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A Kingdom Of Darkness, Part One: Into Fire

The world of Alteran is one wrought by chaos, ruled with an iron fist by Haldore and his mighty Black Army. Even the mighty dragon Moltrix hides in his Mountain. Those who have defied him in the past have all since perished, and hope has withdrawn from the people of Alteran. Even the wizards of old tremble in fear to Haldore's great power. They cry out in desperate help, for a new era to begin, one without the corruption of power, yet their cries fall silent, and they oblige and listen to their ruler, who has brought them peace, despite the rebellions. The people grow weary, and long for change. Then there is Artuck. A creation of Haldore's, the people see him as the wicked ruler's 'son,' despite his good deeds. Having witnessed the deaths of those he cared about firsthand, he decides it's time to fight back. With all Alteran has to offer. With the full power of its strength, heart, mind, and soul. But Haldore will not be so easily intimidated, for he has dark plans of his own. Will Artuck and his group of Alteran's last hope shine? Or will they be snuffed out, too?

Chapter 1 - Prologue 1: Artuck

It had all started quiet. Maybe even a little too quiet. All he could remember was the ringing of silence in his ears as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and slowly opened them. The room was cold, dark, and grim. Before him stood a man. A man with dark gray skin, hair as white as clouds, eyes as red as the setting sun, and a grin wider than the ocean itself. As he attempted to stand, the man helped him to his feet. He tried to speak, but all he could muster was a simple, "Wh-who a-am I?"

The dark skinned man smiled a soft, gentle smile.

"You are my final heir, to inherit my throne when I vacate it. Your name is Artuck, and it means 'Remembrance.' To remember all that I have achieved. All I have done for you. Come along now, there's people I want you to meet! After all, you have four brothers, Artuck." 

Artuck. My name? My name is Artuck. 

The man began to walk to a nearby table, papers and books and scrolls strewn about on it. The man began to pick up and read some of the papers on the table before setting them down again.

Artuck used this opportunity to take a look around the room. Made of stone, the room was dark, except for a small flame above the man's head, like that of candlelight. Magically floating there, there was no physical candle underneath the small flame. The room was small, only about large enough for the bed Artuck awoke from, as well as a table, the one the man stood in front of now, as well as another, smaller table with drawers, and an unlit lamp upon it. A tiny, wooden stool sat next to the bed. The man, who had been bent over the larger table, began to pick and write upon a parchment there.

"And then who are you? My father?" 

The man chuckled to himself before turning towards Artuck, setting down the quill, but still holding onto the parchment.

"Sure, you could say that. But if you want the full answer, I made you, Artuck! I used my magic to-to create life! And you, my boy, are the perfected form! I shall help train you in the magicks I embedded within you, to become strong and powerful, like your father, and hopefully, one day, you will be powerful enough to dethrone even me! Oh, I may have gotten ahead of myself here. My name is Haldore. And you have my magic and memories within you." 

Artuck cocked his head to the side, confused.

"Memories? Why?" 

Haldore chuckled again, and this time, he put down the parchment and walked over to Artuck and rested a hand on his shoulder, and he looked Artuck in his eyes, those red sapphires burning into Artuck's skull.

"So that you may perform basic tasks, such as standing, like you are now," Haldore pointed down to Artuck's feet, "and walking, talking, and the like. I had to teach your third brother how to walk, talk, and even eat!" 

Haldore stepped back and laughed at his own joke.

Artuck looked down at the palms of his hands, before turning them over. These were his hands, and Haldore had made them for him. So that he may live.

"Alright, father, what do we do now?" 

Haldore then began to walk away, gesturing for him to follow. Artuck did so, and Haldore guided him to a balcony nearby, and as Artuck walked up to the railing, he took in the beautiful view that lay in front of him.

A massive lake, with the most blue water you've ever seen, and birds flying above it, swooping down to catch fish. And beyond the lake, a forest. A green, dark green forest. Full of life, full of color. As Artuck watched, he saw animals darting back and forth, and even some chasing others. Artuck wanted to be like these animals, to just run around and play.

All of a sudden, Artuck felt small. So very small. Artuck looked up and saw the railing now looming over him, and as Artuck went to scratch an itch on his face, he realized his small arms could not reach. And as Artuck looked down, he saw his hands were now small, little white fluffy paws. 

"Ahh, you are a quick learner, Artuck! Already you've used some of the magic I gave you to shapeshift! It took the eldest about a week to figure that one out! I do believe that there is promise for you, Artuck. I made you so that you and your brothers may preserve the peace of Alteran, keep it stable, keep it secure in my stead."

