"Oh shit! Oh shit!" A young boy runs frantically through the forest. Cursing the gods and their mothers.
The reason he's running are the 6 goblins chasing him. Their intentions are to tear him apart and feed him to their family.
It's not the boy's fault he ended up in this situation. He just suddenly woke up under a tree and discovered he had been transmigrated to another world.
"Dammit! I wish I had my gun..." The boy curses.
The boy's name is Zeldris and he used to be a gangster.
He lived his life on the edge. Constantly courting death in schemes and fights. Thanks to his naturally sharp mind, he managed to become one of the top executives of a gang.
However he died an untimely death, when his own woman stabbed him in the heart. His sweet one and only wife. How could she?!
The answer was simple. She found out he had been cheating on her for years. With multiple different women at that.
This caused her to lose her mind and stab him in a fit of rage. Then she stabbed herself...
Zeldris always knew his sweet wife had some screws loose. But her caring and innocence still made him fall in love with her. It's just that his love for women and booze was stronger.
Hence he proceeded to cheat away.
Turns out she was a complete pshyco underneath...
Truly unexpected!
*Haah* *Haah* Zeldris starts getting tired. He quickly glances back and sees the team of goblins still on him.
Clenching his fists in anger, he continues running for his life.
Soon he comes upon a cliff. A quite steep one at that, around 50 meters down.
Looking back at the goblins, these horrendously ugly creatures are coming at him with the wrath of one thousand scorned women. Their teeth bared in frenzied excitement.
Zeldris, with a stern face, quickly makes a decision.
"Fuck it." He turns back to the cliff and jumps off.
Aiming to slow his fall by landing on a tree and using it's branches to break his fall.
He misses the tree entirely...
Zeldris swims for his life. Luckily there was a camoflaged, small, but deep pond just where he landed. Kissing the earth at the speed he was going would kill him again.
*Sigh* "Atleast I lost the goblins." He sighs in relief, after exiting the pond.
Now drenched in water, his simple clothes stick to his small frame.
Zeldris inspects himself. By the size of his body, he should be around 6-10 years old. He doesn't know how big young boys are, so he's just guessing his age.
When the water becomes still again, he looks at himself in it's reflection. It's not really clear, but he can see that he has messy black hair and red eyes. A rather exotic look.
"Hmm. I look pretty good." He nods, satisfied.
Then he turns in the direction he saw a field from the cliff and starts walking. He needs to find food and shelter.
His survival skills are zero. Having been a cityboy all his life. The times he has been to the forest are in single digits...
"Hmm? What's this." After some time walking in the forest, he discoveres a man lying down beside a bush.
The man is clad in dark blue, heavy armor and a sword is next to him on the ground.
First Zeldris thinks there is some medival style festival going on. But as he nears the guy, he discovers a gaping wound in his stomach.
Zeldris knows real blood when he sees it and that man is definetly dying.
"Hello young man." Zeldris greets the man, when he reaches him. It's always good to have manners. Though he forgets that he's a boy now. Calling the dying guy a young man, because he was 40 years old when he died.
The man, with his laboured breaths, turns his eyes towards the boy in front of him. His face pale and his lips almost blue. It's obvious the man is about to bleed to death.
"H-help me..." He croaks quietly.
"Hmm? Do I look like a doctor? You're on your own." Zeldris callously responds. He could care less about some random guy next to a bush.
Instead Zeldris walks over to the sword on the ground and attempts to pick it up.
"Oof." That thing is heavy! Zeldris drops the sword, giving up on trying to wield it.
He then turns to the man, seeing that he has died. His eyes lifeless, not a breath within him. Zeldris searches his body, discovering many interesting things.
First he loots a beautiful dagger. The design is intricate and the blade light. Perfect for Zeldris to use.
The second thing he finds on him is some sort of pouch. When Zeldris opens it, it's completely black inside. Causing him to frown.
He fearlessly inserts his hand into it and gains an understanding. He suddenly knows everything that's inside the bag. It's like some sort of panel with items, from a video game. Turns out this bag is magical!
The shock Zeldris feels is great, but he gets over it quickly. His face returning to an indifferent expression.
Fastening the bag and dagger somewhere on his clothes, he takes a look at the third thing he discovered.
It's some sort of insignia. It's a beautiful carving on a metal token. Blue in colour, like the man's armour.
"Does it do anything?" Zeldris mumbles inspecting it and hitting it.
Suddenly the thing starts to glow. "Oh?"
*Zoom* Everything turns bright all of a sudden and when the light disappeares, Zeldris discovers himself teleported somewhere else.
"Fuck!" Screaming out in suprise, he discovers himself now on a rocky terrain.
A cold wind hits him in the face, making him shiver.
It's just one suprise after the next. This day is the most chaotic day he's ever had. Just when he thinks he knows what to do, something completely unexpected happenes...
*Sigh* Zeldris erases his expression, becoming emotionless. At these kinds of times one must maintain a cold rationality and uncorrupted logic.
Zeldris searches his magic bag and finds some oversized clothes, that he throws on. There is quite a lot of food in there as well, so he has a bit of time until he has to worry about starting to death.
"Good." Next he starts walking in a direction that seems the best. There is no map or any indication of anything. Just a rocky, mountainous terrain. As far as the eye can see.
So all he can do is start walking.
Nothing will happen if he stands still. It's not like he will lay an egg and give birth to a dragon who will save him...
Three days later.
Zeldris has been walking all this time, only taking small breaks to sleep and eat in between.
It's bloody cold on this mountain range. Even with all the clothes he has, it's still too cold to sleep properly.
Everytime he tries, he wakes up shivering not even an hour later.
Hence the boy is tired... Incredibly so.
*Step* *Step* He relentlessly keeps putting one foot in front of the other. Not even thinking about stopping.
Stopping means giving up. And giving up means death.
"Eh?" He looks to the left and blinks twice. Is he hallucinating?
Zeldris sees a man sitting on a rock, just 10 meters away from him. The old man, with long gray hair and beard, seems to be meditating. His eyes clothes and a focused air around him.
Rubbing his eyes, Zeldris confirms that they are working correctly. Prompting him to approach the old man for a conversation.
"Hello." A greeting from Zeldris.
The old man slowly opens his eyes and lays them wearily on the young boy in front of him.
"Hmm?" The geezer becomes intrigued.
"Who are you, boy?"
"My name is Zeldris and I'm lost." Getting straight to the point.
"I see..." The old man responds. Not one to make unnecessary conversation.
"It seems fate has brought you here." He adds mysteriously, causing confusion in Zeldris.
Perhaps the old man is one of those hippies who believes in horoscopes and spiritualism. He certainly has the look...
The geezer stands up and starts walking. "Follow me."
Zeldris complies. As suspicious as following a random grandfather is, he decides it to be the best move on the table.
The two walk for a while. Causing some irritation in Zeldris.
"Can we walk faster?" He asks the old man. His feet already hurt and this geezer is taking his time, as if on a casual stroll.
They soon arrive at a place covered in snow and stop. Zeldris looks at the old man, finding his face more irritating than before.
The geezer chuckles, catching the unamused boy's look on him, then reaches out with his hand and twists the air.
*Voosh* A large structure suddenly appeares. It looks like an ancient Chinese temple. Surrounded by long walls, moving up and down the mountainside.
"Boy. Welcome to the temple at the end of the world." The old man smirks at the boy's stunned expression.