Chapter 9 - Death

They were shocked to their core as the scene unfold before them.Bethany held her face as she stood frozen as she stood there as unable to do anything for now.

Margret was boiling with rage as she looked at her she knew Bethany had broken Natasha hand she walked forward in anger as she began strangling bethany neck.The maids were unable to do anything since later the wrath will fall on them also.

"You!! if you hate your family so much then you should leave!! why causing pain in here?!!"Margret continued strangling her which made Bethany lose breath little she tried freeing herself from Margret grip on her neck but she couldn't she was at the verge of dieing.

"If you want to kill us here I wouldn't let you!! you hate us so much fine I get it but trying to get your sister killed and broke her hand I wouldn't take that!!!"Margret continued strangling bethany neck making her eyes wide as she struggled for her life in the process.

Bethany was at the point of dieing here she didn't want to die yet but she knew she had to say her last prayer now.

She was losing her breath already her eyes were closing slowly by its own she tried to keep them open but she couldn't help it her time has come she had to accept her cruel fate already.A tear fell from her eyes as she saw her her death on its way she couldn't fight death so she gave up already her eyes closed as her body fell limp on its own.

She's dead!

She's dead!

She's dead!

They all fell frozen at the sight before them the maids all came as the saw what happened before Bethany death they all went to call their boss Margret husband but found out he wasn't in the house anymore he left before the scenes unfolded.

So the maids rushed back to stop the fight only to see margret standing there on her own as Bethany body was seen there lifeless.

Margret killed Bethany!

The maids exclaimed in shock their faces pale.Natasha was seen coming from her room with tears all over her eyes but her tears stopped as she saw her mother standing alone as she saw Bethany lying on the floor.

Confused Natasha walked to her mother receiving glares from the maids she brush past them and stood in front of her mother.


"She's dead"

"What who mother?"Natasha asked confused.

"Bethany is dead"


Natasha screamed as her face suddenly turn pale and her body weak.She shivered goosebumps on her skin she turned around only to find out bethany wasn't breathing at all.She looked at her mother to ask what happened but her mother head was down.

"Mom you killed Bethany? is it true?"Margret had her face down so Natasha didn't need someone to explain it already she already knew the answer to her questions.

But the answer was how?

"But how?and why?"Natasha knew Bethany wouldn't give up like that unless they didn't treat her well she knew Bethany must have fought for her life in the process but couldn't take it anymore then she gave up.

"What happened here?"Natasha didn't mind her broken arm anymore but she was more concerned about Bethany life for the first time she felt miserable.

"We don't really know because we all went down to call the boss but when we come back we discovered she was dead"One of the maids said her voice shaken.

"My mom killed her right?"Natasha didn't want to hear it but she had to.

"I think the answer is a yes"The maids answered in unison making Natasha turn to face her mother in anger and began venting everything at her.

"How could you do this?!! why did you kill her?!! I know you didn't like her but why did you have to kill her mother!!! we all agreed on this right?!!"

She went on,"But you still did and you killed her?!! don't you think about what will happen if you killed her but you still did!!!...Mom you shouldn't have killed her she did us no wrong now look at what you've done!! Bethany is dead!!!"

Natasha didn't care about the fact that she was talking to her Margret her mom she didn't hold the god damn respect anymore.

"I'm sorry"Tears fell from Margret eyes she didn't know what came over her when strangling bethany neck.

"No your sorry isn't need anymore!!!"Natasha yelled at her.

"I said your sorry isn't needed here!!!"Natasha screamed at her making those present there to be surprised at the turn of events.

"What do want me to do then?!!"Margret yelled at her daughter.

"There's nothing you can do see..."she pointed Bethany dead body at her.

"I didn't know what came over me"Margret said with no emotion in them.

"But you always wanted her dead? Natasha asked but she knew her mother won't say it.

"We have to dispose the body"She heard her mother say.

"How heartless can you be?!"Natasha was finding it hard to believe what are mother was saying.

"We have no choice?!!!"Margret said.

"No I disagree with you on this one"Natasha backed out which surprised Margret.


"You don't even feel any remorseful at all Margret"This time Natasha used her name.

"What did you just call me?"Margret hoped her daughter hasn't changed.

"Margret isn't that your name"Natasha asked.

"Didn't you think it's mother"Margret said.

"A mother who murdered a family"Natasha said but she stop she went on"Yeah that's the name I'll give you"


"Your a disgrace to womanhood"Natasha just dropped a bomb on her.

"I did it to protect you"

"So you think protecting me is by killing her?"Natasha scoff at that.

"I meant no harm to you"Margret felt drained emotionally and physically.

"Are you really my mother?"

"What...?"Margret said shocked at what she heard from natasha.

"You don't have ear problem do you...?"Natasha asked.

"What do you mean"

"Your wicked!!! you killed her don't you feel ashamed of what you have done? or even remorseful"Natasha asked.

"We don't have time for this"Margret said.

"Then deal with it by yourself am out"Natasha said as walked out leaving margret suffering in her misery.