Chereads / A Certain Flying Head in MHA / Chapter 75 - Chapter 72

Chapter 75 - Chapter 72

In a room with a large round table, multiple individuals are shuffling through papers and notes.

"Hitomo Nakanaki." Said one them, as the large floor-to-ceiling screen displayed his information. "He is described as stubborn yet kind, though sometimes bullish and hotheaded. His quirk gives him a minor all-round physical enhancement and allows him to grow at least twice his size." They looked up to the other people and saw how they remind silent. "No one? Moving on."

"Juzo Honenuki." They said. "He is described to have a calm and composed demeanor, and is seen defusing and placating his peers from starting a fight. His quirk-"

"No need." A robust man with lower fangs raised a hand. "I'll be taking that one."

"Very well." They handed over the files, to which was happily accepted. "Let's see... The next one is Shuzenji Kizuki." The screen changed again. "He-"

"I'll take him." A man with unkept hair raised his hand. All eyes look up and glanced into his direction. But the man remained unbothered.

"Denied." A high-pitched voice refuted.

"Excuse me?" The man questions. "I can-"

"This isn't about you, Shota-kun. I do not doubt your skills." Said Nedzu, the smile never leaving his face.

"Then can I ask why you denied my claim?"

Instead of answering, Nedzu referred to the one by the screen. "Please continue, Miyoshino-kun."

"Ahem." Miyoshino cleared their throat. "As I was saying. Shuzenji Kizuki. He was noted to have shadows of issues on his mental and psychological being. Although he has reached a relatively stable state in the recent year barring certain episodes, it is advised to avoid compounding more into problems to his already preexisting issues. In addition, there is an addendum provided by his referral stating that he may or may not periodically experience bouts of apathy and disassociation during stressful situations as a 'fuse-like' mechanism. Furthermore-" Nedzu raised a paw which made them pause.

"As you have just heard, this child wouldn't mesh well with your teaching style. What he needs now isn't a harsh environment, but a supportive one."

"He is applying for the hero course." Eraserhead calmly argued. Despite his gaze remaining dull, there was a certain intensity to them. "He should be working hard, not to be coddled and spoil-" He was whacked on the head. He turned his gaze to the right and saw the old form of Recovery Girl.

"Say another word of mockery and I'll show you what tough coddling is!" She threatened.

"Perhaps you should check over page two, first paragraph and page eight, paragraph one to five of his files." Nedzu suggested under Aizawa's confused eyes.

Everyone watching the exchange followed the suggestion. Those in the know shared glances while some of them that were kept in the dark couldn't help but widen their eyes. Then some started to murmur and others whispered to those next to them.

Present Mic wasn't so subtle.

"The old hag had a grandkid?!" He exclaimed in suprise after only reading the second page before slamming a hand to his mouth. He didn't shout, but compared to the whispering of his peers, it was heard by everyone in the room.

His eyes fearfully turned to Recovery Girl but felt relieved when she only gave a huff.

"Look at how many hours he put into volunteer work." Said a seductive woman in a bodysuit as she pointed out a particular paragraph. "And this! What do you mean he took part in the whole Catastrophic Descent fiasco?!"

"Whoo-wee." Someone whistled in amazement. "Would you look at that. Have you seen his deeds listed in page nine?" He turned to the one seated next to him. "Thirteen, you've been a Judgment before, right? what do you think?"

"I definitely don't think he's someone who takes his duty for granted." Said Thirteen. "You don't get numbers like these just by standing around."

A chuckle sounded out which made everyone pause. They looked up and saw Nedzu with his usual smile, but they also saw the light in his eyes that likes of which are similar to a child who pulled off a successful prank.

"Anything else to add, Shota-kun?" Nedzu sipped his tea.

Eraserhead narrowed his eyes ever so imperceptibly, but then sighed and backed down without another word.

"Wonderful!" Nedzu nodded. "Sekijiro-kun, you should take into your class, I'm sure he'd flourish under your guidance. "

"Alright." Vlad King agreed.

"Splendid! And Ryo-kun, please keep an eye for him!"

"Understood." He gruffly said, not in annoyance, but simply because of his vocal cords.

Recovery Girl cleared her throat and pointedly stared at Nedzu.

"Oh, yes! One more thing! Shuzenji-kun has volunteered to be a provisional healer in school. He'll start during the regular entrance examinations."

A round of mixed silence pervaded.

"What?" Dumbly muttered Present Mic.


"I'll see you later. Have fun." I said as I waved a hand to Kuroko before walked away, feeling a little warm inside as we were wearing each other gifts, she looked cute in that scarf too.

