Chereads / Dungeon jumper [bl] / Chapter 75 - Of monster and men

Chapter 75 - Of monster and men

Appearing where I left we had decided too meet up where I am at as it is the safest location, waiting for them too come I head too a Inn to rent a room while waiting for them as I already handed the house and all my belongings over too the kids as I can't bring most the stuff to another floor. I wait nearly a week before Wyatt and the rest show up and once we are all here we finally go too the next floor.

I appear in a beautiful room filled with silks and gold clearly showing the opulence and high standing of the owner, after waking I get up too check out the room but a tower quest shows up.

---You are currently acting as a consultant and aide too the princess who is to wed the king of south who is known for his violent and harsh temperament, you are too have them wed and follow through with the agreement. Your task will be finished once the first child of the wedded couple is produced and officially pronounced the heir.---

I am now in the position too either do this easily or the hard way depending on the personalities and willingness too succeed from both sides.

Getting dressed in a white button up shirt with flared sleeves that cinch's at the wrist, a silver vest along with silver dress pants and white shoes. I make sure all things look presentable and head out, the timetable for the person I am currently acting as was written in there journal along with basic information.

I head too the princesses chambers too help pick out outfits too wear and wake the girl up so as too make sure she is on time, next is too get her too the dining hall for family breakfast.

She is the daughter of the fifth concubine but the only girl born into the imperial family which allows her too gain a high marriage despite her being born from a lower wife, she has been officially adopted and raised by the empress precisely so as too have her loyal too the empresses son instead of her full blood brother as too make her a good bargaining for outside alliance too protect her sons position.

Many of the emperors children have tried too over throw it but most have failed as the loyalty of the south is important as they are the biggest producers of food and medicine, making the emperor have too make sure the current king won't betray or short him as either could lead too big problems and the other kings have all married an imperial princess in the last three generations so marrying them is not viable. This leads only the south king as being in need too reassure the loyalty and faith in the empire.

Making it so the current princess has no way too chose her spouse in any capacity and unfortunately for her the southern king knows this and has already claimed many concubines and second wives all waiting too throw her off from her position of first wife and as long as she fails too produce a legitimate heir within her first two years that is exactly what will happen.

I am in for a rough time as he is a playboy with little interest in the princess short of his required duties and she will receive no protection due too her mother being a lower concubine.

Not only that but this world has only the most basic energy of life energy not even having evolved into physical or mental energy making it so they can only do small things like healing small wounds or making a ball of water and even that is considered talented.

I am in the body of someone with high talent in healing and was assigned as her aide precisely because of that so too guarantee the child she has safety.

I am an veteran from the barbarian war against the northern lands who both fought on front lines and healed once the battle finished making me a high standing official, unfortunately I am also the son of a whore bought by a low grade noble and anything I succeed in is claimed by my father making it so I can only climb to a barely acceptable position despite my great strength and deeds.

Seriously the tower put me into the hardest position it could with a near impossible task and with no way too get support from anyone.

I wait for the princess too finish her meal before beginning manners and wifely duties teachings as too guarantee she is still up to par on them so as not too ruin the face and reputation of the imperial family, tomorrow is the day of the marriage and is when my task truly starts but tonight I feed her a glass of Black tea with maca put in too promote fertility.

She most likely will have few chances too ever get pregnant and it is best if it happens on her first time as it will make her position solid from the start.

I wait till she sleeps before putting healing energy in her body all night as well as make sure she is near the optimal time for such thing and it appears they made sure the wedding took place at such time as well, after the first night I will give her more healing energy and fruit drinks for the princess so as too help her body if it is pregnant truly the next coming days will show how easy or hard my task will be.

The wedding begins the next day with the wife dressed in bright yellow with hints of red so as too show a happy and prosperous marriage the princess is veiled and lead too the wedding halls for the marriage, the whole time I remain right there giving her maca laced tea and small bits of healing energy making sure she did not touch another glass or ate from any of the dishes.

Best too prevent poisoning if possible so she cannot eat anything fixed in another's home and the food is supposed too be fixed by the husbands home so as too prove he has plenty to keep there daughters happy, the more opulent the banquet the better the man.

