Chereads / Sex God : Daily New Stories / Chapter 100 - SEX SHOP SLUT: EVEN MORE COCK


Now, where were we.

Let's start with giving you a quick recap from what I had gotten up to so far.

I told you about how me and my boyfriend Doug had turned 18, but we were waiting until marriage to have sex. As good Catholics that was the proper way to do it.

Then, after speaking to my friend Emily about it, she suggested that I go to a sex toy shop that she has used before.

Eventually, I couldn't hold it in anymore, I needed some form of sexual relief other than my fingers.

At "Sherry's Toys" I met the 20 year old who worked there, Grace, and somehow found myself tied up in their BDSM room, gagged and on my own. That was until I accidentally lost my virginity to not 1, but 2 older men.

After that, Grace surprised me by offering me a job to work there.

So, I broke up with Doug and started working at the sex toy shop. Grace had a uniform made for me, it was designed from my normal catholic clothes except sluttier. It was a very short, plaid skirt and a tight, white blouse that nearly broke open around my DD tits.

In case you forgot, I was only a short, thin girl with long blonde hair but surprisingly large breasts.

Anyway, after working there for two weeks I met a regular client, Mrs Unsworth. A beautiful, older lady with straight brunette hair and a dominant persona. She quickly seduced me and took me into the BDSM room as her submissive. After making her cum, I agreed to spend a full weekend at her as her submissive and I agreed to wearing a butt plug until I next saw her.

Now, this story isn't about my weekend with Mrs Unsworth. To my surprise, I was turning even sluttier and didn't even have to wait the week to see Mrs Unsworth until I had sex with another man.... Or should I say, Men.

The day after I met Mrs Unsworth was a Sunday. Grace was kind enough to allow me every Sunday off when I first agreed to work there.

I was stood, holding a hymn book and quietly singing. I was back in my normal, good girl, catholic clothes. My mum and dad were to my right and the church was completely filled for Sunday mass.

Once the first hymn was finished, I sat down without realising what I had done and had to bite my lip to stop from letting out a little yelp.

I tell you what, listening to the priest talk about virtues whilst I had a butt plug inside of me made me feel like a hypocrite, but also turned me on.

No one here knows what a slut I've been, that my ass is filled right now, I thought as I looked around the church.

For an hour or so we all listened to the priest, sang a few hymns and then eventually left.

"So, how's the new job going my angel?" My Dad asked as he drove the car.

I was in the back seat, trying to get a comfortable position that didn't push the plug too deep in me.

"Yeah, it's good." I replied as I shuffled about.

"If you ever don't want to get the bus in, I can always drive you." He said.

There was no chance I was letting my Dad anywhere near where I worked, in case he somehow found out what it really was.

But I wanted to act calm and normal.

"Thank you, Daddy." I replied like the good girl I was.

A few hours later I was in my room just relaxing when my phone started to ring and I saw it was my friend Emily. I hadn't spoken to her since I told her I broke up with Doug.

"Hey Emily, how come you weren't at mass?" I asked her.

"Ah I couldn't be bothered today, I just told my mum that I was ill," She said with a little laugh, "If you're even brave enough to be a bit rebellious then we could skip it together."

If only she knew what I have been up to.

Emily had always been more rebellious than me, I knew she would have a heart attack if I told her what I had gotten up to the last couple of weeks. However, I wasn't ready to tell her anything about that yet.

I was just exploring, finding myself and I didn't want the shame from people I actually knew finding out.

"Maybe." I replied back.

We spoke for a while, just general chit chat.

Then the next day I went into work. Grace always opens it up and when I got in she greeted me with a smile.

There she was, the beautiful, 20 year old Grace. Dark red hair, red lipsticks, tattoos down her arms. She was a little thicker than me but not fat, more curvy. As she smiled I found myself staring at her lips.

I can't believe she kissed me, I thought, remembering her tender, sensual kiss. The feel of her tongue piercing against me sent shivers of pleasure down my spine.

Does she want to sleep with me?

"Morning slut," Grace said loudly and started to put cash into the till, "how was church yesterday? Did you confess your sins?" She laughed out.

I worked out fairly early on that Grace was not religious at all.

I knew, deep down inside that I should confess the sins of what I had gotten up to. But I couldn't bare Father Daniels knowing that about me. He wouldn't tell anyone, the confessions were highly kept secrets, but I still didn't want him to know... not yet anyway.

"Erm, no." I replied back.

I didn't know if it was because I was embarrassed of what Grace knew about me, or that I had gotten shy around her since our kiss.

Never before had I thought about girls in a sexual way, until I had sex with Mrs Unsworth and then kissed by Grace. The thoughts took over a lot of day after that.

"Anyway," Grace replied and opened the storage cupboard, "seemed we had a fair few guys in the BDSM room last night, do you mind giving it a mop?"

It wasn't a pleasant task, but I guess working there wasn't going to be fun all of the time.

"Sure thing." I replied and took the mop.

I knew Grace was pretty chill and a happy girl, but I still wanted to do a good job and impress her. So I cleaned that BDSM room until it was shining. You could eat off of that floor after I was done with it, not that you would, knowing what goes on in that room.

When we took our break for lunch Grace got us a sandwich from a café around the corner and we sat together behind the till.

"So, how was Mrs Unsworth?" Grace asked me before taking her first bite.

Instantly my face burnt red. Obviously Grace knew I had slept with her, but she didn't know the details. Something I was very nervous to share.

"Erm, yeah, it was good." I whispered and took a bite from my egg and cress sandwich.

"Is that it?" Grace joked out, "Good? I was expecting you to say she fucked you senseless or something with the way she tries to seduce me."

Her words made me more and more embarrassed. I was still trying to occasionally act like Grace, confident and comfortable with my sexuality, but inside, I was still basic Zara.

"Well," I replied, faking confidence, "I am going to spend next weekend at hers."

Grace let out a smile as she looked at me, "That's more like it, the whole weekend?"

"Y-yeah," I told her, Zara! Stay confident! "She said I'm going to be her submissive for the full weekend."

"Now that, I would like to see." Grace told me.

Not only did I blush, but between my legs twitched.

