm a little with excitement.

Grace was moving a few items around as she dusted them. Although inside was telling me not to, my mouth started to open.

"So, do you go in there often?" I asked.

Did I actually just ask if she gets fucked in that room?

"Not as much as I'd like," She said calmly as she carried on cleaning, "it's just been me here for a few months and someone has to run the till."

But she does go in there... I wonder if she's like me when she's in the heat of the moment.

"This one time, there was a guy tied up, bent over, kind of like you were," Grace continued as I blushed bright red, "except he didn't have a gag on, he was saying some filthy fucking words as I fucked him with a strap on."

Grace burst out laughing and I just stared at her, wide eyes and shocked.

She? Fucked him?

"You, ahem, I mean... he..." I just stuttered, my nerves massively getting the better of me.

"What?" Grace asked, "Oh shit, sorry I forgot. This is all new to you isn't it."

"Well... I... yeah." Once again I just stammered like an idiot.

"Don't worry, stick with me and you'll learn everything you need to," Grace said as she carried on dusting around the room, "anyway, I'm more of a domme, don't get me wrong, I love a big, hard cock fucking me, but when I get to wield a strap on and do the fucking! Oh yeah, that's a rush!"

Oh my god! The words coming out of this girls mouth!

It was like I was in a dream, how could someone just be so open about this stuff?

Anyway, another two weeks went by, Grace and I chatted like normal. I hadn't been brave enough to venture into the BDSM room again, although I wanted to. Sometimes I even got to the door, but then backed away.

Then, one Saturday, I was cleaning some of the counters when the bell rang and someone entered.

"Mrs Unsworth, not seen you in a while." Grace said in a very polite voice and walked over to the woman.

I turned my head and saw her.

She was a taller woman, maybe 5 foot 9. She hand long, very straight black hair. She was slim and wore business attire. A white blouse, a black blazer and a black pencil skirt that went just below her knees.

She was slim, but looked like she had a good chest on her.

"Grace, lovely to see you again." Mrs Unsworth replied and the two shook hands.

"How've you been?" Grace asked her.

Clearly, this woman was a regular.

"Good, good," Mrs Unsworth replied and then her attention landed on me, "You have a new employee?"

"Oh yeah," Grace said, "That's Zara."

"Zara?" The older woman replied and eyed me up and down from the other side of the shop, "beautiful name."

I felt my cheeks burn red and I had to look away to distract myself.

"So, are you going to take me up on my offer yet?" I heard Mrs Unsworth say to Grace. It was in a hushed tone, but I could still hear.

"I've told you before, we are too similar, I don't think it would work." Grace replied.

I wonder what they're talking about, what offer?

"Shame," Mrs Unsworth whispered but then her voice grew louder, "You, Grace, I will need your assistance."

"Oh, she's erm, very new." Grace replied as I turned to walk over.

"Nonsense, I'm sure she can help me." Mrs Unsworth said.

I didn't really know what to do, so, I just walked over to them.

"Zara, will you help me today?" She asked.

I looked at Grace who was staring right at me, I couldn't figure out what was going on, but I didn't want to lose a sale.

"Of course I can Ma'am." I replied in my most polite voice.

"Well, aren't you just a delight," Mrs Unsworth said and then looked at Grace, "Grace, Zara will help me."

Grace looked at me with a hint of a smile and then back at Mrs Unsworth.

"As you wish, let me know if you need anything." Grace said and then went off to carry on the cleaning I was doing.

I turned back to Mrs Unsworth who's eyes were going all over me. I suddenly felt very self conscious. Especially in my uniform that showed off my slim body but big tits.

"H-how can I help." I stuttered out.

"My last toy broke, I need a new one, or a few." Mrs Unsworth said to me, it was almost business like.

"O-of course."

Come on Zara, at least try and act confident.

I couldn't barely keep a straight face when Grace spoke about sex toys, how was I supposed to do it with this woman.

"W-what toys are you looking for?" I asked her, but refused to look into her eyes.

"Well, it was a rabbit that broke, I think I burnt the batteries using it too much." She said and I almost chocked in shock.

"This way, I'll show you where they are." I told her but my voice broke a little.

As I turned to walk away I could feel her eyes on my back, most likely on my arse. This skirt was short enough that if I bent over just a little, my arse would be on show.

"Here they are." I told her when we reached the rabbit section.

