Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 195 - Episode 96

Chapter 195 - Episode 96


Episode 96

© Ayo Omolayo


I drove into the garage and parked my car. A lot had happened within this decade and 6 years. Just as everyone predicted and according to the declaration of my mother-in-law, I conceived during our honeymoon. It was a shock to everyone and many questioned if we were ready to have babies instantly. 

Whether we were ready to have babies or not, was none of my business. We had our baby when the months were completed and it was a boy. We called him Joseph Thompson. We also had a girl within the space of four years. Tina Thompson.

Just as expected Ella give birth to her twin boys, Peter and Paul. Those boys were two different talent personified. Peter was a musician, gifted in singing and playing musical instruments. Paul was a lover of the word of god. He could sit down studying the Bible and was called a pastor by his friends.

The twin boys were birthed out of the prophecy mommy gave. I wouldn't want to go into that story because mummy finally told us what happened between her and my dad. And the twins were confirmation of the prophecy that came many years back. 

The day mummy told me about what happened between her and my dad, it was a day of weeping. I would have loved to share it with you guys, but it's the longest story ever. The entire episode will never be able to contain that story. I never believed mummy went through Hell in her relationship.

Susan's handsome boy, who happened to be the oldest among all our children, was a male version of her. They had the same looks and more. Our children were extremely a blessing from God. It was just a way of God putting smile on our faces. God gave us more than we can ever ask for. He gave us wonderful children.

Ella and I had two children, but Susan insisted on just one. We tried to persuade her to go for a second, but she wasn't relenting. It was when we pushed hard that she revealed to us she was divinely instructed to do so. It was during her courtship.

She told us that it was revealed to her that assignment, coupled with everything God was to do with her, will not make her to have more than one. She said the Holy Ghost called it parental capacity. Every parent has their capacity and they must find out how many they can have from the Holy Ghost.

According to her, it has led to the reasons why ungodly children spring out from godly homes. Children are responsibilities and as long as God commit a soul into your hand, it is your duty to ensure they know God. It is your duty to teach them the ways of God and help them to follow. You can't give birth to children and make them tools for propagating darkness. God would seriously hold you responsible for allowing your children fall into the hands of the devil.

It was a great lesson for us. We were not just to have children, but to be watchful over them. We're not just to birth them physically, but also birth them spiritually. I was happy for her and decided to let go and let God.

My phone rang and a smile took over my face without my consent as I picked the call. I don't need to start telling you who the caller is. My apostle Robert. It's so dramatic to find out how my husband grew into a mighty man of God. 

It wasn't easy for me when he started having burdens to pray. These burdens made him lock himself up for days praying. Sometimes I wouldn't see my husband for a week. And after the one week, he would come out for just two days and go back into the prayer room. I had to start begging him to stop locking himself up. But he'll tell me he was feeling uneasy in his soul and needed to pray until the burden dissipates.

I tried my best to stop him, but he wasn't bulging. Sometimes for a month, I would only see my husband for a week. The remaining three weeks was in the secret place. I had to call Mummy and tell her what was going on.

She laughed her heart out. That was when she reminded me of how I once said I wanted a husband that prays. And how she said he's going to pray until I beg him to stop.

My mind did a flashback and everything came afresh. I remember now I dared Mummy go ahead and make the declaration. It's obvious I was reaping the fruit of my labour. I had started a problem I had no power to solve.

I begged her to help me talk to him and she told me there are no amount of words to stop him. The only way to stop him was to join him to pray to the boarding was lifted. That was how we were both sentence to a life of fasting and prayers. But I've have to say, wasn't for nought. Praying and fasting consistently, did a lot to our spiritual stature. It didn't take long when we began to ascend into spiritual heights.

Suddenly I began to discover my man was no longer the husband I knew before. Whenever he was explaining the Word of God it was sounding mysterious. I needed to beg him to break it down to my understanding. With time, I nicknamed him my Apostle Paul.

Not too long after this series of fast things and prayers which lasted for over two years. That's why we had Tina two years after our first child. The fasting and prayers were so consistent that we forgot ourselves completely. But according to God's timetable, it was a period of preparation.

Supernatural things started happening through us and before we rounded up, the Lord told us it was time.

We started going out for evangelism and organizing a discipleship class as instructed. We would take our money and organize crusades. We made sure the souls won were followed up as they grow in Christ. 

Miracles broke out and I almost cried my eyes out the day my husband brought a dead child back to life. That was the day I knew he was no longer my mate. I knew I had a lot to learn from him. The same mentee I looked down on many years back, was now the popular known Apostle Robert. 

We had a lot of followers on YouTube and various social media platforms. I might not be able to go into all the details, but God has really lifted us out of the pit. He set us to sit among princes.

I had been invited for a program which lasted for two days close to mommy's residence at Lagos. I was done with the program today, so I decided to visit her before going back to my family.

