The past's worries and Today's Joys

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Chapter 1 - Hey, Mom?

"Hey, Mom do you think, I'm chubby?" 

The young boy said with an almost quiver in his voice. 

As he tugged on the bottom of his shirt.

"You know what I think his Mom continued warmly your my little doe baby and whatever you turn out to be I'll love you anyway," she said as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. 

Bolee's cheek flushed a bit then a big smile went across his face. 

"I love you too Mom!" He said with a boyish grin as he hugged her tightly.

-Present time-

"It's been a couple of years huh, Mom," 

I said warmly sitting at my mother's Memorial altar lighting a match and lighting up her candle. 

"It's my first day of School here, I bet you'd think they'd be surprised by what I look like now. But I won't hold it against them. I love you. I got to go Now, Mom" my eyes started to water needlessly. 

I blew out her candle and quickly stood up to head out the door. 

I knew I'd be thinking about her all day;

As  I smelled the cool warm air and took a breath in and closed my eyes in the warmth of the sun. 

It's a new day it's a new start! I hummed to myself.

Oh, how she loved that Movie. 

Before I knew it I had made it to the train station. 

I was making good time, I looked down at my texts as my dad had sent me the directions to my New school. 

I was shuddering with anticipation. 

In the sub was a long wait and a big crowd. 

To my surprise, No one looked at me funny. 

I felt a little bit of relief wash over me almost the kind that tears were worthy of. 

Before I knew it I was on the path to My school I could see the Sakura trees. 

I looked up at them in Awe as another moment passed by, Darn I thought I should've brought my camera. 

Mom and Dad would've loved to see it on camera. 

Quickly Enough I made my way to the  classroom. 

As soon I stepped into the school, My body tensed, would my peers berate me? 

As I stood there I knew I was losing track of things and in the corner of my eye, I saw a small girl with long light brown wavy hair. 

"Hey?"I said putting a hand on her shoulder 

Quickly she turned almost jumping back her eyes widening, then narrowing "Wh-what" 

At first. I noticed her eyes and looked away a bit, I must've frightened her. 

"I'm sorry I just would like to know where the way to the classroom is." 

"Oh," she said now with her facing changing into one of the calmness 

"I think I know the way," she said getting a piece of paper out of her pocket with the school floor mapped out 

"Cool, you brought a map!"

"Uh, Yeah I did" she replied as a hint of pink unbeknownst to him dusted her cheeks.

"Well, let's go!" I smiled warmly.

"Uh yeah, let's go,"  she said with a small smile back.

I followed the girl I had met not long ago, 

I felt myself grab onto the pockets of my school uniform I stopped for a moment and leaned against the wall, the girl going out ahead of me. I could feel the frown on my face and now the shame  "Ugh, I'm sorry" The girl turned now with a face I had not seen anyone give me she looked empathetic but also like she wanted me to be with her.

The girl looked away a bit shyly as she adjusted her bangs;

"Uhh, it's alright" She looked down in thought.

"I'll wait for you" she Then looked up and smiled at me closing her eyes; comfortingly as if all that I had been feeling for was nothing. I smiled back as the overwhelming emotions subsided.

I could feel a few tears trickle down my face as I chuckled a bit in pain. 

As I put my arm around myself. 

The girl calmly put her hand on my arm and looked straight at me "Breath" she said.

Just as she did that warm kind gesture,

I found myself looking right at her as well and I felt my heart feel light. 

She put her hand over my head it looked as if she was praying. 

I gently put my hand on her arm; I smiled gently, "Thank you" 

Her face then turned pink and flustered. 

"Uh, yeah your welcome" she shyly mumbled looking down a bit. 

"Prayer right", I said quietly as I stood up and started to walk as she walked with me. 

She then nodded " My friend Nao would do it sometimes" She smiled a bit still looking away. 

I then remembered my Mother and how she would tuck me and my brother in and pray with us before we'd sleep. 

The girl then looked up at me as  I walked beside her, "what's your name?" she said putting out her hand.

