Chapter 19 - Subdivision

"Tommy, get your ass up and put your suit on! A meeting has been called!" Purpled yells from somewhere in the house.

He groans as he turns off his phone making sure he got off what he was on.

He's been looking for a way to get blood so he doesn't have to resort to self harm to use his power.

He found a few on the deep dark web but it's mostly stolen ER blood bags and those are messy and he doesn't want to be though as a hospital thief.

Getting up he grabs his bag. Pulling out his suit he gets dressed.

Purpled stitched up the hole in his hoodie and shirt from where he stabbed himself. Purpled gave him a ear full over the matter the whole time.

While taking off the bandages over his still present stab wound he realizes his wings are quite disheveled and unorganized.

It isn't supposed to look like that, isn't it? Maybe if he sees one of the leaders of the syndicate he can ask them if something's wrong with them.

He grabs a roll of bandages from his supply belt.

The wound is healing enough that it doesn't need gauze. It doesn't even really need bandages there mostly for if he hits the stitches and to make sure his shirt doesn't get caught on the stitches.

He puts his hoodie back over his side and heads out of his room.

"Ok I'm dressed Purp!" He calls, looking around for Purpled.

Purpled emerges from the closet and waves three bags.

"Clip these to your utility belt. They contain zombie blood bricks." Purpled orders, tossing the bags over to him.

He catches them.

"How didn't I think of that!" He laughs, clipping the bags to his utility belt.

"Because you weren't thinking of exploiting the government. Zombie blood is in high supply but little demand and the government will happily give it to you without question so they can get rid of it." Purpled explains like a business ED teacher.

He opens a bag to see a big red brick of dried zombie blood. He tests out turning the blood into liquid and it works flawlessly. He puts the blood back into it's spot and drys it.

"That's poggers." He nods, closing the bag.

"Yup, now let's go to that meeting why don't we?" Purpled ushers, going to go hop out the back window.

He follows suit not wanting to be left behind. Purpled and him are running across roof tops soon after.

They get to the meeting.

Everyone is there just like last time.

"Hello Galaxy, Blood you both came just in time. Blood after seeing how you fight and how you interact with villains we have decided to partner you up with Mask, Error, and Hacker." Firefox explains leaving him no room for his opinion.

"I'm being partnered up with people! Why am I just now being told about this?" He sputters surprised and a little nervous at how they made a decision for him without him even knowing about it.

"You aren't the only one just being told about this." Error bites, not wanting to use a sower tone most likely because it isn't his fault.

You should have tested out letting them work side by side first, not to mention told them so they could get to know each other before forcing them to work together!" Purpled snarls mad at the disrespect of their brother.

"We have seen that Blood can work in many different roles and has a similar fighting style to the team. If you don't like the decision you two can happily leave the team." Queen snarles back.

He feels the familiar boiling of his blood Queens comment helping set the flame.

He can see the shadows of the trees twist and turn making a visible representation of his anger. He can see the night sky become like ink steeling away the clouds, stars, and moon. Drenching the forest in only the light of the vibrant glow of red from his eyes and the luminescent attributes of the vigilantes costumes.

The eyes of the vigilantes around him darken as they look at the one that smothered them in the endless darkness.

"Do you just consider me a weak POND! I will not allow you to treat me nor my brother with such little respect. We have just as much power as you. As in chess a pond can become a queen given the opportunity. I will go along with your decision, but you must know you are on even ground with everyone in this group, you are just like everyone else in this group. Have I made myself clear?" He barks, voice monotone, ruff, and scratchy.

He watches as the fox in front of him finally gets a idea of what their messing with. Not a normal human being that's for serration, at lest not any more.

"You have made yourself clear." Firefox gives in to the fear.

"Good!" He chimes as everything goes back to normal.

He suddenly starts to to sway and collapses.

He awakens back in the black castle, but this time sitting on the throne.

He sees someone who looks exactly like Drista, but with white angles wings and a halo as well as a old fancy green cloak with golden accents with the XP emoticon that is on their mask sowed in with gold on the right bottom end of the cloak.

"You finally used that darkness spell again! Prime you should of seen the city! People thought it was the end of the world, and-and Dream started praying to XD to rid them of their curse! Oh it was the funniest thing I have ever seen!" Drista laughs, not stopping for air once while telling the lengthy story.

"Must have been quite funny huh." He humors, liking the little talk even if it's all a dream.

"Yah, Crimson was all excited to see you finally show that your still alive. Prime knows the humans were starting to lose faith." Drista blabbers, spinning around the base of the throne.

For some reason he is not confused by the meaning of the sentence.

"Well now they surely have to know." He giggles mischievously.