There was something about Grace that I hadn't realised before our kiss, she was beautiful, sexy and seductive all at the same time.

It was a couple of hours later, a quite day when Grace shouted out to me from the other side of the shop.

"Hey, I'm having a little get together at my place tomorrow after work if you want to come?" She asked me.

"Like, a party?" I asked her.

I've never been to a party before, never even invited.

I was one of the few Catholics at the high school I went and no one ever seemed to want to invite the religious girl to a party. So her invite was definitely a shock to me.

"Yeah, nothing wild, just some mates. You game?" She asked.

Her voice made it sound like it was nothing, just a regular question. But inside I was jumping for joy! Someone wanted me, little, Catholic, goody two shoes Zara around for a party!!

"Yeah, I'll just have to check with my parents." I told her, trying to hide my excitement.

"Cool, just let me know. I can drive you round to mine after work and you can always stay over if you want." Grace said calmly as she carried on working.

The rest of the day I couldn't keep the smile from my face. When I got home, but not before changing to my normal catholic girl clothes, I ran up to my dad, knowing he was the softer one.

"Daddy." I said in my most innocent girls voice.

"Yes sweetie?" He asked, knowing I wanted something.

"Grace, the girl I work with, she's asked if I wanted to hang out tomorrow after work. She said I could stay at hers, is that okay?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him.

"Hmmm," My dad hummed, "I don't know, we've never met this girl. How can we know you will be safe?"

"We'll just be hanging out Daddy, just me and her, doing girly stuff. Pleeeaaseee?" I asked.

I could see he wasn't set on his decision, until a smile took over his face.

"Okay, but keep your phone on you at all times." He said firmly and I jumped at him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Thank you Daddy!" I told him.

At work the next day I told Grace, still trying to act casual. That day went quite slowly, barely any customers came it and I found myself glancing at Grace every now and again. Wondering if she was attracted to me.

After work, Grace was locking up the shop when she turned to me.

"Ready?" She asked.

"2 secs." I replied.

I ran into the changing rooms and got out of my work, slutty uniform and put on my normal Catholic girl outfit.

A plaid dress that went to my knee. A white blouse, although it wasn't tight, I still struggled to hide my large chest and my thigh high, white, cotton socks.

When I came out I saw Grace me a funny look, but she didn't say anything.

I knew I was trying to be more outgoing and adventurous, but there was no way I was going to a party, filled with strangers dressed like a slut. I'll just feel so much more comfortable in my normal clothes and without anyone slut shaming me.

I had a bag with some pyjamas in, a toothbrush and a hairbrush just in case.

"Right, lets go." She said and we left the shop and got into her small, beat up car.

She only lived a few minutes away and when we got there I found out she rented a small house to herself.

Grace gave me a tour, she had a living room that was pretty spacious with a sofa and two arm chairs and a table in the middle. A kitchen, one bathroom and two bedrooms.

"You can dump your stuff in there if you want." She said when we went into the spare room.

It had a double bed but not much else, and it was next to her bedroom.

It wasn't long later when a few of her mates started to arrive.

Many of them were like her, a bit rebellious looking, but some normal looking people as well. Grace introduced me to most but she quickly found herself chatting to her friends.

I didn't really know what to do. I wanted to be cool, outgoing and to speak to people. But I found myself stood in the corner, listening to the random, painfully loud, music playing and on my own.

I watched the 20 something people all chatting and drinking as I just imagined what it would be like to be like them. To be confident and just be able to speak to them all.

I'm just not cool enough, I bet they're wondering why Grace even invited me. They all probably think I'm dork that...

"Hey," A male's voice said and brought me out of my daydream, I turned my head and saw a very handsome man stood next to me smiling, "you okay?"

He had short brown hair, he was much taller than me and he looked pretty muscular. His shaved face showed off his amazing jawline.

"H-hi." I stuttered out.

Get it together Zara! Act normal!

"Can I get you a drink?" He asked.

"Oh, erm, just a water please." I replied with a whisper.

He gave me a smile before heading off, Oh Zara you idiot! As if I just said water!

As he walked away I couldn't help but get lost whilst staring at him, he really was an attractive man.

To my surprise though, he quickly came back with a glass of water in his hand.

"Oh, thank you." I replied and took it off of him.

When he smiled at me I felt like my heart melted a bit.

"I don't think we've met before right? I'm Brad." He said and held out his hand.

Once I reached forward and felt his hand touch mine, my heart skipped a few beats.

"I'm....," Oh my god! What's my name again?! "Zara!" I almost shouted, "I work with Grace."

"Zara, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He said and lifted my hand in his and kissed the back of my palm.

I felt my cheeks burn red and I let out a stupid, girlish giggle.

"How... How do you know Grace?" I managed to stutter out.

"Oh we've known each other for years, we went school together." He told me.

As I stood there, staring at him, I looked down and realised he had water in his plastic cup as well.

"You're not drinking?" I asked, maybe I'm not the only loser here that doesn't drink.

"No, I play football and our coach is pretty strict on drinking and our diet." He told me.

That explains why he looks so fit.

"What, erm, what position do you play?" I asked, trying to seem like I knew anything about football.

He just smiled back at me, clearly it was obvious I knew nothing about the sport.

"I play Centre Forward," He said, "how long have you worked with Grace?"

"Only a couple of weeks now, I'm really enjoying it though." I told him and sipped my water.

"I've got to say, you don't strike me as someone that would work with her." He said with his beautiful smile.

I had to admit, standing there and talking to Brad, it felt like there was no one else in the room. I couldn't believe that a gorgeous, football player wanted to speak to me of all people at this party.

"I'm pretty new, but I think I'm doing an alright job." I told him, getting a little bit more relaxed.

"Well I know Grace was looking for someone for ages," Brad continued, "she turned loads away, there must be something special about you."

I didn't know she was looking for so long, I wondered why she offered me the job so easily then.

"But to be fair," Brad said and I looked into his beautiful brown eyes, "I can see why she would want you around."

"Why... why's that?" I nervously asked.

"There's something about you," He said and suddenly I felt his hand softly land on my forearm, "not just because you're beautiful."