We're going separate ways right off the gate. It's her turn to attend the entrance exam. She didn't accept the recommendation that her father offered her, she said that she wanted to prove herself that she can get in just by her own strength.

I supported her, of course. We've worked together for so long I know she'd ace the exams.

Now, I'm sill standing by the gate. Saten slept in so she hasn't arrived yet and someone still has to escort her to the support department examinations.

With nothing much else to do, I resorted to people-watching. Observing the faces of other people as they view upon the U.A. building for the first time, it made me giggle. I tried not to show much reaction after the first few times someone gave me a weird look but ai couldn't hold it in after witnessing a colorful cast of characters that passed by.

There was a literal brick-headed guy with a blocky frame, a girl that literally cartwheeled through the gates and into the front doors, a guy that wasn't even hiding his main character syndrome, even another guy that was just straight-up crawling on the ground while inspecting the footpath.

I even saw some familiar faces, I think.

It's been so long since I got into this world, I couldn't tell who's a canon character and who isn't. Then again, this is the real world now so some details might be different, like that Momo person being my fan.

'There he is.' My gaze went towards the freckled baby-faced youth. 'The protagonist himself.'

As I watched the 'opening scene' of the boy tripping over nothing and being saved by a girl play out before me, I wondered about how All Might meet this person and whether or not it was a stroke of luck or the correction of fate. And even if it was, what would happen now that the biggest antagonist of his plot is gone. Would he simply carry out the mantle as the next symbol of peace? Or would Izuku Midoriya carve his own path?

My thoughts were broken as Saten arrived running.

I felt intrigued and excited to see the what happened next as I calmly comforted and guided my anxious friend.


The written exams didn't need much of my attention. Since I wasn't one of the proctors, I wasn't allowed to be in the same rooms as any of the test-takers to avoid lending them my aid --Not that I would, other than Kuroko and Saten, I don't have any reason to help them, and my friends are more than capable of passing by their own-- so I pass the time familiarizing myself with the stock of medicine in the clinic instead.

I didn't need to, and I was bored. Using my phone wasn't allowed either as it was against protocol to prevent 'accidentally' leaking answers via text. That, and granny wasn't in the clinic either so I didn't have anyone talk with.

The clock trickled by, and it was now for the more important and anticipated practicals.

It is a mock battle conducted in replica urban settings, meaning that the examinees have to be separated into different battle centers and catered off in buses.

Not me though, I opted to just fly.

As the provisional healer, I have to be on site in case an emergency happens. And since I'm at the age bracket to be a participant, I had to wear a custom capelet granny ordered that I found in the clinic. It's entirely white save for the giant red cross at my back and a small one by my heart. It's nice and warm, just cozy for the chill February winds.

I landed next to the figure of Present Mic who was standing on the rooftop of the observation post where we can see --not very well-- all of the site areas. Present Mic being the spokesperson is an easy guess as to why he's out here but the others teachers are in the monitoring room to observe the test play out, including granny.

Present Mic decided to fill in the silence by making small talk, but it sorta... Fell flat? I am replying as best as I could, why wouldn't I when he's my future teacher? Yet despite the smile on his face it felt like he was walking eggshells around me for some reason.

Weird, but that sounds like a him-problem.


Done with my physical warm-up, I double checked my tigh holsters to make sure my regular needles are all there. Finishing that, I looked down to make sure my shoes are properly tied. I gave a quick glance at the observation post, a tall towering structure at the back, to faintly see a familiar figure in the distance. Then after that I did mental exercises to ease myself.

"AAAND START!" A voice sounded out from the speakers.

As soon as a crack opened on the front gates, I immediately teleported inside. From behind me, I can hear one of the proctors lightly scolding the people that stood still.

I paid those no mind, simply teleporting ahead. Instead, I took down a one-pointer by using the nearby window panes and teleporting them at the base of the robot's limbs, separating them. Afterwards, I went on top of the robot's head to teleported the panels out one by one. I took a few seconds to get a cursory observation of its inner workings and found the main components that make up the machine's primary control processors and power unit. Luckily, they weren't too big, just a little bit smaller than the size of my fist.

I teleported off and did the exact same thing to the two-pointers and three-pointers nearby.

When I had what I needed, I transferred myself to the top of a building. Then, I closed my eyes.

I felt the space around myself, the nuance and shifts. I diligently and thoroughly determined the needed calculations, and then executed it.

All at once, a small mountain of machine components appeared at my side, and multiple robots that were nearby promptly shut down without much fuss.

I picked out a napkin from my pocket and wiped off the dripping blood. I ignored the growing sting of a migraine and teleported to the next section to do the same thing.

