They leave these for all the slaves to prepare them. A shiver runs down my spine at Alarik words. I stare at the lingerie.
Listen i won'tbe your sex slave...
Good that's the last thing i want you to be.....he said.
Alarikgathers all the tiniest most degrading piece of clothing and throws them away.
He carefully.selsects three pyjamas with a decent amount of fabric and hands them to Beauty.
Here change .....he said.
That's it? Just Change?!
Unless u want to sleep In a ripped charred
Ball gown. He teased. We're staying here for
The night. Just to be low nothing more.
Oh, why didn't you sag it sooner ?
I thought it was implied.....he replied.
Well it wasn't i really thought for a second
there....she trailed.
This is the only place Xander won't come looking
He knows how much i hate it in here. Alarik turns
around to look at the room in disgust. Then
He gestured towards the pyjamas in my hands.
Change Beauty that's an order. Worst than I was moments ago....I turn the pyjamas over In my hands.
Which should I wear...I asked.
Just pick the ones you feel most yourself in....
The most myself in...No one ever asked me to do
That before.
Well I'm asking you now...his stern expression
softens to something kind. Choosing the red
pyjamas Alarik turns his back while Beauty change
when she looks at herself in the mirror her breath nearly catches. The crimson hug her curves accentuating her best features. So do you like
it....he asked.
Yeah. The word leaves Beauty mouth almost automatically. She turn to catch the curl of a
smile on his face. I mean I don't know you tell
me. He turns to face Beauty. All of his composure
is wiped of the second he sees her.
Wow. Beauty you look.....
He takes his time loo king me up and down his
mouth slightly parted.
You chose well....he said.
Tearing her eyes away from Alarik I bend down to fat her up my discarded gown. Wait what's this.
I freeze when Alarik brushes his hand over my lower
back where a violet burn scar multilates my flesh
That's just an old scar ...I replied. It'smuch deeper than your other injuries. What happened. He asked demandingly.