Chereads / Heavenly Equinox / Chapter 27 - A Battle without Magic

Chapter 27 - A Battle without Magic

I had shown Sera around Japan to the point she got tired of it and was also about to vomit from how much food she had, and at that point I would stop though I was happy she liked the food, But now I had get her a home and so I would've remembered the fact that I had a entire separate dimension I could take her too. It took me a second to realize how dumb I was for not doing that, I would look into it as I saw that Tori and Astral had left with the door I had which took them directly to where Altair was.

"So about the house, I have an entire mansion in this portal..."

"Sounds sketchy but you got all that food for me so who am I to care?"

"You should really be taking stuff more suspiciously what if the food I got was secretly poisoned or drugged?"

She would look at me and begin tearing up which made me think that she took what I said as me hurting her but instead she was crying for a whole different reason entirely which I won't say considering it's rather personal.

[Conversation has forcibly been REDACTED by Realities True Emperor]

After Sera went into the portal I would've closed it and changed the door's location to another empty home which was never going to be used by anyone else because I had bought it, I would furnish the place and fill the fridge and drawers with everything that was needed in it. Finally I left the world and teleported right next to Gaia but when I had done so I was inside of Uranus's classroom which Gaia was talking with him only to go and kiss as I watched, while they were doing so I would take a picture before putting my phone away and tapping Gaia's shoulder.


Gaia let out a scream as she saw me breaking their kiss with Uranus looking at me surprised only to become annoyed with him hitting my head softly as he spoke.

"Where in the world did you even come from!?"

"Gaia's head-"

"H-Huh, When did you even go in?"

"When you were asleep, 4 hours ago, I apologize but I had to go check on my brother"

They looked at each other while Gaia was on the ground sulking from her screaming loudly, it was actually to a point that some people from the other classrooms could hear it as Venus who was also a teacher here came running down the hall and looked inside as she saw Gaia on the ground sulking with her taking it in for a second before chuckling.

"Can I go?"

"No need, your next class is this one you know? And 4 hours didn't pass that's how long it's been inside of Gaia's hair, It's been two days and that's when you're supposed to come here"

"Then where do I sit?"

Go sit in the back I know you won't be lazy like them so might as well have you stop them from falling asleep"

I went to the back of the classroom and sat down, I put my head on the table moving the chair back enough as I watched Gaia leave the classroom still sulking while Uranus would shuffle through papers while sitting down. I would wait as the other students began walking through the door and sitting down would I saw that a lady would walk through, she looked Russian and was the same height as mine, I would blink once and from that would she seemingly disappear from my sight. It was weird but since it wasn't doing much I didn't think much of it.

Finally once everyone had sat down would the area we were at change automatically as everyone who was lying down fell to the ground excluding me, I was actually quite surprised considering there was nothing holding me up, all it was, was my pure leg strength. I would stand up as the ones which fell down were face planted onto the dirt or in some form dirty unlike the rest of the people here who were sitting down.

"Well Class is going to begin now and we are going to start with each of you fighting each other. And for those who are dirty leave the classroom and go directly to the principal's class"

I watched as a few ten to twelve students would get up with either their hands or face dirty walking to a door which was just randomly open which led to the school hallways.

"Kaida you will be fighting Athinus."

I looked around and noticed a green haired girl with greyish eyes staring at me, for a second I thought she was blind but instead she was saying she was Athinus it was merely because she was choosing not to speak, Both of us went to the center of the field as the other students went in front of Uranus as one of them began praying while the others looked away once I turned to them some of them even whistling.

"You know it's rude to look away when you're going to fight someone, it would also be idiotic to do that but I expected you to at least hide that a little."

I looked at her as she spoke, she had taken out a spear in which I would take out a sword. Once the fight was initiated would Athinus thrust her spear forward at my stomach which I would push to the side using my sword though the force I used made her fall forward as I could just notice that she took out a small dagger from her pocket as she went to stab me directly at my pelvis trying to hit the vulnerable area for my skin, though she would be moving too slow for this as I had spun my body around as I moved my leg down to the point it could hit her head, Just barely was she able to move but she wasn't able to fully dodge as she was sent flying to the side without her being able to hit me but her dagger did slightly cut my dress but it didn't destroy or damage it that much considering of how much it was enhanced by me just incase someone tries attacking me.

