Chereads / Marakashi / Chapter 17 - Humility

Chapter 17 - Humility

Chanaka had been training for the past 3 days without any sleep. He was tired, broken and jaded. He looked at Kage San who told him to keep continuing his training. Chanaka sighed and trained with the same level of intensity. But his mind gave up long before his body had given up. I have completed the training, he reneged. And yet, you keep making me do the same thing, again and again, he retaliated. Kage San, only smiled. Good, he said and turned away, he waved his finger telling him up to start training again. Chanaka continued to train. After a day, he collapsed.

When he woke up, he was on his bed. There were some maidens who pressed hot cloth against his body. He opened his eyes and tried to get up. But he could not. Rest, said the voice of Kage San. Yes, Master, he said and shut his eyes, as the maidens continued to press his body with the hot cloth. The next day, Chanaka got up and met Kage San. He expected to be treated with more luxury and royal. But he was disappointed, Train! Kage San, simply said and walked away. Chanaka did not retaliate this time. He went to train, but this time the intensity was missing. He trained with no effort, often looking at the house and luxuries it possessed. Come here! said Kage San. Chanaka walked up to him in a slower fashion. Why do you train so weakly, he asked him. Chanaka looked at him and smiled. Do you think you have earned to train like this, asked Kage San. Chanaka did not have an answer. Then why do you train with no intensity, asked Kage San as his eyes sharpened. Chanaka was scared. Do you see the weakness in my eyes? asked Kage San. No, Master! said Chanaka with a firmness in his tone and posture. Has these riches, made me weak? asked Kage San. No,Master, replied Chanaka. After all these years, the mansion and the riches, have not got to my head, he said. In my mind , I'am still a humble farmer. Yet you, only for a few days having enjoyed the riches have begun to think of yourselves as a kings son. Chanaka was embarrassed. He looked down. I'm sorry Master, he said. Now go and train, said Jage San. Now Chanaka went back to train with even more intensity than he ever had.