Chereads / Dungeon jumper [bl] / Chapter 74 - Third floor ending

Chapter 74 - Third floor ending

P.O.V Aadi

I spend the last year saving money from selling crops and say goodbye to the kids although they are tower residents they are still real and will most likely have died before long, I get the last of the 1000 profit and hear the tower announcement.

---You have finished the task and can now go too the nest floor do you wish too continue or wait.---

I choose too wait and head out of the tower appearing after so long with no contact it is clear that my sudden disappearance caused panic as when I finally appeared I was immediately swept up and taken too a military check area and told too report all information and events.

I tell them of the mana and give them the notebook filled with information of haw too cultivate it and use it I tell them about me taking so long due too cultivating the energy without being able too absorb outside energy is harsher and requires much more discipline making it take much longer which is why I chose too focus on that while making use of our time distortion too get a head start.

I talk of the crops grown using it having unique properties as well as the fact that all the creatures using it where at least S-Class at least even if they don't have energy cores, just the energy alone is enough too make them S-class.

They insist I do a scan and a full body examination once my guarantee returns from the tower, I am told that until then I will wait within my dorm and not leave for any purpose as all my needs will be provided for until he returns. I am not even allowed too meet with Lucien or Nilan until after the scan is done.

I wait for nearly a month before Wyatt barges in too my room he seems tense and the look in his eyes makes me feel nervous.

I see soldiers come behind him and see them talk with Wyatt over the check up and medical scan which Wyatt tells them too wait until tomorrow for as he is tired from the tower and needs a break and he will remain with me until then, the soldiers leave and silence returns too my room.

Wyatt sits in front of me at the dining table, "I have not had the chance too read your file as I rushed here after hearing you had returned too make sure there were no potential problems, I would like too hear the events that transpired from you."

I tell him the same that I told the council not mentioning taking care of those children or pushing back my cultivation because of them, I know I would be seen as ignoring my duties and wasting time for such thing but I couldn't leave them vulnerable like that, not after all the help there father had given me.

I see Wyatt relax and after an hour of discussing and him asking me of the details and smaller things we finally reach the end and Wyatt begins too small talk over what he had done in the tower and how his time had gone.

I knew that the demons where there but too hear that many tower climbers were killed because they believed they were demons was unexpected, although I used only mana there and no one questioned it due too me having someone claiming me as a relative, others would have far greater difficulty.

Wyatt talks over his inability too go past 50 mana and says that he will try my cultivation method later as too see if that is the reason for him being unable too advance.

Night falls and Wyatt offers too sleep on the couch but my bed is more then large enough too fit both and as he claimed too stay in order to watch me during the night he might as well just stay with me, he seems shocked I offered but agreed. He is dressed in only a pair of shorts the soldiers brought him along with having used my shower, I can't deny he is my type with his perfectly fit body and looks but he is still my guarantee and so I can only look in pity at what is without a doubt the most perfect man.

I lay down in my own blanket and Wyatt uses the blanket the soldiers gave him, I lay on the left and he on the right making sure there is enough space for neither too be in the others personal space.

I could hear his breathing and felt myself drift off from the sound and sense of safety brought by him nearby. 

Waking the next morning I get up once more too the smell of food and a bright sun shining through my open windows, getting up and entering the kitchen I see Wyatt fixing food in the shorts he wore to bed along with a short sleeve shirt he most definitely did not have on last night. But as I go too question him on it he says, "Pancakes are almost done and we will head out for the medical check soon so go get ready while I finish up your food so while you eat I can get ready myself."

I go back and shower along with basic hygiene and change into military uniform, I exit the bathroom too food on the table and Wyatt taking clothes from an officer.

I sit at the table and eat while Wyatt gets ready.

Once we are both finished we head out going too the medical office where there is several council members and scientist waiting for me too finish with my medical check.

Like all the times before I enter the tube and wait for it to finish while having Wyatt hand me my clothes once I am done it is a normal procedure by this point, after I am done me and Wyatt head out for team meeting and training as well as practice spars against us too get them used too fighting those with more powerful and unique energy as although no other low level world is known for mana we have it which means others could too and it is best too prepare for that in the long run.

As the 2nd month out of the tower passed we talked over what we will most likely be doing on the next floor as it is clear the tower is drastically different no matter if you do it by region or by oneself.

We don't know what it will be but clearly internal fighting is more then fine with the current tower and even more encouraged as although some internal fighting was done in our tower it didn't directly pin you against each other consistently like this as all three floors and the tutorial have proven that you will not only need too fight other but also amongst yourselves.

Although no foreknowledge of the next floor as those on it have yet too pass we talk over all the possibilities and finally after waiting 2 months we are finally allowed too return to the tower.

It has been five years since the tower reset and we have only made it too floor four truly if one wishes too climb the tower it will be a push, as even the best are now struggling on the early floors I can only imagine what it will be like after the beginner floors are over.

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