Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 196 - Episode 97

Chapter 196 - Episode 97


Episode 97

© Ayo Omolayo

I arrived at the building and stepped down from the vehicle. I was welcomed by some Men in Black suits and handed a bouquet. I was led to meet with the general overseer in a beautiful office.

"Welcome woman of God!"

"Thank you so much!"

"I hope you were treated kindly?"

"You bet I was! It was beyond my expectation. I'm grateful to you all for the warm welcome."

"Please be grateful to God. We are all grateful to you for being a blessing to this generation and for coming here to represent your spiritual mother. For Mummy to recommend you to Minister in her stead, it means you're a daughter that carries her spiritual DNA.

Not every spiritual children can carry the exact DNA of their mentor. It means you are a doctor that submitted to the core, until the spirit rested on you. Just like Elisha followed Elijah and got a double portion of the Spirit upon him. You have followed your mentor and inherited the same spirit she carries. 

We are happy to have you here!"

"Thanks alot," I said all smiles.

We were still talking when suddenly the door opened and one of the men in suits walked in. 

"Sir! The CEO is here!" 

"Are you serious?"

"Yes sir!" He said grinning.

"You mean she's here live? Tell me it's a joke!"

"It's not sir!" The man said laughing.

"Please bring her in."

"Okay sir!" He said and left.

Soon the door open and a stinkingly rich lady walked in with her entourage.

"Hi pastor!" She greeted.

"CEO! How are you! It's an honour to have you here in our midst. I can't imagine you came for the meeting. I was thrown aback when they told me you were here. I'm shocked! What brought you here?"

"Pastor please come down! Yes my sister Sharon!" She said and pointed at the lady behind her.

"Wow! she looks beautiful! How are you doing young lady?"

"I'm doing great sir! How's the ministry?"

"God has been helping us oooo! He has been using your elder sister for us. Infact, this program would not have been possible without her financial support. It took us so much to pay for the flight ticket and everything just to bring Mummy Abayomi here. She paid for the flight ticket and everything. She also took care of the honorarium the woman of God will be taking home tonight.

For a long time, she has been used by God to turn this place into a palace. Your mum was from kaduna and a worshipper of God in this denomination. She told us it was one of her mum's wish that her children look after this church while she's gone.

Ever since your mum and dad passed away, she has put all her financial strength to make their dream a reality. We have seriously been blessed by her good works. Thank you so much for saying yes to God."

My spirit was no longer comfortable with the words of the man of God. It dawned on me that he was worshipping her, because of her financial status. 

"SHE'S NOT BORN AGAIN!" Daddy whispered.

"Daddy! We are grateful to God! I'm so glad my sister could do something great in the house of God. The Lord will reward her labour of love in Jesus name!"


"Here is her boyfriend! Uncle Tunde!" CEO said and pointed to the young man who came with them.

"You mean her fiancee?"

"No! Her boyfriend! They've been dating for a while now!"

"Oh! Tunde how are you?" The man of God said. 

Someone needed to speak the mind of God before this rich woman. It's obvious she's too wealthy, that she has not met someone who could challenge her with the truth of God's word.

"Are you born again?" I asked.

It was as though I asked a strange question or should I say, spoke a strange language. There was silence in the room as I drew everyone's attention.

"Who's this?"

"My bad! I'm so sorry I'm supposed to have told you. This is the woman of God who would be ministering to night at the all night."

"Who the hell is this? Where on earth did you pick this trash?"

"Madam we are sorry! We tried to get mommy to minister but she was traveling to Brazil today. So she sent us one of her spiritual daughters to represent her."

"Man of God I paid you to get Mummy Abayomi here. This is not Mummy Abayomi. Where did you get this one from? When someone pays for a package, it is your duty to ensure the package is delivered. I don't know if you understand the grammar I spoke?"

"I did ma! We are sorry for everything that happened. We tried our best but it wasn't enough. We would do all we can't to ensure this doesn't repeat itself," the man of God apologized.

"All these insultive young ladies with no iota of respect for people. Just imagine the kind of questions she's asking me immediately she saw me. She couldn't greet me immediately she saw me. I wonder where you picked this one from."

"I'm sorry ma! Please don't be offended. Find a place in your heart to forgive us. It would never repeat itself again."

"It's all right! Your saving grace is the fact that mummy recommended her. I came here to be a part of the program, it's obvious I can't be any longer. It was mommy I came for, not her. I came here to see Mommy Abayomi, not her spiritual daughter. I'm seriously disappointed by this show of unseriousness and disrespect. I don't think I'll be part of this program to night. I'll look for somewhere else and someone else to meet.

I can't pay for a package and be given something else. I wanted to see Mommy Abayomi at all cost. It's been so hard to have a one-on-one discussion with her. I've been looking for her everywhere and I was finally able to get her. Just look at what you give me in return! It's so disappointing."

"Please forgive us!"

I seriously needed to show this woman how foolish she was. Daddy was seriously helping me calm my nerves. 


"Okay sir!" 

"Young lady! This is no way to speak to the Lord's anointed. As far as I'm concerned, mommy was engaged, so she sent a representative. If you are not happy with her representative, you can leave the meeting and go home. Nobody forced you to be here. And at the same time I don't mind if you want me sent back.

But seriously you need to consider the salvation of your soul. From the way you spoke, it's obvious you are not born again. Whatever brought you here with the intention of seeing mummy, God will still solve it. But is interested in the salvation of your soul. If you want to be used by God and be delivered from all your problems, you must not only surrender your money but your heart to Jesus. 

