Chereads / From Gangster To Fantasy Villain / Chapter 5 - Advent of an event

Chapter 5 - Advent of an event

The saying "Karma is a bitch" has never made sense to Zeldris. He has seen people do horrendous deeds and live like they were kings.

However after scamming the little girl under the apple tree, he returned to his room. After that, he proceeded to swallow the body tempering pill that he received from the girl.

And very shortly after that, he thought he was going to die...

A severe pain rippled through his body. Feeling like every part of it was going to explode.

He clutched his stomach for dear life and attemted to vomit the pill out. But failed, as the pain was too severe to even more.

Fear shined in his eyes. A fear for his impending death and the regret at having ingested something he had no clue of. Zeldris promised himself that if he was given another chance, he would plant 1000 flowers and kill 20 slave traders, as a repentance for tricking the girl.

He struggled on the floor of his room, sweating like a pig and squirming around like a worm, due to the pain. This lasted for about 15 minutes, though Zeldris could have sworn it lasted for atleast a year.

Once the pain stopped, it took an hour before he could move again. It's not like he was paralysed. It's just that the relief from the pain felt so good, it was like he was on strong drugs.

But the main thought he had, was a happy one. 'I survived!'

After standing up, he noticed there was some changes to his body. He had become slightly taller and more muscular. The quality of his muscles had also changed. They now felt like steel. Similarly his bones were greatly strengthened.

He could now bend metal, crush stones in his hand and punch through a wooden wall, all without using aura.

With all the pain he endured, the benefits on the other end were matching. An unexpected boon...

Thankfully for himself, Zeldris remained blissfully unaware, that any other person in his shoes would've exploded upon consuming it. After all, it was not ment to just be swallowed. Something Wu Mei knew, but didn't bother to mention...

Subsequently to this boon, the training under master Hong became easier. It was no longer hellish, just a bit difficult.

This lasted only for a week, until master Hong finally realised just how much stronger Zeldris had become in such a short period of time. Though it was not that he realised it, he just stopped lying to himself out of feelings of inferiority.

Master Hong went after Zeldris with a fury. Making his training so brutal that Zeldris honestly thought his master is trying to kill him.

This created loads of resentment in Zeldris. Slowly but surely turning into hate.

The only good thing was that master Hong initiated combat training. Teaching him sword fighting. If trying to hack his disciple to bits could be called that...

In this world there are things called sword techniques, unarmed combat techniques, spear techniques and so on. The basis of these techniques is controlling one's aura in a specific way to create physical phenomenon. At a very high level, even alter reality.

So Zeldris's combat training consisted of training his body and aura, learning how to fight by sparring, and learning sword techniques and unarmed combat techniques.

In all realms of combat, he demonstrated earth shattering talent. So much so that he conciously toned it down, when he saw master Hong's face look like his soul had been taken from him. Again and again.

Zeldris truly believes, if he didn't hide his talent, master Hong would've gone insane and killed him out of envy.

With that said, he couldn't hide how fast he was progressing in aura cultivation. As time passed, he reached tier 3 just 4 months after he had reached tier 2. That day master Hong's face turned completely numb. As if his whole life had been a joke.

Zeldris was scared of how his master looked at him. By this time he had already cultivated a decent amount of hatred for his master. But as a logical man, he knew he couldn't reveal his cards until he has enough power. So he has to play nice for now.

The more Zeldris progressed, the more he hid. He had caught up with the other desciples in just half a year...

He only exerted his true power when training in his free time. However unexpectedly instead of training his power, he instead trained control.

Because of his ridiculously high growth speed, his control over his power was lacking at best. Having almost all of his free time go into improving his control...

But aside from training, Zeldris sometimes went to eat apples from the apple tree. Rarely even meeting the black haired girl again. Though he couldn't manage to scam anything out of her...

Other than that, he enjoyed playing with chickens. He has grown quite find of these creatures.

With all that, it's been almost a year since Zeldris joined the sect.




A boy wearing simple beige tunic, pants and black shoes, walks through the corridors of a large house.

