Amidst the opulent halls of the palace, a marriage unfolded that defied all expectations. The union of Princess Helena and Beelzebub, who humorously preferred to go by the name Nimrod, left witnesses in a state of awe and intrigue. Whispers, a curious blend of praise and skepticism, flowed through the servants and royal guards, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the event.
In the dreams of girls around the world, weddings are a vision of splendor, bedecked with flowers at every turn, surrounded by loved ones. Vows are solemnly spoken, pledges of unwavering fidelity, promising to endure until the end of days. Yet, for Princess Helena, reality took a different course. She emerged from her chambers clad in attire far from the expected regal splendor. Deliberately donning the humble garb she had borrowed from her maid, she bore the puffy eyes of one who had wept, refusing the artifice of makeup despite the entreaties of those around her.