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MINE Crush

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Eli had a crush on a boy back in high school named Alan. Alan one day comes back to Eli's home town and the two start to hangout again. Eli's feelings for Alan become stronger as they spend time together, but Alan has a new girlfriend which makes Eli kids his feelings like back in high school. But Eli isn't the only one that is Love Sick and Heart Broken. ...

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - Volume: Crush



⚠️ warning this book has blood/gore, strong language, Drugs, Kidnapping, Homophobic remarks, F slur, Murder, Graphic description/threatening, Panic attacks, Sexual content, Sexual harassment/Sexual Assault, Rape, Abuse, Talk of animal abuse, Animal abuse, and Drinking ⚠️

Please don't read if you are sensitive to any of these things or get easily triggered/described.

Please proceed with caution and enjoy. ♡



You know those movies where it's just a normal person in their normal life then, BOMB!! Now everything starts to change too fast. Yeah I hate movies like that.. I don't like how everything in one's life can be perfect but then a second later it changes completely. I may not like those types of movies but, you know what kind I do like. Dark romance. I love dark romance! Stories and movies where one is obsessed with the other that leads to crazy shit. Anyways.... My name's Eli, I'm nineteen soon to be twenty. I'm a bookworm, nerd, short... Unfortunately... OHh! I dyed my hair pink awhile ago and have just been keeping it pink since then. I have baby blue eyes that don't like to work, that's why I wear glasses. I like to believe that I'm nice and upbeat. I like to see people smile, it makes me feel happy myself. At the moment I was cleaning out a cafe that had a puppy in it before it was adopted.

"Your shift's over, Eli, so go home and have a good night."

I picked up an empty cage on the ground and walked to the back of the pet store.

"Okay, just give me a sec."

I placed down the cage, then went over to the cash and sighed. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and checked for any messages or notifications, putting it in my pocket again after checking, then waved bye to Lily. I left the small pet store, sighed at the rain, and then started to head to my apartment, sprinting to get there faster. In twenty minutes-ish I got to the apartment and went to the elevator, going up to the fourth floor. I walked down to my room and opened my door to my best friend, sitting on my couch, playing on his phone.

"Mike, you can't just break into my apartment whenever you want..."

"Yeah, I can. We live in the same building, anddd I'm your best friend so I get passes. Also, I need to tell you something but you were at work so I just waited."

I walked in and closed the door behind me then headed to my bathroom.

"I hope what you have to tell me can wait till I've showered."

I looked over at the black-haired gamer.

"I don't know bro, I think you'd want to hear it now but whatever."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I won't take long, ten minutes max."

"Bet. I'll time yah, Pinky."

I turned around and went into my bathroom, closing and locking the door once I was in. I turned to my mirror and looked at my messy pink hair and eye bags. I got undressed and put my glasses on my sink counter then turned on my shower to hot. I got in and let out a sigh, smiling. I quickly showered, got dressed in clean clothes then walked into my living room with a towel on my head, looking at Mike now laying down still playing his game.

"What is it you need to tell me?"

He sat up and put his phone beside him then smiled.

"Guess who moved back into town."


"I'm not telling you.. You have to guess."

I sighed then sat on the edge of the couch and thought.

"I have no idea."

"I'm surprised you forgot about him."



My phone started to ring and I looked over towards the bathroom.

"That might be him!"

I got up and grabbed my phone, looking at it as I went back to the living room then answered.

"Hey, Joy."

"Or not.."

"Did you hear!??"

"Hear what?"

"Nope, uh-uh.."

Mike grabbed my phone quickly and put it to his ear.

"I'm telling him, miss girl."


"What? No."


I stared at him as he talked on my phone, too tired to really care about what was going on. I yawned and sat beside Mike then slowly drifted off to sleep as he talked, until I was jerked back awake and looked at Mike.

"Don't fall asleep on me now. I didn't even get to tell you yet.."

"I'm.. *yawn* sowwy.."

"Hahaha, did you just say sowwy?"

"Eh!! I meant sorry! Sor-ry!"

He started to laugh and laid back as he did. I looked to the side feeling embarrassed.

