Chereads / Don't Tell the Stars (GL) / Chapter 33 - Chapter 33. Quid pro quo

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33. Quid pro quo

The icy atmosphere that hung in the air seemed to penetrate to the bone.

One glance of this man, colder than an iceberg, was enough to make the arrogant heir of the ducal family lose all his arrogance. Just a moment ago, Michel shouted and spewed curses like a madman, but now he obediently froze. Even Hannes was surprised by this sudden change and slowly lowered him to the ground.

Sapphire eyes, the same as Remesis', took in the whole picture in an instant. Then in an even voice, Duke Carter uttered:

— I ask, what is going on here?

At the noise that rose in the Imperial Garden, all the members of the council fled without exaggeration. The frozen stone faces of the esteemed persons stared at the children who had just mercilessly beaten each other up. Although each of them had no less influence, it was the Grand Duke who was to be feared.

His tightly compressed lips and fierce gaze said it all without words. Michael Carter was furious.

— O-o-t-e-z,» Michael pronounced one letter after another, as if he had lost the ability to speak.

Remesis, who was lying on the ground in a semi-fainting state, also froze. Although she was on the verge of losing consciousness, the painful shock had dulled for a while. The man with dark hair the color of the night sky and gem-like eyes waited a long time for an answer to his question. But both of his children were afraid to open their mouths.

Finally, holding back his emotions, the Grand Duke of the Nadal Empire slowly turned to the chancellor.

— Chancellor, there is no excuse for this incident. I offer my deepest apologies for my son's unworthy behavior.

Gregory Ardelio clicked his tongue. Opening the flaps of his exquisitely embroidered robe, the first minister of the empire was not afraid to look this cold man straight in the face.

— Your Lordship, do you realize that this kind of behavior is simply unacceptable? — The official said angrily, ''Do you think that the Imperial Palace is a street where you can start fights? Is this how you raised your son?

Listening to the Chancellor's lecture, Michael pressed his lips even tighter together. Meanwhile, Michael was growing paler and paler, merging into the columns that held up the structure of the greenhouse.

— It is my son's first time in the palace and he doesn't know how to behave, — the Duke replied with restraint, — Although I had previously familiarized him with the rules of behavior in the palace, I didn't think that something like this would happen. This is my mistake. Michel will definitely be punished for his misdemeanor.

But the First Minister was hardly satisfied with this assurance.

Fighting on the grounds of the Imperial Palace, especially in the heart of the central block, where order and discipline were always strictly enforced, was simply a blatant case. Not only that, these children dared to raise a ruckus and attract everyone's attention. If the offspring of ordinary nobles did so, they and their parents would be held seriously responsible. Up to and including criminal punishment.

But what stopped the chancellor from immediately passing judgment was the fact that the participants in the fight were not ordinary children by an incredible coincidence. A young man, heir to a powerful ducal family, and a girl who had recently received a royal title. Even if it really meant nothing, the chancellor still couldn't punish royalty on his own initiative, without the emperor's permission. And Gregory Ardelio certainly didn't want such vile news to reach the sovereign, who was not in the best of health.

The tense pause continued to drag on. All the members of the council could not return to their duties and watched what was happening.

It was quite embarrassing.

But most annoyed of all was Duke Carter, whose son had caused such an embarrassment. Even though his daughter had gone to another family and he was no longer formally responsible for her, Michelle was still in his care. Which meant his actions reflected on the entire family.


The man cleared his throat.

— Michelle Carter.

Remesis furtively glanced at her brother, he flinched and slowly took a step in that direction. Once beside her father, the duke ordered indifferently:

— Apologize to the Council members and Chancellor Ardelio immediately.

— …

— Kneel down on your knees. Quickly!

No one noticed this, but the boy's eyes became moist for just a moment. Nevertheless, he quickly dealt with his emotions and slowly lowered himself as his father commanded.

— Michelle Carter deeply apologizes to the great lords and the great chancellor,» the teenager's voice trembled, «I am very… Very… Very sorry!

Michel pressed his forehead to the ground.

There was silence, during which the gathered people silently looked at each other.


— Okay, what's the big deal,» the man in the robe spoke first after a pause, «Everyone at this age makes mistakes. We should be more lenient. A boy makes a mistake, it's no big deal.

Almost immediately there were voices of approval.

— You are right, Your Eminence! — exclaimed from the crowd.

— Your Eminence is truly wise. He sees and understands more than the rest of us.

«His Eminence…?»

