Chapter 4 - the missing boy

After think of old memorys su xing falls into deep sleep.

When he wake up he looks at the clock it was 10 am his head was still dizz from sleep suddenly he remember he have to check on the boy .

Su xing gone to the storeroom in his fastest speed he could muster and inter unknown place .

After that he goes to the small corner room where he left the boy sleeping but the boy was no were to be found the room was completely empty .

Su xing tried a look in every room in this unknown place first floor .

the first floor most of the rooms were completely empty or had some furniture in them.

Su xing goes to second floor to take a

Look he thought he should first check the left side corridor when he entered room in left side corridor he take a good look around the room.

The room is filled with nothing but most essential furniture like a bed , wardrobe, some wooden chair and a dressing tables, . When su xing suddenly glance at the dressing tables mirror he was shock he cannot see his refraction in the mirror.

He almost had a mental breakdown he took a moment of pause then he remember that he has his mobile phone with him.

His mobile phone also had a screen and a camera he take out the mobile phone form his pocket.

But he saw even in his phone screen he cannot find his reflection then he tried to take his picture from the phone camera .

When su xing checked phone photo he notice that the place where he was standing in the photo that place were empty his figure no were to be found .

Su xing tried taking a deep breath calm his mind and strong beating heart . When su xing put his phone on dresstable stand he

Suddenly saw the refraction of the phone in dressing table mirror .

when su xing hold the phone in his hand again the phone refraction disappear like his figure the phone also Become invisible .

It seems like when he put down the things he was holding or caring the things will become visible again .

Su xing reason this paranorma might be somehow related to this unknown place.

Su xing mulling over when to do should be return home check speculation first or survey the other room first.

He decides observe the other room what look like the second floor most of the rooms for empty other than a study room beside that there are four rooms that had daily necessaries furniture on them.

Like dressing tables, one bad, a wardrobe, some chair .

Su xing ponder this unknown place seems like a big mansion the first four has 10 room, other than kitchen , dining hall the second floor has eight room the terrace door is locked so he was not able to go there.

Su xing check the whole mansion but still cannot you find the boy and decide is time to return to his house.

After returning home by the crack he decided to check his theory try to take a picture from his phone here su xing click to see the photo then he view his image a good looking man.

His theories seem the correct in unknown mansion no one can see him or hear him probably but he can take things from his house and being them to the unknown place. For a moment his heart almost stop from fear when he cannot find his reflection in the mirror he thought he was dead.

he was never been alive he just dreaming coming to the novel meeting all this people his new family all of it was his illusion .

but when he is saw the reflection the phone that his brother gift him this year he come to realisation all this was just his misunderstanding his deep fear come to life for a moment and clouded his mind for some seconds.

He don't know about the other transmigraters how can they just accept everything like it's nothing important .

How can they adjust like that in any situation like that. He can't do the same.

Su xing know that he always been more sensitive than most people so to accept this novel transmigration comeing back to life reality took him long time adjust even now this is has become his heart's deepest fear and other than being a cannon fodder they are the both secrets he cannot tell to anyone.

Su xing tell himself let leave this thing for later .

Su xing saw the time on watch it's was 10:50 am the housekeeper was supposed to come at 11 am.

He had 10 minutes now before the housekeeper come.

He had to cover the crack with something beforehand if she accident in touch it and transfer to the unknown mansion she will be terrified and if sha tell my parents about it they will never let me leave alone again .

For my parent to let me leave Independence I had to pleaded them for almost a year .

I master my fastest speed gone to my study room to get some my old paintings and some old frames and carry them to store room .

I hide the crack with my old paintings and some old frame now this is done I never have to worry about her finding out.

While getting out of the storeroom I heard someone knocking door this is must be the housekeeping .

I gone with haste to open the door for her. Su xing open the door outside standing a middle age women this is the housekeeper mrs Li meng this the housekeeper that my mother hire for me.

When original owner was just a baby Li meng was his nanny she taken care of him at least for five years after that she got married so she quite her job as nanny and started to live with her husband in B city meanwhile her son start going to Junior School she had lot of free time so when she heard su xing going to live here for sometime.

She asked my mother for the housekeeper job and mother agree with it. From now on she is going to start working at 7:00 a.m. and leave job at 6:00 p.m.

Su xing " Ask aunt meng how is your son "

Mrs Li meng " He is fine now i sorry young

Master su i have taken leave on such short notice "

Su xing " It's ok i know it was a emergency a good mother allways put her son first in everthing . "

Mrs Li meng " Young master you must not have eat anything good tomorrow let me preparing good for you to eat. "

Su xing " Yes please aunt Li I am very hungry now.

Mrs Li meng " Yes young master yes after storing my things away I going to make dinner for you.

Su xing " Then aunt Li I will go to my art room to draw call me when dinner is done .

After going to his room Su xing started to draw the sketch but he can't concentrate in it his mind is still ruminating the boy's image .

Who was that boy ? what was the he doing in that mansion .

Could that boy be a homeless orphan living in abundant mansion no no that cannot be it.

Even if the mansion is bit old and dusty but it is quite will maintain besides the lights are still working in mansion it cannot be consider abundant.

Someone must be maintaining that mansion so someone must live there.

Now when he thinks about it the first floor corner room where he place the boy was quite clean.

Well now su xing can do nothing and except hope boy is well wherever he is .

When su xing saw what he draw in absent mind he draw the boy he saw the last night the boy face is drawn vividly .

Su xing thought aunt must have done cooking by now he should eat something good that would refresh mind from this things .