Chereads / Pokémon indigo league x male reader / Chapter 28 - Chapter 29: Sparks fly for Magnemite

Chapter 28 - Chapter 29: Sparks fly for Magnemite

I wanna be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Teach Pokémon to understand[1]

The power that's inside

Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), it's you and me

I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon (Gotta catch 'em all), a heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me, and I'll teach you


(Gotta catch 'em all!)

Gotta catch 'em all!


It nighttime and smoke is coming out of the factory hole.

Narrator: Our friends journey leads them to "then see a lot of factories" a industrial town know has Gringey City it's such a depressing place "at far we see polluted water, a dock and lot of factories" only few people living here, here sea and air look like sludge their "see Abdullah and his friends walking by the docks" next adventure begins.

Abdullah: This is a wired city a lot of factories and no People.

Eevee on Abdullah shoulder: Eevee (And its scary too).

Abdullah pat Eevee: It's ok Eevee.

Eevee: Vee (Thank you master).

Misty full out her guided book.

Misty: This place is call Gringey city.

Abdullah: Oh, Gringey that explains a lot.

Misty: It use to be a lively place because of the factories.

Then Our friends see the factories from the distance, Brock: Yeah they Kinda went overboard with factories pollution ruin the air and water.

Abdullah hands on his hip: I guess we won't fine any Pokémon's hear.

Then the screen move down to see Pikachu look Kinda of red with electricity come out his cheeks: Pikachu (I don't feel so good).

 He begin to wobble.

The gang Look at Pikachu, Abdullah: Pikachu what wrong.

He begin to wobble begin to faint, this shock him, Eevee and his friends he quickly grab Pikachu, then Pikachu accidently Electra cute him, then a mysterious pokemon a u sign on it left. Then Abdullah and his friends with Pikachu on his arms will wearing rubber glove so he can be save from electricity retuning to the Pokemon center.

Abdullah: Hold on Pikachu, well get you to the Pokemon center has soon has we can.

Pikachu still fainted: Pika.

Abdullah, Eevee and his friends arrived at the Pokemon Center, has they reach the lobby where Abdullah ring the bell.

Abdullah: Nurse Joy please help.

The a nurse Joy came out with a yawn.

Nurse Joy: *yawn* Do have any idea what time it.

She reach her desk.

Abdullah: I sorry Nurse but their something wrong with my Pikachu.

Nurse Joy yawn will looking at his sick Pikachu: O cold.

Abdullah: Oh cute "the he yell serious" this is no cold your sister and cousins "then see Nurse Joy didn't care" are a lot more helpful.

Nurse Joy: Now their no need to be surprise, "she close her eyes look slightly up and rising look sparks are coming from his cheeks, her left index finger" you leave him hear over night I'm he be fine in the morning.

Abdullah: Miss "she look at Abdullah" excuse me but are you by any chance the Oddball of your family.

Nurse Joy: Oh No, is my other relative who are Odd.

Abdullah, Eevee and friends weird out by her.

Eevee: Eevee (She definitely is the Oddball in her family).

At the factory

The factory in the polluted water were bubbles coming out then see purple slime come out has they open their red eyes the slime Pokémon's enter to the sewer by landing on top of each other, inside the factory their is a generator two people were working at the computer when the light gone out two of turn.

Worker: What that!

Worker 2: Our generators have completely shutdown the water of the vault is totally Jam.

Worker 1: No it can be?

At the Pokémon Center

The light of the Pokemon center have shut down we Growlet in the healing container, a Spearow in the healing container, nurse Joy come in with our heroes.

Abdullah: What happened to those Pokémon.

Then see a lot of sick Pokémon.

Nurse Joy: They are in intensive care if we don't get the power back soon, Will I just don't want to think what would happen.

Abdullah yelled: Don't just stand their we have to save them.

Misty: Nurse Joy do something.

Nurse Joy: I don't know what to do.

Brock: Hey stop giving Nurse Joy such a hard time, their nothing she can do.

Abdullah: Let go.

Eevee: Vee.

They run will Nurse Joy and Pikachu saw their going, has Pikachu reach out to them: Pika chu.

Abdullah and his friends turn, Abdullah: Pikachu we'll be back before the powers back on.