"Stop laughing and tell me what's so important that both you and Joy are all up my ass about,,,"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

He looked up at me and I just stared at him then yawned, rubbing my eyes. I got up and went to my room.

"Well, just text me when you remember because I'm going to sleep."

"Wait, you can't."

I looked at him and frowned, rubbing my eyes.

"Mike, I love you but it's almost one and I'm tired and have an eight hour shift tomorrow..."

"Eight hours?!!"

I nodded.

"The shop is very low on employees so I told Lily that I could do full time to help her out."

"Well, damn... now I really wish I didn't forget so I could tell you..."

"I'll just ask Joy in the morning ab-"

"No! I want to tell you!!"

"If it means I get to go to bed..."


I just stared at him and he smiled then got up, going up to me. He hugged me.

"I'm joking, I'm joking. How about I pick you up from work to make up?"


I hugged him and smiled then he let go of me.

"Alright, now go get some sleep."

He left my apartment and I locked my door then went to my room, got undressed, took off my glasses, then plugged in my phone and got tucked in.

* *<3* *


Age: 19

Hair colour: Blonde but dyed pink

Eye colour: Ocean blue

Height: 5"4"


Age: 20

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Green

Height: 6"0"

Fun Fact: Mike has won in every gaming competition he has been in.

* *

I opened my eyes and looked over at my phone playing a creepy robotic voice message:

"Warning! There is a killer on the loose. The killer was last seen near west end mountain lake public school and heading towards the north end of town. Please remain inside and lock your doors. Warning!-"

The message repeated twice more than I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. I sighed and sat up then got out of bed, getting ready. Got my glasses on, got dressed, brushed my hair, made oatmeal, brushed my teeth, grabbed my messenger bag, put my stuff in it, then left my apartment, and went down to the lobby. I waved at the front desk ladies then headed out and to the store close to my work, getting a few things then finished walking the rest of the half hour walk to work. I went in then into the back and got into my uniform.


I looked over at Lily once I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Good morning! How did you sleep?"

I went to the front with her and started to feed the animals.

"Great.. Other than that creepy voice thingy popping up.. That thing gives me the chills."

"Crazy how they haven't found them yet. It's been like two weeks."

"I know... They must be really good at the whole murder thing."

I nodded then smiled and pet a kitten that was looking up at me meowing.

"You want to know what's freaky?"

"Hmh? What's that?"

"One of the victims that got away was being investigated and said that the dude was looking for someone."

"Not all that much creepier."

"I didn't finish. The reason I thought that was because they kept repeating the name.. Eli."

A chill went up my spine and I looked at her.

"You're joking right!?"

"Lily, stop freaking him out. Eli, it's not true. They were repeating the word Darling."

I looked at my coworker Mason coming out of the back with a box in his hands. I sighed in relief and that freaked out feeling went away but a bit also stayed. Mason put the box down on a shelf then put the toys on the wall.

"I got him for a moment there though."

I helped Mason and looked back at Lily.

"Even if it was true.. You know how many people have the name Eli?"

"True. Welp, I'm out. Have a good shift boys."

She went, grabbed her stuff then left the shop and I went to the cash register.

"She's always trying to freak me out..."

"Yeahh, it's amusing for her to see your reaction. You should just stop giving reactions."

"I know *sigh* but I just get freaked out so easily.."

I opened the cash up and made sure there was enough change and cash then closed it, going and grabbing the brum to sweep.

"Maybe freak yourself out until you become immune to it."

"Hehe, that sounds like I'm just scaring myself hoping to not to be a scaredy cat."

"Yeah. or I could scare you every so often."

I turned and looked up at him now in front me, smiling and holding the now empty box. I giggled and continued what I was doing.

"That wouldn't be nice. Please don't do that."

"Thought I'd offer."

I continued my shift, a couple people came in, I cleaned cages, cleaned the animals, restocked shefts, ordered more stock, and cleaned the store. I finished up my shift then said bye to Mason and left, after getting my stuff. I went over to Mike's car and got into it. He looked at me and smiled then pulled out.

"How was work?"