As night comes I wait in the side room too do the customary bride consummation celebration where the bride will have her first night next door for all too hear, it is a show of a future happy marriage and that the whole community supports the marriage.

The small talk and murmurs through the room are kept low as is expected so that we may hear the sounds of next door to make sure the couple truly go through with it.

A loud moan from a clearly masculine voice is heard then a creaking a small gasp from a woman and the sound of a bed hitting the wall as more of such sounds flood the room, many people have begun too turn red and a few have even become hard from the noise but they are not allowed too find pleasure before the couple finishes theirs as a sign of respect but it is expected for a mon too do so after them too show there virility and masculinity.

I do not bother as I am here as a dual sex being a person not a woman or man and in this world if I was too impregnate someone the child would also be duel sex but if I got pregnant the child will be male no matter what.

Many cultures have different beliefs for mixed genders like me but in this empire it is considered a deformity and they are expected not too reproduce fortunately for me as that means I will not be expected too ever marry, as one would expect from me in any other circumspect.

The sound of a scream of pleasure and moan along with the movement stopping means the couple has finished there task and we can now indulge and indulge they do many pulling there parts out for all too see and not even hiding there acts of self indulgence, the women who came with the men even began too join them in there pleasure by beginning too aid there husbands in there act some even had full on sex in public.

Although not taboo or even inappropriate too speak of in Ira it is still expected one too keep common decency but here that is non-existence making it so orgies like this are common and done at almost all festivities.

I am forced too wait on the side as they last all night enjoying themselves and indulging in there acts of depravity, once morning comes the celebrations finish and all guest are sent too rooms to rest and clean up before they are too return home, I wait outside the consummation room as the husband leaves he had been dressed in customary face mask last night but now his face is open and his outfit is hardly covering anything.

He is a tanned skin man with a little fat and no muscle clearly having never worked a day of labor in his life, but also having been born in the south where most people are born innately tanned due too the indigenous people they have inter-married with.

His hair is like fax wheat and his eyes dark green he would look good if not for the fat on his body truly a waste of good genetics, once he leaves not even bothering too pay attention to me I enter the room to help the princess.

She is now non-veiled as is considered improper for unmarried woman but she is now married and no longer needs to wear a veil unless her husband asks it of her or she is pregnant, I prepare the fruit drink and small fruit bowl along with using healing energy on her while I wait for her too awaken from her exhaustion.

She has light brown hair and blue eyes with star pupils that show her as an imperial princess but is unlikely too be passed down as the gene is weak in women.

She is skinny with slight muscle from dance and horse riding along with calluses from playing the harp and calligraphy she looks like she has done more work then the so called strong man she married.

She wakes with tears streaming from her eyes but makes no noise or complaints as she know her duty is too play the happy wife and continue the marriage as much as possible, I feel some respect for the girl as she is most certainly angry and upset but will do as her family needs of her.

I wait on her for the next 3 weeks making sure she eats plenty of fruits and less meat along with making sure she does not do any physical task and she is kept in perfect health, the morning of the 24th day of her marriage she wakes and promptly gets sick.

I call a physician but am certain it is what everyone has hoped for and when the physician checks it is confirmed the princess is already pregnant and a strong pregnancy at that as the child already has a powerful life force.

Of course the child has a strong life force I have been giving it mana healing in small doses through it's first three weeks of existence if it wasn't powerful I would be worried, but with this the joy of events is announced and many unhappy woman can be seen as this guarantees her position as first wife whether the child is boy or girl as she got pregnant with one go proving her high fertility and pushing any bad rumors or claims out of the way.

I know there is still many things that could go wrong but once the child is born as long as it is a boy the position and strength of her will grow as although married too many the southern king has only one son currently too a low grade whore, meaning this child will have no competition for heirship.

Now my sole duty is too protect her until the child is born then raise the child too a fine adult too guarantee he will have no dispute over inheritance.

It will be a long time till finished but it will be easier once the child is born too know my future path.

Time passed slowly with me giving her my energy all the time and making sure she is in perfect health with no complications or problems the first three months and most dangerous time passes with the child safe and well protected when the physician comes for another check a surprise awaits all.