"Hmmm, very nice," Mrs Unsworth said and picked up a pink, 6 inch one, "This is similar to my last one, it's a shame it broke, my little pet was getting so close to cumming as well."

What did she just say.

I had to stop myself form gasping at her words.

"But I guess that's what happens when you leave a girl tied up for hours with a toy vibrating inside of her." She said with a little chuckle.

Oh my god, this is crazy!

"What's wrong girl?" She asked me, "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"S-sorry, nothing," I stuttered back, I looked up and realised she had piercing green eyes, beautiful, seductive eyes, "do you want to get that one?"

"Now hold on," she replied firmly, "I've barely even had a look."

"Yes, sorry Ma'am." I replied politely.

"I also want to get a selection of butt plugs, my new pet hasn't got any anal experience yet so I need to build her up to my strap on." Mrs Unsworth said.

I managed to hold in my gasp, but I couldn't believe how open she was talking to me about it. I also couldn't believe that between my legs was on fire!

"Do you have any that you can recommend?" She asked me.

I tried to fake being a good salesman.

"These ones are very highly reviewed." I told her and picked up a small, black butt plug.

"No, I mean from experience girl, which have you used?" She asked me.

"I... I... I haven't used them myself, Ma'am." I replied back and stared at the ground.

"Interesting," Mrs Unsworth said and walked around me to the other plugs, "how can I trust your opinion if you haven't used them?"

I looked around the room for help from Grace but she was nowhere to be seen.

"I... I don't know, Ma'am." I told her, oh god, I was shit at selling stuff.

"Tell me girl, have you even been with a woman before?" Mrs Unsworth asked but didn't look at me, she just focused on the plugs.

"No, I haven't." I whispered back, like it was something to be embarrassed about.

"Good." She said bluntly.

Good? Why good? Why am I so wet?!

I followed Mrs Unsworth around like a puppy dog for a few minutes. I had to admit, she had a great figure. I would probably place her around mid 30s?

Then she picked up a small, black bullet and quickly turned to face me.

"Tell me, do you like following orders?" She asked me.

"I, erm, I don't know." I answered back, where is she going with this?

Suddenly, she clicked the button on the bullet and it started to vibrate in her hand.

My entire body seemed to remain frozen as this beautiful woman stared at me like an animal would stare at it's prey.

I just watched, helplessly as she slowly moved the bullet closer and closer to my chest. And then I felt it, the strong vibrating toy directly onto my left nipple, only blocked by my thin blouse and my bra. But I could feel the vibrations very strongly.

"I'm sure I could show you many, many things girl." She whispered and put more pressed onto my nipple with the bullet.

Ooooh god, is this really happening?

I couldn't help but feel great pleasure from the vibration, my pussy then twitched between my legs.

Mrs Unsworth leant closer and I felt her warm breath on my ear.

"Have you ever thought about being with a woman?" She whispered and I accidentally let out a little moan.

"N-no, Ma'am." I said back, trying to hide my moan.

"Such a waste, that pretty little mouth of yours and is hasn't been getting used as it should," she whispered but this time, she lightly nibbled at my ear lobe. She moved the bullet to my other nipple and that time, I couldn't hold my moan in.

She ever so gently planted a kiss on my bare neck. Her soft, plump lips against my smooth skin sent shivers of pleasure down my spine.

"Are you wet right now, my pet?" She whispered into my ear.

Oh god... yes! Yes I am!

But I couldn't speak, it was like I was frozen, not believing this was real.

That was until one of her hands slowly moved up my skirt and pressed against my pussy from outside of my white thong.

"Ooooh." I accidentally moaned when she pressed against my clit.

"Hmm, seems you are wet, good." She whispered and kissed my neck again.

She then quickly turned the bullet off and took a step back from me. Grabbing onto the toys she liked, she walked over to the BDSM room.

"Come on, in here now." Mrs Unsworth said very, very firmly.

The sort of firm order my parents would give me when telling me to tidy my room. Like the good girl I was, I followed behind.

Mrs Unsworth opened the door and gestured for me to go in. Just before entering, I turned me head and saw Grace behind the till, giving me a huge smile.

There I was, back in the room I lost my virginity in a few weeks ago. But this time, with an older and I suspect married woman.

Mrs Unsworth put the "do not disturb" sign on the back of the door and then shut it. The lights came on automatically and I just stared at her in awe. Without saying a word, the beautiful woman went and sat down on top of the leather bench. The bench I had been tied to.