Only now did Remesis realize who this man was. A tall man with hawk-like features that made him look like a bird of prey. The rich floors of his blue robe were embroidered with astrological symbols and gold patterns. And why hadn't she noticed this before? The girl caught on late when she realized that the head of the astrological order had been beside her all this time.

The Supreme Astrologer had a friendly smile on his face, which nevertheless smelled cold. Behind his back stood Liana. The girl had a pale expression on her face and guiltily slouched in place. It seemed that she wanted to do or say something, but her father's presence prevented her from doing so. Halias Daehsin ignored Remesis' presence and didn't even look in her direction as if she wasn't here.

— In that case, can we consider the incident over? — The man summarized with a smile, folding his hands behind his back.

Gregory Ardelio looked at him tensely and sighed. Since the Supreme Astrologer himself had intervened, there was really no other choice but to leave this situation. Halias Alseid's authority was undeniable, and at times his influence was even compared to the Emperor. To get into any kind of altercation with such a man was the height of imprudence.

The Chancellor looked first at Remesis and then at Michel with a searching gaze, and then humbly covered his eyes, looking defeated. After all, a childish fight was not such a good reason to keep so many respectable people waiting.

— In that case, let's go back,» he finally agreed.

There were murmurs of approval. Many cast unassuming glances at the girl, who looked like a shabby rag doll.

Duke Carter ruthlessly turned around and left first, without even glancing at his son. The boy, who had become like a lifeless corpse in the last ten minutes, rose from his knees and rushed after his father. The rest of the council reached for them. Before returning to the hall, the chancellor paused for a moment and threw:

— Your Highness, you are excused from today's meeting. Heal your wounds.

He withdrew. But Remesis doubted that there was any real concern in his offer. Rather, the First Minister simply didn't want to stain the grand assembly hall with her blood. The girl hummed as she tried to stand up.


She fell back down, feeling extremely dizzy. Hannes was immediately at her side and easily lifted her into his arms.

— Your Highness, let me help you,» he said worriedly as the tiny body collapsed helplessly in his arms, «That asshole…» the knight hissed, «How dare he raise his hand on you! If I had gotten that spoiled boy, I would have…

The knight continued throwing mud at the Duke's successor, regretting that he couldn't hit him properly, even though he was a child. But Remesis didn't have the energy to listen to it. Though she was glad that at least Hannes had stood up for her.

— Let's just go back…» she muttered weakly, resting her head on his broad shoulder, «I want to sleep…

The commander had to comply, and he reluctantly wandered towards their palace. He couldn't even look at his little mistress, he felt so sorry for her. The knight, who had never encountered the children of aristocrats before, thought, are they all so rotten? Or was it only the princess who was unlucky enough to have relatives? In any case, he knew one thing for sure: this boy was a complete scoundrel!

Remesis smiled as she listened to his grumblings.

She soon fell asleep in his arms, and it seemed to her that the knight's sincere worries made her pain a little less.


In the evening of the same day, Liana Daehsin came to her palace.

Remezis met her guest lying in bed, as it was difficult for her to get up. But the heiress of the astrological order was not deterred by this, and she quietly entered the room, pulling a chair closer to the bed. She had brought with her a first aid kit with many medicines.

Remesis, who was feeling a little better by the end of the day, at least able to see clearly in front of her, looked skeptically at her only visitor. In front of her was the slim profile of the young head of the Order, who had inherited her father's hawkish features a bit. The girl looked peaceful as she sliced an apple for her.

— The medicine can be bitter, but if you nibble on this, it won't be as nasty,» she advised.


— I know what I'm talking about,» the noblewoman continued nonchalantly, «My sister is also better at eating apples with medicine when she's sick.

Remesis frowned.

— What does this have to do with me and your sister?

— Well… You're about the same age. And children that age usually like sweets, don't they?

Remesis squinted, not sure where she belonged in this chain of apples, Gardenia, and children who liked sweets.

— In that case, take care of your sister. Why did you come here? — The girl asked, the last thing she wanted to do on a day like this was to waste energy in the company of this person.

— Well, you looked pretty bad,» Liana smiled, «Why don't I come visit you, since we know each other?

— So you're here because I'm an acquaintance?

— Not only that. We're practically family.

Remesis wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the words. She'd seen Remesis's older brother trying to cut her up into a sieve, not caring that they came from the same womb. And Katrina, in his place, would also, on the grand occasion, have paid no mind to their kinship. Only Liana kept clinging to the so-called 'family'.

