Chereads / A Certain Flying Head in MHA / Chapter 74 - Chapter 71

Chapter 74 - Chapter 71

I arrived at my designated classroom. Not batting an eye to the other examinees that followed me like a trail of ducklings, I slide the door open and entered.

I glanced at the whiteboard, looking for a list of names, only to find none.

'I suppose that were allowed to pick our own seats.' I mused. While taking the fabled protagonist seat is tempting, I instead opted for the seat right next to the door. This way, not only would it be easier for the examiner to see that I'm not cheating --Not that I would-- but it would also make it easier for me to leave.

When the other examinees entered, the first person they saw was me. Although some were thankful that they made it in time by following me, there were a few that glared daggers behind my back for some reason or another.

I ignored them of course.

Then at exactly the thirty minutes mark, the proctor arrived. He has blonde straight hair, a pair of safety glasses the colour of magenta, and a vertically-striped, white collared, buttoned-up, long sleeved shirt.

In essence, he looked incredibly plain.

I know that U.A. only hired pro heroes, and that they are required to wear their hero costumes on campus, but isn't this still too plain for a 'costume'?

"Good morning to all of you." He started, his voice also plain and monotone. "I am Pro Hero: Survey and I will be your proctor for the written examinations. Let's not waste any time. Inside your desk is where you will find your test." I looked inside and sure enough, it was there along with other things. "In addition, we have also provided you with extra blank papers and two no.2 pencils. You have three hours to finish all papers encompassing all relevant subjects. There is no extension, whether by days, hours or even seconds. If you don't finish it by noon, then you didn't finish it. Any questions?"

...What do I even say to that?

He swept his gaze across the room to check if anyone was going to say anything. "None?" He took out a large hourglass from behind the podium and flipped it. "Good. Then begin."

Wasting no time, everyone scrambled to start their test.

I began with the subjects that I was confident in. Blazing through English with the help of my previous life, the grammars and sentences were mostly done by instinct.

Japanese was also relatively easy, not only did I live in Japan, but my experiences in studying at a temple school means that I can articulate much better than my peers. Heck, I even used difficult kanji just for fun. Letting my instincts take over again, it was done quite fast.

Art was a suprise. I thought for sure that I had this one in the bag but it's actually more about the artists of the past and their work, rather than making one's art. I struggled at certain parts of it but I wasn't deferred.

Literature was infuriating, to say the least. I kept making mistakes because certain details of multiple works are different. Question like describing about how the author feels during certain paragraphs are easy but making assumptions about what happens next is where I had to play these mostly by guesswork aligned with clichés.

These four subjects lasted me about an hour, fourty.

Next up was science. I initially thought that this one would also be easy to breeze through given that I studied in Academy City, but I was mistaken. There were plenty of parts that were simple enough, true. But the problem lied in other questions that ate up the most time. Not only were these specific questions complex but they were also open-ended. This subject took a little over half an hour.

Keeping up the momentum, I immediately began with maths, which thankfully, while still more difficult than I expected, is a lot more systematic. I thank Kuroko's passion for numbers rubbing off of me because I managed to finish this subject in about twenty minutes.

And finally, History was... Alright, I suppose. Really, the only complaint I have about it is the minimum word requirement.

In the end, I still had a bit of time left to spare after finishing the final question. I spent that time reviewing and revising my previous answers to make sure that I didn't have any mistakes. The test was challenging, even for someone with my education. I couldn't help but lament about the unfortunate fellows who didn't have a similar degree of knowledge that I did.

"Time's up. Pencils down." Declared Survey as he stood from his seat. "Leave your papers on your desks and go out the door in an orderly manner. Next on your schedule is lunch in the cafeteria before your practical examination."

I hummed in acknowledgement and got out of my seat, swiftly leaving behind the classroom. While I listened to the echo of my footsteps, I realised that the other examinees from the other classroom probably didn't know the way to the cafeteria either. So, in another burst of smoke, I released a few more heads and they quickly went off to escort the other examinees.

I was the first to enter the mostly empty cafeteria, not that I minded. I took a tray and went up to greet Lunch Rush. I gave him my request for my meal, waited a little bit before getting my food and sat down in one of the tables.

Only a few bites through my meal and someone came up to me. "Pardon me, is that seat taken?" She gestured towards the seat across from me.

"Help yourself."

She took the seat and- wait isn't this a canon character? What was her name... Yoyo? I can feel her scrutinizing me for some reason.

Externally, I was focusing on my meal but internally, I was wondering about who she is.

"Apologies." She said, cutting through the silence. "I couldn't help but find your features familiar. Are you perhaps Shuzenji of the 177th Judgment branch?"

I paused eating. "Yes? And you are?"