"Get on your knees, my pet." She ordered.

Her pet? Thank you God!

I lowered myself down and watched as Mrs Unsworth spread her legs a little wider, but not enough to see up them.

"Crawl to me." She said.

As though I had no control, I did as she said and crawled between her legs. Ever so slowly, Mrs Unsworth spread her legs wider until finally I could see between her thighs.

Oh my god! She has no underwear on!

For the first time in my life, I was face to face to another woman's pussy and it looked.... Delicious.

I could already see the wetness spreading around her smooth, beautiful lips. The hint of her swollen clint poking through. I looked up at her like a child needing orders.

"Take this," She said and handed me the pink rabbit toy, "I need to know this toy works, so you're going to show me."

"S-show you?" I asked and took the toy.

"Yes, you're going to fuck me with this toy and prove to me it works as it should." Mrs Unsworth ordered.

All I could think was, Thank god!

I moved my left hand and it landed gently onto her smooth, soft thigh. The skin of another woman, something until now I never realised how sexy it was. Then I started to move the dildo part of the rabbit towards her pussy.

"Wait!" Mrs Unsworth shouted, "Are you not going to get it wet before you fuck me with it?"

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, her pussy already looks soaked.

"Suck on it, like you would a cock, silly girl." She scolded me.

I felt just like that, a silly, little girl! No, you're not a little girl! Prove to her you're a woman, a slutty woman at that!

I took the toy and wrapped my soft lips around it, Mrs Unsworth kept eye contact with me but a smile emerged on her face.

Using my tongue, I spread my spit around the toy. Unlike when that man fucked my face, I used my hand to move the toy in and out of my mouth.

"Good girl." Mrs Unsworth said and my pussy twitched again.

I carried on, getting more enthusiastic as I gave this toy a blowjob. Eventually I pulled it from my mouth and let some spit land on the tip.

"Now, slide it inside of me." Mrs Unsworth ordered.

"Yes, Ma'am." I whispered.

"No, call me Mistress for now on, my pet." She told me softly.

"Yes, Mistress." I said and I felt my pussy gush a little.

Grabbing onto her firm thigh again, I moved the toy closer to her. Once the tip touched her wet, inviting pussy lips I moved it up and down slightly, spreading my spit and her juices around.

"Enough teasing girl." She barked firmly.

Never taking my eyes off of her pussy, I started to push the toy. I watched her hole wrap around the tip, her wet, delicious hole.

"Mmm that's it, keep going." She whispered.

I pushed it deeper, watching her lips spread as the toy got deeper and deeper.

I definitely did not expect this to happen today.

Eventually, the smaller part of the toy touched her clit and I had the rabbit all the way inside of her.

"Now, slide it in and out of me, slowly." She ordered.

"Yes Mistress," I said and pulled it back slightly and pushed it back in, "Like that?"

"Mmm yes, just like that girl." She moaned.

I was slowly pushing this toy in and out of the older woman's pussy, I could see her wetness spread all over it and she let out little gasps of pleasure.

Her legs spread wider with me knelt between. In awe of this beautiful woman.

"Turn the vibrations on." She ordered.

I saw the button at the end of the toy and pressed it. The first setting was pretty low, but as the toy touched her clit her leg twitched a little.

"Oh yeah, that's good." She whispered.

I kept slowly moving the toy in and out of her pussy that was growing wetter and wetter, just like mine.

Each time the toy touched her clit, Mrs Unsworth would let out a moan and her legs would shake.

"Good girl... faster." She ordered.

I moved the toy faster, sliding it nearly fully out and then back in. Mrs Unsworth's breathing started to grow heavier and heavier.

"Next setting girl." She ordered.

I pressed the button and Mrs Unsworth let out a loud moan.

"Yes, now fuck me with me." She moaned out.

"Like this?" I asked, almost nervously as I moved it a bit faster.

"Harder, fuck me harder." She moaned.

I was worried about hurting her, having never done this before. But I moved my hand back and forth faster and faster.

"That's it... oh yeah... fuck me you little slut." She moaned out and I let my own moan.

Oh how I love being called a slut!

I pushed the toy as deep as I could and held it vibrating against her clit.

"Oooh fuck yes! You dirty little pet!" She called out.

As I kept fucking her, I watched as she began to undo her blouse. In a matter of seconds she pulled it open and revealed her smaller but perky tits.

"Come and suck on my tits as you fuck me!" She said.

