Joshua and Blanchette makes it to the human district.
They are walking through the human district and people begin whispering and staring at Joshua.They also begin whispering about Joshua being a werewolf and that he is accompanying the princess.Joshua notice the whispering and the stares this causes Joshua to look at the ground and walk nervously.
Blanchette: So what should we do first I thought of trying on different outfits at different clothing stores.-said with alot enthusiasm.-
Joshua: Yeah that sounds cool.-said with a sad expression while he looks at the ground.-
Blanchette: Hey ,it's not that bad of an idea.We can do something else if you don't wanna go to clothing stores.-Said as she puffs up her cheeks.-
Joshua: It's not that.-Said as Joshua looks uncomfortable.-
Blanchette then looks around and sees all the residents of the human district is staring at them but mostly at Joshua.
Joshua: Blanchette I don't think I should be here especially because you a princess and you can't be seen alone with tras ...- Said as Joshua tries completing his sentence but Blanchette interrupts him by leaning on him and hooking her arm around his arm as they walk together.-
This causes the residents to get angry expressions on their faces.
Blanchette: Joshua you not trash and who cares what they think.Lets have fun it's our date after all.-said as they continue to walk arm in arm and Joshua stares at Blanchette with a happy expression.-
Later they are in a clothing store and Blanchette is in the dressing room trying on clothes.And Joshua is sitting on a sofa in the store waiting to see what she is wearing.As Joshua is waiting a little kid approaches him .
Kid: Hey mister why does your ears look like that ?
Joshua: I'm a werewolf.-said as Joshua smiles at the kid.-
Kid: My Mom said that Werewolves eat humans ,is that true ?
Joshua scratches his head thinking how he should answer.But then the child's mother comes running towards her kid and grabs her child's arm.
Child's mother: I'm sorry, Please don't eat my child.-said as she begins backing away from Joshua in fear while holding her child by his arm.-
Joshua continues to scratch his head.
Joshua: You don't have to be sorry ...- Joshua tries to complete his sentence but the mother runs out the store with her child in hand.-
Joshua:( That's weird but I won't let it ruin our date.)- Thought as Joshua continues to wait for Blanchette.-
Blanchette exits the dressing room wearing a gold dress.
Joshua: Wow ,you look like royalty.
Blanchette: Ofcourse ,it's because I am royalty.-Said as she poses elegantly while pouting.-
Blanchette tries on different outfits and Joshua has different reactions to each one.Later they exit the store but they bought nothing.Then they enter another store that sells couple outfits.
Blanchette: Joshua we got to try on these outfits.-said as she looks excited.-
Joshua: Okay let's do it.-said as Joshua looks happy.-
The first outfits they try on is a sparkling silver ballroom dress and a sparkling silver ballroom suit.They look in the mirror and then they look at each other like they know what should be done.They begin ballroom dancing causing everyone in the store to look at them like they got a screw loose.The second outfits is Royal Fencing outfits.Blanchette picks up a hanger and then Joshua picks up a hanger.They walk away from each other leaving a space between them.
Blanchette: So we meet again Sir Joshua ,it must be fate.-said as Blanchette swings around her hanger while standing in a fencing stance.-
Joshua: But it is a sad fate for thou Lady Blanchette.-said as Joshua also swings around his hanger while standing in a fencing stance.-
Joshua: Ungaurd Lady Blanchette.-said as he is ready to attack in his fencing stance.-
Blanchette: Ungaurd Sir Joshua.-said as she is also ready to attack in her fencing stance.-
The customers continue to stare at the duo.They charge at each other and begin play fencing while making a alot of noise.Until a store worker approaches them.
Store worker: Can you please refrain from your actions, you guys are disturbing the other customers.
Joshua and Blanchette puts down the hangers while looking embarrassed.
Joshua and Blanchette: Sorry it won't happen again.-said in unison as they look embarrassed.-
The next outfit the couple try on is dress up costume outfits.Blanchette is wearing a full suit of fake armour.And Joshua is wearing a full white horse costume.They look in the mirror then at each other like they know what must be done.
Blanchette: My Name Is Lancelot Kaisen and I'm a royal knight of the Kaizer kingdom.-said as she tries to speak in a deep voice while Joshua is on his hands and knees acting like a horse.-
Blanchette: And this is my Noble steed Concorde.-said with deep voice as she climbs on Joshua's back with a hanger in her hand ,the customers begin staring again and gossiping about the duo.-
Blanchette: And he rides as fast as the wind ,Away Concorde.-said with a deep voice as she points the hanger straight ahead and Joshua begin moving around on his hands and knees.-
This goes on for awhile and the duo is having the time of their lives.Until Joshua runs into a wall stopping him dead in his tracks.The duo looks up slowly and sees it's not a wall but a huge muscular old man who looks like the store owner.
A few moments later the duo has their normal outfits on and is carried outside by their collars by the store owner who drops them outside on their butts.
Store Owner: Don't ever comeback.-said as he enters the store again.-
Joshua and Blanchette dusts themselves off as they get up from the ground.
Joshua: That was fun.-said as Joshua laughs awkwardly.-
Blanchette: Yeah it was ,not at the end though.But I'm kinda hungry.You want to go eat?
Joshua: Yeah let's go. I am starving.-said as they head to a restaurant.-
Meanwhile at the Noble house of Kaizer it is afternoon.Jack and Jessica is laying on a picnic blanket in the garden and eating grapes while looking at the sky.
Jack: Life is really different ,so this is what happiness is like.-said as he stares at the sky.-
Jessica: Life is really good ,I never been so happy before.-said as she scoots closer to Jack.-
Jessica holds the grapes above Jack's mouth.Jack then eats a grape seductively.Causing the couple to laugh.
Sam is walking down the hallway and looks out a window then sees the couple laughing in the garden.She arrives at her room and enters but then she sees Raphael getting up from Julia's bed and buttoning up his shirt about to leave while Julia is putting on her clothes while she is sitting on her bed.
Sam: Gross !!! Were you guys making babies ?- asked as she has a disgusted look on her face.-
Raphael: Hey Sam, I'm gonna go but Julia will answer your question.-said as Raphael walks out the room awkwardly.-
Sam: So what were you guys doing ?- Said as she sits on her bed.-
Julia: No, we were just wrestling a bit.-said as she lays back down on her bed.-
Sam: I know you lying Julia.-said as Sam lays also on her bed .-
This response makes Julia giggle a bit.
Julia: But now I know why they call him the honey badger because his resilience is insane.-said as Julia bites her lip thinking about what happened.-
Sam: Gross ,I don't wanna know that.
Julia giggles at Sam's response.
Sam:( Why is everyone happy except me ,I hope you okay my Prince.)- Thought as she gets a sad expression.-
Julia notice Sam's expression and this causes her to get a sad expression aswell.