Nurse Joy hold Abdullah's Pikachu in her arms with rubber gloves on it: Good luck.

With Pikachu with his hands down.

At the Police office:

Will pass the metal containers to see Abdullah and his friends were at the Pokémon police office.

Officer Jenny: I'm trying to find out but "then see Abdullah and his friends talking to Officer Jenny at front why hold a phone at her right ear" theirs no answer at the power plant.

Abdullah: Theirs no time.

Misty: What does the power plant look like.

Officers Jenny: You can't miss it "she point at the directions" it a big building with smoke stack their.

Eevee: Vee (and that were we heading right master).

Abdullah: Yeah, alright you guys let's go.

Then some rustling in the bush the gang turn to the bush and Pikachu come out still sick.

Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.

Abdullah: Pikachu.

They ran to him and stand hear him with put his hand on his hip.

Abdullah: Pikachu you should be back at the Pokémon center.

Pikachu shake his head: Chuu (I don't want to I want to help too).

Misty: Abdullah what did he say.

Abdullah: He said he don't want to he want to help too.

Eevee: Vee (but, Pikachu)?

Pikachu: Pika (No, buts)!

Misty: I get Pikachu is afraid we leave and we won't come back.

Pikachu nod: Pika.

Misty smile for Pikachu at Abdullah will he think will screeching: You see.

Abdullah decided with a smile: Ok you can along "he also worn him with his right index finger" but you got to take it easy.

Pikachu smile happily he jump to his trainer for hug.

Abdullah and Eevee realized, Abdullah: Pikachu wait.

Too late and Pikachu jump his trainers arms but got electric shock by his sick Pikachu with scared Eevee, Misty and Brock. He is screaming in pain will behind them magnate Pokemon with one eye is looking at it.

At the Alley:

Has our heroes ran to the town to words the factory.

Abdullah: Well take the alley away.

His Pokemon and friends nod they enter the Alley then Abdullah bump in to something and land his butt, His Pokemon and friends saw in their shock and concerned will Abdullah fell but mostly Eevee.

His Friends/his Pokemon: Abdullah/(Abdullah/master).

Misty bend down his shoulder and Eevee put her paws on her masters stomach worry for, Misty: Abdullah are you ok.

Abdullah: I'm misty thank you "Misty sign happy that her friend/crush is ok he turn to Eevee" Thank you.

Eevee rub her fur cheek on her master's stomach.

Brock: But what did crash into.

All turn to the direction and a shadowy Pokemon, Eevee and sick Pikachu defend their master/trainer.

Eevee serious: Vee, Vee, Eevee (Don't you dare hurt my master).

Sick Pikachu: Pika.., Pikachu (and... my friend).

Then Shadowy pokemon come close has they saw its fist with yellow and black stipes, they shock to see, a Electabuzz.

Brock: It an Electabuzz.

Abdullah: An Electabuzz.

He pull out his PokeDex.

PokeDex: Electabuzz, Electric Pokémon, If a major power outage occurs, it is certain that this Pokémon has eaten electricity at a power plant.

Electabuzz got angry: Electa (What people doing are you the the one who case the blackout).

Brock: Abdullah what did he said.

Abdullah: He said How are you people doing are me the one who case the blackout.

Misty: No we didn't.

Abdullah: We are also trying to fine out who don't.

Electabuzz clam: Electabuzz (Well what do you know I'm also trying to fine out and it look were in some boat follow me).

He turn around has walk to the Powerplant.

Abdullah: He said to follow him.

Misty: So I guess we follow him.

Abdullah, His Pokemon and Brock nod and follow Electabuzz.

At the Powerplant

Then see a red and white tower dove of the Powerplant has camera went down at the Gate then see Abdullah, His Pokemon, his friends and Electabuzz at the powerplant entrance. Then see there serious face has they look up at tower.

Abdullah serious face: Theirs's the powerplant.

Electabuzz: Electra (Were it happen).

Misty: Let check inside.

All of then nod then they walk in Powerplant gate. Inside of powerplant door their is no power the upside of the sign says Exit, at the ceiling theirs a three ball chandlers on to the right of the door their plant pot and to the left their is launching chair next to the trash bin, the door open forwards and see Abdullah, His Pokemon, His friends and Electabuzz were at the back were the door open.

