Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 170 - Episode 71

Chapter 170 - Episode 71


Episode 71

© Ayo Omolayo

The door opened and mummy walked in. 

"Babe! Mummy just came back. I'll have to call you later."

"You're at mummy's place?" He asked.

"Yes! I came to officially inform her about us."

"Oh! That's a good move!"

"Bye! I love you!"

I felt so scared to use those words in mummy's presence, but I forced myself to say the words. 

"I love you baby!" With that I ended the call. 

"Welcome back mummy!" We both greeted.

"Baby? Who is the baby you're loving on the phone?" Mummy went straight to ask, ignoring our greeting.

"Oh! My fiancee!" I said trying to smile.

"Haa! When did you get a fiancee?" 

"That's why I'm here. I came here to tell you about it."

"Wait! I don't understand. Someone proposed to you and you're here to tell me about it, after you've already accepted the proposal? Is that the rubbish you're telling me?" She asked angrily.

I was shocked by her outburst. I never expected her to react that way. 

"Juliet you of all people! I never expected this level of misbehaviour from you. If I was told you would disrespect me this way, I won't believe it. Why is it that when it comes to relationship, many loyal spiritual daughters become rebellious?"

"Haaaa! Mummy! I'm sorry!" I pleaded and fell on my knees. 

"Someone proposed to you and you accepted it without consulting with me first. What kind of disrespect is that? Is that what I taught you?"

"I'm sorry ma!"

"Go and marry oooo! Since marriage is hungering you! You have my blessing. Good bye!" She said and headed for the stairs.

I pursued mummy and grabbed her legs. 

"Mummy please! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"Juliet! For your information that guy is not yours! If you had simply asked me about the proposal before accepting, I would have told you. But you have already gone ahead to say yes without consulting me. 

I don't want to be an agent of badluck to anyone. Since both of you are already baby and I love you! Please go ahead and get married. I don't want to be the reason why you won't get married. You're almost clocking 30. Who wouldn't want to get married before 30?" She said and tried to shake me off but my grip was firm.

In all my years of walking with mummy, I never saw this coming. I never expected that she would be the one to cancel my marital choices. What was wrong with Segun?

I know I didn't pray about it but I felt at peace with him. But there's something about this peace that is not peaceful. No I don't think so. This is peace and peace is always peaceful. Mummy knows him very well and I am sure she will be able to believe we are meant for each other by the time she meet him.

Perhaps I should allow her go and arrange for a meeting with her and Segun.

"This one you are begging me I don't understand. I said you are going to end that relationship. So what are you begging me for? To change my mind or what?"

"No ma! I want you to forgive me for accepting the proposal without informing you! What I did was very bad. I am supposed to keep you informed before saying yes to a man and I'm so sorry! Please mummy, find a place in your heart to forgive me."

She was silent for a while and then, gently, she loosened my hands from gripping her legs.

"I forgive you Juliet!" She said and lifted me to my feet.

"Thank you ma! I promise you this will never repeat itself again."

"So give your man a call and tell him the relationship is over. When you're done with that, we'll have some discussions to do, so meet me upstairs. You're also joining me the kitchen tonight. I have seriously missed your cooking."

The first statement was the only thing I heard out of all she said. Was she saying I should end the relationship? Just like that? Doesn't she care about my feelings that this is the kind of man I really like?

She's just giving all the instructions as though I am not a human being. This is one reason why I hate mentorship. A lot of mentors like standing on the way of progress when it comes to marriage. I don't know why they like opposing their mentees getting married? I guess they are scared. This is the reason why many mentees go ahead of their mentors to accept proposals.

But wait a second, is that not rebellion speaking in me? Even if my mentor is standing against my marriage and doesn't want me to get married, God will always fight for me, if this is oppression.

Since mummy has already said I should end the relationship, it's either I obey or I plead with her to change her mind. As for rebellion, that's a no! Building a relationship on the foundation of rebellion is failure at the beginning of a journey. I have not started the relationship properly and I want to start rebelling against my spiritual covering. That is a complete sign from God that this relationship has a lot to do with my walking outside the plans of God for my life.

