The clip begins with Mewtwo and a shining Mew floating in space, as the camera focuses on Earth, while the sun starts to rise. (I wanna be the very best) The next scene shows Abdullah (Like no one ever was) alone in a stadium. After that, a Squirtle, Cubone and Pidgeotto are shown quickly, before changing (To catch them is my real test) to a Bulbasaur being caught, to which Abdullah snaps excitedly. Shortly afterwards, (To train them is my cause)the camera shows a Haunter using Lick on Charmander, paralyzing him.
Abdullah then flips his hat backwards and throws a Poké Ball to the camera. In the following scene, (I will travel across the land) Abdullah can be seen running along with his Pikachu and Sylveon, an Arcanine and a Rapidash, who then jumps to the skies, (Searching far and wide) disappearing between the legendary birds, who are flying around. Then, a short clip of a Sandshrew unrolling itself, a Kadabra and Charmander is shown, (Teach Pokémon to understand) followed by Abdullah, Sylveon and Pikachu sitting on a Lapras, as they watch a Gyarados jumping out of the water, and a Dragonair jumping in. After that, (The power that's inside) a Poké Ball is seen trapping a Pokémon who has turned into red energy.
(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), it's you and me) A battle between Pikachu and Raichu is seen, with the former dodging a Body Slam of the latter; and (I know it's my destiny (Pokémon!)) then, a Caterpie training. In the next scene, Ash is seen hugging his Pikachu, followed by a giant Tentacruel, Abdullah, Eevee, Gyarados and Horsea attacking a Resort. Ash then is seen holding a Poké Ball; followed by an Onix. Later, (Oh, you're my best friend) Ash appears to be looking at the screen, when Misty and Brock appear on either side of him, (n a world we must defend) followed by Jessie, James, Cassidy and James with rising up in front of them in their agenda suits. And their Pokémon's jump up next, followed by Gary holding a Poké Ball.
(Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), a heart so true) The camera then runs across Charizard while using Flamethrower, Blastoise while using Hydro Pump and Venusaur; before Pikachu runs between Ash and a Lass and jumps. The next scene introduces Professor Oak, Lorenzo, Agatha, Red, Delia Ketchum, Blue, Green, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, as they nod, (Our courage will pull us through) the camera then shows a giant Charizard using Flamethrower, and Ash and his friends hide behind a boulder, later, (You teach me, and I'll teach you) a Squirtle is seen running towards Ash, followed by a hug.
(Po-ké-mon)The camera does a close-up on Pikachu, and subsequently zooms out, showing Pikachu standing on a Pidgeotto, a Zubat holding a Squirtle, and a Butterfree holding Bulbasaur. The last scene then shows up, on which Ash raises his feet and throws the Poké Ball to the screen, much like a Baseball pitcher, ((Gotta catch 'em all!) Gotta catch 'em all! Pokémon!) followed by a spinning Poké Ball and the Pokémon logo.
Abdullah and his friends will Eevee is in her Pokeball they are continuing their to the forest has they were walking.
Misty: Hey guys.
Abdullah and Brock turn to Misty.
Misty: Can we stop for minute where are walking for hours and my legs are getting.
Abdullah and Brock look at each other: Oh ok.
Brock: I guess we can for a minute.
Abdullah nod.
Abdullah and his friends found a tree has lay near the river stream.
Misty: The river of this place really beautiful.
Abdullah nod will heard some rustling near by the lag.
Abdullah: Hey guys.
They turn him.
Abdullah: Their something in their by the Lag and the river.
Brock and Misty turn were Abdullah looking has two yellow mouse Pokémon,they wide to see.
Abdullah: Oh their Pikachu's.
Misty: Oh look those cute little Pikachu.
Abdullah pull out his Pokedex.
Pokedex: Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. It can generate electric attacks from the electric pouches located in both of its cheeks.
They see both Pikachu playing.
Abdullah: They sure are playing.
Then has walk to the lag it break and Pikachu's where about to fall into the river has other Pikachu hold the log
Misty: Oh no.
Brock: They are about to fall in to river.
Abdullah ran to them.
Misty: Abdullah were are you going.
Abdullah: To help them.
He ran to them.
Brock hold his and Abdullah backpack up: We should help them.
Misty nod.
Abdullah reached the river has they Pikachu's let and about to fall under then.
Abdullah: I'll save them.
Then he jump to words has grab both Pikachu has they fall in the water, has he come out of river with Pikachu's look at him.
Abdullah: It ok I got you two.
Has the river flow them has he pull Pokeball.
Abdullah: Go Ivysaur.
Ivysure come out look around has turn to water and saw his buddy in the water with two Pikachu.
Abdullah: Ivysaur use your Vine whip to get us out.
Abdullah: Ivysaur, use Vine Whip to get us out of here!
The grass starter did that and two vines came out of his back. He used them to pick his trainer and two electric types out of the water. Brock and Misty then came running to Abdullah while Brock was carrying Abdullah's backpack.
Brock: Abdullah!
Misty: Are you okay?!
Abdullah: Yeah, I'm fine. Can you give me a towel?
Brock nodded and gave Abdullah a one towel from his backpack. Abdullah first used it to dry off the two Pikachus and then himself.
Abdullah: Are you two okay?
Pikachu 1: Pika! (Yeah!)
Pikachu 2: Pikachu! (Thanks to you!)
Pikachu 1 then spots an apple hanging from a tree branch and climbs up to get it. It then comes down and hands it to Abdullah.
Pikachu 1: Pika Pikachu! (Here as a 'thank you' for saving us!)
Abdullah: For me? Thank you.
He said while taking the apple and taking a bite out of it. The second Pikachu runs off and motions our friends to follow.
Pikachu: Pika Pikachu! (Follow me!)
