Chereads / Heavenly Equinox / Chapter 23 - A Lucid Dream of the Past

Chapter 23 - A Lucid Dream of the Past

Once Luna had gotten up which took a few hours, I was already asleep; after all, I hadn't slept at all in a few weeks, but of course, none of my life could normally go even when things change, It felt more like I was in a dream which I could move in, I'd thought I was lucid dreaming but that wouldn't be the case because lucid dreaming doesn't really exist. So what I knew caused this was that my mind which had gotten strong enough to control what went on, but this felt different, I had stood watching the surroundings as I was suddenly standing in what seemed to be an entrance of a dungeon and concrete pillars holding up the entrance, each side having four of them. Only then would I notice what appeared to be mountains; of course, it felt weird, as if I'd already been here.

Something which was apart of my childhood, this place was not somewhere I had been, but it seemed like I had known this place, and soon enough, the location became fuzzy for such to change; I stood with my skin now the same color as the snow, which fell onto the ground as many ran past the place I stood, a zone filled with chaos and death. Still, something like this didn't affect me. Right...? A gun pointed right to my head as I turned, only to see a smile on their face as I did the same.

"Your Chaos will end here [REDACTED]."

I could not near the name they spoke of or remember who I was in this life, but it was better if I never did so.


For now, this life was gone, and it did not deserve a future, yet this was only the third, for I do not know why it ignored my second life. But I didn't mind it much. As I was still asleep and trying to wake myself up, my body was lying on the ground. A calm and peaceful wind and soon... A Humming voice going through the forest where I once stood. My body was lifted as I woke up from the dream to see a guy with long light blue hair; his eyes blinked like a frog one after another, and as he stared at me, he would seemingly disappear as I got up. But I didn't mind it after all this was the least of my worries, and I had a lot more to worry about than this. I walked through the halls of the Dormitory as I entered the Cafeteria clearly tired, as I walked in everyone seemingly was staring at me without me knowing what the reason was. Once I took a closer look, they had looked.... Fearful, it felt extremely weird, like it was a dream, but I had woken up no? Why would be it be a dream? But seeing as they only looked fearful and didn't do anything else I looked weirded out and then I woke up again, for real this time.

"Ughh what the fuck was that..."

As I woke up right in my face I could see a Venus who looked annoyed at me as Gaia was chuckling at the fact Venus was so pissed off, well I felt like I expected something like this from Venus considering her body is all toxic and stuff, But that didn't matter right now.

"OI What are you doing on Gaia's Bed!?"

Venus would ask me while speaking loudly which annoyed the ever loving shit out of me but I wouldn't mind it hoping it was just for this situation.

"Uhhh I fell asleep while taking care of Luna...? I haven't slept in five weeks"

"F-Five Weeks? Earthlings shouldn't be able to do that- Well they gained magic but their still weak and people are suppressing any information from getting out about how magic works.."

"Well I guess I just do what I want, I don't allow people to suppress what I do though I know that a lot of other magicians are like me and have no limit to their imaginations. I doubt anyone does unless someone is forced that way."

Aphrodite looked at me surprised but I simply got up and chuckled patting her head as I was towering over her as she was 5'5, her red hair with lighter red made me chuckle as I spoke to her.

"What do I call you Venus or Aphrodite."

Just call me Aphrodite after all I am the most beautiful in this world!"

"Yeah Yeah, I don't really care about that I just care about how you act and treat others, if you treat others shitty I'm gonna treat you shitty. Now im gonna go eating."

She would look surprised and then smile seeing some hope in humanity, I didn't care much about it but it did make he happier I gave people hope on humanity. I would walk through the halls and reach the Cafeteria as a sword flew right past me as a Japanese looking guy laughed but I didn't mind it and simply walked over to the lunch line and taking the food, it was actually something I liked and it seemed to have some magical properties too it. Because of that I would've smiled and sat down at the center of a lunch table eating the food slowly and taking my time while others were munching and gulping down like it was their first time having food in their lives, of course [Titan] and [Titania] along with [Callisto] and [Io] didn't eat the food like that, They had at least some decency when eating food. 

[Does User wish to get rid of any problems involving their brain which may hinder their progress?]