Drista repeats the same mischievous giggle.

"Put on your mask and let's go mess with Karl." Drista persuades.

Seemingly out of muscle memory he swipes his hand over his face and suddenly he can feel something on his face.

He guesses it's the mask that who he thinks is Drista was talking about.

He gets up from the throne like he has done so millions of times and walks over to Drista.

Drista giggles and runs out the castle, slamming open the doors in the process.

He walks after them in a steady pace.

Drista steps on a big stone platform on the edge of the flouting island and goes up in a flurry of green dust.

That is the only trace they were there.

He feels hesitant to go on the platform, but his feet drag him onto it. Taking a step onto the platform and all the sudden he is looking at a castle that is the complete opposite of the one he was at.

A castle of chiseled quarters stands in front of of him.

He follows Drista as they run into the castle.

The castle is quite beautiful, but way too bright for his liking. He much prefers the other castle.

He continues to follow Drista till he suddenly sees TimeKeeper.

Why the heck would he dream of TimeKeeper andDrista.

"Karl, guess who I brought!" Drista teases, poking and prodding at TimeKeeper.

"Is it another angle?" TimeKeeper asks, responding to the name.

"Nope, a actual god this time!" Drista chimes, spinning to look at him.

Karl does the same thing eyes widening when they see him.

"Isn't that the god of darkness Theseus!" Karl gasps, looking at Drista.

"I indeed am." He informs, giving Karl a soft smile even if they can not see it.

Karl snaps their head back at him.

"Why do you sound- familiar?" Karl questions, tilting their head.

"I do not know." He lies easily and softly.

Even in his dream he still doesn't feel like giving out important information if it isn't in his benefit to do so.

"It may perhaps be the voice of a mortal you have meet." He offers to give Karl some reinsurance.

Wait, back track a little bit. Did Karl call him the god of darkness? What kind of dream?

 "Come on Theseus, let's help Karl out with finding the next place to travel." Drista says, dragging him somewhere.

"Perhaps we can send him to the ballroom waltz." He recommends, walking with Drista and Karl.

"Like the dance of the gods and mortals?" Drista asks, looking at him.

"Exactly that one. It would be a nice refresher for them, and they can learn about how us gods and mortals used to coexist in the times of old." He persuades, unknowing of where he is getting the information from.

"It's a wonderful idea!" Drista cheers, looking over to Karl.

"Well I have to go now." He says as his eyes flutter closed.

He awakens in his bed.

Looking around he sees Purpled is placing subway surfers like they always do, over on the other side of the bed.

"What happened." He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"You fainted after using what we presume is a second power." Purpled explains, still not looking up at him.

"That part is a bit fuzzy." He sighs, stretching out his arms.

He sees ruins around his for arms as if he's a statue of stone. They twist and turn like worms crawling across his skin. Slithering down to his hands. Then suddenly they're no more. Only two red and green vine bracelet tattoos are left upon his wrist.

He flutters his eyes open and shut looking at the tattoos.

"Purpled is it just me or do I now have tattoos on my wrists?" He asks, bewildered by the predicament.

Purpled looks up and makes the same bewildered expression when they look at the tattoos.

"Did you get that from using the new power?" Purpled asks, setting their phone down.

"I don't know, all I know is I a didn't have these tattoos before passing out." He cry's, pulling off his hoodie that got all scrunched up in his sleep.

"We'll have to see if they do anything." Purpled says, taking one of his arms to heft a better look at the tattoos.

Purpled spins his arm to get a better look at the whole tattoo.

It's the red vine tattoo that their looking at.

"This one looks a lot like the blood vines." Purpled comments.

"Does it?" He questions, looking at the tattoo.

It looks a creepily lot like the blood vines. Blood vines is what he heard people call the strange red vines all over L'manburg and from what he heard the Badlands as well.

He brings the arm with the green vines closer to his face.

It's a lime green color. A lot if not the same green Dream and Drista wear.

 The vines twist around a Ender eye. The eye looks so real it's hard to think it wasn't done by a perfesional.

Though he doesn't know where he got the tattoo from so he can't really give praise to the artist.

"This is quite the weird occurrence." Purpled comments, getting up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" He questions.

"My office to try and figure out what could of given you the mystery tattoos and what they could mean." Purpled explains, walking to the door.

"You like just said it could be using that new power of mine." He deadpans.

"I said it could, not that it was." Purpled reply's, leaving the room.

"Prick." He mutters to himself, laying back down.

A piglin, avian, and zombie freak out on one side of the city.

A time traveler and dreamon talk about a god.

A demon, cat, and demand laugh in excitement underneath the earth.