"Come on now, we've got introductions to make." 

As Artuck followed after Haldore, he realized these little paws would get him nowhere fast. Artuck once again found himself wishing it was easier to walk, and soon, he had transformed back into the original form he had. Haldore once again ushered Artuck to follow, and as Haldore stepped into a new room, Artuck realized the room was very large. From what Artuck could see, the room had a very long table in it, high chandeliers, and a full wall of colorful windows, the colored sunlight peeking through, making this large hall seem utterly majestic.

"Percel! Marll! Krim! Totto! As I have promised, your brother, Artuck! He has already learned how to shapeshift! Isn't that magnificent?" 

Artuck looked around but saw no one there in the hall. It was silent for a few moments, and as Haldore turned around sheepishly, a fly suddenly transformed into that of an elf, and stood before Artuck. The elf was very muscular, and tall. A long tuft of dark brown hair sat upon his head, and as he smiled, Artuck could see there was a significant gap between his two front teeth. He stuck out his arm, beaming despite the obvious gap. The elven man looked to be of adult age, or at least, as a shapeshifter.

"Pehcel, bruv. Issa pleajuh tah meetcha." 

Percel's accent caught Artuck off guard. It was nothing like anything else he had heard before, even with the memories he had. 

Artuck slowly took his hand, and Percel immediately shook his hand with such vigor that it caught even Haldore by surprise. 

Not a moment later, a bat came swooping down from the ceiling, before a black cloud of smoke appeared around the bat, and a dark elf dropped to the floor dramatically. Percel took one look at the elf before he chuckled nervously, sticking his hands up as he backed away. 

The dark elf was covered in dark clothes, complimenting that of his own body. Much like Haldore, this elf had ashen gray skin, with hair as white as clouds. The difference here was that instead of Haldore's red eyes, this elf had blue eyes, almost as blue as the lake he had seen. 

The elf limbered over to Artuck, stuck out his hand for Artuck to shake, before immediately retracting it as if he'd changed his mind, his head shaking to confirm.

"Yo. Name's Marll. Percel's a bit over the top. And don't point out his accent, got it? He was the first, after all. And the first is always a bit," Marll lowered his voice to a whisper, "a bit messed up, if you're picking up what I'm laying down." 

Artuck nodded shyly at Marll's words before Marll simply followed after Percel. Percel shot a look of desperation towards Artuck before Marll slammed him into the ground, both of them laughing as they wrestled on the floor, the sounds of their play fight echoing through the large hall.

"Boys! How many times have I told you, no fighting in the grand hall?" 

Percel and Marll stopped laughing, and both nervously looked down at the floor. Marll helped Percel to his feet as the third appeared. 

This one seemed to just pop, magically appear. The small elf stuck a hand up towards Artuck. The small figure appeared to have taken on the size of an elven child. Fair skin, and dirty blonde hair sat atop his head, pulled back into a small bun. Freckles lined the small elven face, and sharp, green eyes peered at him as he looked to Artuck. 

Artuck would have never guessed that between Percel, Marll, and this one, they were brothers. Despite seeing the small creature, Artuck was not expecting the deep, gruff voice that would come from the small creature.

"Hi there! I'm Krim! I may not be the youngest, but everyone else seems to think so, so I'll let them. After all, Dad here fucked with one of my genes." 

Krim shot Haldore a menacing look, to which Haldore simply rubbed the elf's head like a pet's while chuckling nervously.

"Now, now, how was I supposed to know that magically splicing the genes of a rabbit was going to make you smaller than your brothers?" 

"It's a fucking rabbit, Dad. How did you not think that was going to happen?"

Krim rolled his eyes and looked away in the same manner as a stubborn toddler. Haldore opened his mouth to speak before he was interrupted by a much calmer tone.

"It's quite alright, okay?" 

A gentle voice said. And yet another elf walked up. This one was lean, conventionally handsome, muscular, and from the looks of it, a bit cocky. He held his shoulders high. Very high. And the way he looked down to people made Artuck feel small. This elf looked much more like Krim, matching the fair skin tone and eye color, as well as the color of their hair. This elf wore his hair much shorter than Krim, though.

He stuck his hand out for Artuck to shake, and as he reached for it, the elf took him into a hug. A very tight hug, one filled with love and passion, betraying that sense of arrogance Artuck felt from him a moment ago. Clearly, he held his shoulders high in humble confidence, not arrogance. As Totto held him, Artuck felt his feet leave the ground.