{"No just keep it, I find it better I have some flaws then having none because I won't have anything to improve on in the long run even if it may hurt me."}

If you had no idea what I was talking about then you did not need to worry, I'll probably explain it later, but for right now I was eating my food in peace until the same Japanese guy took my food and threw it on my face. I stood up and grabbed him by his hair as I threw him to the left which had sent him through multiple of the School buildings even though they were pocket dimensions. I simply continued eating as I cleaned my face and clothes, they looked weirded out about this but it wouldn't matter. I didn't really care what they thought about me unless they told it to my face, but god did I hope they didn't just start picking fights if they disliked me.

["Master since you are in school would you like more information on what is outside this Universe?"]

{"Lets do that later I don't what my mind going numb over that, but could you re-explain that aleph thing you were talking about when I first came to this time period?"}

["Of course Master-"]

{"And also call me Lilith or Kai it doesn't matter but I prefer any one of them."}

I wasn't moving and simply listening and talking to Ana without much of a care, only then would I see [Saturn] walk through the halls as everyone would've frozen up looking scared well of course except for the Moons who were in better terms with her. I would just sit there as people then turned to me, I didn't understand why but they had done so.

["Aleph is what people will consider an Infinity, and in a simple manner it is a "Set" of infinity, meaning it is merely a single infinity which exists, and this begins with Aleph 0, or also what you humans say Aleph Null, Considering you have infinite magic you will be able to use this to help yourself so listen carefully."]

I would hear people moving away while also whispering with eachother but that didn't mean I wasn't listening to Ana, but now I put my full focus on her as I closed my eyes.

["Aleph Null is the smallest infinite cardinal set now each infinity is different as Aleph 0 is Natural Numbers, And Aleph 1 is Ordinal numbers and so on. While there can be nothing between Aleph 0 and Aleph 1 because this Multiverse follows what a different form of logic than the Logic and Illogical worlds of the Realm of Realism. Now I don't wish to explain it right now since you told not to but that will be required for later if you wish to use one of your abilities properly. Now going back to the topic Alephs can easily be represented by the Multiverse for example, it is infinite, but another way to explain it is the lower realm which is known as The World of Stories. While its called the world of stories it isn't a literal "World" per say, instead it is what the Multiverse creates, everything which humans, elves, dwarves or any other species or race has created will exist in that lower realm which can never interact with this Multiverse. Now inside of this are a infinite amount of stories each story being lower or higher than the others, any realm which is lower would be unable to go to a higher realm no matter what because they are not real to the higher realm. Now below this first layer of Infinities which you people call Alephs is another layer of Infinities which are stories created by the higher layer. This goes on forever. Now something to note is something in a lower layer can go to a higher layer but will exist in the lowest infinity but even if they go higher or as high as possible they can never reach the multiverse because of the Realm of Realism."]

{"Are you alright from talking that much...?"}

["U-Uh What? I mean it doesn't hurt..?"]

{"Gotcha, you talk more human like instead of a robot, I was just seeing if you were one or not."}

["I can say your clever for that one. But do not try it again on someone else or you will be slapped."]

{"Fine, Fine I won't"}

[The Voice of God chuckles at you, her voice has extended to the entire Cafeteria making everyone aware.]

{"I... Fucking hell why do you have to get rid of my peace time... Also don't worry Ana I was listening to you."}

People began talking as they heard the voice and some got scared but no one had done anything or acted upon anything they were just whispering more but it wasn't like I couldn't hear them, I was just choosing not too.

["I almost forgot, there is something called Aleph-Omega which is the smallest infinite ordinal. But it is also the first uncountable cardinal number meaning it is inaccessible to any form of infinities which is what you call a seal for anything in the World of Stories making it so they cannot reach or surpass it and reach the Realm of Realism. Of course there are higher but talking about something like that would be too confusing for right now."]

{"You know you sound like my uncle who always talked about Math and Science, I remember the rest of this but I don't know why he was talking to me about it when I was never using it in any manner considering I was only twelve then."}

[Anastasia has gone Silent]


Welp looks like I made her leave, as I told her sorry I would put my face onto the cafeteria table as the bell rang for us to go to class, this was only breakfast so I was just waiting for this so I couldn't be near a group of people. I would get up and begin walking to the next classroom as I look around the corner seeing Ganymede and Europa walking together to their classroom acting like complete douchebags which I wouldn't care much about it, I didn't have anything to do with them.