So where was I before the long narrative? Yes! my ringing phone.

"Hello my Roberto and my Apostle Paul!"

"Hello my Juliet and Juliana!" He greeted.

"How are you?"

"I'm find! I have seriously missed my baby girl. This few days she left has been hell for me. I looked around waiting for your smile but it wasn't there. Those smiles that brightens my day. I search for your voice but I couldn't find it. That voice which causes my heart to wake like this sun.

No wonder Solomon said in Song of Solomon 3:1. By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not. 

Verse 2. I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.

My soul has loveth thee and I shall look for thee. I shall not rest until my soul has found thee."

"Man of God, don't finish me this morning! You claim your missing me but you have been in the prayer room for hours. Is the Holy Ghost you're missing, not me!"

"Haaaaaaaa! Callest thou me a liar?"

I was seriously laughing hard right now. 

"Please leave me alone!"

"If I leavest thou alone, whom shall I follow?"

"Holy Spirit!"

"I speak as men! Whom shall I follow in the flesh?"

"Chai! Just like Apostle Paul was called a madman because of too much scripture, you're a complete replica of your father."

"Yes oooo! For thy love has made me mad!"

"Apostle please ooooo! I will faint."

"Please when are you coming back? I seriously need to take my baby girl out. Immediately you come back, I will allow you to rest for a while, before we go out and enjoy ourselves."

"I'm not stressed out. If you are taking me out tonight I am prepared."

"Wow! What if immediately you arrive, I take you out? Would that be okay?"


"Wow! My girl! I love you so much my darling Juliet! The woman that made me a complete Romeo. Have been dreaming about you ever since you left."

"Awwwwnnnn! What did you see in the dream."

"I saw myself chasing a thousand. Then you held my hand and joined me in the chase. Together, we began to chase 10,000!"

"Apostle has killed me oooo!" I said laughing so hard.

"Why did Apostle kill you?" Mummy asked as she met me in the living room. I forgot to tell you guys, I was walking down to the house when the conversation started.

I had knocked on the door and the house help had ushered me in. I was sitting on the couch and enjoying my Romeo spoiling me with love.

"Mummy! Good morning ma!"


"Apostle mom is here!"

"Oh! Say hello to her for me!"

"Okay! I'll call you later!"

"Alright! Love you!"

"Love you too!" I replied and hung up.

"You shouldn't have ended the conversation. I don't think I have time to sit down and gist you right now. As we speak, I'm almost running late for my flight out of Lagos. 

"Oh! That's alright ma!"

"Perhaps we would find some other time for mother and daughter discussion."

"Alright ma! I wish you a safe trip!"

"Thank you dear," she said and reached for her ringing phone in her purse.



"Mummy where are you? We have been calling you for some days now and you haven't been picking our calls."

"Who are you guys?"

"This is the general overseer of Rock of ages gospel center. We invited you last month for our annual fire night. You accepted our invitation to minister at the program."

"Jesus is Lord! It skipped my mind!" Mummy yelled. 

"Haaaaaaaa! It's tonight oooo! We have already printed posters with your name and pictures on it."

"My goodness! And I would be leaving the country this morning. I'm organizing a retreat at Brazil. I can't cancel everything right now. Arrangements have been going on for the past three months."

"Oh my goodness! What are we going to do?"

Soon, mommy's eyes met with mine.

"Can I send any of my spiritual daughters to represent me?"

"As long as that person is carrying a double portion of your anointing, we would be happy to have her. It's just an alnight meeting and she'll be back the next day."

"Okay! That's wonderful! I'll send her contact to you," she replied and hung up.

I almost felt like disappearing from the house, so she wouldn't be sending me on that errand.

"Please get ready! You are going to the all night and you'll be ministering there. Do you have any engagement today?"

I wanted to tell her about the outing between my husband and I, but that would make me sound carnal. We are talking about kingdom business here. As soldiers, we should be ready to sacrifice our pleasures and comfort to propagate the kingdom we represent.

Anyway I could still go home and get ready for the program in the evening. 

"What's the venue?" I asked like a serious minded person.



" They'll arrange for your flight by 12 today. Any problem?"


"If you know you want to be with your husband and abandon the work of God no problem!"

"No ma! It's just that I'll need his permission to go for the meeting."

"I'll give him a call when I leave this place. I'll tell him I'm borrowing his wife for the night. I guess he'll say yes in a jiffy!" She replied grinning.

Na wa ooooo! Mummy has stolen my romantic evening.

To be Continued.......

The Bible made it clear to us when the disciples decided to follow Jesus.

Matthew 19:27 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore? 

Verse 28. And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 

Verse :29. And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Choosing to burn for Jesus, is not a decision we would end up regretting. Get intimate with the Holy Ghost. Get busy building your relationship with him. 

Very soon, all those who thought you were wasting your time will be shocked at how God would lift you out of the pit and set you to sit among princes.