"The same old."

"So, terrible?"

"I never said that.."

"Ohhh, It must have been, Eli!"

He smiled and I rolled my eyes then smiled.

"Oh, it was."

He started laughing then sighed.

"So, do you want to know who's back?"


"It starts with an A."

"Oh you meant guess..."

"Yeah but only because I know you got this."

"I don't know, Mike... The only person I know that starts with an A is...."

My face burnt up and I quickly looked at Mike. He looked at me and smiled.

"Please tell me you're not joking!!!"


"Alan's really back!"

"Damn, I knew you would be excited but holy shit."

"Uhh, heehee..."

I looked to the side and wiped my hair behind my ear.

"I don't know what came over me."

"Maybe it was that crush from high school coming back to haunt you."

"You don't know that.."

"From that reaction.. I think there's a good chance I'm right."

I crossed my arms and sat there a bit embarrassed.

"Why don't you invite him over or ask him to hangout?"

He parked and got out as well as I did then we both headed inside.

"What!? No. He probably has better things to do."

He looked at me unimpressed and raised his eyebrow at me.

"You haven't seen him since he graduated... three years ago. I think he would make time to see his friend."

"I guess... But I haven't seen him in so long, what if I freeze up when I do?"

"You'll be fine. If you want I can text him for you."

"No. I feel like you're going to text him something weird."

"Me? No. No, I would never."

We got into the elevator.

"How about I ask him if he wants to go to the mall with us? Then you won't be alone with him and see him again."

"I have work... as much as I'd love to see him again.. I'm so busy."

"Hmmm, that's definitely a problem. Maybe ask for a day off?"


"Or we just go before you have to work."

"I'm usually sleeping then."

"One early morning won't hurt."



We left the elevator and he followed me to my room, texting on his phone. I unlocked my door then looked at him.

"Tomorrow at 10:30. It's 11:27 pm right now so... Shit that's too many numbers. "

I looked at his confused face and giggled.

"Shit, I should go home!"

He quickly started to walk away, waving bye to me. I waved bye back then instantly went and got ready for bed, then went to bed.

* *<3* *


Age: 19

Hair colour: Dirty Blonde

Eye colour: Hazel

Height: 6"1"

Fun Fact: Eli was a straight A+ student in Middle and High school

* *

I opened my eyes to my phone ringing, making me grab it and answer it.


"Dude you slept in! It's 10:20!"

I sat up quickly and grabbed my glasses. I got up and started quickly getting dressed.

"Shit! I'll meet you at your car, k?"


He hung up and I got ready, putting my glasses on and quickly ran out of my apartment, locking the door quickly. I got to Mike's car and quickly hopped in, buckling myself in. Mike pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the mall. I sighed and tried to catch my breath.

"Shit... I ran too much."

"Ahh. Need to start working out."

"Noo. I'm not a working out kind of person."

"Same though."

"That's because you just play video games all day."

"Ooh, throwing shade."

I laughed a bit and looked out the window till we got to the mall. We got out of the car and went inside then searched around.

"Hey! You two!"

We looked at Alan, who was with a blonde haired girl. They walked up to us and I felt my face heat up looking at Alan.

"Dude! Your hair's long now."

Alan grabbed a bit of his hair and looked at it as best as he could.

"It's not that long but yeah."

"Ahh, anyways sorry we were late. Someone-"

Mike looked at me and I looked to the side, putting my hands behind my back.

"Woke up late."

"It's not my fault I worked late..."

I looked at Mike and looked back to the side trying not to look at Alan.

"Hm, you have pink hair now, Eli?"

I looked at Alan then looked back to the side.

"Yeah. I started dyeing it maybe a year ago."

"Hate to break this conversation up but who might this lady be?"

I looked over at the chick.

"My name's Heather. I'm Alan's girlfriend."

I squeezed my hand shut and made myself not break down or cry, feeling my heart sink into my chest.

"Oh. Well, nice to meet you Heather."

"Y-yeah... Nice to meet you..."

"So what store are we going to first?"