"Yes Mistress!" I happily replied.

With the toy moving in and out of her pussy, I jumped up and wrapped my soft lips around her hard nipple.

"Mmmm!" I moaned as I sucked on her tit.

"Good girl, keep going." She moaned quietly, "bite them."

I put my teeth onto her nipple and lightly bit down, pulling them back as I did. Mrs Unsworth's hands started to play in my hair as I sucked on her tits and fucked her.

"Oh fuck.. yes... that's it girl... STOP!" She suddenly shouted.

"I'm sorry," I nervously replied and moved back slightly, "what did I do wrong?"

Mrs Unsworth smiled at me and stayed perfectly still.

"Nothing, my pet," She replied and I felt relief, "but I wouldn't be a good Mistress if I the first time I let you make me cum and you didn't get to taste it."

Oh god, she wants me to lick her.... Of course she does! What am I thinking!

With the rabbit in my hand still vibrating, she reached and took it from me. Feeling her soft hand gently graze mine sent pleasure throughout my body.

I just watched silently as she turned the vibrating off and sat a little forward.

"Open your mouth." She ordered.

This is it, I'm about to taste someone else's pussy.

I opened my mouth wide and allowed this woman push the toy that was just inside of her past my lips.

"Mmmm!" I automatically moaned when the toy hit my tongue and my senses were filled with the delicious taste of her pussy.

"I've been told I taste amazing." She said with a confident smile.

"Mmhmm." I moaned and wrapped my lips around the toy.

My tongue started to spread all over it, wanting to taste every last drop.

Mrs Unsworth didn't even move the toy, I just greedily bobbed up and down on it, wanting every bit of her juices.

When she pulled it back I let a disappointed sigh out.

"Back on your knees my pet, time to taste me from the source and turn you into a good little pussy pleaser." She ordered.

"Yes, Mistress." I excitedly replied and lowered myself back between her legs.

I stared at her drenched pussy. Her lips were glistening and just begging me to come in. So, I moved forward.

But I was stopped by her hand holding my head.

I was about to taste a pussy properly for the first time... and she stopped me?

"Tell me what you want?" She asked with a straight face.

I looked at her pussy and then back at her green eyes.

"I want to lick you, Mistress." I told her, not believing I just said it.

"What do you want to lick?" She asked me.

"You're.... you're pussy." I said, just the words made me moan.

"No," Mrs Unsworth corrected me, "You want to lick my cunt and please me like the slutty pet you are, don't you?"

Ooooh fuck!

"Yes, yes I do!" I immediately told her.

"Say it you stupid little girl!" She barked at me.

"I want to lick your cunt Mistress!" I almost shouted, desperate to finally do it, "I want to please your tight, wet cunt with my tongue like the slut I am!"

Then, a smile came onto her face.

"Good pet, go ahead."


My pussy was on fire as I finally moved my head closer and closer.

Oooh my god! She's fucking delicious!

My wet, soft tongue made contact with the outside of her pussy lips but her spread juices filled my senses once again. Her skin was so soft, as I moved my tongue up and down her pussy lips slightly moved with it.

I had almost forgotten what I was doing and just slowly made out with this older woman's pussy.

Running my tongue up and down each side, then I slowly sucked one lip into my mouth and licked the juices off. Only to do it to the other side.

With my hands on her thighs, I was in heaven. How had I never thought of this before?

Mrs Unsworth was just letting out quiet little moans and ran her fingers through my hair as I licked her.

Eventually, I wanted to taste more. I gripped onto her thighs tighter and pushed my tongue deep inside of her hole.

"Mmmm!" I moaned at her nectar.

"That's it my cunt licker, enjoy it." She moaned back.

I was trying to get my tongue as deep as possible inside of her. I even moved my hands and spread her lips wider with my fingers and pushed my head deeper.

"Oooh yeah, you dirty little slut." Shoe moaned which made me moan back.

"Oh god," I moaned between licks, "You taste so good."

"Oh I know." She said back to me.

I felt her throbbing clit on my tongue and I started to circle around it. When I flicked it, her legs would shake.

"Oh yeah, that toy got me pretty close my pet, do you want to taste my cum?" She moaned.

"Yes Mistress, please cum for me." I moaned.

"Finger me as you lick my clit!" She ordered.

I easily pushed two fingers deep into her drenched pussy and pumped them in and out of her.

Licking her clit, Mrs Unsworths legs started to tremble as I pleasured her.

