Every second is torture here the pain became even more with each burn. I didn't know how much more I could take this I prayed for death I prayed for it to come but
Alfred Felixima we are happy to celebrate this historic day with you.
(Pumpum pummmmm) trumpets playing.
He was lost but now he has come back alive and defeated the beast of a man that tortured us . He killed so many ( there was a moment of silence) for a while.
But now.... The drums started beating. Now (everyone shouting) we are free .
Alex Felixima do us the honor of being king of peesu. We have suffered to long finally we found you.
Will you be our king the king of peesu?
The drums stopped playing... waiting for his reply. Everywhere was silent
Waiting for his reply...he scoffed
Yes I will be your king.
Everyone was screaming and clapping the trumpets where playing and the drums to
ALEX FELIXIMA king of pessu