Abdullah: Hello, is anybody in hear "then see nobody is hear with a caution sigh on the wall" if no ones hear we mind has well look around ha.

He and others walk in will looking around.

Pikachu still sick: Pikachu.

Eevee: Eevee.

Electabuzz: Electa.

At the wall their is map of the powerplant Abdullah and his friends walk in front the Abdullah and Misty look at the map at the wall will Brock walking look at the other direction.

Brock: Something's really weird, why isn't anybody working hear.

Abdullah: Good point, usually people work hear but now it empty or something bad happen to them.

Misty talking will Point at the left of the dark hall: It look like central control room down that way.

At the dark hall, Abdullah, his Pokemon, His friends and Electabuzz walk out of the dark hall at the air vent see Abdullah Eevee on his left shoulder with Electabuzz with Pikachu, Brock in the middle right and Misty at the back then a slime thing went pass in the air vent, camera turn to misty feeling scared will looking left to right then some shadow Pokemon floating base her she got frightened with her arms down with hands on left and right.

Misty scared: Something following us.

They turn towards her, she turn around to see it.

Abdullah: This place is desired nobody is hear not from my aura field energy.

Misty turn quickly in anger: Oh "then to scared" I thought I heard something back their.

Abdullah did something that make Misty blush he hold her hand, she shock to see Abdullah her crush holding her left with his right hand were she blush Brock, sick Pikachu and Electabuzz smile will Eevee got jealous at it.

Abdullah: Their now you won't be afraid.

Misty blush will turn head slowly to the right: Ok.

Brock: Yep were hear for you.

Sick Pikachu, Electabuzz and Eevee nod.

Misty: Thank you and "She look to thank to her crush she got has what see she saw" haaa.

Brock: What is now?

Abdullah: What is it?

Brock, Abdullah's Pokemon and Electabuzz come to Misty's direction they also got frightened: Haaa.

They a shadow floating behind Abdullah.

 Misty/Brock: Their something right behind you.

His Pokemon and an Electabuzz nod.

Abdullah eyes wided: It right behind me is it " they nod, will Abdullah got mad mad Ok who is right behind me "he turn to their direction were they are looking" is their something behind me show yourself "he shout in the empty hallway" right know and your ghost or a monster then come out and show yourself and if you don't I have no choice to battle you.

Electabuzz: Electa (You tell it).

Then a Shadow pokemon come behind Pikachu how is sick he also got frightened.

Pikachu: Pika, chu, Pika.

Well Misty hold Abdullah's arm, Brock and Eevee coming close to her master neck are frightened, will Abdullah and Electabuzz being beave: Pikachu be quiet, Pikachu be quiet "then he, His friend, Eevee and Electabuzz turn to Pikachu" and now you.

Brock hid behind Abdullah misty on front body will he holding her body, Eevee hid behind her master arms well he and Electabuzz protecting with Electabuzz rise his fist to fight has they back to wall, will Pikachu panicking.

Misty: What is that thing.

Abdullah quickly pull his PokeDex to scan if it is a Shadow figure if it's a Pokemon, Then the scan is complete.

PokeDex: Scan complete it a Magnemite.

Everyone and Pikachu stop frightened shock what PokeDex say.

Abdullah: It a Magnemite.

Then Magnemite reveal itself will floating up to Pikachu head.

PokeDex: Magnemite, a Magnet Pokémon. Its means of floating through the air are not understood. This very mysterious Pokémon is of the Electric type.

Abdullah: What Pokemon like that doing here.

Misty point at Magnemite: It cast the Blackout, Magnemite shutdown the powerplant.

Brock: This one by itself no way.

Misty: Dexter said it's mysterious.

Abdullah pull out a Pokeball: I'll capture it then we can check it out.

Misty stop him: Wait a minute.

Then see Magnemite circling around Pikachu which Pikachu got confuse.

Misty: That Magnemite look like it did want to battle.

Pikachu saw Magnemite still circling him which he got wired out.

Abdullah will put his hand on hip: I don't get it, what with this thing why is it circling Pikachu.

Brock: It seem to like Pikachu.

Magnemite then it eye half lower red on it: Magnemite.

Misty: Look it blushing, like its in love or something.

Brock: If is for animal Pokemon I can understand.