I couldn't believe it, my heart was beating out of my chest and my cheeks felt rosy red.

I couldn't believe it even more when I realised he was slowly leaning in to kiss me. I instinctively closed my eyes and moved closer, until I felt his lips touch mine.

My body was on fire! I was kissing this hot, clearly popular man.

His hand was lovingly holding my arm as out lips pressed together. In a few second, I felt my mouth open and then his tongue pushed in against mine.

My own hand moved and touched his arm as we very slowly made out in a room full of people.

It was only for a few seconds before he pulled away. I didn't even realise it at first and kept my eyes closed.

When I opened them, I saw him smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I hope that wasn't too forward of me?" He asked.

"No, not at all." I told him.

His hand slowly moved down my arm until I felt his fingers interlock with mine.

Oh my god! I'm holding hands with a footballer at a party! Emily would never believe this!!

"Do you wanna sit down?" He asked.

I could only nod back in response, it felt like this wasn't real life.

We made our way to the empty sofa, I sat in the middle and Brad to my side but our thighs were touching. Our hands stayed held as I looked around at the room full of people chatting.

"How old are you by the way?" Brad then asked me.

"I'm 18," I replied, "What about you?"

"I'm 21," He said, "So erm, what are you into Zara, any hobbies? Clearly football isn't one of them." He laughed out.

I burst out into a little chuckle myself, was it that obvious I knew nothing about football?

"I like to draw." I told him, the music and the talking in the room was pretty loud so I almost had to shout.

"Oh wow, I'd love to see what you've done some time." He said.

It didn't feel like he was just saying that to get in my pants... or skirt I guess? He genuinely seemed interested.

"I could be open to that." I told him with a smile.

Truthfully, I never showed anyone any of my drawings. Not even my mum and dad. It was just a silly little hobby, I didn't want to embarrass myself. But something about Brad made me feel relaxed.

"How long have you played football for?" I asked.

"What?" He shouted back, clearly the noise in the room was too loud.

I automatically leant forward and into his ear.

"How long have you played football?" I shouted to him.

Then I felt him lean into me, his lips so close to my ear, his warm breath on my neck, it was amazing.

"Since I could walk really, don't know what else I would do." He laughed.

When he stopped talking I turned and our faces were mere inches apart. I felt his hand squeeze mine a little and my entire body felt tingly.

Be confident.

I took the charge, I leant forward and pressed my lips against his.

Thank god, I felt him kiss me back. Once again I opened my mouth and made out with this gorgeous man, not caring that the entire room could see us.

Then I felt his hand leave mine and instead land on my thigh.

My pussy twitched.

My hand reached up and held onto his cheek as our kissing turned more passionate. Our tongues danced along each other's and I could feel my breathing grew heavier.

After a while I had fully relaxed around Brad. When we weren't kissing he would hold my hand and we would chat.

For hours we just sat there, enjoying each other's company as the party started to die down.

Eventually, there was just me and Brad on the sofa. Grace and a tall, black man she was flirting with and two other lads in the living room.

That was when Grace sat on the floor next to me and Brad.

"I hope you're looking after my apprentice." Grace said to Brad.


"I'm doing my best." He said back to her and I squeezed his hand with a smile on my face.

"You two look cute together." Grace said and I burnt with embarrassment, "So, Brad, are you going to ask for her number or what? I hope you're not just planning on fucking her and leaving her!"


I couldn't believe Grace just said that! She was so forward! I could feel my shyness coming back out.

"Of course I was," Brad told her and I moved my head to stare at him in shock, he wanted my number? "I'd love to go on a proper date with you." He said to me.

I couldn't help but smile and once again it felt like it was just him and me in the room.

"If you want to?" He asked when I didn't say anything.

"Of course." I finally replied.

We sat there again for a little while until the other lads came and sat around the table with the rest of us.

"Hey, who wants to play strip poker?" One of them asked.

He was tall as well and very muscular, almost body builder like.

"Fuck sake Pete, you have to get naked everywhere you go?" Grace joked out at him.

Pete, okay, remember that.

"Hey, it was Sam's idea!" Pete shouted and pointed at the other lad.

Pete and Sam, I mentally remembered.

"Hmmm," Grace said and looked around the group, "fine!"

Wait, what! Strip poker?

I could feel my nerves coming back to the surface, but I wanted to seem cool and outgoing to Brad. So I just stayed quiet as they dealt the cards.

Without knowing any of the rules, I quickly lost the first hand but luckily I only had to take off one shoe.

After that, Brad explained the rules to me and I wasn't too bad. I didn't win any, but I didn't lose them either.

Grace's black fella was the first to have to lose his shirt. I was quiet mesmerised by his toned, ebony body. I had never realised how sexy black people were before.

Then Brad got his top off next, something I was very excited for. He had a perfect sixpack and pecs. I had to force myself to stop staring at his body.

Then Pete and then Sam lost their tops.

I felt like everyone was going easy on me because I was clearly nervous and shy, but I didn't want them to think that of me.

I lost my second shoe next.

Then Grace lost a few and suddenly she was sat on the floor in nothing but her black thong and black bra.

I couldn't help but almost drool over her body! She had a lot of tattoos and piercing and she was very, very hot!

At one stage she clearly caught me staring at her and laughed.

After that, I lost a hand and it was my turn to lose another item of clothing. I automatically went to grab one of my socks when Grace's black friend shouted out.

"Woah, we've had to take out tops off, that's not fair." He said with a grin that showed off his pearly white teeth behind his ebony skin.

I must've looked like a dear in headlights when he said that.

Oh god help me, I'm about to be just in a bra in front of four men!

My hands were shaking as I reached my top. Although I tried to calm my breathing down and seem casual, I couldn't help but show how nervous I was.

When I got the first button I felt Brad's hand reach and hold onto mine.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to." He told me.

"Hey, rules are rules." Sam then laughed out.

"Don't be a dick, Sam," Grace came to my defence, "If she doesn't want to then she won't."

I smiled back at her and then at Brad, both so quick to defend me. But I wanted to, I had lived my whole life being too nervous or afraid to do anything wild. This was my chance.