I avoid making eye contact with Alan even when he would talk. The three of them figured out where we were going and we headed to the store all together. I was beside Alan due to Mike making me. I looked up at Alan from the corner of my eye and saw him staring at me. He smiled at me, making my face warm up again. I smiled quickly then looked away. We got in the store and almost instantly Heather grabbed Alan's hand and pulled him somewhere in the store. Mike and I went to the gaming section and Mike looked at the different headsets.

"Welp, looks like you still like him, Eli."

I crossed my arms and sighed looking at the ground.


"That must sting."

"That he has a girlfriend?"


"Mhm... It does but I already knew he was straight since high school so I can't be that hurt by it."

"Eli, you're allowed to be hurt by it. Yeah, you knew he was straight but you still can't change your feelings."

I looked up at Mike who was now in front of me with his arms out. I hugged him and he hugged me back patting my head.

"It's alright. You'll find someone one day."

He pulled away and looked down at me, smiling.

"We should go find them."

I let go of him and nodded then we walked around till we found them. Heather was talking to another girl, assuming they knew each other. Alan was leaning against the wall with his hands in his black and white sweater pockets. He looked at Mike then Me and smiled then looked at Heather, turning almost annoyed looking.

"I'm going to go get coffee at the Cafe. I'll meet up with you guys at the game store."

"Ooh, if you're going to get coffee, can you get me something?"

I looked at Mike and nodded.

"You two want anything?"

Heather either ignored me or didn't hear me but Alan looked at me then walked next to me.

"I'll just go with you."


We walked out of the store and went to the café.

"Haven't seen you in a long time, huh? How have you been?"

I looked at him in the eyes then looked forward.

"I've been umm well I've um. I-I've been good!"

"Hah, having a hard time there huh? That's fine though, so don't worry."

I looked at him and smiled. He looked at me from the corner of his eye and I once again looked away. We got to the cafe and walked in, going to the cash register.

"What can I get you?"

I looked at the cashier.

"Yeah, can I get two regular coffees?"

"Yep and is that all?"

I looked at Alan.

"Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm good."

"Okay, umm yeah that will be it."

The lady told me the price and I paid then waited for the drinks. Once I got them we both headed to the gaming store.

"Um, Alan?"


"If you weren't getting anything then why did you come with me?"

"Just wanted to spend time with you, since I haven't seen you in so long and Heather can get really bitchy when I hang out with friends in front of her."


"Yeah she's... Kinda a bitch. Hah don't tell her that though."

I giggled to myself and walked into the gaming store, going to the back where Mike and Heather were. Heather looked like she was bored and Mike was looking at games. Heather looked at Alan and sighed in a bitchy way.

"Finally you're back. Ugh, I don't know if I could have lasted any longer with that nerd."

I went over to Mike and handed him his coffee. He turned to me and went to my ear.

"That bitch is so fucking annoying and bitchy..."

I giggled to myself and nodded my head.

"I bet she is."

"Once you two left she went off about other guys. Like what a bitch."

"Dude really?"

"Yeah! I was shocked too."

"YOOO! Mike! Eli!"

We both turned around to see Joy standing there bags around her arms and her arms crossed with a big smile.

"Why'd you guys not tell me you were going shopping. I would have met up with yall earlier."

"We didn't know you were going."

I nodded my head and she looked over at the other two.

"Ooh, I know one of you guys!"

Joy looked at me and made a face towards me, making me look to the side embarrassed.

"Do you?"

"It has to be you babe because I don't hang around girls soo... plastic."

I turned and looked at Heather who was clearly jealous of Joy's chest.

"Hahah! Ooh honey, there ain't anything plastic on my body and yes I was talking about Alan."

"Umm if I may ask, how do you know me?"

"High school. I was friends with someone that had a BIG crush on you."

"Huh, Really?"

"Yeah but I can't tell name's because some things don't change after high school."

"Whoever she is, she's probably really ugly so good thing you're dating me, huh babe?"


He looked to the side and I looked at Joy, she smiled at me then hugged me.

"Ooh, I haven't seen you in so long."

"It's only been a couple of months, Joy."

"Yeah but that's a lot."