Forget all you've done here, if your name is not in the book of life, it's a waste. The Bible stated it clearly. What is the profit of a man, if he gains the whole world and lose his soul. Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? Nothing!

You need to surrender your heart to Jesus and stop all the religious activities. It won't take you anywhere."

"Thank you so much for your sermon. I seriously need to get out of this place!" She said and walked out.

Her sister rushed to me while the boyfriend left. She grabbed my hand and went down on one knee.

"Please ma can you help us? She's crazy!"

"Yes she asked like someone who's crazy!"

"No you don't understand! I mean she's crazy!"

"Please don't use the insulting word on her! She asked like someone who's crazy, but don't call her a crazy person."

She let go of my hand and stood up.

"Okay ma!" She replied, turned and left.

"Woman of God! Thank you so much for standing up to do what I ought to have done a long time ago. I've never had the courage to speak to that woman about her life. I was so afraid of losing her if I spoke the truth."

"I can't believe this!"


"Okay Dad!" I replied inwardly and turned to the pastor.

"It's alright sir!" I said and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you ma!"

I spent the rest of the day rain in the room I was given. I also studied the scriptures during the short the period I was alone.

The pastor sent for me when it was time to minister.

"Mummy Abayomi was unable to make it for atge meeting, but she said one of her spiritual daughters to represent her. Please put your hands together for pastor Mrs Juliet Thompson," he announced as I walked to the pulpit. 

"Thank you so much! I want to appreciate the leaders of this great congregation for not rejecting me. I have seen situations where mentors refer their ritual children to represent them and the church refused. But you are sceptered me and I am so grateful. 

I stand under the grace of my mother in the faith, mummy Abayomi and I decree upon each and everyone of you, that whatsoever that followed you to this meeting, the Lord will solve it in Jesus name!"

"Amen!" The congregation roared.

"Right now before I start ministering, we are going to set this place on fire. Before we start praying I want us to sing the song together. If you know it you can join us.

They were gathered in an upper chamber,

as commanded by the risen Lord,

and the promise of the Father

there they sought with one accord,

when the Holy Ghost from heaven


like a rushing wind and tongues of fire:

so dear Lord, we seek Thy blessing,

come with glory now our hearts inspire.

Let the fire fall, let the fire fall,

Let the fire from heaven fall;

we are waiting and expecting,

now in faith, dear Lord, we call;

let the fire fall, let the fire fall,

on Thy promise we depend;

from the glory of Thy presence

let the Pentecostal fire descend.

The choristers picked up the song and sang, while I blasted in tongues.

"Lord let your fire fall!" I screamed out loud and there was shouting in the hall. People fell under the anointing and the ushers were moving around to hold those under the power.

A lot of people were rolling on the floor screaming, while some vomited some substance on the floor.

I was struck by something incredible when I open my eyes. I saw an usher fall heavily on the ground. The fall was so terrible. I thought probably something was wrong with the person he was trying to hold down. Then I saw about 10 people crowding a person, trying to hold the person down.

To my amazement the person pushed the 10 of them away that they all fell at once. The best way to describe it was how Samson pushed the philistines off his body in the movie. If you've watched the movie you'll understand what I'm trying to describe. That was exactly what replicated itself right now.

I was shocked to find a lady with chains on her hand and feet in the congregation. She was screaming aloud with chains dangling on her wrist and ankles.

I decided to remain at the altar where it was easier for me to be safe. Everybody around the lady fled. An usher came to call me from the pulpit to go and pray for her. Who sent this usher?

I had to leave the pulpit and follow them to the scene. As I got closer I heard her screaming some words I remembered hearing many years back!"

"Give us the bread! Give us the bread!" The demon in her kept shouting.

"Woman of God please help!" Sharon cried out from where she stood in the congregation.

"This is what I was trying to tell you. She's crazy! It's my sister! The CEO of kolapo production company."

"Aunty Rhema!" I shouted as it dawned on me this was the lady from my dream.

To be Continued.......

Who remembers Aunty Rhema?


I turned and next was the lady I don't know standing in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is not important. You'll meet me in the future. You'll nickname me Aunty Rhema. That's what you'll find yourself calling me in the future. 

I am a great teacher of God's word. I am like Apostle Paul in this generation. I carry the oil of devouring the mysteries of God's word. Through me, many lives will be transformed and revivals would break out.

My generation keep crying to me in the dream repeating these e words, 'Give us the bread! Give us the bread!'

They keep meeting me in my dreams telling me to give them the bread. I am not a baker. I am the CEO of the Kolapo production company. I know this bread is not a physical food. But the bread for the hungry soul.

But I am plagued with the spirit of insanity. I'm a mad woman! Satan had seen my star early enough and had struck me with madness. 

The reason why I'm here is because you are the one God has ordained to deliver me from this spirit of insanity. So if you fail your generation, you're not just going to fail yourself. You'll be sentencing me to a madwoman for life. 

Many mad people roaming the streets today have already being assigned to someone to deliver them. But the deliverer is still in Pharoah's palace. Unwilling to leave his or her comfort zone to pay the price and fulfill destiny. Enjoying the pleasures of Egypt which would only last for a season.

So those mad people will remain mad people. Just because one man was unwilling to pay the price to fulfill destiny".

At this point, I had tears in my eyes. How could God assign so much to me? And here I was wasting away? 

"Aunty Rhema! I'm sorry!"

"Don't apologize! Make sure by the time we meet in the future, you're already that deliverer God had destined you to become. I'm counting on you! God is counting on you!"

That was how she vanished.....


Will you fail your generation? Will you fail those destinies tied to you?