"It's fine, I want to play." I said and Grace gave me a smile back.

I undid the rest of my buttons and pulled my top off.

Once I was in my bra, Sam and Pete gave a little cheer and I caught Brad obviously staring at my chest. Which to be fair, made my pussy twitch a little.

"Anyway, who's deal is it?" I said with a laugh.

It seemed my horniness was taking over from my nerves.

As Pete started to deal, I felt Grace reach and squeeze my thigh. When I looked at her she gave me a smile, kind of like a proud parent.

Another half an hour later. I hadn't lost anymore clothing, but Pete and Brad were down to their boxers, Sam still had his jeans on and so did Grace's black fella.

That was when Grace stood up and pulled her black friend with her.

"Right, it's time for us to go to bed." She said and Pete cheered.

"See you soon." Brad said to Grace.

"You lot look after Zara," Grace said with a pointed finger, as though she were a teacher, "I expect you to respect her."

"We will." Sam joked back.

"Hey," Brad then whispered in my ear as Grace and her man walked away, "If you want to stop playing, we can."

I turned back to him and smiled, he was so nice, so considerate. I almost didn't believe that he was real.

I looked around, Pete was in the kitchen getting a drink and Sam was on his phone.

Not giving myself time to reconsider, I leant forward and kissed Brad.

We quickly started to make out and my hand landed on his firm abs. In a matter of seconds I was almost moaning into his mouth.

It didn't bother me that I was just in a bra, skirt and thigh high socks with other men in the room. I was so horny and very, very happy.

We kept making out, one of Brad's hands was holding my cheek as his other held my hand.

Then, I felt a hand land on my right thigh, just below my longer than most skirt.

That's not Brad.

My instincts kicked in and my hand quickly reached down and grabbed onto his hard.

I turned and saw that Pete was sat next to me. In the heat of the moment with Brad I mustn't have realised he joined us on the sofa.

A few of his fingers were resting on the skin of my thigh, just above my knee.

I just stared into his eyes, gripping onto his hand as he smiled at me.

Then I turned back to Brad who was only inches from my face.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to." He whispered to me.

Oh my god, is this really happening?

My mind was racing, I was so horny.

Without realising it, I gently pulled Pete's hand slightly up my thigh, indicating that he could carry on. Then I let him go and kissed Brad. My hand going back to his face as we made out.

I felt Pete's hand slowly go further up my thigh, under my skirt, getting closer and closer to my drenched pussy.

One of Brad's hands landed on my other thigh and squeezed it.

"Oooh." I moaned into his mouth when Pete's hand gently pressed against my white thong against my pussy.

Brad's tongue pressed against mine again and we kept making out as Pete slowly moved his fingers around my soaked pussy from outside of my thong.

I let my legs spread a little further, giving him easier access to me.

Am I really letting him do this?

Another hand gently landed on my face and pulled me to look to my right. Suddenly Pete's face was inches from mine and I felt his lips press against mine.

I opened my mouth and was suddenly making out with another man.

One of Pete's hands on my thong, his other on my face. One of Brad's hands on my other thigh, I felt his other hand reach into my bra and lightly hold onto my tit.

"Mmm." I moaned into Pete's mouth.

My face got turned to the right, slowly. I didn't even open my eyes but I felt Brad kiss me again and I kissed him back.

Pete gently pulled my drenched thong to one side and a single finger pushed inside of me.

"Oooh." I moaned into Brad's mouth this time.

I automatically reached my left hand down, inside of Brad's boxers and wrapped my small fingers around his big, thick, hard cock.

I couldn't see it, but in my hands he felt very, very big.

Pete's finger was slowly moving in and out over my soaked pussy and I kept letting out little gasps of pleasure as I slowly stroked Brad's cock.

My face was then turned to my right and I started to make out with Pete.

Just like I had with Brad, my right hand reached into Pete's boxers and grabbed onto his hard cock. He didn't feel as big as Brad, but still pretty damn big.

I slowly stroked both of them as Pete fingered me.

Then I felt someone reach to my back and unhook my bra. It fell down, but I had to stop kissing them both and pull my hands away to take it off completely.

As I sat there, looking at them, with my tits completely loose, I couldn't believe what I was doing.

That was until they both grabbed one of my tits each and played with my firm nipples.

"Oooh god." I moaned.

I automatically went to make out with Brad and I reached back into each of their boxers. Once again stroking their cocks as Pete fingered me.

With both of their hands on me, I then felt another set of hands. One on each of my knees.

I stopped making out with Brad and looked down to see Sam, on his knees between my legs and smiling at me.

Oh my god, I forgot there's three of them.

I turned to look at Brad, who was smiling at me.

"You can stop this anytime you want." He whispered to me.

My response? I let Sam spread my legs wider and my skirt rode up more.

I felt his fingers wrap around my thong and I lifted my ass so he could pull it off.

Except for my thigh high, white socks and my plaid skirt that was now around my waist, I was pretty much naked.

I was still holding onto both Pete and Brad's cocks as Sam moved his head between my thighs.

"Oooooh god!" I moaned when I first felt his tongue touch my soaked pussy.

There I was, a cock in each hand and a tongue on my pussy. I was in fucking heaven!

Pete's mouth pressed against my neck and he started to lick and nibble at me. Then Brad's lips wrapped around my left nipple.

"Oh god.... Oh god." I moaned out.

My hands started to stroke a little faster up and down both of their cocks. Their precum started to spread around my palms which helped me wank them both.

Sam's tongue was gliding up and down my wet slit, occasionally flicking against my clit that made my legs shake.

Brad came up from my nipple and pressed his tongue into my mouth.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned as I made out with him.

Then my head turned and I made out with Pete.

Sam never stopped licking my pussy which had my entire body tensing up.

"Fuuckk." I whispered into Pete's mouth when I felt two fingers push inside of me.

I looked down and watched as Sam fingered and licked my pussy. My chest was heaving up and down and I kept letting out louder moans.

My hands stroked Brad and Pete's cocks faster as they took turns making out with me.

When one was kissing me, the other would be licking my neck or my nipples.

Having three men all pleasuring me was amazing and my orgasm grew faster and faster.