"Im Totto, the now second youngest. But, oh my gods, I'm so happy to have a younger brother! I was so lonely as the youngest! But now I'll have you!" 

Artuck was running out of air very quickly, as the elf still held him, but Totto kept talking. Artuck began to kick his feet in desperation.

"I'll protect you with my life, dear brother! After all, that's why we were made! To look out for another and work together! And who better than a couple of brothers, am I right?" 

Finally Totto let go, and Artuck fell to the floor, and then to his knees. He wheezed for air, bent over, resting his hands on his knees.

Haldore coughed, cleared his throat, and all the other brothers seemed to recognize the gesture, as they stood in a single line, shoulder to shoulder, with Artuck's wheezing frame at the end. They all were silent, and the only sound that could be heard was Artuck's wheezing.

"Artuck, when I clear my throat, like I just demonstrated, that means to snap to attention, as I have something for all of you to know. Or, in this case, I have a task for you all. Now listen closely, you five. There's rumor that a rebellion is starting–"

"Ageen?" Percel said, annoyance filling his voice.

"Again," Haldore continued, a tone of annoyance also in his voice, "and I'm tasking you all to find out who is the mastermind behind it all. To find out who is their leader. Then simply capture them, and bring them to me, so that I may kill them. Insubordination will simply not be tolerated. I will destroy this rebellion, and preserve the peace I fought so hard to obtain. And you all will revel in all the spoils. Now, off you go, and Percel, Marll, you know how to reach me." 

The others began to chatter amongst themselves before Totto reached around and grabbed Artuck, pulling him into the group.

"C'mon, you're our brother. Don't stand there awkwardly! We've gotten villains to chase down, after all!"

And so it went on like that, for many years. They infiltrated the rebellion's forces, and they made friends, and had to betray and kill them for 'secrecy.' 

For the next fifty years, Artuck and his brothers infiltrated camp after camp to find the leaders, and extract them for 'questioning.' 

But no man who stands in the light for too long isn't affected. And the brothers soon came to realize this, as they quickly learned that it was Haldore that had murdered hundreds of thousands of people. That Haldore was planning to do it again, as he had done during the last rebellion. 

Innocent people, who wanted nothing more than to live a life free of oppression, to live freely without the fear of an almighty ruler. And Haldore had killed them all, and he would do it again.

And so, on that day, the day of the Battle for Hardrik, Artuck and his brothers stood by the rebellion, vowing to help however they could. Being trained by the Great Himrol, they were confident in their abilities. They were proud of their growth and eager to put it to good use, and help free the people of Alteran from their wicked father.

But it was so quick. Lights flashed, fire danced in front of Artuck's eyes, and explosions everywhere. Smoke filled Artuck's nostrils, as well as the putrid smell of death. So much death. It was everywhere. Even the earth itself shook, and quiet was no longer possible, but yet Artuck could still hear the ringing in his ears from the silenced screams after the blasts. The smoke cleared, and revealed to him that they were all that was left. No more of the rebellion were alive. He couldn't even see Himrol, one of the few people to have ever fought Haldore and lived. Artuck was worried.

He should be here. The five of us are strong, but we need Himrol if we are to do any real damage.

Artuck looked at his brothers, and saw that they felt the same.

Himrol, where are you?

As the battlefield was revealed, Haldore appeared before them.

"What are you all doing? I gave you an assignment!" 

Haldore boomed, hovering twenty feet above the ground, his cloak billowing dramatically.

"I told you, insubordination will not be tolerated! Now stand down, or else face my wrath! Not just as your father, but as your enemy!" 

Totto quickly jumped in front of Artuck and his brothers. He put his arms to the side, and entered a defensive stance, ready to protect, as he vowed so long ago.


Tears streamed down Totto's cheek as he screamed, and they glistened in the glow of the flames.

"Father, please! We have realized what you are! We knew not what you were, and these people so graciously showed us our folly! Do what you must, but I will not allow you to kill my brothers!" 

Totto turned towards them, smiled weakly, more tears streaming down his face, before turning back towards Haldore.

"Then, Totto, you are my son no longer. PERISH." 

Totto screamed. A loud, agonizing scream. A scream one only screams in sheer terror, as if they were experiencing hell on earth. Artuck closed his eyes, but still he knew what was happening. Krim whimpered as Artuck heard bones snap, muscles popping, and as Artuck opened his eyes, he saw the crumpled form of Totto evaporate. Just like that. In the blink of an eye. In a single moment. 