"Bolee, yours?" I said shaking her hand 

I then noticed her firm grip despite her small size. 

"It's Ziyu," she said proudly with a big smile; her face then paused abruptly as she flushed a bit as I saw her begin to truly open up, "Wait! " she pointed at herself for a moment. "Are we friends now? She blurted she then looked at me with excitement. " Yes, Ziyu," I said with sureness As I had known her for a time. 

We made our way to class after that albeit late Ziyu seemed a bit embarrassed; but Till then I felt like grinning from time to time. I gave her a knowing look as I winked and held a thumbs up. 

Though in class she kind off flushed a bit and looked straight ahead, she probably felt a little on edge already having a friend on day one. 

Sure enough lunch time came around.

As our other classmates were on their way to the cafeteria. 

I knew I had made it my absolute routine to eat Lunch in the schoolroom. 

I looked over at Ziyu in anticipation all I had to was ask her to eat lunch with me here, Before I was just staring at her. 

Just before I died of embarrassment. 

Ziyu looked at me "You wanna eat here right?" 

She said then as her eyes gestured towards my bento box. 

"Uh, Yes," I said scratching the back of my head. 

"Yeah, let's do it!" Ziyu said with a slight grin as she put a thumbs up. 

Before I knew it we had started eating, then I realized I was almost finished eating as I looked over I noticed she was too, I then started guffawing she had just as large an appetite as mine. 

"What," Ziyu said looking at me in the middle of a bite. 

"I figured I might as well not be the only one with a messy habit of eating with no regards for dinner," she said shyly.

I then chortled tears welling up " No, It's absolutely perfect! 

Ziyu only smiled, looking a bit pleased.

Time skip 

I yawned almost putting a hand over my mouth. Ziyu was quickly putting her school supplies away in haste with anticipation as Bolee had a small smile on his face. He couldn't wait to ask her to walk her home.

Before he knew it she had already packed up her things. After that Bolee started putting his things away. Just then he heard his pencil drop on the floor he went under his desk to get it Suddenly he saw Ziyu's joyful face which made him flush  " Bo-" 

Ziyu almost spoke as Bo CRASHED his head into the desk 

After that the class got quiet.

Then Bolee could hear a girl's voice whisper mockingly " Was she really going to ask him out?

Ziyu only gave a pained smile after that. 

"I'm going to walk you home Ziyu!" 

I said Promptly as I quickly got out from underneath the desk and stood up to look at her. 

Ziyu seemed a bit flustered for a moment before looking up and smiling at me shyly. 

"Yeah, let's go  Bolee," she said grasping the sleeve of my arm. 


We were walking on our way side by side on the sidewalk;  I stood on my left next to the roadside. 

Ziyu hummed with a small smile on her face. 

I felt myself glance over at Ziyu as I could feel myself shift closer to her and my eyebrows lift slightly. 

" Uh, Ziyu" I spoke up quietly 

Ziyu looked at me eyes wide a bit listening.

"Do you know, uhh how do I say this" 

I said turning to look at her and putting my hands on her shoulders. 

"You don't have to ask me to walk with you after School" 

"Bu" Ziyu almost spoke before Bo interrupted.

"Look, I don't want to see you getting hurt", I said as my gaze drifted off "Because We're friends," I said as looked back at her. 

"Alright," Ziyu said looking at him dejectedly. 

"Hey, I know a great place for crepes!"

I said with a slight grin on my face hoping to relieve her as I pointed up in exclamation. 

"Alright," Ziyu said with pep this time "Let's eat!" she started to walk down excitedly ahead of me. 

I grinned hard trying to keep back laughter. 

"Ziyu! "I called "It's this way!" 

"Uh right, I'm coming!" 

As we walked our way to the food stall which was back and up the road near a gas station, I could smile whole heartedly.  Ziyu then smiled back Knowingly   at me with a face that said really with a bit of Sarcasm. 

"We made it!"Ziyu Said out of breath as she had her hands on her knees. 