Abdullah: But can an ergogenic Pokemon like Magnemite, Ditto's, Proygon's, Staryu and Starmie.

Brock: Yeah and Magnemite falling in love with a electric rodent

Abdullah: And Magnemite is fall Pikachu like, all over the place like a stalker or something.

Then Pikachu still sick running around will Magnemite following him, Misty: Like I said, this Magnemite really love Pikachu.

Abdullah: Yeah, but I don't think Pikachu like it "the he shouted at Magnemite" Hey Magnemite cut it out.

Magnemite wake up and floated away, will Pikachu hold on to Abdullah left leg.

Electabuzz: Electa (And beat it).

Five of them smile, Abdullah hold his right hand on his head: Guess Magnemite give up.

Then Brock smell an nastily smell: Do you small.

Misty cringe from the small: I do.

Abdullah: Me too.

Eevee also cringe at the smell: Eevee (It's small so bad).

Electabuzz: Electa (where is it coming from).

Then air vent, vent case fall own.

Abdullah, his friends, his Pokemon and Electabuzz turn to vent fall, then a Purple sludge fall down, then purple sludge.

Purple sludge: Grimer.

Grimer: Grimer.

The see Abdullah and other with him cover their nose from their smell.

Brock hold his mouth with his right: Is those things!

Misty hold her mouth with both her hands: They stink, what are they?

Abdullah hold his mouth with his right: Their Grimer.

Abdullah pull out his PokeDex to scan Grimer.

PokeDex: Grimer, a Sludge Pokémon. Born from sludge, these Pokémon specialize in Sludge attacks.

Abdullah eyes widened: Oh no, "he whispered to his Pokémon's, his friends and Electabuzz" ok everyone what ever you do not insult the Grimer small.

Misty: But they stink.

Brock whisper: I know but he right the Grimer have their Pokémon when it come to small from their Pokémon pride or they get mad.

Electabuzz nod cover his nose.

Misty can hold anymore has she hold her nose her thumb and Index finger will frustrated: You can say whatever you want but they stink.

Then both Abdullah, Brock, Electabuzz and Eevee quickly cover Misty's mouth, Abdullah and Brock: Shut up Misty.

Then a bigger slug Pokémon come behind the other Grimer.

???: Muk.

Eevee: Vee (It huge).

Misty: Grimer's grandpa.

Abdullah: No is Grimer evolve from

Abdullah again pullout his PokeDex.

PokeDex: Muk, Grimer's evolved form. Use extreme caution, as its slimy form contains poison.

Abdullah: Oh.

Brock: That not good news.

Both Electabuzz and Eevee nod by covering their nose.

Misty: The smell is getting worse.

Pikachu: Pika.

Muk: Muk (They insulted us, charge).

Two Grimers slide towards them.

Abdullah and the gang got frightened, Abdullah: Run.

Then they start rounding and Grimers chase after them their run from the right.

Abdullah: Why do you have to make Grimers mad Misty?

Misty: I have to open by mouth I can't use my nose.

Then Abdullah and his friends ran into right he crash again but this time a person, he fall and the worker fall.

Worker 2 he shine his flashlight on our hero: What are you doing hear.

Brock start the introduction: I'm Brock, this is Misty, this wild Pokémon is Electabuzz, this Eevee and we're hear to he-.

Then Misty interrupted shout: Skip the introduction we got to get out of hear.

Then Pikachu hear a Grimers voice, he turn saw then coming he frightenely jump and begin ran.

Two worker jump in the air in frightened: Ha the Grimer are hear "then ran from the left" quick back to the control room.

Abdullah and his friends ran with them, Abdullah: Hey wait for us.

Grimers sludge over the flashlight, then worker quickly open the door went inside with our heroes in.

Abdullah: Oh.

Misty: *scream*.

Then Brock shut the door with the help of Electabuzz holding it shut.

Abdullah: Tell us what going on this black out is a disaster in city "then turn the camera to Abdullah and Misty" lot of Pokémon at the Pokémon center are going to die in the Pokémon center if the "then see a Growlet at the heal container" power didn't come back soon.

Then at the Pokémon see a lot of Pokémon in the healing container, where nurse Joy put her on Sandshrew glass healing container will worry: Hang in their those kids are going to get the power back on real soon, I'm sure at least I hope so.