How could this be? H-how? Is Haldore that strong that he doesn't even have to get near us for him to kill us? 

Artuck reached and grabbed Krim, and pulled him close, Krim bawling into Artuck's soiled tunic.


Percel screamed as he took a step towards him, before unleashing a torrent of flame upon Haldore, who simply waved a hand, and flung the fire away, all without even looking at it.

"You too, my child? Then it pains me to do this." 

Artuck blinked, and Haldore was gone. And so was Percel. Haldore hovered higher above the ground than where he was a second ago, now with a limp Percel on his blood-drenched sword. Haldore scoffed, and as he went to push Percel off of the sword, the boy reached up and drove a dagger straight into Haldore's neck, who screamed profanities, and launched Percel into the air, suspending him above the ground, floating there for a moment, before furiously casting a beam of pure light, so bright Artuck could still see it with his eyes closed, and he only heard Percel's screams for a split second, before they were silenced. Permanently. Marll nudged Artuck. 

"Run, Artuck, and don't look back. You'll find nothing more here for you two. Haldore is going to kill me. I know he will. The most I can do is offer you a mere moment to escape. Hopefully, that'll be all you'll need. As long as at least one of you lives, Alteran may still be able to rid itself of its despicable ruler. As long as one you escapes, hope will live on for another day. And I'd love to see it. And maybe I will. Hopefully I will."

"Don't you boys get it?" 

Haldore yelled, a seemingly desperate cry to his children below, but Artuck knew better than to believe Haldore's manipulation.

"All of this work, all of my power, everything was for you all! And yet you all simply cast it away like stubborn toddlers! If you will not appreciate the gift I have given you, then so help me, I will take it back, like I already did those two! Join me, Artuck! Join me, Krim! And you'll have more power than you could even dream of! Hell, you'll be heirs to my empire! You will be kings! And more importantly, you will be revered as the greatest in history, and you will be handed a peaceful nation upon a silver platter! Don't you get it? I am your father! That's all I want, is to be your father! But your stubbornness has driven you from me! Come back to me, my children." 

Hot tears began to stream down Haldore's cheeks as he spoke, his voice breaking, "and my love for you will grow like never before."

"No, father." 

Marll dug his feet into the ground, readying himself to attack.

"You lost us the moment you lied to us."

Haldore's tears immediately vanished, and he corrected his posture. His voice returned to normal as well, and looked down at Marll and scoffed.

"Then so be it. Your stubbornness will be your demise."

Artuck sprang into action, threw Krim over his shoulder, and casted a diversion, launching a pillar of light directly into Haldore's eye, and as Marll launched himself towards Haldore. 

Artuck turned and dashed away into the forest, tears still rolling down his cheeks, Krim screaming to let him go. As Artuck ran, he could still hear the fight between Haldore and Marll, and much to Artuck's despair, it was not a long battle. Artuck could still hear Marll's screams as he perished to Haldore's hand. But Artuck kept running, even long after his legs begged him to stop, and even longer after Krim gave up trying to get Artuck to put him down.

For weeks after, Artuck and Krim journeyed north, before Krim informed Artuck that he wanted to stay in Helt. Krim said it was just outside Haldore's reach and would be a safe place for the two of them to hide, and regroup with others. 

Artuck tried to beg him to stay with him, but Krim's resolve was greater than Artuck's, and inevitably left Artuck alone. 

Cold. Silent. 

The ringing still ran through Artuck's ears as he wept into the nighttime sky during the nights he felt the loneliest, the coldest. Even when he tried to dream, Artuck's mind was full of the memories of his brothers being killed by his own father. 

No, Haldore. He is my father no more. And I will kill him, to avenge my brothers. So their death may not be in vain.

So Artuck began to devise a plan, but no sooner had he decided to put it into motion than he received word that Krim had been killed. Artuck had seen the wanted posters, but it was lingering hope for Artuck to see those signs, as they were signs of Krim's wellbeing. But now that Krim had died, Artuck gave up. He was the last. And he didn't want to die. For a moment, Artuck considered turning himself in, before throwing out the idea as preposterous and idiotic. 

After all, one of them should live on, if one day hope were to return. As Marll had said. Slowly, Artuck journeyed across Alteran to the quietest town he could think of. Halden. 

Nothing ever happened there. And it was safe there. Forest all around, docile creatures everywhere. It would be his home. And there, Artuck decided, was where he would stay until he mustered the courage to keep going, to continue his brothers' fight. And there he would wait, for as long as it took…