"Alrighty!" I said bending over a bit to meet her gaze "you ready for this! Nobody's here it's just us"I said satisfied. 

Ziyu smiled at me smugly "Order for us please" she said putting a hand on my back "Of course Madam" I said bowing .

"Hehe" Ziyu continued 

"So, what kind do you want" 

"Strawberry crème crepes And peach lemonade!"

Ziyu said enthusiastically as she quickly rose. 

I walked up to stand looking up at their menu sign they had a colorful light pink-rimmed sign with black stripes on in inner rim; As my eyes scanned the menu. Suddenly I heard my stomach rumble. 

I bit my lip as I was in my head for a moment. 

Just then I heard sure but quick footsteps.

"What's up?" Ziyu said with a big smile on her face. 

I looked away and couldn't help but feel embarrassed as I looked she must've noticed I was taking a bit; It was a dumb thing to be self-conscious about. I felt myself have a moment of awkward silence. Just then I heard Ziyu's voice ring aloud.

"Bo and I would like your double Strawberry cream crepes please!" 

Abruptly I turned around to look at her;

As I saw her giddy smile. 

She was right next to me I felt my face go beet red as my eyes started to dart back and Forth, What is she doing?! 

My eyes finally settled on the counter in front as I realized I could hear my heart start to lessen its pounding. 

I could feel Ziyu turn to look at me; "Do you like the nickname? 

I could hear the inquisitiveness in her voice. 

I couldn't just say yes! I met her today instead I just nodded. 

"Uhh uhh," Ziyu said shakily spoke as if she were about to stutter nervously. 

I turned instinctively to apologize but before I could I heard; 

'Here's your order you two!" I heard the Woman working at the stand say with what seemed to be delight in her tone. 

"Here, I'm sorry Take it!" Ziyu said hurriedly.

She handed me both my crepes. 

Wide-eyed I had no words again. 

Quickly after she took her own. 

Ziyu started to walk away as I followed as she sit down in a patch a ways away from the sidewalk I followed after we both sat on the short grass. 

Ziyu looked away a bit worried about speaking up. 

I decided I would listen. 

She looked back over at me. 

"Uh, I'm sorry about that," she said as she sheepishly smiled. 

"No it's alright" I smiled trying to put her at ease. 

"Really," Ziyu said a bit taken aback " Uh alright," she said now as her face calmed and we both started to eat. 

"Mmmm!' we both gushed. We both smiled contentedly, 

"It's really good!" I hear Ziyu say as she had her eyes closed with a smile full of contentment. 

I noticed the cream all over Ziyu's mouth and almost started to chuckle. 

Ziyu then looked at me inquisitively "hmmm?" As if saying what? as she cocked an eyebrow. 

As  I handed her My Mom's handkerchief  I  had on me since this morning. 

"Here use this" I insisted handing it to Ziyu, As I had already finished eating. 

"Are you sure? It feels nice" Ziyu said with a  bit of concern in her voice as she ran the pads of her fingers across the cloth of the handkerchief. 

"Yeah go ahead," I said with a calmness in my tone  it was starting to go on into the late, evening. I could see the sun start to set and the cool evening breeze was refreshing. After what seemed like a few moments as the sun was above the horizon a bit; you could see it start to turn a diluted orangeish red.

Just then I heard a buzzing sound it sounded like it was coming from a cell phone. I turned to see Ziyu; she held her phone in her hands as it buzzed she then mouthed " It's my Mom"

As she put the phone to her ear. My eyes widened a bit as I frowned as I thought What would her Mother think? I kept her daughter out late. I heard Ziyu's voice But I was in my thoughts. I then felt a tap on my Shoulder Bo?

Ziyu said as My face heated a bit, Now's not the time for this. "Yes," I answered calmly. 

"I have to head home, wanna come?!" She said standing up as she put her hand out to me as her face lit up.

~Next time~ 

I honestly couldn't tell how long it took us to get there but sure enough, We were here at Ziyu's place! I couldn't help but smile ear to ear. Ziyu stood just in front of me as she started as knocked once then another two times.