"Oh god... oh fuck... I'm gonna cum." I panted out.

Brad and Pete played with my tits more.

Pete licked my neck as I passionately made out with Brad.

"Oh fuck... I'm cumming..." I panted into his mouth, I locked my eyes closed and let it his me, "Fuuuucckk I'mm cummiinnggg!" I moaned louder than I intended.

My entire body started to shake and writhe as Sam licked me through a fucking amazing orgasm.

Having all three of them pleasuring me made my body twitch and my orgasm last for fucking ever.

"Oooooh god." I kept moaned.

When I opened my eyes I could see them all smiling at me.

It was hard for me to catch my breath, but I knew I wanted more.

"Should we go back to my room?" I managed to pant out.

"Hell yeah." Sam said and quickly stood up.

Pete stood up next and I was left on the sofa with Brad, my hand in his boxers holding onto his cock.

"Are you sure? You don't have to you know." He whispered to me.

I looked into his loving eyes.

"If we do..." I whispered, suddenly feeling very nervous, "You won't think I'm a slut and want to cancel our date? Will you?"

Brad smiled and held onto my face.

"Nothing will make me not want to go on a date with you." He said and kissed me gently.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling even if I wanted to.

"Then yes, I want to." I told him and kissed him back.

I stood up confidently and kept hold of Brad's hand, bringing him up with me.

Then I turned and saw Pete and Sam smiling at me.

I'm about to have sex with three men at once, not the girly night I told my dad.

I took the lead, walking towards the bedroom, I could feel all of their eyes on me as I walked in my short skirt.

Once we got inside we turned the light on and I heard the door shut. That was it, I was in a bedroom with three horny men. All wanting me.

I haven't kissed Sam yet.

Wanting my confidence to take over, I strode up to him, grabbed his head and pushed my tongue into his mouth.

"Mmm." I moaned as his hands started to explore my body.

He may be the only one to have tasted my pussy, but he hadn't touched me as much as the others.

His hands were grabbing my tits, holding me as we kissed.

I then felt someone else unzip my dress. I let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. Completely naked except for my thigh high socks.

When I broke the kiss, Sam kept hold of me but I turned to look around at the other two men.

"So, how do you want to do this?" I asked.

"It's your choice." Pete said with a smile.

"Hmmm," I hummed as I looked around and realised they all quickly stripped off. Three big cocks all waiting just for me, "Brad, lie down on the bed."

I didn't know what had come over me, but I was horny and I wanted to get what I wanted.

He lay down with his head on the pillow, his cock, the biggest of the three pointing to the ceiling.

Then, trying to be as seductive as possible, I crawled onto the bed and between his legs. I took his cock, glistening with precum into my hands and looked up at him. Giving him one last smile before I leant forward and took him into my mouth.

I wrapped my soft, wet lips around his thick cock and let my tongue press against his head.

"Mmm." I automatically moaned at his intoxicating taste.

"Ooh yeah." Brad moaned as I ever so slowly bobbed up and down on his head.

"Wait, is that a butt plug?" Pete asked from behind me.

On my hands and knees with my ass in the air, I forgot that it would be completely obvious that I had it in.

"It is," I said and stopped sucking Brad's cock, "but don't have any ideas, I'm not ready for anal...." Then I looked up at Brad, "yet."

"You really are Grace's little apprentice." Pete said with a little laugh.

I wondered what that meant, I also wondered if any of these had slept with Grace. Mainly Brad, I don't know, I felt weirdly a little jealous if he had.

But not wanting that to ruin the moment, I wrapped my lips back around his cock and started to bob up and down.

After a few seconds, I felt a pair of hands on my firm arse cheeks and spread them wider.

"I need a taste of that." I heard Pete say.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned around Brad's cock when I felt his tongue press against my absolutely drenched pussy.

"Oh yeah, delicious." Pete said between licks.

"I know right, better than any other girl I've gone down on." Sam said.

I stayed on my hands and knees, bobbing up and down on Brad's cock as Pete lovingly licked me from behind. It didn't take long for me to be making constant moans around Brad's dick.

"Mmm....mmmm." I moaned and then I felt two fingers push inside of me, "Oh god... yes... finger me."

There it was, the slutty side of me that comes out when I was horny started to emerge.

Having already cum and being so horny, I started to moan even louder as Pete easily fingered me faster and faster.

I started to bob up and down on Brad's cock and take him deeper down my throat. When I felt his cock twitch in my mouth I knew I was doing something right.

"Ooooh god!" I moaned, I looked back but kept hold of Brad's cock, "Will you fuck me already?"

Pete smiled and pulled his fingers out of me.

"My pleasure." He said.

I went back to Brad's cock as I felt the head of Pete's dick start to rub up and down my pussy.

It made me think of when I was tied up in the BDSM room. Having one cock in my mouth and one in my pussy. But this time, it was no accident.

"Ooooh yeeess!" I moaned when I finally felt Pete start to slide his cock into me.

I realised that since losing my virginity, this was the first real cock inside of me.

He was thick, my pussy wrapped around him as I felt inch after inch go deeper and deeper inside of me.

"You're so fucking hot." Pete moaned from behind which made me smile.

These guys really do find me hot!

Then I felt his balls touch me and I knew I had taken him fully into my pussy.

"Fuuck!" I moaned out, he felt so deep.

I looked up and Brad was smiling back at me, his thumb gently rubbing my cheek. I smiled back up before wrapped my lips around his cock again.

"Mmmm... mmmmm!" I moaned constantly as Pete thrust in and out of me.

He was properly fucking me yet, just warming me up with his thick cock.

I then felt someone start to play with my big, swinging tits.

Pete's hands were on my hips and Brad's were either on my face or by his side.

Must be Sam's hands.

As Sam played with my nipples, it only enhanced the pleasure I was receiving and I let out more moans around Brad's cock.

After a few seconds of Pete fucking me, I lifted my head and saw that Sam was knelt next to me. His own hard cock swinging between his legs.

Without saying a word, I moved slightly, opened my mouth and wrapped it around his cock. The second in my mouth so far that night.

