Chereads / Wasteland Conqueror / Chapter 75 - Chapter 75: Picking A Room

Chapter 75 - Chapter 75: Picking A Room

Striding over to the armored transporter, I opened the solid reinforced door that weighed well above several hundred pounds. What I found inside the cabin were my two beautiful women conversing with each other harmoniously and enjoying their time together, playing a multiplayer monster catcher title we would play occasionally, usually when we were relaxing after a hard day's work.

Looking at this scene, I really have to say I lucked out with my situation here. The amount of men that have more than a single romantic partner is already infinitely small, let alone having two grown women that are aware and willing to share the same man. And that's not even considering them being friends with each other on top of it all, which is a whole nother thing I lucked out on...

I mean, one could say they are just tolerating each other's existence because of me, but I would've picked up on that long ago had that been the case. Also, I don't believe many women who are just tolerating each other would be willing to spend a sizable portion of their free time playing games, hanging out, and just generally spending time together.

That said, my circumstances wouldn't be nearly as headache free and be looking like this if it wasn't for me trying to make things go as smoothly as possible and resolve any little issue that popped up initially between the two. Thankfully, I don't have to act as the peacemaker any longer because they just handle whatever comes up together rationally by communicating and compromising when needed. It's a damn good thing I basically turned both of them into geniuses in their own right. If they didn't have their rational thinking minds and the ability to come up with solutions on the fly all on their own, I'm sure I would have experienced more than a few migraines by now.

"Welcome back, dear." Alice greeted, upon hearing me opening the door and beginning to climb into the vehicle.

"Welcome back, babe." Rei followed up.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, but I wasn't gone for very long, you know."

"Doesn't matter. We're just happy you're back." Rei continued before latching onto my left side and pressing her tempting and bountiful chest against me.

"So, did you finish taking care of those things you wanted to take care of?" She inquired once Alice took hold of my other side.

"Yeah, I fully explored every nook and cranny of the place, repaired the robot manufacturing machines, designed upgrades for them which are being implemented as we speak, and planned out a ton of construction projects for the robots to handle."

"I would be amazed if any other person had accomplished all that in such a short time, but since it's you, it's to be expected." Alice commented, wanting to be amazed but unable to because this was something normal when it came to her man.

Having a chuckle for myself, I sat in between the two seductive vixens and asked. "Did you girls catch anything good while I was away?"

"Nn, we caught-"

The two of them went on to tell me about what monster they'd caught and show me the assortment of rare items they found in their travels of the game's world. After listening to them retell their shared adventure, I said, somewhat impressed with the grinding they'd been doing. "Wow, you both found some rare creatures. I'm going to keep falling further and further behind at this rate with how fast you girls are progressing."

"That's alright, babe. We'll help you catch up, won't we, sister?" Rei said smugly.

"Oh, of course we will, but I think if we're helping our hubby out he should do something for us, don't you think?"

Speaking of headaches. What are these two planning now...

"Mm, you're quite right. What did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking he should let us be the decision makers when it comes to decorating our new homes both here and the one we've yet to go house hunting for back at the undercity."

"That's a great idea. Okay, I'm all on board for that." Rei agreed before the both of them looked to me, awaiting my response.

"I already planned on letting you girls do as you please when it came to making our homes homey."

"~Ara, really?" Rei asked.

"Yes, so if you two have anything else you've been wanting, have at it."

The both of them silently communicated with their eyes somehow and before long, Alice came back with another suggestion, or in this case, a couple of them. "Okay, in that case, we want a joint adventure with just the three of us alone. So gramps and the boys will have to stay behind."


"And we want a massage session, one for each of us." She added.

"It has been a minute since I've last given Rei and you a massage, hasn't it?"

"It has... Oh and also I want a timeframe of when I can expect us to make things official." My Asian beauty followed up staring me down intently.

She really is putting me on the spot now, isn't she... Well, I guess it's about time she's gotten her own engagement ring. Nevertheless, even though I have the ring already prepared and on me, this isn't exactly the spot to pop that sort of question, much less bring out such an important item.

So suppose I'll put it off for the meantime while I come up with a location of where I want to propose... On second thought I actually got quite the spot in mind, Mt Irish would more than fit for a location. And seeing how I already plan on heading up to raid and take control of Fort Kern, I might as well make use of the opportunity and pop the question then.

Having come up with a suitable location for such a once in a lifetime event, I responded. "I don't want to spoil it, so all I'll say for now is it'll happen sometime soon."

"Moh, Dom, you can't keep me in suspense like that."

"Of course I can. It's for your benefit." I replied, grinning.

My partners and I chatted for a while longer when I brought up the next order of business. "Alright, getting back on track, we now need to go select our living spaces because we can't be living out of the Buffalos."

