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Chapter 130 - Nyarlathotep Vs The Justice League

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Raiden's eyes locked onto the menacing form of Nyarlathotep a dark and twisted manifestation of cosmic horror that they either defeated today or lost their home to it, as he tried to move, Raiden was surprised to see a spear in front of him

"No, Stay and recover," Scáthach said, her voice flat and firm.

Raiden turned towards her, his eyes narrowing "I can't do that, If I allow him to rampage more, he might kill one of us"

"This is a war, you are not responsible for everyone's life," she said, and her tone was not one to argue with "First was Neil, then FirstBorn, If you go into battle now, you'll only exhaust yourself further, Recover"

Raiden's hands tightened "I…."

"This is not a fight we're likely to win, Raiden, We need you, ready, not tired, I know it hurts you that some have been injured due to this day's battle, but this is what you have to endure, if you are to become a King, Watch from the back, and prepare yourself, I will weaken him for you," Scáthach said,

Raiden hesitated, his gaze flicking to the battle-field, where members of the Justice League were already attacking, He knew she was right: his mana reserves were low, his body protesting with tired muscles and aching bones from battles prior

"Fine, don't die out there, Shishou" He spoke as he sat down, starting to meditate, in the same way Merlin had taught him, trying to recover as much mana as possible, before his next big transformation

Scáthach nodded briefly, and then returned her attention to Nyarlathotep, as if she was never there, like a blur she joined the Attack

And so it began, First was Superman, the Man of Steel's figure could only be described as a blur of blue and red as he shot toward Nyarlathotep, a punch with all his might, His fist hit creating a shockwave all around the desert of Bialya, but Nyarlathotep hardly flinched. Somehow, his dark form sucked in the blows, His twisted smile grew wide as he returned the favor with his own Punch, and Superman was sent crashing

Wonder Woman was next as she swung her sword skillfully through the air, She slashed at Nyarlathotep's stomach, and the blade flared with godly energy as it struck, But the Amazonian could not force her way through the eldritch fluid armor of the Outer God, he didn't even care for her, as with one hand, He swatted her away like a fly

The other members started to join the fight, Nightwing was the first to dive in. His acrobatics were unmatched as he sprang and flipped around Nyarlathotep, searching for an opening. A barrage of explosive disks flew from his hands but fizzled out upon contact with the dark aura that clung to the entity, A tendril of shadow lashed out, catching Nightwing mid-air and penetrating through his left abdomen

"A mortal such as yourself should simply kneel and present thy head in shame" laughed Nyarlathotep

"NO! Dick!" screamed Superboy, joined by Supergirl they charged at Nyarlathotep with all of their power, managing to hit him a few good times before it became clear they really were outclassed, His laughter resounded through the Battlefield as he caught both of them by their throats, lifting them with an effortless motion then he smacked them together onto their own selves before he then through both of them away to dodge the incoming blur attack

Kid Flash was the blur that had intervened, creating a cyclone around the Outer god trying to confuse him by his speed. Nyarlathotep regarded him with sharp, almost anticipatory eyes, like he had watched every movement before it had been made, then from his Body, hundreds of small piercing tentacles erupted in every position possible, three of them piercing Wally's legs, forcing him to stutter and fall directly while he screamed in pain

"Wally !!" Screamed Artemis as she released a few explosive arrows at Nyarlathotep

"Is this all you Humans amount to? Earth's resolve and might is so….Shallow" spoke Nyarlathotep as the smoke from the explosion dissipated

Green Arrow and Black Canary charged in, The couple tried to buy time for Artemis to take away Wally from the battle, the precise shots of Arrow and the sonic scream of Canary combined in one final, desperate bid to find a weakness, But Nyarlathotep was sick of playing with them, he didn't even attempt to guard as his hand released a dark beam towards Dinah, she wasn't fast enough to dodge it, but Green Arrow jumped in front of her taking the full blow

Before Nyarlathotep could finish them off, a Green Barrier covered them, and then another water attack hit him from the side, turning to face it, Aqualad's blades were already at his neck, but they did no damage Before he could retaliate, Nyarlathotep was hit with a green hammer, he was surrounded by the Three Green Lanterns and Aqualad

"More and More of you keep spoiling my mood, I want a real challenge, not this farce"

And so the battle continued, eventually the full might of the Justice League was not enough, all around the battle, Heroes such as Green Lantern, Atom, and Captain Marvel had all fallen to the battle, a mix of their earlier battle fatigue, and the monstrous strength of Nyarlathotep, made them all fail

As the dust settled, only Superman, Wonder Woman, and Scáthach remained standing, albeit bruised and battered. Superman wiped blood from his mouth, determination burning in his eyes. "We're not done yet," he growled, launching himself at Nyarlathotep once more

"You are the most tenacious, Hope is what you represent correct? Well Hope won't amount to Muc-" Before He could finish the spear of curses pierced through him, currently the only thing that inflicted a slight tiny bit of pain on him, in anger, Nyarlothep Turned around hitting Scáthach with the force of all his tentacles that had not been used since starting the battle, four of them latched to his back

But before He could continue the attack, his Tentacles were wrapped together with a Golden Lasso

Wonder Woman in the distance, held her ground as he attempted to escape her hold Her lasso crackled with divine energy, trying to bind the Outer God "Truly a Magnificent Item, But I am no God, Dear sister, I am beyond that" as he said those words, for the first time in History, Wonder Woman's Lasso was cut through, the tentacles releasing themselves from it before she could react, Wonder Woman found herself facing the full force of the massive sized tentacles, she dodged, but it was too late

Her right hand was completely cut through, a gush of blood released, as she fell to her knees screaming in Agony

"DIANA !!!" Shouted Superman in anger as he closed the distance to defend her from the rest of the tentacles, his two hands caught two of them, but the other two were free, but not for long as Scáthach cut one of them using the full force of her Noble Phantasm "GAE BOLG!" before latching on the other one with her full body, stopping it at it's tracks

"AGH" screamed Nyarlathotep for the first time since the battle started, the only pain that he's truly suffered, was the cut on one of his four tentacles, the problem was, it took a full force Noble Phantasm, from Scáthach, as she and superman, were only holding onto the other three, retrieving his Tentacles Nyarlathotep screamed "YOU ARE ALL DEAD!"