"Oooh god, that's fucking good." He moaned.

It was a bit of an awkward angle, but I did my best to bob up and down with his dick in my mouth.

He wasn't as big as Brad and I could take him all the way down my throat. I would bob forward, feel my throat wrap around his cock and my forehead hit his abs.

"Fucking hell... You've taken the whole thing!" Sam moaned out and I felt his fingers run through my hair.

"Jesus Christ Zara," Pete moaned as he fucked me a little faster, "You're fucking amazing!"

Hearing him say "Jesus Christ" in a way I wasn't used to just turned me on more.

I don't know why, but with how gentle and kind these three men had been to me, I wanted to please them, to let them fuck me however they wanted.

On my hands and knees, I started to rock myself back against Pete's cock. As I bounced forward, with my head to the side, I took Sam's cock down my throat. My blonde hair was slightly getting in the way and I could feel my tits bouncing but I loved every second of it.

I took Sam's cock from my mouth and turned my head to see Pete.

"Now are you going to fuck me properly or what?" I asked him with a smile.

"If you think you can handle it?" Pete replied.

"Oh yeah, I can handle it," I told him before looking back at Sam's cock, "Now fuck my tight, little pussy!"

Then I wrapped my lips back around Sam's dick and carried on giving him a blowjob.

I felt Pete grip tighter onto my hips and braced myself for a harder fucking.

His cock nearly entirely left my pussy, then he slammed it balls deep back into me.

"Fuuuck!" I moaned as Sam's cock left my mouth.

"Too hard?" Pete asked, genuinely concerned.

"Fuck no!" I moaned back, "Fuck me hard!"

"You got it princess." He said.

Then it started for real.

Pete was no longer going gentle. He gripped my hips and thrusted his cock in and out of my gushing pussy over and over. I was moaning louder and took it, loving every second.

On my hands and knees, getting fucked by a big cock, I moved forward and took Brad's dick back into my mouth.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned as I bobbed up and down.

It was hard to bob up and down properly as Pete battered in and out of my pussy. My entire body kept moving back and forth.

"I know," Brad said and moved to get up onto his knees, "have you ever been spit roasted before?"

I just smiled and looked up at him.

"Oh yeah." I told him and could see the look of surprise on his face.

"Well, then, lets do it." He said.

I opened my mouth and waited for his cock to fill it, a little bit of spin trickled down my chin. I only had to wait a second, when his head pressed again my tongue I wrapped my lips around him and moaned again.

Just like that, on my hands and knees, Pete kept fucking me from behind as Brad start to slide in and out of my mouth. He wasn't going that deep, but the feel of a cock from each end had my body twitching with pleasure.

"Gllg!" I suddenly gagged when Brad's cock hit my throat.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" He quickly said and pulled back.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Don't worry, fuck my face, I like it." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he started to move his cock back closer to my mouth.

"Oh yeah," I said with a smile, "I can take it, fuck my little throat!"

"You're fucking amazing!" Brad said and then pushed his cock back into my mouth.

"Mmm!" I moaned as I wrapped my lips around him.

My tongue was massaging his shaft and his head as he moved it back and forth, each time getting a little deeper.

I then felt a hand grab my wrist and pull it up. Putting all my weight onto my right hand, my left hand found Sam's cock and I wrapped my fingers around it. Suddenly I was pleasuring three cocks at once.

Brad started to thrust harder and deeper into my mouth. I could feel his head hit my throat every now and again and I stopped myself from gagging.

"Oh fuck, this girl is the best." Pete moaned from behind me.

His big cock sliding in and out of my soaked pussy.

"Yeah she is." Sam said.

I kept stroking him up and down when Brad pushed himself deeper.

"Gllg!" I gagged again but this time, Brad didn't stop.

He'd pull his cock out then push it back in. After a few times, he knew I could take it.

"Gllg...gllg...gllg..gllg.." I gagged over and over as he fucked my face.

I was barely moving, except for my hand going up and down Sam's dick. I just took my face fucking and the cock in my pussy.

After a few minutes, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from Sam's cock. Then my other wrist was grabbed and I realised it was Pete from behind.

He held my wrists behind my back and with his pure strength he held my entire upper body off of the bed. Only my knees were on the floor as he kept fucking my soaked pussy.

I couldn't move at all. So, I kept my mouth open as Brad fucked my face and Pete fucked my cunt as I was held in the air.

It didn't take long for me to feel my spit start to drool down my chin but Brad never stopped.

"Gllg...gllg..lgggllg...glllg!" I gagged and moaned over and over in this position.

Pete then let go of my hands. One landed on the bed and the other went back to stroking Sam's dick.

Brad then took a grip onto my blonde hair and pushed himself deeper. Inch by inch, my little throat wrapped around his shaft until I finally felt his balls rest against my chin.

"Gllllllggggg!!" I groaned around the cock was lodged down my throat.

"Fuuuucking hellll!!!" Brad moaned.

He held himself in me for a few seconds, spit poured down my chin until he pulled back and I gasped for air.

I was panted but Pete kept fucking me, by ass shook with every thrust.

"How's that?" Brad asked.

I looked up at him, covered in spit and smiled.

"Fuucking great!!" I moaned as Pete hammered into my harder, "Fuck me! Fucking my little cunt! Fuck my throat!! Fuuuuuckk!"

Brad moved out of the way and Sam took his place, he quickly shoved his cock into my mouth. With him being smaller, it was easy for him to fuck my face with his entire dick.

His balls slapped against my spit covered chin over and over.

"Gllg..gllg..gllg..gllg!" I gagged over and over and fucking loved it.

"Let me get in there." I heard Brad say from behind.

To my disappointment, I felt Pete's cock leave my well soaked pussy, but then felt Brad's rub up and down.

I pulled my head back a little so Sam's cock left my mouth.

"Fuck me! Get that big fucking cock in my tight cunt!" I shouted.


Brad slapped my ass which just made me moan more before sliding his entire cock into me.

"Fuuuuckkk yeeeeess!!" I moaned and arched my neck up, "You're so fucking deep in me!"