— In that case, why didn't you visit Michel instead of me? He's your brother-in-law too.

Cutting apples into neat slices, the young head did not hesitate to answer.

— I suppose your brother has someone to take care of him. But I'm not so sure about you.

— I have Hannes,» the girl said stubbornly.

— So your knight knows how to take care of a sick man? Does he know how to treat wounds? — The girl began to attack her with arguments that could not be refuted. Hannes was indeed not the best candidate for the role of a nurse.

Remesis sighed heavily. It seemed to her that she was wasting her energy in continuing this argument. The girl silently opened and closed her mouth like a fish, realizing that she couldn't get away with it.

Just at that time Liana finished all the preparations and scooped out a teaspoon of the blue-black medicine, which looked more like a poison than a healing potion. The young head smiled her snow-white smile, putting that one on edge.

— Come on, say ah.

The girl moaned softly.

In the end, she had to swallow the slurry, and ate it with an apple. After that, the girl started applying ointment to her bruises. By the way, despite the initially horrible sight, it turned out to be not so bad. After all, the physical strength of the teenager and the adult woman who had beaten her in Araken Village last time were clearly different.

Reflecting on that, Remesis hummed. «I've been beaten two whole times recently… I wonder if I'll live to see my twentieth birthday this time.» Any way you look at it, already two of her lives had drastic changes. The girl could only hope that it wouldn't lead to anything worse.

As Liana treated her abrasions with alcohol, Remesis stoically endured the pain and didn't even shriek once. The young head of the Order was surprised, for a normal child in her place would have sobbed a long time ago. But not a muscle on the girl's face did not flinch.

— Aren't you hurt? — she asked.

The girl shook her head.

«Why should I be hurt? I finally got to teach that asshole a lesson. Hopefully, after my bites, he'll at least have a few scars left…»

Remesis was really feeling it. All the pain from the aftermath of the fight was offset by the triumph of being able to fight back against her older brother for the first time. Perhaps all of her current pain was worth it. The girl was quite happy with today.

But at the same time she was a little surprised. Duke Carter had behaved unusually strictly with Michel today. Though he usually allowed his favorite heir everything, and Remesis hadn't seen him scold him even once. Perhaps because this time the incident involving him had taken place on the palace grounds? It appeared that even the infinite patience of a man as cold-blooded as Michael Carter had its limits.

As Remesis was distracted in her thoughts, an unexpected action on Liana Dehsin's part brought her back to reality. The girl's emerald eyes suddenly moved a little closer to her.

Remesis tensed involuntarily, not realizing what this was about.

— I'm sorry I didn't approach you right away,» she apologized sincerely.

Remesis stared at her.

— It's because of my father,» she said, «If I had helped you in front of everyone, I'm afraid we wouldn't have seen each other again.

The girl shrugged her shoulders. She wondered why Liana was even making excuses to her for this. The Supreme Astrologer's dislike of her was certainly no revelation. In fact, Remesis didn't really care about it.

— His Eminence may be right,» she said, «For the sake of the common good, we'd better not cross paths again.

Remesis said it half-heartedly. After all, Liana was the successor to her family, and associating with someone like Remesis clearly didn't bode well for her. Even in her previous life, rumors had reached her that Halias Dehsin was a man of an extremely categorical outlook. And he had an unequivocal attitude towards those who were not favored by the stars. So the man obviously wouldn't leave such contacts to his daughter for nothing.

But hearing her words, Liana grinned disappointedly.

— So you're chasing me away after I helped you?

— I am truly grateful for your help, Lady Daehsin,» the girl mumbled, «So, after accepting my gratitude, you may leave. I can't give you anything more.

The young head laughed softly.

— I really don't.

— What?

— If you're really grateful, you can do something for me. You haven't forgotten, have you? For that day in the city, you owe me too.

Remesis gritted her teeth. «As you'd expect from this gang of space charlatans. Total hypocrites!» — The girl thought angrily. Even though Liana said she was doing all this out of the goodness of her heart, in reality she had written it all off as duty. Remesis was angry, after all, she hadn't signed up for this, but there was no way out.

— What do you want? I don't have any money,» she said at once.

Liana Daehsin grinned as she suddenly put her hand on the headboard of the bed and hovered over her. Remesis, who had not expected such a turn, became flustered.

— And I'm eight years old,» she squeaked extra just in case.

The girl laughed.

— What are you thinking about? — The young head asked innocently, «I don't need money or anything else from you. Just your time,» she added with a smile.


But those words only made Remesis even more wary.