Chereads / Wasteland Conqueror / Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Setting Up Shop

Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Setting Up Shop

Looks like I'm going to be stuck sitting around for an hour... I suppose I should use this time to plan out what exactly I want to build and add on to this new base of mine. Well, for starters, I want to make this place self-sufficient, therefore it'll need to be able to produce food and water all on its own. Meaning we'll have to build a farm to grow food and drill down to groundwater to supply enough water to meet our needs. It also wouldn't be a bad idea to construct water treatment and recycling facilities, so I'll add that to the list as well. 

The instant I completed that thought, I received a notification for a new quest.

✩ | Self-Sufficient | Objectives: Establish food production and harvest ten tons worth of crops. Build water production and recycling facilities. Rewards: Perks | Green Thumb |, | Water Jack |, 10,000 exp.

With yet another quest added to my quest log, I returned to my thoughts.

Additionally, I'm going to want them to be as protected and secure as possible, so I'll have the facilities built underground. Which will also have the side effect of reducing our presence on the surface, thereby lowering the chances of drawing the Grey's attention or anyone else's, for that matter.

To make all that happen, I'll need to expand the underground and, seeing how I already plan on expanding to the metro tunnels running through North America, I'll be needing heavy duty drilling, mining, and tunneling machinery. Hence, it would be a good idea to design something that would be able to cut through rock like a hot knife through butter, otherwise I'll be waiting around for eons for the tunnels to be dug and constructed... I think I'll design something that utilizes lasers or possibly plasma.

Planning to build fully automated underground farms and water production facilities, I resumed my contemplation, thinking about what else should be added.

...Besides facilities for the necessities, I'm going to need an assortment of automated manufacturing machines to supply my forces with weapons, ammo, armor, medicine and all sorts of other supplies and equipment. Thus, my mechanical men and I will need to construct fully automated manufacturing machines for aid, ammunition, chemicals, grenades, heavy munitions, mines, turrets, vehicles, weapons, weapon magazines, and all the accessory machines needed to keep those manufacturing machines supplied with components and materials.

To go along with the expansion of the manufacturing facilities, I'm going to require a personal workshop to craft gear and work on my magic that I've yet to really explore. Furthermore, a place to perform research into both the field of magic and the sciences will be necessary, so a space will either need to be allocated or built specifically for that as well.

I'm sure a few of the projects I'll get involved in will be more than a wee bit volatile, so the place will have to be quite sturdy to handle what I'll get up to... Maybe I should build it a ways away from the facility in case anything goes too awry.

Other than all that, I'm not satisfied with the lackluster defenses of this facility. Solely, because of that, the defenses will be massively reinforced and upgraded until I feel they are acceptable. I'll first have the facility's structure reinforced and armored up with the thousands upon thousands of tons of armor plating I have sitting back at home. The ones that were manufactured for many years in preparation for this very day.

And while a good portion of my workers are busy with that work, a segment of them can replace the preexisting doors throughout the facility with sliding armored blast doors like the ones at my Genesis Foundry. The windows are also another weak point so those gotta go as well: they can be replaced with armor plates with a camera on the exterior and a flat screen on the interior that will allow one to look out without having to worry about getting shot. Doing all that will bolster security here several times over.

Following the completion of that, the old rusted exterior security wall will be torn down in favor of a proper defensive wall, one made of a combination of concrete and durable advanced alloys that can take a beating. And atop those future towering walls of mine, I'll install my current turret designs along with a few new ones I've been cooking up in my head for a while now.

Moving from defenses, we can't be living out of the Buffalos forever hence, we're going to have to convert at least one of the floors to living quarters. I've been living underground for my entire stay in this world so far and I think I've had just about enough of it for one lifetime, thus I'll make the top floor the living space. It's not as safe as, let's say, living underground. However, once the defense upgrades have been made and put into place, safety will be the least of my worries.


What else can I do... The place already has amenities like a full size gym with an Olympic sized swimming pool for the employees to use, the ones that have long passed away. That reminds me I'm going to need to do something about all the skeletons in the facility. I don't have any attachment to the people who died here, so I'm not obligated to really care what happens to their remains.

Nevertheless, I'm not looking to be a dick bag so I'll lay them to rest as best I can a ways away from the facility, each in their own individual graves with whatever identifying items they had on them prior to their passing. It's not much, but it's a hell of a lot better than being tossed into a mass grave and being left there to be forgotten and with not even a marker in sight to show where you were buried.

Adding another task to my ever expanding do list, I kept thinking.

It's sad, but nothing else is coming to mind, so I'll have my robot army work on these tasks for now and introduce more things as they come to me.

When I was finished brainstorming and planning out what I wanted to have done to the place, I watched my repair field work its magic as it slowly reverted the machinery to their original pristine forms. However, that was not all I was up to, I also directed my focus to managing my minions and ensuring everything went smoothly and as planned.