I hadn't realised it but Pete took Sam's spot and pushed his cock into my mouth. I could taste my own pussy on him but I fucking loved it! It made me think of my time with Mrs Unsworth.

I greedily licked and sucked my juices off of his shaft until he started to fuck my face.

I just stayed still on my hands and knees, getting spit roasted like a slut and loving every second of it.

"Glllg....mmmm...gll...g!" I moaned as I felt my second orgasm build up inside of me.

"Fucking hell!" Brad moaned, "Are you gonna cum again?" He asked, clearly feeling my cunt clench around his cock.

"Yyyeeeesss!" I moaned before Pete pushed his cock back into my mouth.

I moaned around his cock and when I felt Brad reach around and press against my clit with his finger my head felt like it was going to explode.

"FUUCCKKKK I'M CUMMINNGG!!" I screamed as Pete's cock spread spit all over my face.

My pussy clenched around Brad's cock, my face planted against the bed and my entire body shook with pure pleasure as an ever bigger second orgasm wrecked my body.

"Fuuck.. fuck... fucking hell." I panted as Brad kept fucking me throughout my orgasm.

I felt some movement on the bed, although Brad's big cock never left my well fucked pussy.

When I regained some strength I managed to look up and saw Sam lay on his back looking at me.

"Fancy a ride?" He asked.

"Oh yeah!" I moaned.

Brad's cock left my pussy, I stood up and straddled Sam, ready to take my third cock of the night into my pussy.

I grabbed his cock, lined it up with my pussy and slowly slid down him.

"Yeeess!" I moaned when I took the entire thing.

Sam reached up and grabbed my tits as I started to grind back and forth, keeping his cock in me.

"Oh yeah... grab my tits..." I moaned.

He started to play with my nipples that just made me moan even more.

"Oh fuck... so good... so fucking good!" I moaned out.

I kept riding him, almost forgetting who I was and just enjoying the pleasure.

More movement on the bed. I turned my head to my left and right and saw Brad and Pete stood either side of me.

Reaching up grab Pete's cock, I then leant over and took Brad's into my mouth.

"Mmmm!" I moaned as I bobbed up and down on his cock.

With a cock in my mouth, a cock in my hand and a cock in my pussy, I did my best to please these men.

"Fucking hell, she sure knows what she's doing." Pete moaned.

"Oh yeah, the dirty little slut loves it!" Sam moaned out.

"Hey!" Brad suddenly shouted, I stopped sucking his cock and looked up at him, "Don't call her a slut!"

"Sorry man." Sam said, clearly Brad was sort of the leader of them.

"Just don't be a dick." Brad told him.

Brad looked down at me and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

He's defending me?

"It's okay," I whispered to him, "No offence taken."

I wanted to be these guys slut, to let them fuck me however they wanted! But having Brad stand up for me like that was even better.

I leant forward and took his cock back into my mouth and then carried on riding Sam's dick.

That little incident washed over quickly and soon we were all moaning again.

My body was straight up as I rode Sam's cock. I would move my head left and right, taking turns sucking Brad and Pete's cock.

I had a constant stream of spit, drooling down my chin as I took turns sucking on both of their cocks. My hands and wrists were covered in a mix of precum and spit as I wanked them both off.

I felt like a slut, but I fucking loved it!

"Oh god.... I fucking love all of your cocks!" I moaned between sucks.

Sam was still playing with my tits or grabbing my ass as I rode him.

Before I could take Pete's cock back into my mouth he lightly grabbed my hair and pulled me to look up at him.

"You ever had two cocks in that tight little pussy?" He asked.

Fucking hell! I thought, No way I could fit two cocks in me at once!

Little did I know how wrong I was.... But I wouldn't find out that night.

"No chance," I told him, "Just one in a hole at a time." I joked.

"Fair enough." He told me and let go of my hair.

I went back to bobbing up and down on his cock, I moaned all throughout as I rode Sam. These three cocks were fucking unbelievable and I was having even more fun than ever before.

"I won't last much longer." Pete announced.

"Cum in my mouth!" I suddenly shouted, realising I had never done that before.

"You sure?" He moaned as I kept sucking up and down on his cock.

"Mmhmm," I moaned and pulled back a little, "I want to feel your hot, thick cum down my throat!"

"Fucking hell!" Pete moaned and I went back to giving him a blowjob, "You're one lucky man, Brad."

Hearing that, my heart fluttered a little, as though I was already Brad's girl.

As I bobbed up and down Pete's cock with Sam balls deep in my cunt. I started to play with Pete's balls.

"Mmmm... mmm!" I moaned around his shaft.

His breathing got heavier and I felt his balls tighten in my hand.

"Oh fuck... I'm gonna cum!" He moaned out.

Then I felt it. For the first time in my life, I felt a cock erupt in my mouth. His thick, delicious cum hit my tongue.

"MMMMMM!!" I couldn't help but moan to the taste.

Over and over his cock fired into my mouth and I swallowed down every last drop like a good little slut. I fucking loved it! I never once stopped bobbing on his meat as he filled my mouth with thick cum.

"Oh god, that was unreal." Pete eventually panted out and stepped back.

"Oh yeah, that was delicious." I said with a little laugh and he chuckled back.

"I'll leave you lads to it." Pete said and then left the room.

I turned my head and saw Brad's cock still at eye level with me.

"I want this monster back in my cunt." I said, I couldn't believe those words actually left my mouth.

"Fine by me." Brad replied.

I got up from Sam's cock, back onto my hands and knees and took Sam's dick into my mouth.

"Oooh god, I think you're the best blowjob I've ever had." He moaned which made me happy.

Brad's hands grabbed my ass and I felt him push his entire cock deep into my well used pussy.

"MMMMMM!" I moaned in pure pleasure around Sam's dick.

Like the slut I was, I hungrily bobbed up and down Sam's cock as I took the rough fucking from Brad.

Every time he would thrust into me, I took Sam's cock deeper down my throat.

"Oh fuck, I'm about to cum!" Sam warned.

"Mmmm!" I moaned back to let him know to cum in my mouth as well.

"Fuuuckk yeeeeesss!!" Sam roared out and I felt my second load of cum for the night fill my mouth.

