Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 177 - Episode 78

Chapter 177 - Episode 78


Episode 78

© Ayo Omolayo

"What exactly is the meaning of what you did? I thought you said you were going to propose to her tomorrow? Why are you rushing these important decisions about your life?" I asked Romeo on the phone.

I had to pretend I was excited when I saw how everyone reacted to the proposal. And I thank god my drama was so unique that no one noticed my heart break. I was completely devastated but I composed myself and we had a great time teasing the new couple. I was just waiting for when they will leave and I'll be able to call both of them.

"I am sorry ma! I was trying my best to be patient but I guess love had the better side of me."

"Romeo this is not love! Love is patient. If this was truly love you will be able to wait for your woman till tomorrow. This kind of rush is excessive."

"I am sorry ma! But I guess it's already too late to take back what I said. The relationship has started and I want you to wish me all the best."

I was silent for a while. It dawned on me that no matter what I said the relationship had come to stay. If I were wise I better find my way and still getting what needs to be done.

"It's alright Romeo! You're an adult! You are old enough to make decisions for yourself. Besides you are 29. I believe it's your soul desire to get married before 30. I wish you all the best and a happy married life in advance."

"Thank you ma! And a big amen to your wishes! I really appreciate you for all the things you do and tolerating this annoying personality called Robert."

"Well, we are grateful to God for everything."

"Bye ma!"

"Bye Romeo!" I replied and hung up.

I decided to call Kayla as well. Immediately I was done talking with Romeo, I placed a call across to her.



"I'm so glad you finally started calling me again. It's been so long. Why did you choose to abandon me?"

"I never abandoned you. You know very well I always pray for you."

"Awwwwnnnn! Thank you so much! That's so sweet of you!" She replied.

"I was calling because I was surprised by what happened today. Romeo proposed to you and you were accepting his proposal without praying to God about it. Why would you do such a thing?"

"I'm sorry ma! But that's not the whole story. Actually, I have been in love with Robert for a long time. I have taken my feelings to God several times. I decided to spend more time praying about it so I visited the prayer ground. I was told that many proposals will come but one of the proposals will be so mind-blowing and that it was my husband.

Today's proposal was mind blowing. I never saw it coming after a spiritual revival meeting. Immediately my mind did a flashback and the revelation came in a rush. I knew this was my man and that was the reason why I didn't have to waste any more time than accept the proposal."

"Kayla, the decision to get married is a very important decision that must not be taken in a rush. She will need to seek God's face for clarity so you would be so sure that you're not following your emotions."

"But I already sought the face of God and got my answers. Why should I waste time when I am being pursued by so many men? I already told Romeo to get me a ring so I can always put it on and scare other guys away. You need to see how guys have been disturbing me. Do you know how many guys I have blocked on my phone because of their incessant disturbance?

This proposal came like a deliverance. Once I put on the ring, I will snap it and also snap pictures with Romeo to post on my page. This would keep all the flies away. I'm so glad that I'll be getting married to the man of my dreams. Mama! Why all these questions? Aren't you happy for me?"

"Sure! I'm happy for you! I just needed to make sure certain things were not out of place. Especially the place of seeking the face of God in making marital decisions. It is my soul duty to ensure it wasn't missing. With what you said so far, I believe both of you would make a fine couple.

I wish you all the best and a happy married life in advance." 

"Amen! Thank you so much sweet mummy! You're such a darling. I remember those years back when I was so wicked and bitter. You didn't give up on me and my monstrous father. You never give up on the two of us, on my family. My monstrous father is now a Deacon in the church. He's a financer of God's work and a giver in the body of Christ.

Who could have believed God had such a wonderful plan for that kind of man? It made me realise that there's no man God cannot change. Thank you so much for being a blessing to this generation. I really appreciate it!"

That was how our conversation ended and I knew I needed help.

I rose up and went straight to mommy's room. I knocked and entered, only to find both of them asleep. Mummy was leaning her head on her husband's chest. Watching them in that position, made me desire the kind of marriage she had. Will I be able to have such marital bliss with Romeo?

With the way they laid motionless, I concluded they will be asleep and turned to leave. 

"Julie angel! Do you want to see me?" Mummy asked.

"Yes ma!" I answered as I turned around to find her staring at me. 

"I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep!"

"I wasn't yet asleep," she said, dragging herself out of the bed. 

She told me to wait for her in the sitting room which I did. She came downstairs to join me on the sofa.

"So have you broken up with Segun?" Was the first question she asked.

"Mummy what's going on now is more than breaking up with Segun. I just found myself in the biggest confusion of life. Right before my very eyes Romeo propose to another person. I mean the same Romeo God said would be my husband, proposed to another person in my presence.

Mommy I am confused! I don't understand what is going on. I heard God and he spoke clearly. Why all this confusing events occurring? I believe in God is not an author of confusion. So where are all these confusions coming from? Please Mummy, I need your help!"

"To do what?"