"I would have greeted you sooner if it wasn't for the test." Her eyes sparkled as she clasped her hands. "I am Yaoyorozu Momo of the 003th branch! Otherwise known as the Tokiwadai branch." Her hand shone in rainbow light to reveal a small notebook and a pen. "Would you kindly give me the honour of acquiring your signature?"

Momo, so that was her name. Noted. "Sure." I agreed. "But I don't think that I've done anything to have earned praise."

She energetically slammed both her hands on the table and leaned forward. "Nonsense! The record of cases solved you left behind was historical! The number of lives you saves before graduation was already more than multiple branches combined! Even the stories of how you slinked below proper procedures in order to conduct stealth raids was inspiring! Even our mentors from Anti-skill gave you praise! In addition, your deeds alone have singlehandedly raised Judgment recruitment by a whopping 12.7% percent per district! It's simply astronomical of how many achievements you have under your belt despite being a middle schooler." She noticed that she was leaning too close to me. "Ah! Apologies, that was unbecoming of me." She apologised as she sat back down, blushing in embarrassment.

Well well well, how the turn tables. Who would have thought that a day would come where a canon character became my fan.

"It's fine. Not so loud next time, please." I said while handing her back the notebook and pen, which she graciously accepted. I have a feeling that she knows more than that but the statements she already half-shouted was heard across multiple tables, the murmuring is getting louder by the moment.

'Good bye, peace and quiet.' I sighed internally.

Before anyone else got any bright ideas, I scarfed down the rest of my meal in a hurry --not minding if I looked disgraceful-- and stood up to leave after depositing my tray.

I just realised that I shared an exam with Tokiwadai student. Were the examinees segregated based on our estimated capabilities? Was that why the test was challenging even for someone that studied in Academy City?

Those sort of thought went through my mind as I power-walked to the corridor, opened a window and jumped out. I'll just be spending the rest of lunch break on my phone.


I'm currently standing by, awaiting my turn. The practical exam has already started. Overseen by Present Mic, we are required to race through a three-kilometer long obstacle course in groups of six. To make the process run smoother, we were given numbers and have our times recorded.

With the number '16', I'm on the third batch. Coincidentally, I shared the batch with a canon character, forgot his name though, but his teeth are memorable. After completing the practical portion of the exam, I am allowed to immediately leave for the interview portion.

Which is why I'm standing closer to the starting line than with the other examinees. Unfortunately, this didn't stop other people from coming to me.

"I would like to apologise, again, for ruining your meal..."

"And like I said, it's fine." I said for the upteenth time. "Look, I'm not mad, alright? I just don't bide well with the attention. Everyone here had some sort of achievement under their belt, that's why they got recommended by someone. And don't forget that all of us are also teenagers, we're at that age where we want to prove ourselves. I don't think it would bide well for them if put me up an altar like that."

"I, right... But even so-!"


"And that's my cue." I hummed. "You should get back and prepare for your turn, Yaoyorozu-san. It was nice meeting you."

She was politely asked to step away from the line as the next batch moved up.

"GET READY!" I stood calmly. "ON YOUR MARKS!" My spiritual energy flared. "GO GO GO!" Like a bullet out of a chamber, I flew faster than my other examinees.

The course had many obstacles that hindered the way: Fire, electricity, oil spills, moving walls and plenty others. Not all of them could catch up to me, and those that did, couldn't touch a hair on my head as I've trained my dodging ability ever since I was a child.

Just as the others have barely reached the halfway point, I have already crossed the finish line under the wide eyes of the other participants and the frozen smile plastered on Present Mic's face.

Under their stares, I strode onward to the exit for the next and final portion of the exams. But as I turned my back on everyone else, I couldn't suppress a grin as I basked under their awe and suprise.

Truly, humble bragging is a different kind of satisfying.


In this sparsely filled room, there was table and a few sets of chairs.

Sitting right before me are the panel of judges. The stoic Ectoplasm and the composed guidance councilor, Hound Dog. Normally, granny would be the third person here with us as well, but because we are legally related, she sat this one out. Instead, the one who took her spot is the objectively lax Power Loader.

"Welcome to the final round, the Interview." Ectoplasm looked at the papers neatly placed in front of him. "Shuzenji Kizuki. Quirk... Beam Hydra?" He gazed at me, and then at his colleagues.

Next to him, Power Loader continued. "A hybrid quirk categorised as both a Mutant and Emitter type."

"Mutant? He doesn't look that different." I wordlessly took off my head and placed it on my lap. "Nevermind. Continue."

Power Loader and Hound Dog both briefly chuckled before resuming. "As I was saying. Beam Hydra is a multi-facetted quirk that allows him to create more temporary heads, shoot laser from his eyes, detonate them, as well as exude a dark smoke that can not only hinder vision, but also heal."

