Chereads / Second Chance (a new life) / Chapter 15 - Zlata, Oleg and punching Sergei

Chapter 15 - Zlata, Oleg and punching Sergei

I watched as Josh got dressed while I did my skin care routine, I was not going to wear any over the top make up today just the very basic make up. Josh wore a pair of black trousers with white Nike sneakers a white shirt and a black jacket while taking a brown fur coat that I had bought for him when he told me about this trip. Josh was a quick dresser so the show was over within a few minutes and Josh just grinned at my sulking face before kissing my forehead.

Josh then walked out of the door leaving me to get dressed as well while I texted Zlata who then called and we started talking until a familiar voice cut through on the phone.

"Думаю, ви забули мене сестрою." A familiar voice said over the phone which made me scream in joy.

"Olʹha ? Olʹha moya doroha sestra -- tse ty ? O , ya propustyv tebe stilʹky sestry ." I said over the phone with a huge smile.

I had not spoken to Olga since she left the university since she was on a shorter programme.

"Очевидно, хто б це був інший? І я теж сумував за тобою, сестро, я намагався змусити Злату дати мені твій номер, але вона відмовлялася, кажучи, що я заберу весь її час з тобою." Olga complained making both Zlata and I chuckle.

We laughed and talked as I got dressed, I had decided to wear a blue mini skirt which was made of wool and had a checkered pattern, a pair of foot to pelvis length grey woolen socks along with a blue woolen blouse. I also wore a blue woolen jacket and let my blonde hair down before wearing a pair of Mark Jacobs black leather platform boots which Josh had gotten for me out of the blue like he liked to do. I had a lot of these platform style boots as well as a lot of clothes, shoes and bags thanks to Josh spoiling me rotten as well as me buying myself clothes or shoes or bags whenever I felt like wanted to do so.

After saying my goodbyes to my two sisters I then left the bedroom to go to the main part of the lodge where Mrs Stanzione was already starting up breakfast.

"Good morning Mrs Stanzione." I said to her as I walked towards the kitchen section of the space.

She smiled as she motioned me towards her.

"Good morning Ana, you look great. Do you ever just not look great?" Mrs Stanzione joked and I laughed as I said thank you for the compliment before I started helping her cook while answering Maya who was asking me about where exactly I was from in Russia.

I answered her and my phone soon rang. I couldn't reach it so Stella got it for me out of my pocket before answering it for me.

"Hello Anastasia's phone." Stella answered.

"Oh Olga? Uhm yeah she is busy right now okay I'll ask her." Stella said before turning to me.

"Auntie Ana, someone called Olga is asking if she can come see you now?" Stella asked and I remembered I had forgotten to ask Mrs Stanzione about inviting Zlata, Olga and the monkey.

"Uhm, Mrs Stanzione, is it OK if my sisters come by with their monkey?" I asked Mrs Stanzione who was sipping some tea.

She almost did a spit out but managed not to.

"Your sisters are here in Wisconsin? And they have a monkey?" Mrs Stanzione asked.

"Yeah, my older sister works here I met her at the airport yesterday by chance and she wanted to come over with my other sister but her monkey that she is married to wants to tag along." I replied which made her understand what I meant.

"Oh sure, the more the merrier. If they are anything like you I'd like to see if they can hold their liquor like you." Mr Stanzione said from the side as he was still nursing his hangover.

I just chuckled as Mrs Stanzione said it was fine for them to come over. I told Stella to tell Olga she could come over and hopefully leave the monkey behind.

"You dont like your brother in law I take it?" Teresa asked.

"No that thing is no brother in law of mine." I said with disgust laced in my voice which made Teresa chuckle.

We continued cooking breakfast and finished before we began eating, a little while after we began eating the door bell rang and I heard Stella call out my name after she answered the door.

"Auntie Ana, your sisters are here." Stella called out and I ran towards the door before crushing into Olga since she was always strong enough to hold me up when we hugged.

"Oly!" I screamed in excitement as I hugged her tightly while she returned the hug.

Because we both had huge chests our boobs were squished together causing Sergei who was standing next to Zlata to stare at us. I looked at him with an annoyed expression before punching him right between the eyes. He fell into the snow while everyone else came to stop me from going further but I wasn't going to go further.

As I shook my sore hand which was sore from punching the idiot who was currently shaking his head while his nose bled as he sat on his butt I noticed Zlata handing Olga a $20 bill. I just looked at my sisters and shook my head as Stella looked at me in surprise.

"Auntie why did you punch him?" She asked while everyone else seemed to be asking the same question.

I just huffed in annoyance as Josh wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I have the right to punch him every time I see him and he can't do anything about it." I simply said and everyone looked at Zlata who was shaking her head as she helped Sergei up.

"When will it end with you two?" Zlata said in English which had a thick Ukrainian accent.

"When he is dead." I huffed and Sergei clicked his tongue in annoyance which made me punch him again on the side of his face dropping him once more.

"Yes!" Olga shouted while I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes because of how much it hurt punching him with the same hand that was already sore from punching him before.

"OK, OK. I don't know what it is between the two of you but I think that's enough violence for one day." Mrs Stanzione said which made me huff in annoyance before nodding.

"Тимчасовий перемир'я?" I asked Sergei who nodded.

"Тимчасовий перемир'я." He replied before Zlata sighed as she gave Olga another $20.

I introduced everyone before we got back into the house while Stella immediately stuck to Olga same as Natasha because of how lively she was. Olga looked exactly like I did except she was slightly taller than me and while I had wide hips and a big bum she had slightly above avarage hips with a normal sized bum but she looked exactly like I did. Most of the times when we were at university we used to be mistaken for twins a lot and we just rolled with it.

We started talking and laughing before we had to go ice skating.

"$20 says I can skate better than Zlata." Olga said as she nudged me.

She used English because Stella, Natasha and Teresa were there. I just shook my head as I looked towards her.

"If you want to give me free money no problem sis." I laughed which made her huff.

"She hasn't been skating in the past two and a half years since we moved here so I am sure I can beat her." Olga replied confidently.

"Oh please, Zlata can run circles around the both of us with her eyes closed even if she hasn't been skating for a thousand years." I replied to Olga who tsked before skating off.

I just giggled along with the girls before I started teaching Natasha how to skate.