"God are you playing dirty against me? Y'know just because of that I'm gonna beat you using only my sword without any Qi."

She chuckled as I said that as she disappeared, she had cloaked herself with the usage of Qi as it had gotten rid of her presence of her body, mind, and soul. Though something like that wouldn't stop me from beating her in this fight. I watched as she would've tried to attack me from the side as her spear went from my side but she was too slow, she was moving too slow for me even if she was the same cultivation realm as me, I looked at her as my sword slashed at her spears handle as I cut it directly in half holding it still before it could hit her chin and cut her head in half.

"If this was a real fight you would've died twice already."

Uranus spoke towards Athinus who looked at me angry but didn't fight back even though she wanted to hit me really badly. Uranus would put his hand on her shoulder and took her back as he spoke once more.

"Now I'll make this a little different most of the time I pair two people against each other but this time whoever is able to defeat the other person will proceed and the next person to show up will either continue on or lose, it just depends on if you beat Kaida."

For not having me for more than a week he still knew my name, I looked at him as he called up another person though I didn't care much considering they were a lot weaker than I thought they would be and as the fight began I would've knocked them to the side instantly as he was left unable to fight back, this repeated for five more of my classmates which made me really disappointed. Though my next opponent was someone worthy of being fought, he was tall and his long black hair would flow through the wind, his face looked somewhat feminine yet also masculine at the same time. I didn't think much of it and just began as I realized he was leagues above me in strength as he was in the Mystical Qi Realm so he had access to Mana, he was clearly someone a lot stronger than I was but I didn't need mana to fight him, it wouldn't be worth it to fight him with Mana when I could just use Qi.

"I'll make this quick, you give up and I'll spare you, otherwise you'll be losing a limb."

As he spoke I had already went in for an attack, Staring directly at him as he opened his eyes looking in surprise as he forced himself back though with my momentum I was just about to slash at his chest but I had only cut his clothing slightly.

"Fucking Bastard, You dare attack me!?"

"Isn't that what you're supposed to do in a fight? Don't tell me you only won a battle because people were scared of getting in trouble with you...? Looks like you won't be fun to fight with."

He had heard my words loud and clear and was clearly pissed off as he headed to me faster than I could react as he cut directly at my arm as his sword would hit my skin going through my clothes, the first time it's happened in any fight I was in.


For a second he would look at me as my hand was left intact other than a small scar on it only for that to heal because that was natural for humans though it would only surprise him.

"Y-You can heal!? I knew you were cheatin-"

"I thought that was a function every human has. Then again I think you might just have a curse which stops you from healing which is a good thing for me."

Qi would surround my blade as I rushed directly at him for a sideways slash only for the direction to change as he was moving his sword to block it and he was able to, but what came next was something he didn't expect I could see it in his face as he saw me let go of the blade as one of my hands flew directly at his chin for an uppercut. All of this happened within one, one thousandth of a second. He was sent up by the uppercut as his chin would take some serious damage as it had dislocated his jaw. Though he had merely gotten up and fixed it with his hands though that didn't mean it healed. He still wasn't able to move his jaw up and down due to the connection being severed.

"Looks like you can't shit talk to me anymore well that's a good thing anyways I'll have to end this quickly."

He looked extremely angry though I wouldn't care for this, as I began my next attack so would he as our swords clashed causing shockwaves from their clashing, I had seen he wasn't using Mana right now so he must be new to Mana and how it's used, That was only going to be better for me, Surprisingly he was able to push me back, I swiftly dashed back before he could push me further back as I saw his leg was about to sweep mine off the floor. I stood there watching him try summoning multiple blades with the use of Qi only to fail, with that It was clear he had cheated his way in here.

"Just go back to your home and become a househusband or something."

I dropped my sword and punched him directly in the face as he was sent flying backwards hitting a wall causing him to be knocked out.