The girls, hearing what I just said, became excited almost immediately at the prospects of customizing what would become our home out here in the Nevada wasteland. They discussed a couple of things amongst themselves, occasionally seeking input from yours truly, before Alice eventually asked with hope in her crystal like blue eyes. "Dear, what level are we going to be living on?"

"The topmost level."

"Yes!" The both of them cheered, probably happy to be living above for a change instead of underground like they'd been doing all their lives like the rest of the group minus me since this is my second go at life.

Letting them enjoy their moment for a bit, I ushered us out of the vehicle and proceeded over to where the rest of the squad was.


"Old man let's go."

"Is the A/C finally up and running?" Gramps asked after hearing me banging on the Buffalo's door he was chilling in.

"Yes." I answered simply.

As the old man that no longer looked the part thanks to him raising his mage realm was hopping out of the armored big rig, the rest of the guys poked their heads out to see what the commotion was.

"Oh thank god, the A/C they got fixed fast." Big Tom commented upon sticking his out into the loading area of the facility that was rapidly cooling down as the minutes tick on by.

"Let's go guys, we're going to go pick out each of our own spaces upstairs."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Bob said, looking pumped to get his very own place for the first time in his life.

Following him and the rest of the guys piling out of the vehicles, we made our way through the facility to one of the elevators spread out across this gargantuan robot manufacturing plant. The moment we arrived in front of it; I scanned the entire thing, including all of its various parts, looking for anything that was degraded to the point that it would put us in danger.

I found nothing that appeared to be in that bad of shape, so I stepped onto the elevator first and jumped up and down a few times with my 450 pound body weight to test things out. The cargo elevator that we were going to use to get to the upper floors hardly budged, therefore I turned back around. "It's in decent enough shape. Hop on board."

"If you say so, kid." The old man said before everyone came aboard.

As the last person stepped on, I walked over to the industrial elevator panel and pressed the button for the fifth level.

The second I did, the old cargo elevator creaked and whirred to life and began ascending upwards to our destination. No more than 30 seconds later, our ride arrived at the fifth floor, thus we got off. What laid ahead of us was a short, wide hallway with a set of automatic sliding double doors meant to seal off the upper levels and protect it from the floating particulates in the air that are produced from industrial sections of the facility.

Leading the way forward since I was the only person among us who knew the ins and outs of the place, we swiftly passed through the automatic doors that opened for us once we neared them and ventured into the depths of the fifth level. From there, the bunch of us spent the next hour exploring the entirety of the floor whilst my robots raced all throughout the expansive structure, whipping this place back into shape and carrying out the orders they were given.

Shortly after I finished showing the floor to them, everyone came to the decision that they wanted a room with a view. Hence, we all decided to reside on the east side of the floor so we could experience waking up to the sun rising in the east every morning.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, do you guys know what rooms you want? Oh, and by the way, Alice, Rei, and I are taking the big one on the northeastern corner, so if you were thinking about that particular room, you'll have to pick another space for yourself."

"Rats, I was considering that one. I guess I'll go for one of the big rooms in the center." Bob said.

"Go for it. This place has a fuck ton of square footage."

"I'll take a room in between Bob and you." My bro Big Tom followed up.

"I'll snag a space over there for myself, too." Rie's brother Takeshi said.

"And you gramps?"

"The southern corner room will be mine. I need a bit of space from you and your girls, kid. God only knows what you three will get up to over there." The old man answered, causing both of my women to blush and my comrades to be on the brink of laughter.

This fucking old fart just had to say too much.

"What are you implying, old bastard?"

"Oh stop it, Dom, I was young once too you know, ahahaha-"


After the men in our group, minus me, had a laugh at our expense, Takeshi and Tom decided to move down south in between Bob and gramps suddenly for a reason that they didn't want to bring up. That said, it was blatantly obvious that they didn't want to hear whatever nightly activities I would be performing with my wife and soon to be fiancée.

I mean even if they wanted to listen in on what we would be getting up to at some point or another they wouldn't be able to hear shit since the building is almost entirely constructed from concrete that is well insulated from the desert's heat during the day and its cold at night.

And that's not even accounting for its sound dampening properties, which are pretty great because of the thickness of the building materials. Regardless, I wasn't going to complain nor stop them if they wanted to give me more space for myself and my two ladies... Maybe I'll build a personal theater slash game room for us in one of the nearby rooms.


Shameless plug, I have a Patreon you can read ahead and support my work on. It gives you access to every chapter I have written across all my works, including those I've yet to release, and the ability to vote in monthly polls that will determine what I'll be working on for a portion of that month.

If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, you can find the link for it in webnovel's description, in my bio, and on the discord server. Also, I run chapter announcements through the discord, so if you want to know when the next chapter is out, you can find out there.

Up to date on Wasteland Conqueror? Looking for something else to read? Then go check out my other work, Fallout Wastelander, it's what got me started on writing this.