At the powerplant control from see Abdullah talking to them they need that power.

Worker 1: But we can't their so many Grimers blocking the sea water tank we got to bring the water to the viol so we can turn the turbines or the generator won't work at all.

Abdullah: So do some thing.

Worker: That what easy to we are trying to-.

Interrupted by Brock who he and Electabuzz holding the door: Abdullah, the Grimer "has Grimer are raming the door" ramming the door we can't hold it.

On other side Muk and Grimers are standing will Grimer are tackling the door to get in, back in the control room has Brock and Electabuzz block both Abdullah, Eevee and Misty come to help.

Misty: I hate to say it, but if we don't act fast we'll be a Muk's menu.

Abdullah: But what can we do.

Were Grimers push to the door Abdullah and his friends: Oh, oh" then Grimers and Muk got in has they surround them.

Worker1: You three are Pokemon trainer are, you got to us your Pokemon!

Then to the other Worker: That right if you count get ride of the Grimers the generator would work.

Abdullah: Well my Eevee, their a Electabuzz and Pikachu sick

Eevee, sick Pikachu and wild Electabuzz.

Eevee/Pikachu/Electabuzz: Eevee/Pika/Electa.

Abdullah: Guys your are last hope Eevee use Swift and Pikachu use thunder shock.

Then Eevee throw shooting stars from her tail and Pikachu and Electabuzz use thunder shock. One Grimers got from Eevee's Swift and two Grimers got thunder shock but more ran in front of their defeat Grimer.

Abdullah: It no good, their two many of them.

Then Muk came behind them, then see Abdullah and his friends in trouble, then air vent open Magnemite and Magnetons come out of the vent, were Magnetons surrounded Grimers and Muk protecting the humans, Misty shock to see will Abdullah and Brock know with smile.

Abdullah: Their Megnetons.

Abdullah pull his PokeDex to scan Megnetons.

PokeDex: Magneton, the Magnet Pokémon. The evolved form of Magnemite. Its anti-gravitational powers allow it to float, and it can emit powerful magnetic and electric fields.

Brock smile: Magnemite and it evolve from Magneton, their friends of our Stalker.

Then Magnemite and Magneton shine the light with electric at Grimers then they got shock Electabuzz also join in he also spark light on Grimers, Then all Grimers exited out the door with Megnetons chase after them, at viol Megnetons shock the Grimers who are blocking the water they let go of it ran back into the waters, then water start coming in has the machine begin to working including the turbines which the power is back in the powerplant and light on the Control room which our Heroes smile widely.

Abdullah: The light are on.

Two worker smile when they begin to work on theirs computers, worker 1: The turbines are moving again.

Worker 2: The Grimers are all clear away from the sea water electric viol.

Then our heroes, Abdullah: Yes.

Then Misty interrupted: Hold on "they grin to look" their still one left.

Muk mad: Muk.

Abdullah: An adult Muk "Muk charge at them" and it's child.

Abdullah: Pikachu, thunder shock.

Pikachu how is still sick launches it's Thunderbolt at him, but it still wasn't strong enough.

Abdullah: Man that really a strong sludge.

Then Magnemite come with Electabuzz come to help.

Electabuzz: Electabuzz (I'll help too).

Both Electric both spark their Electricity at Muk which it felt pain with Pikachu using it thunder Bolt, all three electric type Pokémon's with their Thunder shock combine then Muk faint, then Abdullah turn cap around has reel in his arm with an empty Pokemon.

Abdullah then in serious he throw the Pokeball at Muk: PokeBall go.

Then the ball hit Muk then the PokeBall open then then faint Muk suck inside then where it close then the PokeBall then it shake for 1, 2 and 3 to hear a ding indicating Muk is cought then Abdullah pick up Muk's Pokemon.

Abdullah he did a catching pose: I did it, I capture a Muk, Abdullah Ketchum save the "will his newly catch Muk" day again.

Then stop an see everyone else holding their nose, Abdullah: What wrong.

At the outside at powerplant in Daytime will look at faunal of the tower then when down and see their outside with Misty, brock, his Eevee, the worker and Electabuzz 2 meters away from him has he at front them, will he cringe will holding his Muk's PokeBall.