Once again, I swallowed down every last drop and kept sucking his cock until his balls were drained.

"Fucking hell," Sam said when I eventually stopped gobbling on his cock, "Pete was right, that was unbelievable."

"Thanks." I said, pretty proud of myself.

"I'll let you two finish off in private." Sam said and got up from the bed and left the room.

Suddenly, I felt Brad's cock leave my pussy, with his sheer strength he grabbed my legs and flipped me over so I was lay on my back. I just stared at his beautiful, muscular body as he rested his hands either side of me.

His body on top of mine, Brad leant down to kiss me but I pulled to the side.

"Erm, I probably have cum on my breath." I told him, did I really just say that?

"Oh yeah," Brad laughed, "here." He said and handed me the glass of water that I brought in.

I took a few gulps, washing down the cum before putting it down and turning back to him.

"Better?" He asked.

"Better." I replied.

He quickly leant down and kissed me hard. I opened my mouth and made out with this amazing man, and then I felt the head of his cock hit my soaked pussy.

"Mmm, put it back in me." I moaned into his mouth.

Brad grabbed his cock, lined it up with my hole and pushed in.

"Oooh god, you're so big." I panted out.

This wasn't like the rough fucking before, Brad was slowly pushing himself in and out of me, our lips never stopped touching and our tongues danced along each other's.

I lifted my smooth, toned legs into the air and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him in deeper with every thrust.

"Oh god... Brad, that feels so good." I moaned into his mouth as we made love.

"I know, you're so tight." He whispered back to me.

We kept kissing constantly as he passionately made love to me. My breasts pressed against his chest and my legs around him as he moaned louder into my mouth.

"Zara... I won't last much longer." He moaned out.

"Cum inside me," I told him, "I'm on the pill."

He just smiled and kept pushing himself in and out of my pussy.

A little faster, a little harder.... Brad kept fucking me and I couldn't stop from moaning.

Then I felt it, the feeling I missed.

His cock expanding in my cunt and I felt the first shot of his cum hit the inside of my protected pussy.

"Yyyyees cum for me! Cum in my tight little cunt." I moaned for him.

"Fuuuuuckkk!" Brad grunted.

He kept thrusting and I kept clenching my pussy around his cock, milking every last drop of cum from him.

He didn't stop until I felt like my womb was completely filled with his cum.

When he was eventually done, Brad kissed me passionately again until his softer cock fell out of me. Followed by his cum leaking from my soaked pussy.

For a while, Brad and I just kept kissing and holding each other.

Eventually, I got tired.

"Will you stay in here with me?" I asked.

I was strangely nervous, sure, we had just had sex, but did he want to actually sleep in the same bed as me?

"There is no way I'm not saying in here." He said with a huge smile.

I kissed him again and then rolled onto my side. Brad cuddled me from behind and we both easily fell asleep.

When the morning came, I woke up first. I looked at Brad for a few moments, staring at the handsome man that seemed to really like me.

I heard some movement outside of the bedroom and I didn't want to wake Brad, so I quietly got up, putting on a dressing gown that Grace left out for me and left the room.

That was when I was greeted by Grace in a dressing gown.

"Hey," She said with a knowing smile, "so you had a busy night."

"I... I don't know what you mean." I said nervously.

"Oh please, these are thin walls," Grace said and playfully nudged my arm, "Three guys at once, you little slut."

"Excuse me," I joked, "Didn't you spend all night getting fucked as well?"

As soon as the words left my mouth my hand reached up and covered it in shock! Grace let out burst of laughter.

"Check you out!" She said with a huge grin, "But yeah, you're right! Come on, I'll make us a cup of tea."

A few minutes later we were both sat on the sofa, apparently Pete and Sam had left.

"So, three guys hey, how was it?" She asked me.

This was my opportunity to find out for myself, again, weirdly I felt jealous.

"You should know, you've been with them right?" I asked her, really wanting to know if that was true.

"Is that what they said?" Grace asked me and I couldn't work out her expression.

"No, but they implied it." I told her.

"Well, I mean yeah," She said and I actually felt a little devastated.

Come on Zara, you've only known Brad for like 12 hours! You can't be mad at that!

"Well, Sam and Pete anyway." Grace then finished off.

"Wait, you and Brad have never?" I asked, my heart beat a little faster.

"Oh no," She said, "I don't know why, we've always just been more of mates."

I couldn't stop the smile from taking over my face.

"Well, it was amazing!" I told her, feeling very happy and very free.

"From the sounds of your moans through the wall I could've guessed that." Grace joked.

"How was your night? I've never been with a black guy before." I asked.

"Oh yeah, let's just say I'm gonna be walking funny for a few days." Grace replied and I burst out laughing.

After a minute or two of silence and sipping our tea I looked up at Grace.

"You know, Brad, is he a good guy?" I asked, "He seems like it."

"Oh yeah," Grace replied, "He's the best, no one could say a bad thing about him."


"So look at you." Grace said and playfully nudged me again.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, lost your virginity like 3 weeks ago to two men, then got fucked by Mrs Unsworth, then had sex with 3 guys at once! I'm proud," Grace joked.

Mrs Unsworth, I'm going to hers this weekend. Should I tell Brad?

"I know, who would've known hey." I laughed back.

Brad joined us a few minutes later along with Grace's black friend. Brad gave me a quick kiss before making himself a cup of tea.

When we were alone, I had to get something off my chest.

"So, erm, last night was fun." I told him.

"Yeah it was." He said with a smile.

"Listen," I said and sat up straight, "I've just come out of a relationship, I don't really know if I'm looking for anything serious."

He stared at me for a few seconds and I tried to figure out what he was thinking, until he smiled.

"That's fine Zara," He said and rested a hand on my thigh, "Don't worry about that. We can just have a bit of fun, no strings attached."

He really is a great guy!

I leant in and kissed him.

When I eventually got home later that day I went straight to my room and relaxed. I felt absolutely exhausted after the night before.

But the whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about my weekend coming up with Mrs Unsworth! The plug was still in my ass and I was pretty sure I was going to be losing my last virginity, letting her fuck me arsehole.

Oh god, I can't fucking wait!