Chereads / My Flash Marriage / Chapter 4 - Chapter 3 : A proposal in disguise.

Chapter 4 - Chapter 3 : A proposal in disguise.

Third person point of view

The next morning, Aaron quickly did his things, dressed up in a casual suit and styled his hair. He went to have breakfast and saw his grandfather drinking coffee. " Good morning ". Aaron greeted and his grandfather also did. " Good morning ". Aaron gave a small smile and sat down. His breakfast was served and he had it while scrolling through the news on his phone.

He was done with it and got up to leave. " Bye grandpa ". His grandfather nodded. Aaron walked out and went to the car. The driver opened the door and closed it once he sat in properly. The driver then got in and drove out. Aaron took out his phone and once again looked for the news. It looked like no one said anything.

There was no sign of the wedding anywhere. It was as if it never happened. He put his phone away and watched the world through his window. The sky looked way too anxiously clear. He gulped wondering if something else was going to happen. He decided to not think of anything negative and jinx himself. He started gaslighting himself that it was going to be okay.

They reached the house and he got out of the car quickly before anyone could open the door for him. He closed the door and walked ahead. The car drove away to park. Aaron walked to the door and was about to ring the bell. But it opened before he could. He stood back a little surprised. He saw a lady standing on the other side.

" Please come in ". " Thank you ". Aaron walked in and the lady led him to the living room. He saw David along with some other man sitting on the couch. The two of them stood up and greeted Aaron. " Hello. I am Ethan, Cecil's older brother ". Aaron nodded. He then remembered seeing him the previous day.

He did think Ethan looked a little similar to Cecil and probably was around his own age. He sat down on the chair. David still looked troubled. " So, what did you want to meet me for ? " David asked. Aaron gulped and glanced at the both of them. " Are you willing to agree to the marriage that took place ? I am thinking about taking responsibility for it ".

David and Ethan froze at his words. Aaron pursed his lips waiting for them to say something. David didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth and closed it. He opened it again. " Are you talking about what happened yesterday and to take it as marriage ? " Aaron nodded. " Well... not exactly but if you accept us, we can hold a proper wedding with both the families together ".

David sat back thinking about it. They all sat in silence. They heard footsteps and saw Cecil walk in. Cecil stopped in his tracks when all of them turned to him at once. He was in pajamas as he was at home and woke up not too long ago. He noticed Aaron and his eyebrows shot up. He felt a little self conscious too and took his hands out of the pockets.

" Can I talk to him ? " Aaron asked turning to David. David nodded. Aaron got up and went to stand in front of Cecil. Cecil stood in place. Aaron raised an eyebrow. Cecil blinked and walked from there. Aaron followed him and they entered a bedroom. Cecil closed the door. He dragged his desk chair for Aaron to sit. He sat down at the edge of the bed.

" What are you doing here ? " Cecil asked pulling his legs up. Aaron looked at him with a sharp gaze. " Didn't you ask to consider the marriage ? I came to talk about that ". Cecil sneered. " Tell me the truth ". He said but Aaron didn't speak. Cecil saw the deadpan expression on Aaron's face. His own face dropped. " You're kidding me ".

" I don't think we are in a situation to actually joke about such a thing ". Aaron said monotonously. It was Cecil's turn to be stunned. He would agree that he spit that nonsense in a moment of desperation but to think it was going to come out true when completely in his right mind; he couldn't take it. He really didn't expect this.

His eyebrows knitted together. " Why ? You said you wouldn't not even 24 hours ago ". " I never said I wouldn't. I only asked why ". Aaron said with a straight face. Cecil scoffed at those words. He gave a smirk. " So what made you change your mind so quickly when you didn't find that reason yesterday ? " Cecil asked leaning forward.

Aaron also leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. " I had a dream last night. In that dream, I was told to marry you to become lucky and my fortune will all increase in multiple fold ". Cecil's smirk dropped. " Give me that kind of bullshit again and I will seriously beat you up ". It was Aaron's turn to smirk.

" You think you can ? " Cecil's jaw clenched. He suddenly had a thought cross his mind and he observed Aaron's face. He sat back, his smirk growing again. " Looking how you came here first thing in the morning to talk about it... there is something for sure ". Aaron didn't expect Cecil to catch up this quickly.

" Now Mr. Knight, I would appreciate you telling me the real reason behind your visit ". Aaron let out a huff. He sat back in the chair looking at home. He told Cecil what his grandfather told him. Cecil was shocked. " Do people still do that kind of things ? " " I don't think you should be saying that ". Aaron bit back and Cecil looked away with pursed lips. " Ouch ". Aaron was right though.

Cecil really didn't have any comments on that now. Aaron resumed speaking. " It is not like we have to stay together forever. Only till I get the inheritance. My birthday is four months away. If we act well and make them believe that we are real, I can get what I want. As for you, I will do anything I can to help you with whatever you want. Plus you can escape this situation too ".

Cecil's eyebrows shot up. That was quite a tempting offer. The oh so great Aaron Knight just told him he would do anything as long as he says the word if he has something he wants. He rubbed his chin and gave it a serious thought. He wasn't particularly in need of any help. Everything in his life was perfectly fine until this whole marriage thing happened.

He did not even get to sleep well as he was worried about the families reconciling and setting another date saying everything was fine. So like Aaron mentioned... wouldn't this new marriage proposal free him from his father's antics ? He will be also to escape from this topic of marriage as a whole too.

He will also get time to actually do something about it during or after those few months. He raised an eyebrow. This was no strings attached anyway and once he is done... He let out a breath. Well about the future, he can deal when it comes. For now, to him getting out of this was the top priority.