Chereads / Second Chance (a new life) / Chapter 13 - Vodka competition

Chapter 13 - Vodka competition

We got out of the car and Josh, his father and his brother in law along with Vicky's husband decided to let us ladies go inside the cabin as they took the luggage out of the cars. I stepped into the cabin made of wood with two floors, as soon as we stepped in we were greeted by a huge open space with a huge sofa set that could seat everyone, a huge kitchen with a double door fridge, a six plate gas burner and some other amenities along with a dining room with enough space for us to sit comfortably. The open space had a couple of windows along with a sliding glass door which lead to the back yard which had a frozen lake behind it which would be perfect for ice skating.

Towards the middle of the space were some stairs that went up to the second floor which had 10 bedrooms, one for me and my boyfriend Josh, one for Stella and Natasha who would be sharing a room, one for Clive and Caleb, one for Mr and Mrs Stanzione, one for Teresa and her husband Charles, one for Vicky and her husband Herman, one for the nanny, one for Vicky and Herman's demon spawns Gilbert as well as Rodney who were both 7, one for Herman's son Marshall who was also Vicky's step son and finally one bedroom for Jackie who was Charles' niece. The sleeping arrangements had already been set up by Mrs Stanzione who had alps placed Josh and mine's room between Teresa's as well as Vicky's. Teresa didn't like me very much but her kids did and she liked Vicky a whole lot more which is why she had invited her to Caleb's birthday party.

I got along well with Charles and mildly with Herman because Vicky always called me names which I was used to being called by now so I barely reacted. Mrs Stanzione told us all to check our rooms so we could see if we needed to buy anything while the stores were still open. I walked to my and Josh's room before opening the door which let me into the room.

The room was very simple with a huge sliding glass door facing the lake, a huge queen size bed with white sheets, a couple of pillows, two side tables on either side of the bed and a standing lamp in the corner of the room. All in all this room was quite intimate and looked very comfortable, warm and with the air conditioning unit dedicated to this entire floor it would be awesome to sleep in as long as no one touched the thermostat. We soon returned to the main space where the men were drinking vodka which I obviously was a huge lover of being Russian and all.

I walked to where Josh was and took his half drank glass before throwing the entire content of the glass into my mouth.

"Whoa." Herman and Charles along with Mr Stanzione, Mrs Stanzione and Teresa all gasped.

"Well, that's a Russian for you." Mr Stanzione said as he chuckled.

"So Ana, care to join our little game?" Charles asked as he took another glass from the kitchen.

"Oh, what game?" I asked as I sat on Josh's lap.

"It's simple, every year we come here we play a game to see who will be the last man or if you join and by some chance win, last woman standing. The winner gets to control the thermostat." Charles explains as Mr Stanzione filled up the glasses.

I looked at Josh who grinned already knowing my incredible alcohol tolerance.

"OK sure." I nodded which made everyone cheer.

"Well I guess Ana will be controlling the thermostat this time." Josh chuckled.

"She is Russian yeah but I don't think she can drink all of us under the table." Herman said before he threw his head back with a glass of vodka on his mouth drinking the entire contents in one go.

Josh just chuckled and shook his head.

"Uhm, can I bring another Vodka? Russian vodka." I asked which made Mr Stanzione perk up as he agreed.

I stood up from Josh's lap and went to pick up a bottle of Vodka I had been given by Zatla who was a fellow enthusiast when it came to Vodka. We used to try to out drink each other back in university with Olga and another one of my friends called Yaroslava. I brought the bottle with me and placed it on the table as the men gasped.

"Well shit." Charles gulped as he saw the name of the vodka.

"You can drink this?" He asked as he picked up the bottle.

"Yes I can, I've been drinking vodka since I was pretty young and that one used to be the one I drank with my friends a lot." I answered as he handed me the bottle and we poured soem in each glass.

An hour later I was the only one still drinking with Josh having given up after taking one shot of my vodka due to how much it made him cough. Charlie went for five rounds and passed out, Mr Stanzione went seven and started mumbling incoherently before tagging out leaving my only competition as Herman who could not quit since Vicky was giving him the death glare. He drank until he passed out as he picked up his 11th glass.

I was still pretty sober as I drank my 11th glass.

"Oh well, I win then." I giggled before picking up the bottle of the half drank vodka and took it to the head causing everyone to gasp.

"Fucking mother Russia." Stella cursed which earned her a chop on the head from her grandmother.

"Language young lady." Mrs Stanzione said to Stella.

"But you are right, fucking mother Russia indeed." Mrs Stanzione said as well.

"I guess you finally win Josh." Mrs Stanzione said to Josh as I put the now empty vodka bottle down and stood up.

"I would have preferred if anyone else won. Ana likes to sleep in almost freezing temperatures so she will probably turn the thermostat all the way down." Josh sighed.

I just laughed and kissed his cheek.

"bóo-deem zda-ró-vye." I said once more before chugging my last glass.

Josh just smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Ой, мороз, мороз

Ой, мороз, мороз,

Не морозь меня,

Не морозь меня, моего коня.3

Не морозь меня, моего коня,

Моего коня белогривого.

Моего коня белогривого,

У меня жена, ох, ревнивая.

У меня жена, ох, красавица,

Ждет меня домой, ждет печалится.

Я вернусь домой на закате дня.

Обниму жену, напою коня.

Ой, мороз, мороз,

Не морозь меня,

Не морозь меня, моего коня." I started singing almost drunk and the nanny who I had noticed was Russian also joined in surprising everyone as we started drinking again while danking as we sang.

They all started clapping their hands while me and the nanny who's name was Maya continued singing, dancing and laughing as we spoke in Russian completely forgetting that we were with people who did not understand a word of Russian. We soon started eating before finally we had to call it a night before we all went to our bedrooms to get some sleep. I brushed my teeth and had to take a shower before telling Stella she could set the thermostat to whatever she wanted since I knew I would be tempted to turn it so far down that most of the people sleeping in the cabin would be frozen in the morning.

After saying good night to my boyfriend and snuggling into his arms, I fell asleep.