The endless ashes continuously blended together, and eventually formed...
a colossal chaotic-colored bubble that directly enveloped Gary Smith.
Whoosh whoosh whoosh!
At that moment, with him at the central hub, all spirit energy, air currents, light, and even sight within thousands of kilometers were devoured, as if a dark planet had ascended into the sky, mysterious and eerie.
What was happening inside was obscured from view.
"What is this?"
Henry Wu looked on in shock at this "dark planet," its aura rising continuously. He could sense that something terrifying seemed to be gestating inside, and a foreboding feeling emerged in his mind.
Could the Mechanism Angel really be born safely?
"How... how terrifying!"
Joanne Jones felt a chill down her spine as well. Although Gary Smith's power level was not that high, she faintly sensed the entire Order Heaven, and even the Ninefold Mechanical World, seemed to tremble and fear.