So I just talk and it records it Janet?
Oh I get it. I see it now. I think I'm too old for this magic stuff Janet. Ok. So where to begin. Oh I know. The kids will get a laugh out of this
Ok. So the world ended two months ago. The beginning of the end wasn't what anyone expected. But it actually started with an ginormous ass falling from the sky. Yeah. Whoever is reading this you read it right. The beginning of the end started with an ass. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start again
It was February the 13th on a Friday of all things. Ain't that ironic. But either way. I was in my shop building a shelf to sell. That's when it happened. A voice came into the minds of every human on earth. I still remember the words "Greetings humans of earth. We trust you're doing well. Because you're about to not be. See your world is about to end. I believe you'd call it an apocalypse. But for us this is a (ununderstandable words) but regardless. We are the titan race. And we came to save you. Unfortunately though we can't save all of you. So we sent a assist roughly five of your years ago. We call it the system. Most features were locked because you didn't need them yet. But to those that have one congratulations. You've been chosen" it was at that moment their feed cut off. And all hell broke loose. I immediately called Janet and asked if she heard the same thing and to check on her kids. She confirmed it as I turned on the news. There were riots across the globe as everyone was hunting those with systems wanting to be a chosen one. If only they knew what was actually going to happen. Roughly an hour later after their first contact they sent out another broadcast