When the time struck down to the last two minutes, a colossal robot appeared. The zero-pointer, the area trap, whatever you may want to call it, I wondered if U.A. would get any backlash for using something of this size when the Catastrophic Descent happened recently, or perhaps it's precisely because it happened that it's used was approved?

In any case, the thing is ridiculously large. Even if the components weren't scaled up to its size, it would still take considerable effort to disable it with apportation, especially not with how much I've used my power so far in the last eight minutes.

Seeing everyone turned tail and flee from the sight of the hulking mass of steel, I decided to play the role of a rearguard. If anyone were to be left behind, I can go in and get them out. There isn't anything faster than a teleport so it wouldn't risk their or mine lives. Not that it would, of course, this is a test after all, and even if we did get hurt I know that my adorable boyfriend can nurse me back to health... Wearing a nurse outfit.

'Focus!' I shook off the intrusive thoughts. 'I can think about roleplay later.'

So now until the end of the practicals, I've been teleporting to various points and transferring those that were left behind. By the end of it all, there was a large stain of blood on my napkin.


"I'll go on ahead." I informed Present Mic.

"Sure thing, little listener!" He replied in the same jovial tone. I nodded and flew towards the first site.

I expanded my senses to feel the tumultuous emotions of those among them who were feeling pain and landed close by. They were startled at first, but then they say the symbol etched on the capelet, and vigilance turned to skepticism. Their doubt faded to make way for suprise the injuries of those wounded began to disappear before my cloud.

Eventually, they even began pointing out directions to the other wounded while some carried others directly to me. Fortunately, none of them received any grievous injuries.

Once I was done, I took back into the air and continued my work onto the next site. Granny is already upper end of the ladder in terms of age, so I am the one going around the different locations to heal in her place.

On the fifth site is where the protagonist lies on the ground. His achievement of destroying the zero-pointer is commendable, especially So after seeing the sheer size of it. What isn't commendable however are the injuries he incurred. The severe bruising is something I can help with, but if I used my power to heal him while his broken bones are sprawled about, it would only lead to complications.

"My quirk wouldn't work well with your injuries without an operation and I'm on a time crunch so I'll be having you sent over to Recovery Girl, understand?"

"Y-yes..." He groaned.

I sighed and signalled for a medbot to take him to the clinic where granny's quirk would heal him better than I would.

Proceeding to heal everyone else that needed it and moving on to the next site. It was there where there was another girl who broke a bone but this time, according to her, it was because some jerk didn't watch where he was aiming and she got hurt as a collateral. Worse part is that the blonde guy just scoffed at her.

Similarly, I signal for another medbot to send her to granny.

Moving on, it was to the final site where I went through a bunch of other patients before meeting up with Kuroko. Other than the Migraine from overclocking her brain, she was fine for the most part. So what I did was send her to the clinic anyway so she can take a quick nap. I'd already planned on spoiling her afterwards so we'd be going home together to my place since it's closer.

It took a few minutes but I eventually left along with Kuroko, escorting her and making sure that she's resting. When we arrived at the door of the clinic and entered. Inside was the protagonist laying down on one of the beds, the other girl laying on the bed next to him and finally, granny who was just finishing up on tending to them both.

"Oh?" Her gaze went to Kuroko. "What happened to this one?"

"Just quirk overuse. She be fine after a nap."

"I see." She nodded. "Put the poor girl over here." She motioned to the bed next to the other girl.

"You two alright now?" I asked the other patients as I gently laid Kuroko on the bed, which was a bit difficult. Kuroko's a hugger when she's asleep. Cute, but it's embarrassing in public.

"I'm already fine." Said Izuku Midoriya, with a... Whine? In the undertone of his voice.

"A bit tired, but I'll live." The other girl shrugged.

When I finally managed to gently pry her off, I turned around and saw granny give me a grin. I can feel that she has something in mind, but what?

"Using my quirk can be a bit exhausting on the patients. That's why I'm having the two of you rest for now." She clarified to the other two.

"But I'm not tired. Honest." He said.

"Nonsense! Here, have some gummies." Granny began searching around in her pockets, but found nothing but lint. "Oh! It looks like I've run out of candy. Don't worry, I'll go get some more."

'So that's her game.' I thought, then shared a imperceptible grin of my own. 'Sounds fun.' I pulled the partition curtain on Kuroko's bed and closed it.

"It's fine. I-I really don-"

"You just wait right there. I'll be right back. I just have to run to the store and get some more."

"Wh-?! The store!? But you-"

"It'll be fine! I'll have this young lad escort me!" She pulled my hand and strode on out. Short afterward, in the corridor, she started to cackle and I was giggling. The two of us are gonna enjoy watching the security footage later.

If it went bad, then it's just a cringe video. If it went well, then we helped create a new couple. Either way, we'd only win.

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