"The last facet being the most notable." Said Hound Dog, speaking for the first time. His voice has a bit of a growling undertone. "It says here that the healing aspect came from the fact that your heads were created from the smoke itself. This gave you the idea to manipulate it into essentially 'creating' what was missing or damaged in a patient's body."

"Multi-headed and regeneration? No wonder you went with hydra." Butted in Power Loader.

"Shuzenji-kun, with your capabilities, you would have shined in the stage along the likes of the Pro Hero Mister Blaster. Would you care to elaborate as to why you chose the path of the healer?" Asked Ectoplasm.

My head on my lap, it was easy to stroke the ribbon. "There are already plenty of people who can fight. Whether it was the heroes who appealed in front of the public, or those that lurked in the shadows, someone who can solve a problem with force are already a dime a dozen." Power Loader was nodding along. "On the otherside of the spectrum, support roles have stayed understaffed. I know that a hero who can solve the problem at the roots is an excellent hero. But just because the root cause were solved doesn't mean that the rest of the plant wasn't already affected."

As I finished, they whispered amongst themselves as they organize their opinions.

Hound Dog was writing something down while looking at some papers. "According to your files, there are some concerns of you working multiple over-eight-hour shifts during certain time periods. Despite it being volunteer work, some hospitals have given you an average salary while others have not." He put aside some of his written notes and turned a sharp gaze to my eyes. "Setting aside those for later investigations, I would like to put into question about your motives during the periods of clear, unhealthy amounts of overwork."

"That..." I fell silent as I collected my thoughts. At least they were patient enough to wait a few moments. "...That, was during a certain time when I felt a bit lost." I was having trouble being eloquent about it so I figured to just rip the bandaid off. "I couldn't tell you the full details but, what I can say was that back then, I learned that I couldn't save everyone."

"I see." Intoned Hound Dog.

"And? How did you deal with it?" Pried Ectoplasm. Somehow, looking at his prosthetic legs, I felt as if he was asking more for the sake of his past self.

"Honestly? I..." I mulled over my words as I stroke my ribbon. "I don't think I actually got over it." I hummed in thought ever so slightly. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I already recovered from that kind of state of mind with the help of the people close to me, but like..." I paused, thinking of the right words to use.

The three of them waited patiently, something I'm genuinely grateful for.

"All of it... It's still happened, nothing is gonna change that fact. I just, I guess I just learned to not have it drag me down? I figured that if anything, I should have the experience fuel me instead, if that makes sense?"

"It does, more than you think." Ectoplasm agreed.

"Humu." Hound Dog nodded. "I suppose this is a good way to end this interview." He said as he was organizing the notes he made.

"One last question." Power Loader clasped his hands. "To you, what makes a hero?"

Right... This question.

My mind drifts back through my life, both of them. I've already thought about this question for a long time now. "I believe-"

And the answer for me, yes. It would be that.

"-that a Hero is someone who surpasses all odds, to do what they believe should and must be done, and because it is the right thing to do. I believe that is what makes a true Hero."

And the conclusion I came to: I am a hypocrite.

For I am no Hero.

I am a Youkai.

And I do what I want.

~~~~~~~Short Omake~~~~~~~

Kizuki messaged her to drop by today and so she did. Frankly, Kuroko was looking forward to valentine's day this year.

Because of their busy schedules back in Academy City, not to mention that Tokiwadai doesn't accept visitors, they couldn't really celebrate the event outside of simply sending each chocolates.

Not that they've graduated and live outside of the institutions, they have more free time than they could have imagined.

She's so excited that she couldn't decide what to do for the rest of the day. Should they go out and watch a movie? Or perhaps they should go shopping together? For now, she bought a whole cake to share with her boyfriend, she can figure out what to do after that later on after consulting each other.

So, when she arrived at his house, she took out the spare key from her pocket and went inside.

"Kizuki, I'm here!" She called out but didn't receive an answer. "I bought cake! Where are you?" She called out again. This time, she received a text telling her that he's in his room.

Finding it odd but not unnatural, she left the cake on the kitchen island and went up the stairs. She figured that he was just caught up in another painting of his and he wanted her opinion of it.

She raised a hand to knock on the door but found that it was already open.

She was stunned. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the first sight she saw upon entering.

"Ha-happy valentine's day..." It was her boyfriend laying naked on the bed, wrapped in red ribbons, drizzled with chocolate and embellished with strawberries and whipped cream. He had an embarrassed expression on his furiously blushing face as he shyly couldn't meet her eyes. "I figured you'd like something like this, y-you pervert~♡"

Her throat felt dry and she felt something warm drip from her nose, but it didn't matter. She knew what she was going to do today.

Kuroko teleported out of her clothes and without hesitation, she dove in. Literally.

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