"Oh yeah... fuck! Make me cum you little whore!" She moaned louder.

I licked and fingered her over and over, wanting to please this amazing woman.

"Yes... I'm cumming... I'M FUCKING CUMMING!!!" She roared out.

Her thighs clenched around my head and I felt her pussy gush onto my mouth.

"MMMM!" I moaned as I tasted her delicious, sweet cum.

"Ooooh yeeesss!" She kept moaning as her legs shook around me.

I never once stopped licking or fingering her throughout her orgasm. Until she eventually pulled me up by my hair.

Without saying a word she pressed her lips against mine and suddenly I was making out with another woman.

It was strange, I had made her cum with my tongue before even kissing her.

We passionately kissed and I moaned into her mouth as she started to undress me. It didn't take long for my top and bra to be off and Mrs Unsworth was grabbing my big tits.

She played with my nipples and I moaned more and more.

Then, her hand reached under my skirt, she pulled my thong to one side and slid two fingers deep into my hot, wet cunt.

"Oooh fuuck!" I moaned into her mouth as she fingered me.

"You like that? You like being Mistress's slut?" She asked as her fingers pumped in and out my tight little pussy.

"Yees!" I moaned back to her.

Her free hand gripped around my throat, gently choking me as she finger fucked me a little faster.

Then she pulled back and stood up.

"Sit on the bench and spread your legs!" She ordered.

"Yes Mistress." I happily obeyed.

Then, I watched as she grabbed the rabbit and started to push it up and down my soaked lips.

I had no top or bra on, my skirt was above my waist and my thong was pulled to one side as this older woman teased my pussy.

"Fuuucckk!" I moaned as I felt the dildo push inside of me.

"Look at that little cunt wrap around this toy, have clearly haven't been fucked a lot?" She said dominantly.

"Noot a lot!" I said, but it was really just a moan.

Then, Mrs Unsworth started to really fuck my cunt with the toy.

"Oooh god yeeess!" I moaned.

Her hand was grabbing and mauling at my tits as she fucked my cunt harder and harder! And then she turned the vibrations on and it hit directly on my swollen clit.

"Fuuckinngg hell!!!" I screamed out.

My chest was heaving up and down as I just looked into her beautiful, dominant eyes.

I spread my pale legs as wide as possible and then looked down at the toy fucking me.

Once again, Mrs Unsworth shoved her tongue into my mouth. I grabbed onto her head and passionately made out with her. Our tongues ran against each other, soft and wet as she fucked my little pussy.

"Oh god... oh fuck... yes!" I constantly moaned into her mouth.

Suddenly, she pulled the toy out and I moaned in disappointment.

"Turn around you dirty little slut." She ordered.

"Yes, Mistress." I replied.

When I stood up my legs felt weak, but I managed to turn around and bend over the bench.

This is just how I was when I lost my virginity.

I could hear her pouring some liquid behind me but I didn't look back to see what it was.

Then, I felt her warm, firm hand grip my arse cheek and pull on it.

"Now, this will be first for you." She said with a little chuckle.

Something touched my tight, little asshole and I automatically clenched.


"Relax you dirty slut!" She shouted.

"S-sorry Mistress." I replied.

The object returned back to my arsehole and I had to force myself not to clench. Clearly it was lube she had put onto it, but it was cold and sent a shiver through my body.

Then, with a little pressure, my tight, virgin asshole stretched and this toy pushed inside of me.

"Oooh god!" I moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure.

I had memories of that man fingering my ass, but this was thicker.

A little deeper, the toy stopped and I felt Mrs Unsworth let go of it.

"There you go, that's the first size butt plug, we'll work you up to thicker ones." She said.

The first size? But this feels so thick.

My ass felt like it was stretched wide open and wrapped around this toy, but truthfully it was pretty thin.

"Ohh fuck!" I moaned in shock when I felt her tongue suddenly press against my drenched cunt.

"Mmmm you are delicious." She moaned.

I just stayed like that, bent over with my asshole filled and this older women licking my desperate pussy and I fucking loved it!

"Oh god... that's so good, your tongue is amazing." I panted out.

She was lovingly licking me and it felt so good. Her tongue did gentle strokes up and down my pussy, flicking my clit and making my legs shake.

When she moved away, she quickly pushed the rabbit toy back inside of me and I arched my back up in pleasure.

"Yeees! Fuck me Mistress!" I moaned out.