"Huh? Where's my hug?"

Joy looked at Mike who looked sad.

"Eli gets a hug because he's like my son."

"I can be your son too, you know."

"Uhh, you being my son would be crazy. You're so loud, and messy, and ugh. Eli on the other hand is nice, and quiet, and clean, and sweet, and the list just continues."

She let go of me and tightened her ponytail.

"I'm not that loud..."

"Ugh fine... I'll give you a hug too, Mike."

She hugged Mike and he smiled hugging her back for a quick second then stopped.

"Jeez, you act like a little kid sometimes."


"Pfft haha! You two are funny."

They both looked at me and Joy grabbed my cheeks.

"Oh my god you're so cute, Eli."

She let go of my cheeks and turned to everyone.

"So what store are we going to next?"

"The makeup store. But I don't think you need, anymore."

"Heather, stop."

"No, If I don't tell her then she'll never get a boyfriend looking like that."

"HAH! I don't need no man."

"Ohh? Are you one of those girls that wants to have like nine cats?"

"I mean If my girlfriend allows me to."


"Joy... You need to stop running off. You know I'm no good with finding people."

"Hehe, sorry Kit but look who I found."

Kit looked at me and Mike and waved.

"Hi you two, anyways we need to go. Work called in, they need me asap."

"Aww okay. Well bye you guys and bratty girl see ya around."

They waved bye then left.

"Wow, who knew they would end up together?"

"I knew."

"Not surprised. Anyways let's head to the makeup store..."

We started going to the next store.

"When did Kit and Joy become a thing?"

"A couple of months back."

"Months?! Damn... I really need to talk to them more, huh?"

"Yeah. Man... I want a relationship like theirs at some point."

"You will, little one. You will."

"Ugh these two were fuckin lesbians. That's so gross."

I looked at Heather shocked.


"Gay people shouldn't live. It's so wrong. Love is between a male and a female."

I looked to the side, feeling like I was going to be sick. Mike patted my back and I looked at him, he was smiling at me mouthing the words "It's not true". I looked at the ground and smiled, nodding my head.

"Heather, just stop please."

"Why? Do you support gays?"

"That doesn't matter at the moment. We're in a public place and with people."

"Ugh fine."

We all got to the makeup store then we all went to the food court and we got food, all of us sitting at a table together. I was sitting next to Alan while Heather was across from him. She was rambling on the phone to one of her friends, kinda annoying me. Mike went to the bathroom.

"I'm going out for a smoke, Babe."


Heather got up and went outside. I looked down at my sandwich and took a bite.

"I'm sorry about her."

I smiled and looked at my hand, putting my sandwich down, swallowing my food.

"It's fine."

I felt a hand under my chin and my head was moved to look at him. He smiled and looked into my eyes. I felt my face get really hot and he pulled me towards him.

"Now you're looking at me."

I looked to the side embarrassed and grabbed his arm gently.

"Hey, come on, I want to see your eyes. I don't see them a lot."

I felt my heartbeat in my ear and I looked at him.

"Your eyes are pretty."

"T-thank you."

He let go of my chin and leaned back into his chair, resting his arms behind his head and sighed. I grabbed my drink and drank it trying not to shake.

"It's been so long since I've been here. I missed it."

I looked over at him and he made eye contact with me.

"Why did you leave?"

"Ughh, it's complicated.. But what I will say is that I didn't want to..."

"Well good thing you're back then!"

He smiled and patted my head.

"You're cute but yeah. That is a good thing."

I stared at him then looked away from him.

"Have you seen your sister at all since you've been back?"

He pulled his hand off my head and I looked down at the table, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"No. I don't even know if she knows I'm back."

I swallowed and looked at Heather coming back then at Alan.

"You should go see her. I'm sure she misses you a lot."

"I hope she does... I miss her."

"Who are you talking about?"

Alan looked at Heather and I also looked at her.

"My sister."

"Oh.. I guess that's fine then."

"Eli, we should probably head out if you're going to make your shift."

I looked over at Mike and I grabbed my stuff and looked towards the other two.

"Alright bye."

"Oh bye guys."