The boy looks to be around 8 years old, yet his musculature is much more developed than a normal boy his age. His whole body has defined muscles, accompanied by a healthy layer of fat.

What truly seperates him from anyone his age, is his almost unnatural beauty...

He has medium, black, messy hair. The kind of glossy black, that looks like darkness itself and flows like silk. His eyes are clear, ruby red, almost glowing when looked at certain angles. His black eyelashes are long and his eyebrows are straight, in a slight, permanent frown. His facial features are sharp. Being a balance of aesthetic and aggressive. The perfect mix where his beauty doesn't become feminine.

Truthfully even for a child model, he would be overqualified. Being so perfect that anyone who looks at him has a desire to pause and admire this work of art...

That boy is Zeldris. Walking towards the courtyard, on a beautiful, sunny morning.

"I wonder what's going on today..." He muses, while walking.

Today all of master Hong's disciples were instructed to gather in the courtyard by a set time. This is quite unusual.

Zeldris arrives in the courtyard. His mood entirely relaxed. However an undertone of ever-present anger is also there. Something that is different since a year ago...

Two and Three are already there. They look at him with light glares.

Two is a boy, tall for his age. He has a square cut jawline and slick black hair. He's also quite bulky for his age. His entire physique indicating that he'll become a tank in the future.

Three is a girl, so she's the smallest of them all. Though One isn't much bigger than her...

Three has short, black hair. Only reaching to her neck. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black. Her face looks quite cute, but her expression is always hardened. She glares at everyone...

"Oh look, it's the demon." Three sneers, crossing her arms.

It's apt to say that these two dislike Zeldris, for whatever reason. They also keep together a lot, almost like they were siblings.

Without being bothered, Zeldris sits near them, on the stone ledge of the fountain.

"Why did you come so close to us. Go away." Three barks.

"How about you shut the fuck up. Before I make you sleep for the day. Or the week." Zeldris straight up threatens her. His eyes are calm, but radiate a sense of unbridled aggression.

Three is a bit taken aback from the sheer amount of malice towards her. Thankfully for her, Two steps in front of her.

"Watch how you speak. This is exactly why she calls you a demon." He explains with a frown. His hands crossed. Assuming Zeldris to be the aggressor.

"How about you keep your girlfriend on a leash. Unless the two of you want to die..." Zeldris responds. The animosity in his eyes gradually growing.

Zeldris despises the two. They pick a fight with him, then act like he's the aggressive one. He would rip their heads off, along with his master's.

Just the thought of it makes him clench his fist.

Zeldris's response makes the two livid. Similarly to him, they would love to rip his head off and toss it down the mountain...

"My little sister and brothers... Can't you get along?" One arrives. Sporting a charming smile.

The three can tell he asked the question more for his own self amusement, not because he actually thinks it's possible. Nor that he cares...

"Hmph! I'll get along with him, once his heart stops beating." Three states.

"Damn, that's harsh. Well, Four, looks like I'm your only friend here." One pats Zeldris on the shoulder.

"What do you even see in him..." Two asks wistfully, shaking his head.

"Are your eyes not open?" One asks the boy. Looking back and forth between Two and Zeldris. Then continues with his explenation. "Four looks even better than the only girl in our group. My mother always told me to stay close to beautiful people."

Two frowns at that, but Zeldris falls into thought.

'It sounds gay, but it oddly makes sense...'

What makes sense, who knows...

"Attention." Master Hong enters the area, calling for attention.

With his arrival, everyone shuts up and they all line up, standing straight. Once master Hong is around, no one dares to fight. That psycho is worse than all of them combined.

"Listen up. Today we will leave the sect grounds for special training. Three other inner disciple groups will be joining us. Your task for now is to prepare to survive in the forest for 24 hours. That includes picking a weapon from the weapon storage room. The time to prepare is one hour. Disperse!" After speaking, master Hong leaves the area as fast as he arrived.

Two and Three look at each other with strange feelings. Meanwhile Zeldris just casually walks off. His expression as indifferent as ever.

One starts walking as well, no change in his emotions. Just before he leaves the area, he turns back to two and three, with his signature charming smile. "Be quick about it, yeah?"