Abdullah: The smell is coming from the PokeBall.

Other laugh at it.

Misty: That the Bad news, the good news is that Pikachu is 100% better.

Brock: That right, Pikachu was sick just a little while ago.

Worker 1 explain: Oh for a electric mouse built to much energy, its body become magnetize "then turn to Pikachu" and seems it had a cold.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Abdullah turn to Magnemite: Wow we all sure give big favor to Magnemite here don't we.

Then Magnemite lower to Pikachu were Abdullah and his friends look were Magnemite is going.

Pikachu say: Pika (Thank you).

Then Magnemite flies turn away.

Misty: Hey until just a minute ago, Magnemite was obsess with Pikachu.

Abdullah: What going on, now it's completely ignoring Pikachu.

Brock: Maybe Magnemite love in and out, just like humans do, oh.

Then two worker know what going on, worker 1: Could Magnemite fall in love in first site because Pikachu body is Magnetize.

Worker 2: That must be the reason animals are attractive by scent "then see Magnemite" so Magnemite attractive by magnetic force because Pikachu has build up so much Magnetic force mush been attractive to that Magnemite.

Misty: Oh.

Brock: I get it.

Abdullah: Me to, after Pikachu ran out of electricity, it was no longer Magnetize and that why Magnemite is not entrusting to Pikachu anymore "then look at his Pikachu" it's a good thing ha Pikachu it won't flow you around anymore.

Pikachu happy: Chuu (Yes finally I can rest easily).

Has they all begin to laugh, then Electabuzz come tab Abdullah shoulder.

Electabuzz: Electa (hey).

Abdullah turn to Electabuzz: Hey Electabuzz what is it.

Electabuzz: Electabuzz, Electa (you and friends are fun hang out, so I'm coming long on your journey).

Abdullah: Really want come along on my journey.

Electabuzz nod.

Worker 1: It seems your Electabuzz really want to go on a journey.

Abdullah happily took out an empty with his left hand then Electabuzz touch the button with his fist then then open Electabuzz suck inside the PokeBall then shake for a second to hear a ding indicating Electabuzz, then Abdullah did a catching pose again.

Abdullah: Yeah I cought an Electabuzz.

Then Pikachu and Eevee cheer.

Misty smile: Congratulation Abdullah.

Brock: Another good Pokemon in our team.

Then the screen change we see our heroes at the Pokemon center were our standing outside waiting to depart with Jenny and Joy with pully recover Pokemon behind them.

Misty: All the Grimer just proofs that the Ocean totally polluted, you guys got to clean up the see around hear "will giving them a thumbs up" I know you can do it.

Then camera change to Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, Officer Jenny: Your right misty well do everything we can to make sure ocean really clean again.

Brock: If you clean up the air and the water you may just bring this place back to life.

Nurse Joy step forward: Thanks Abdullah, you work so hard to make sure all Pokemon survived your "she place her hand on her chest" inspired me to become better Nurse Joy.

Then turn to Officer Jenny how salute them: We salute your fine work.

Then see our heroes awkward smile will Abdullah wave his hands: Oh please ladies that really nice of you.

Then hear a familiar voice.

Magnemite: Magnemite.

They turn see Magnemite.

Brock: Hey that the Magnemite that stalk Pikachu.

Misty: I wonder what it doing hear.

Magnemite: Magne, Magnemite.

Abdullah: What.

Brock: What did it says.

Abdullah: Its said it want to battle me.

Misty: I think Magnemite want challenge in order to catch it.

Abdullah smile with battle determination: Then lets battle "he pull out a PokeBall" Go Geodude I chose you.

Then Geodude come who is ready for battle.

Geodude: Geodude.

Magnemite did the first attack with thunder shock that hit Geodude, but did affect him.

Brock: Good choice Abdullah using Rock type against is perfect advantage.

Abdullah: Geodude use rock throw.

Then Multiple rock appear in front of Geodude then hurl at Magnemite has it try but got hit by one and two rock has it fall on to the ground then it got up with has it charge at Geodude.

Officer Jenny: It using tackle.

Abdullah smirk: Not a chance, Geodude dodge it then use Rollout.

Geodude give thumb up and a smirk to his trainer: Geodude.