Ziyu then sighed it was if as her whole being was beaming with some sort of excitement as she stood in front of me.

I heard the door open shortly after taking notice of this. There was a shorter Woman that had looked a bit older, though the bags under her eyes showed. She Must be Ziyu's Mom! Is what was running through my mind.  She then offered to take Ziyu's school bag before Ziyu could step in She then gave me a fierce Scowl only one of A mother could give in my eyes A mother that was protective over her child. I then found that I was shaking under what looked like her great Mother's Loathsomeness for me.

Before I knew it Ziyu was side-eyeing her Mom with a frown. 

"Yes dear?" she spoke 

Ziyu then looked at her Mom with A knowing smile.  It wasn't a smile out of my expense it was only one that if you knew her well; you would understand. So instead I stood quietly.

"Mom," Ziyu said with a glint in her eyes as she took hold of her wrist and put her hand in front of mine; before I knew she took hold of mine as well as I felt a tinge  of red go across my cheeks. "Mom this is Bolee!" 

I then felt it right to Greet her. "Happy to meet you, Ma'am!" I said with a Nervous smile.

"You as well, Bolee"

Her eyes still looked to be those of a cat Glaring.

I could feel excitement surge through me. I had just been accepted.

My heart pounded for a moment in excitement.

Would I be able to come in for dinner? 

Before I knew it I started to speak up. "I really would love to get to know your daughter more!" I blurted after that My face fell My eyes widened After I had said this.

Aghhh! What did I just say!?

I thought As I stared at the ground, hoping I wouldn't get a beating.

For a few moments, it was silent 

I then saw Ziyu at the corner of my eye her cheeks a bit pink but looking at me intently "Come in." She said as she looked at me her eyes closed with a cheerful smile and holding onto my sleeve.

As I started to stand upright from bowing I saw Ziyu's Mother smiling it was a smile that surpassed words but still; I did not know what it meant she seemed happy. "Alright, I guess that means you'll be ready for dinner?" Ziyu's Mother spoke with slight tenderness. Ziyu's Mother started to walk in her face beamed.

Ziyu then started to walk in peppily then as if exclaiming my entrance she said "Come on in!" 

I stepped in; I saw a staircase to my left and a walkway to another room that seemed to extend out behind Two closets. We walked to the right where the kitchen was.

Ziyu  then took in the Sweet Savory Aroma. " mmm, it smells so good Mom!" 

As I heard her speak I got the feeling I had forgotten Something.

Oh gosh! My Dad asked me to talk to him about the first day of school. Suddenly I felt my face heat up as I Mace fell.

I bowed, "I'm very sorry to the two of you, My Dad asked me to be home early today!"

Ziyu then turned, she looked crushed for a moment, then she smiled at me reassuringly. 

I then bit my upper lip, Darn it! I thought;

As I felt a pain in my gut.

"I Promise! I will be back next time and I really will Stay for dinner! No excuses!"

I said bowing even further.

I then felt Ziyu's startle;

"Uhh course!" Ziyu said now flustered she turned pink as Ziyu started to bite on her thumbnail. 

I then Heard Ziyu's Mother; I turned to her as she was further ahead of us now in the kitchen. She sighed heavily with a bit of irritation "Well you be sure, you'll be back next time" she said As her eyes settled on me, quite miffed. When she said this I noticed how she pursed her lips and closed her eyes tightly Just like Ziyu did at Lunch. 

"Yes Ma'am!" I said resoundingly with delight.

"I will see you both for dinner Next time!"

I said bowing as I headed out the door.

Ziyu looked at me with a giddy Smile. 

"Bye, Bo!" she said as on my way out.

"Bye Yu- I mean Ziyu," I said as my cheeks turned pink awkwardly;

In embarrassment. As I walked on my way back I just sighed with ever-present heat on my face. 

I then heard Ziyu chuckling in delight. 

I then snorted and smiled, At least I was able to make her Laugh.