"There is not one but two children in you both have great strength and potential already even before birth as long as you can withstand this pregnancy you will bring forth a set of powerful children."

"Did you hear the first wife is pregnant with twins and they are both high in potential even in the womb."

"One time and already producing two children truly the southern king got the perfect woman, such high fertility plus his virility has produced excellent children."

Rumors spread like wildfires and within a day everyone knew the princess was with twins and powerful twins at that.

Her position was strong and high and the chances of one of the two being a boy was much higher then if there was only one meaning she is most likely carrying the heir, many supporters flock and the women with daughters in the harem come too suck up as she most likely will determine their daughters marriages in the future with her position safe.

Time flies through the last months meeting one person after another and guaranteeing her safety and health when at the 8 and a half mark her water breaks.

Nearly two days of pushing and hard work when the cries of two healthy babies are heard as all but the wet nurse attends too her as I will only be call in case of complications, we wait for the announcement of the genders and two babies both wrapped in blue blankets leave the room.

Two heir potentials at once and from the sounds of the physician testing the boys both have high potential for cultivation, two perfect heirs at once truly the princess couldn't have done better if she tried.

-----Time skip 5 years-----

The boys are already showing heightened intelligence and physical strength no other child could match, I have made sure the children have not been spoiled or given all they want making sure they know working for somethings is needed and beginning too teach them the basics even though they are still young and now that they are five physical training and combat can begin in full.

I wait in the training hall for the boys too arrive when the second wife heavy with child walks by, she has been in joy over her second pregnancy hoping it is a boy as she hopes too try and stake claim on heirship as although two more boys have been born amongst the low concubines they are not nearly talented or capable enough too outshine the two boys.

Her child nearly ready too pop is a high potential child and as the second wife and cousin of the current eastern king she hopes she can regain her footing and position as potential first wife and mother of the next southern king.

Of course her child will need to work against a five year difference and two against one as the boys already show great unity and loyalty too their twin, add the emperor's favor and the chances of gaining the heirship is essentially zero but if anything happened too the boys or if they proved incapable then her son would have a chance and no woman in the harem is above sabotage or even assassination.

The boys need too be a able to protect themselves even in a tight situation and it is best they start training for that as soon as it will not cause potential problems to their health.

If this continues to go cleanly then by the fifteenth year the kids will most likely be named heir and nothing the second wife does will change the fact my objective was completed, all it needed was for the kids too reach the age of majority in this country.

I am harsh on them making them learn combat, tactics, all basic school courses, along with cultivation as they need too make use of the great potential I have given them.

As there tenth birthday rolls around they are doing beautifully and are soon to be assigned apprenticeships under the stewards and arms master when a rapid change occurred, on the day before there tenth birthdays monsters appeared and energy began to be released by the planet similar to what one would expect when a planet awakened it's unique energy.

This world had finally properly joined the tower connection and like in my original world people where not prepared as many small villages and towns where demolished and the strength of the stellar empire dipped due to the death of many soldiers and civilians.

That day the southern kingdom was attacked but I took control on behalf of her highness and the boys too command them to protect the borders and let the kings guard deal with the monsters in the capital while the military went out and cleaned our borders as well as protected the crops and farmers.

It is only early spring and the stock of food is on the lower end due to the winter so we need to guarantee food production is stable.

I talk the boys through my decisions and have them help in the emergency commands on where to send the soldiers and where is most vital too protect for the sake of the country, it took almost a year too clean up and straighten out the problem but the rest of the empire is decimated as many nobles did not bother helping the commoners or protecting there fields and farmers instead prioritizing the nobles in there respective capitals.

Even the north king with the best military due to fighting barbarians all year didn't do well as they lost half of there army and almost 80% of there grain reserves barely enough grain too feed there remaining soldiers through the battles that have come this past year.

With a monopoly on food and a good position and high backing the boys have gone from potential rulers to nearly already ruling despite there young age as there father was to busy indulging in women at the time to bother with any of the problems.

Truly if not for me and the boys this entire empire would probably collapse in the next five years from such things.

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