An hour later as I watching my Multibots and newly acquired CD1 Security Robots, Laborers, Miss Maids, and Mister Maintenances scurry about from one place to the next handling all manners of jobs in my new home, I heard the vents suddenly begin to make a bit of noise. So directing my attention there, I saw the vent fans come to life and begin to push out some much needed cool, refreshing air.

It's about damn time we got cool air flowing in this oven.

Thrilled to see the air conditioners running and starting to bring the sweltering temperature inside here down to an acceptable level, I got up since the robot manufacturing machines had been restored good as new thanks to my busted Restorer perk.

Alright, now that these ten machines have been returned to pristine condition, let me check them out to see what sort of modifications need to be made to fully automate them. After that, I can see about increasing their efficiency.

Before I could begin moving, I got another notification informing me that I completed yet another quest.

◊ | Take Over The Cyberdynamics Robotics Facility | Objectives: Clear out all hostile forces and set up shop. Rewards: Perk | Certified Roboticist |, 5 Science Points, 25,000 exp.

Great, I only need to go raid Fort Kern and I'll be ready to undergo my next mass level up.

Throwing that ready to turn in quest to the back of my mind, I walked up to the nearest machine and touched it, gaining an instant understanding of it and how it functioned thanks to my Tech Junkie perk. I followed that up by dominating the machine and aligning it with my will. The moment I had it fully under my grasp, I formed a 3D image of the industrial machine in my mind and started taking bits and pieces from my collection of preexisting fully automated manufacturing machines and implementing them into the new design I was creating.

Because of my next level brain processing power and my other intelligence related stats, I completed my modifications to the design, including the efficiency upgrades in record time. So, with my new design made and ready to be implemented, I sent it to my robots via Mechanical Domination and had them initiate the upgrading procedures.

What to do now... I suppose I'll go explore while I wait for the place to cool down. And when the temp has reached a comfortable point for the group, we'll take a climb upstairs and find the rooms we want.

With my next move planned, I sped off to explore the confines of my new home in its entirety.


At some point in my exploration, I found myself at the lower levels of the facility where the power plants that powered this place were located. Taking a look-see inside, I investigated the state of the locked off space and what I discovered was dozens of small scale fusion reactors still supplying power to this very day.

Mm, they're not in too bad of shape from the looks of things, so that's good. But despite their good conditions, they're not enough to meet my power requirements, thus they're going to need to be replaced. It's a damn good thing I manufactured a whole bunch of modular fusion breeder reactors ahead of time, so my robots will be able to swap out these old guys with the ones I brought in the move rather quickly.

Adding another task to the list, I continued on with my expedition to the next place to checkout. I kept running from one section of the manufacturing plant to another and before I knew it; I had scoured the place from the very top to the very bottom, covering all eight levels.

Okay, my base has cooled down enough time to head on back and meet up with everyone.

Finished exploring every corner and crevice of the facility and taking note of everything within it, I made my way back to the loading area. Upon reaching said section of the plant, I saw all 40 armored cargo containers had been emptied and loaded back onto the Buffalos ready to make another cargo run back and forth from Undercity 7.

I'll do another trip once we're done picking out our rooms on the fifth level.

Although happy to see the great progress my mechanical workers had already made, I ignored it for now and proceeded over to the Buffalo Alice and Rei were sharing, which was conveniently the one I had been riding atop of previously.

[ Loot Gained ]

| Aid |

First Aid Kits (98) - Intelli Tab Sheets (106) - Medstims (993) - Vital-X Injector (1)

| Ammo |

80mm Rockets (2,400) - Microfusion Cells (10,536)

| Skill Books |

All Things Gun (1) - Atomic Power (1) - Book Of Engineering (2) - Future Science (3) - Master Of All Trades (1)

| Miscellaneous |

A Large Assortment of Manufacturing and Processing Machines - Metal (99, 813,002) - Robot Manufacturing Machines (10) - Stealth Pack (9) - Other Misc Items (10,127,287)

| Money |

Dollars (44,727)

[ EXP Gained ]

670 exp


We're caught up to just ten chapters behind the Patreon, so this would've been it for releases. But Wasteland Conqueror has been getting more views and votes for at least the last two weeks and has won the monthly Patreon poll, so I'll be writing more chapters for it going forward. Expect releases for the next 3 to 4 weeks.

Shameless plug, I have a Patreon you can read ahead and support my work on. It gives you access to every chapter I have written across all my works, including those I've yet to release, and the ability to vote in monthly polls that will determine what I'll be working on for a portion of that month.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, you can find the link for it in webnovel's description, in my bio, and on the discord server. Also, I run chapter announcements through the discord, so if you want to know when the next chapter is out, you can find out there.

Up to date on Wasteland Conqueror? Looking for something else to read? Then go check out my other work, Fallout Wastelander, it's what got me started on writing this.