"Haaaaaaaa! Mummy,are you angry with me?" 

"Why would I be? You're yet to end the relationship with Segun. I'm so proud of you!"

"I'm sorry ma! I was going to do it before all these distractions came up. I wouldn't dare disobey an instruction you gave so that."

"Of course I I know that, but delay very dangerous. Now, to answer your question, did God tell you anything to do about this issue?"

"I don't understand!"

"You do! Were there specific instructions when you ask God what happened?"

"I got to scriptures. God humbles the proud but gives grace to the humble. The second was, seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing will be added to you.

These were the two scriptures I received. But I don't understand how this applies to my man falling into the hands of the wrong person?"

"Juliet you're funny! You don't understand what is going on. By now you are supposed to get the clear meaning of what God is teaching you. Number one, whatever is happening that is making your man to follow the wrong person is as a result of your pride. 

Perhaps this Romeo guy was supposed to see you as a friend. But you have placed yourself on the high chair that you are so feared and revered. The only way you can relate with you is on official matters. One of the things that I made many girls unapproachable by men is how they carry themselves.

Do you know that it is a normal thing in the body of Christ? It is much easier for a sinner to propose to a Christian lady than for a Christian brother. It's one of the strategy the enemy uses to attack Christians from taking the right decision. Many brothers are scared of you letting their feelings known to the Christian sister they love. 

So in the long run, they option for the one who is more approachable. In your own situation, God is telling you that you have been presenting yourself in such way that his eyes see it as a taboo to have you as a wife. Even if the thought of having you as a wife and tells his heart, he will rebuke it as a third from the pit of Hell. 

What he saying is you should work on how you comport yourself. You have placed yourself so high in the sight that just can see both of you as a couple.

Number two, you are so desperate to get married that marriage is running away from you. Remember, that scripture is one of the principles of forgetting things easily from God.

It's a strategy that has worked for centuries. Once you want God to do something for you, start getting busy with knowing him more. Adam was busy sleeping in the garden when God was busy looking for his wife. Adam was busy fellowshipping with God and enjoying the presence of God, while God was busy solving the personal issues in Adam's life.

The more desperate you are to get married the more you are not ready to get it. It's a secret that many ladies have not realised. I'm not saying you should not desire to get married, don't get me wrong. What I'm saying is that this mad emotional trauma that you feel like dying if the guy doesn't marry you, is the more reason why you won't get married.

Watch every situation where God answers a man's prayer. The heart was calm before the answer arrived. Impatience is one of the things that pushed people into mistakes. 

I am getting to 30 and I want to get married before I am 30 years old. I am already 35 and I am getting older. God please bring my man. And you'll add fast, to the back of the prayer request. God bring my man fast. Please God, don't waste more time. Bring him now! I want him to show up as quickly as possible.

What you need to do is to take it to God in prayers and trust him to intervene. Never call a man on the phone and tell him that God said I am your wife. That is the biggest mistake of a lifetime. Never tried out the rubbish. Once God has revealed to you that this man is yours, tell him to also reveal to the man that you are his. Never be the one to call him and tell him God said I am yours. 

A lot of ladies have made such a mistake and in that weighs sold themselves cheap to a man. Men we are destined to be hunters. They are expected to search for a treasure called woman. It's absolutely natural of man to search for woman. Once a woman is presenting herself before the man, she would never be valued as a treasure. 

That's the reason why you will see a woman look after a man wash his clothes and everything get pregnant for the boyfriend so she wouldn't go elsewhere. Yet the boyfriend who still go out in search for a woman. Once a man is not interested in you, don't impose yourself into his life.

It's one of the early signs that this man will be an unfaithful husband. The fact that is not pursuing you is the fact that his heart is not with you. For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. 

Work on all these things in your spiritual life and in how you relate with people. Work on how you relate with Romeo. I'm not saying you should not be focused and seriously minded, but that aura of I'm better than you, which you usually show him must end."

To be Continued....

Men are hunters. If you don't know, know it today. He will never be satisfied until he hunts for his bride. Whenever the Bride is hunting for the man, what she finds is a fake lover. 

That's the reason why any man dating in lady and requesting that the relationship will not continue until there is immorality, is not a man that loves a lady.

Another thing you don't know about men is that men love collecting things for free. Once a lady is willing and ready to give everything, the man will also be willing to collect everything.

And when he's fed up, he goes hunting. This is one of the factors responsible for unfaithfulness in relationships. And you see the lady complaining she gives him everything yet he's still cheating. 

I'm talking about relationship, not marriage. Never be the one to chase the man. It's a good thing you fell in love with him, but be patient enough to let him fall in love enough to come for you. After all, the bible says that love is patient.

All those dreams of you are my husband and you are looking for a way to communicate to him that he is your husband. Please the bible made it clear. He that finds a wife, not she that finds a husband. 

Protect your dignity dear ladies. It's a wonderful thing to see a man pursue you. But remember to also carry God along when making decisions.