Her hand pushed on my back and my tits pressed against the bench as she really started to fuck my cunt with the toy. With the pleasure of having my ass filled as well, I was moaning like a whore!

"That's it slut, not so innocent looking now with both holes filled!" She shouted.

"Nooo Mistress! I a cunt licking whore!" I moaned back.

I could feel my orgasm start to build up inside of me. The vibrating from the rabbit, the dildo fucking my cunt and my asshole clenching around the plug, it was all too much.

"Oh god.. oh god... fuck... yes!" I moaned.

"Are you going to cum for me my pet?" She asked and kept fucking me.

"Yes Mistress! Please make me cum!" I begged.

"You can cum, if..." She said and I quickly interrupted her.

"ANYTHING!" I begged.


"If! You come to my house next weekend for the full weekend!" She told me, "You will be my lesbian sex slave for the full weekend and do anything and everything I tell you."

I was too close to cumming and I knew I needed to, I couldn't think straight.

"Fuuuckk yes! Yes Mistress! I'll come to yours and be your fucking whore all weekend! Fuck any hole you fucking want!" I screamed.

Mrs Unsworth turned the vibration to the highest setting an fucked me harder and then it hit me.

"I'M FUUCKING CUUMMINNG MISTRESS!!! FUCK MY FUCKING CUNT!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Mrs Unsworth hammered the toy in and out of me constantly as I had an earth shattering orgasm.

"Hoollyy shiiitt!!" I screamed over and over.

When my orgasm slowly died down, my clit felt ridiculously sensitive.

"Plleaase stooopp." I moaned out.

Mrs Unsworth did just that.

She pulled the rabbit out of me and I just lay there panting for air.

Until she grabbed me, pulled me up, span me around and kissed me passionately.

For a few minutes, I just made out with this amazing woman.

"Mmm, good girl." She said and bit my lower lip, once again showing me how dominant she was.

"Thank you, so much for that." I panted out.

"Oh, just wait until next weekend." She said with a grin.

"I look forward to it." I replied, still dazed from my huge orgasm.

"Right," Mrs Unsworth said and started to button her blouse up, "I'll buy this rabbit and the plug in your ass, under the condition that you wear it every day until you get to my house."

Every day, with my ass filled? She definitely wants to use that hole as well.

"I can do that." I told her.

She gave me another kiss and then left the BDSM room.

It took me a few minutes to get myself under control and to get dressed again.

When I eventually stepped back into the normal part of the shop, she was gone and Grace was at the till smiling at me.

"Have fun?" She asked with a huge grin.

"Did you... did you know what she was into?" I asked, the nervous, good girl taking back over.

"Oh yeah, she's wanted to fuck me for ages but I've always said no." Grace told me, "Here, this is your commission from her sale, you earnt it."

I walked over and took the cash from her hand, this doesn't make me a prostitute does it? That's definitely a sin, but I guess I've committed a lot of them lately.

I just looked at her, my face flush with embarrassment over what I had just done and what I had agreed to.

Was I really going to keep this plug in my ass the whole time? Was I really going to go to her house for a full weekend to do god knows what?

"So, your first time with a girl?" Grace asked, pulling me out of my daze.

"Erm... yeah." I replied shyly and looked to the ground.

"Girls are better than guys at licking pussy, I'm sure you'll learn that." Grace told me to my surprise.

"Wait, you've been with girls?" I asked.

"Yeah, loads, I'm bi." She said casually.

"So, why don't you go with Mrs Unsworth?" I asked.

She just gave me so much pleasure, if she's into girls, why wouldn't she want that?

"We're both domme's," Grace said to me, "Neither of us would want to give up the power, so it wouldn't work."

"Oh, right." I replied, realising I was probably wasn't a domme.

When suddenly, Grace grabbed my hips and pulled me in for a kiss.

My eyes shot wide open as her thick, red lips pressed against mine. But in my shock, I opened my mouth and let her tongue in.

Her tongue piercing felt nice against my own tongue and my hands landed on her hips.

It was only for less than a minute, the Grace pulled back.

"W-what was that?" I asked, realising my pussy was wanting more attention.

"Just testing something." She said with a grin.

I stared at her in confusion, does she want to have sex with me?

Grace looked up at me from the till, "Don't worry, you won't be able to handle me fucking you," then she looked back down at the till and smiled, "yet..."

Yet? This job really is opening my eyes.