"Pathetic" spoke Scáthach to which Superman nodded "He's like a child that's never felt pain"

"Let's Inflict more," said Scáthach

Superman and Scáthach nodded at each other, a silent understanding passing between them, they knew, that it was up to them, the only ones remaining, A moment later, they charged at Nyarlathotep from either side, surprisingly synchronized, as if they had been fighting together for years.

The first to try was Superman, flying low and very fast. Twin beams of searing energy flared from his eyes, cutting in direct lines into Nyarlathotep's core. The Outer God raised a hand, trying to absorb the attack, but before he could do much more than react, Scáthach was upon him.

She became one with the shadows, swift as one, her form a blur as she darted in with Gáe Bolg at the ready, aimed for Nyarlathotep's throat. That spear's enchanted point sheared clean through dark energy enveloping Nyarlathotep to the inky blackness that comprised his form.

Nyarlathotep hissed in pain, his form rippling as he staggered back, Superman took advantage of the opportunity, ramming into Nyarlathotep with all he had, That was a shockingly huge blow that would send shockwaves through the Battlefield and cracked the ground beneath them

But the Outer God recovered quickly, his form shifting and twisting as dark tendrils lashed out at both of them, Scáthach spun gracefully, her spear cutting through tendrils with fluid, precise motions. Every strike was deliberate to deflect and destroy, but Nyarlathotep's onslaught was relentless

Superman charged in a second time, his fists blurring as he rained punches on Nyarlathotep. He was moving at incomprehensible speeds "So this is IT ! Show me More Kryptonian! Show it all your Power all of it!" screamed Nyarlathotep Sidestepping one of Superman's punches, the Outer God turned and struck the Man of Steel backhanded across the chest with enough force to send him careening through the air.

Scáthach didn't waste any time. As Nyarlathotep whirled to meet Superman, she was already on the wing. She flung at the creature with all her might; the spear whirred in a killing trajectory as it bit into the very heart of the creature, but Nyarlathotep unnaturally twisted his body, dodging by an inch "Even if you hit it, I have hundreds of Hearts! HAHAHAAHAH" Nyarlathotep swung his clawed hand at Scáthach with a smile, but she acrobatically dodged out of the way

Superman recovered and rejoined the fray, charging at Nyarlathotep from behind. The attacks of the unlikely duo blended into a deadly rhythm. Raw power, like that which Superman could wield, was coupled with unmatched expertise at the spear, which only Scáthach could boast of, a dynamic that would kill most entities in the world, But the Outer God was Different kind of Entity

Scáthach darted toward Superman, her spear flashing to deflect a tendril that had been heading into his head. "Stay close," she spoke, her voice still calm, even amongst all this chaos

Superman nodded and followed her lead as best he could, moving in sync with her while he trusted in her instincts and experience. Scáthach weaved in and out of Nyarlathotep's reach, guiding Superman to exploit openings in the Outer God's defense. When she struck high, Superman was low; when she went left, he circled right

For the first time, Nyarlathotep wasn't able to predict the attacks, His form twisted and writhed in agony as his body strained to keep up the unending barrage, He growled again and sent a wave of dark tentacles from all sides, just like he did with Wally that forced Superman and Scáthach back

Nyarlathotep's form surged forward, faster than either could react, He struck Scáthach first, realizing she was the key, his hand a blur as it connected with her stomach cutting her shallowly as she dodged, but she couldn't dodge his Back Tentacles, the strong ones, two of them delivered an attack that sent her flying across the battlefield, almost breaking every bone in her upper half

"I've failed…." Thought Scáthach as she passed out

Enraged, Superman charged at Nyarlathotep with a strong uppercut. The Outer God caught the fist in mid-air with a grin "I Had a feeling you wouldn't be as smart as that one, You are powerful, but she was the guide, I win" Nyarlathotep's eyes gleamed with a mocking smile as he increased the pressure, crushing Superman's hand

Grunting again with pain, Superman summoned his strength and broke free of Nyarlathotep's hold. He launched a wild, roundhouse-type punch at the entity, but Nyarlathotep easily dodged it, before returning the favor with three of his strong back tentacles punching Superman to the ground

By the time Superman was staggering around, trying to get his bearings back, when another of the Tentacles hit him, then another, and another, but the Man of Steel refused to fall, he was going to fight forever if he had to, to protect his home,

Superman clenched his teeth, attempting to find the strength to stand, but his body refused to move, Nyarlathotep walked slowly towards his opponent as he spoke "Earth's hope Has fallen" as his hand moved to claw out his heart

But just before that killing blow a brilliant flash of light burst from the sky. Nyarlathotep paused, his eyes flicking upward, as the light grew. As a figure dropped down from the heavens, radiating power

"FirstBorn!!!!!" Shouted the figure as he delivered a punch so strong it shattered everything behind Nyarlathotep as well, the ground the mountains and even the distant castle of Bialya were affected

 Energy seeped through the figure as his deep voice filled with anger "You Betrayed me, Tried to take away my only chance at recovering my home, YOU WILL DIE TODAY!"

The smile of Nyarlathotep slipped for the first time as he turned to regard the newcomer

"Neil Queen, Interesting, So you survived…."


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