Then Geodude dodge Magnemite and roll into a ball at hit Magnemite then fall to the ground has it struggle to get then Abdullah command a final attack.

Abdullah: Geodude finish it with Rock throw.

Geodude nod: Geo.

Geodude launch Rock throw at Magnemite with the attack hit Magnemite land on the ground with swirling eyes, this got Abdullah an opportunity to catch Magnemite were he pull out an empty PokeBall the he twist his hat back then reel an Empty Pokeball.

Abdullah serious he throw the PokeBall at Magnemite: Go PokeBall.

Then PokeBall hit Magnemite then ball open then Magnemite got suck in then it the ball wiggle for second to hear a ding indicating Magnemite is cough then he Pick up Magnemite PokeBall.

Abdullah catching Pokemon pose with Pikachu, Eevee and Geodude cheer : Yeah I cought a Magnemite.

Brock: Another Pokemon on the team.

Abdullah look at Geodude with a smile: Thanks Geodude.

Geodude: Geo (No problem buddy).

Then Magnemite's Pokemon transported to professors lab then something happen to Geodude which everyone shock has it begin to go Glow.

Misty: Abdullah your Geodude us evolving.

Then the light faded to see Geodude has evolve into Graveler then Graveler look at himself has he cheer.

Graveler: Gra (Yes I evolve).

Abdullah smile widen: Geodude you evolve into Graveler.

Graveler lift his fist up.

Abdullah: Ok Graveler return.

Graveler return to his Pokemon then turn back to the ladies with his Pokemon an friend.

Abdullah: Now where were we, Any way try to make your city clean.

Nurse Joy nod and Officer Jenny still saluted, Nurse Joy: We will, and please come back to visit us "they she wave them Goodbye" Bye

Narrator: Our heroes "has they wave goodbye to the ladies and the Pokemon" leaves Gringey City with big smiles and even bigger hopes that future that is cleaner and greener then before.

At the Pallet at the Professor Oak's lab were birds our chirping.

Narrator: Mean will.

In the lab at the transportation were Abdullah's Pokemon are coming in professor Lab, then see Professor Oak.

Professor chuckle: It been quite a will since Abdullah send me new Pokemon, new Pokemon three coming I wonder "has we turn to the transport station has one PokeBall come then the ball open then to professor Oak who made had face when sense a bad small" Oh what is that smell " then Muk appear with happy in his face " has professor Oak got frightened" What a big Idea sending me a Muk yuck.

Muk: Mukkk.

Abdullah's Pokemon 

. Pikachu (M) (partner Pokemon)

. Eevee (F)

. Pidgeotto (F)

. Vileplume (F) (At home)

. Poliwhirl (M) (At home)

. Gyarados (Mega) (M) (At home)

. Aero the Butterfree (M) (At home)

. Rosie the Pink Butterfree (F) (At home)

. Venonat (F) (At home)

. Raticate (M) (At home)

. Machamp (M) (At home)

. Weepinbell (F) (At home)

. Meowzie (F) (At home)

. Beedrill (Mega) (F) (At home)

. Golbat (M) (At home)

. Sandslash (M) (At home)

. Parasect (M) (At home)

. Geodude (M) (At home)

. Clefairy (F) (At home)

. Spearow (F) (At home)

. Meowth (M) (At home)

. Ivysaur (M)

. Charmander (M)

. Wartortle (M) (At home)

. Ganger (M) (At home)

. Nidorina (F) (At home)

. (Shiny) Nidorino (M)

. Tangela (M) (At home)

. Eevee (three Male and four Female) (At home)

. Goldeen (M) (At home)

. Seel (F) (At home)

. Dragonair (M)

. Ekan (M) (At home)

. Koffing (M)

. Mew (M) (At home)

. Horsea (F) (At home)

. Tentacool (M) (At home)

. Abra (M) (At home)

. Primeape (M) (in training)

. (Shiny) Porygon (Genderless) (At home)

. (Shiny) Ditto (Genderless) (At home)

. Drowzee (Male) (At home)

. (Shiny) Vulpix (Female) (At home)

. Pikachu 2 (Male) (At home)

. Muk (Male) (At home)

. Electabuzz (Male) (At home)

. Magnemite (Genderless) (At home)