The other Pikachu runs off with it's friend.
Brock: I guess they want us to follow them.
Misty: I guess so.
Abdullah: Well what are we waiting for!
He grabbed his backpack from Brock and took of after the two Pikachus, with Ivysaur, Brock and Misty following him. They eventually came to a clearing in the forest.
Pikachu 1: Pikachu! (We are back!)
Pikachu 2: Pikachu! (And we brought friends!)
Our heroes look around and soon spot a whole swarm of Pikachu coming from the bushes and the trees.
Abdullah: It's a whole swarm of Pikachu!
Misty: It's amazing! Look at all the Pikachu!
Our heroes watch as the Pikachu swarm welcomes the two Pikachus back home.
Brock: Those must be wild Pikachu.
Misty: I've never seen so many Pikachu in one place!
The two Pikachus start talking to one bigger Pikachu, who must be the leader of the pack, and explain to it what had happened. The bigger Pikachu walks up to Abdullah and they stare at each other, while the swarm, Ivysaur, Brock and Misty watch and wait. Soon, the Pikachu puts it's tail forward for Abdullah to shake as humans would shake hands. Abdullah understood that and shook it's tail.
Abdullah: Nice to meet you too.
Soon, the entire swarm welcomes our heroes with open arms.
Later that night, our heroes watch the Pikachus during a nightly ceremony where they sing under the full moon.
Misty: Those Pikachu sure are having fun.
Abdullah: Looks like it.
Misty: This place must be perfect for those Pikachu.
Abdullah: Yeah! Like a Pikachu paradise.
Misty: Exactly.
Brock then comes up to them.
Brock: Misty, Abdullah. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.
Misty: Okay.
Abdullah: We will be there in a minute.
Brock walks off to finish their dinner. Soon, our heroes are seeing eating their dinner. The two Pikachus walk up to Ivysaur and ask if they could have some food. The grass starter happily gave them some of his food and they liked it. The rest of the night went really fast with out heroes playing with the Pikachu swarm.
The next day our heroes are packing their stuff and getting ready to leave the forest. But not before saying goodbye to the Pikachu swarm.
Brock: Well let's get going guys.
Misty: We have a long way to go till we reach the next town.
Abdullah: Yeah!
Pikachu 2: Pikachu! (Wait up!)
All three: Huh?
Our heroes turn to see the two Pikachus that Abdullah saved following them, come by.
Misty: Hey, those are the Pikachus you saved.
Brock: I wonder what they want.
The Pikachu 1 walks up to Abdullah with a big smile on it's face.
Pikachu 1: Pika Pi. Pikachu. (Well, Abdullah. Let's hit the road.)
Abdullah: Huh? You wanna come with me?
Pikachu 1: Pika. Pikachu. (Not just me. My two friends too.)
It said while motioning at Pikachu.
Pikachu 2: Pika Pika. Pikachu. (And we wanna get stronger. And were hoping that you could be our trainer.)
Abdullah just smiles and pulls out two empty Pokeballs. Two electric types and one normal type tap their respective Pokeball and get captured in them.
Abdullah: Welcome to the team guys.
Pikachu 2's Pokeball gets send to Abdullah's home. Suddenly, Pikachu 1's Pokeballs open up and they materialize in front of our heroes. The empty Pokeballs get send back to his home. The trio is staring at them with shocked and confused looks.
Pikachu: Pika Pika! Pikachu! (Okay, let's make one thing clear! We are not gonna travel in those things! It's horrible!)
Abdullah understood what they said but Brock and Misty were still confused.
Misty: Why did they come out of their Pokeballs?
Brock: I thought they got captured.
Abdullah: I guess they don't like being inside their Pokeballs.
He then turns to his new Pokemon.
Abdullah: Well, you don't have to go inside them if you don't want. You can walk outside with us.
Pikachu's faces lit up. And he ran to Abdullah and climbed on his shoulders. Pikachu sat on his right shoulder he nuzzle up against his cheeks.
Abdullah: Or my shoulders. Yeah, you can travel on my shoulders.
Our heroes say goodbye to the rest of the Pikachu swarm and leave to next city.
Abdullah's Pokemon
. Pikachu (M) (partner Pokemon)
. Sylveon (F)
. Pidgeotto (F)
. Vileplume (F) (At home)
. Poliwhirl (M) (At home)
. Gyarados (Mega) (M) (At home)
. Aero the Butterfree (M) (At home)
. Rosie the Pink Butterfree (F) (At home)
. Venonat (F) (At home)
. Raticate (M) (At home
. Machamp (M) (At home)
. Weepinbell (F) (At home)
. Meowzie (F) (At home)
. Beedrill (Mega) (F) (At home)
. Golbat (M) (At home)
. Sandslash (M) (At home)
. Parasect (M) (At home)
. Geodude (M) (At home)
. Clefairy (F) (At home)
. Spearow (F) (At home)
. Meowth (M) (At home)
. Ivysaur (M)
. Charmander (M)
. Wartortle (M) (At home)
. Ganger (M) (At home)
. Nidorina (F) (At home)
. (Shiny) Nidorino (M)
. Tangela (M) (At home)
. Eevee (three Male and four Female) (At home)
. Goldeen (M) (At home)
. Seel (F) (At home)
. Dragonair (M)
. Ekan (M) (At home)
. Koffing (M)
. Mew (M) (At home)
. Horsea (F) (At home)
. Tentacool (M) (At home)
. Abra (M) (At home)
. Mankey (M) (At home)
. (Shiny) Porygon (Genderless) (At home)
. (Shiny) Ditto (Genderless) (At home)
. Drowzee (Male) (At home)
. (Shiny) Vulpix (Female) (At home)
. Pikachu 2 (Male) (At home)