Those thoughts were still running through my mind when mummy slipped out of my hands and was on her way upstairs. I wanted to call her to at least let her repeat those instructions again, but I thought against it.

The instructions were clear and now I had to follow.

Talk of the devil, my phone was ringing and it was Segun calling. 


"Hi baby!"

"Baby can I call you back? Now is not a good time."


"I offended mummy and I think she is seriously upset. Added to that, she's angry I accepted your proposal without telling her. As you can see, I'm not in the right frame of mind for any discussion right now. Please I'll get back to you as soon as I am done with all of this."

"Okay! I called to inform you I told my dad you said yes. You need to see how excited he was. He went further to tell me about the plans he has for the two of us. I believe when we get married he said he is going to fly us out of this country. Will spend the rest of our lives in America."

"Doing what?"

"The Lord's work of course. There are many souls to be won in America and imagine what it would look like to display the power of God to those people who do not believe in God."

This is exactly what I wanted. A lot of men who just say I'm going to America to enjoy my life, but my man was going there on a mission for the Lord. God please let mummy understand what I am going through. It will not be easy for me to lose this kind of man."

"Baby, he also told me that with some of the connections he has over there he'll be able to get you your own hospital. I told him that hospital will be a clinic where people are healed without drugs. Americans will witness the power of god like in the days of John G. Lake."

I was already overwhelmed with joy. Mommy needs to hear this. I believe once she hears this she will admit all what she said was out of anger. Mummy can be angry sometimes and say a lot of things in that state. I believe she said all those things because she was angry.

"Baby, I'll call you back please. Let me sort myself out. Bye!"

"Bye! I love you!"

"Segun, bye!"

"Say it na!"

"Please! I'm not in the right frame of mind to say it. Spare me the moment."

"Please na! I was surprised when you said it earlier. It looked as if I was dreaming. Can you please say it again?"

"Bye!" I said and ended the call smiling.

I run up the stairs to meet with her. I knocked on our door and opened after waiting for a few minutes.

She was holding a bunch of clothes in our hands and was about stepping into the laundry.

"Oh! Thank God you're here! Please help me with these," she said and handed the clothes over to me.

For the first time since a knew mummy, this would be the first time I wanted to say no to her when sending me an errand.

"Mummy, can we talk?"

"We would talk later. I'm trying to prepare for a ministration this evening. I need to be in my studies. I needed to wash these clothes so I won't run out of clothes to wear. Thank God for the gift of spiritual children. Help me wash those clothes and hang them out to dry."

Usually there was a washing machine in the house. Today of all days, there was no electricity that means I have to use my hands. Daddy was not around to help us put on the plant. That machine can only be turned on by men of power. So I had to wash those many clothes with my hands. Why me? Oh my God!

I felt like bursting in tears. Still holding the clothes in my hand I decided to push harder.

"Mummy, it's urgent. Please! My heart is not at peace right now! Can I borrow 5 minutes of your time?"

She stared at me and a frown appeared on her my face.

"Is it about your guy?"

"Yes but!"

"Juliet don't ever bring that guy to me again. I'm ashamed of you! You of all people went ahead to accept a proposal without asking God. Right now, you haven't heard the voice of the holy spirit for the past 30 minutes and you are comfortable.

Shame on you woman of God! The Holy Ghost has not spoken to you for the past 30 minutes and you are comfortable. You need to cry for your life! Your destiny is under attack, yet, you don't realize!

Even that thing you are calling peace there's much trouble inside it. You console yourself that there is peace in your heart when there is serious trouble in your heart. 

Listen and listen carefully, other people may choose their life partner through having a level of peace in their heart towards the person. But in your case, if you do not pray, Satan is ready to cut off your head and bury it. 

You are not everybody! You are a wanted terrorist. There's a serious Price tag on you. Demons are agitating to get your head for Lucifer. And you are here busy telling yourself you have peace therefore he is my man! Rubbish! You better go and pray if you don't want to miss it in marriage.

For you not to have heard the voice of the Holy Ghost and remain comfortable, is a big shame on you. In fact, for the next 7 hours you're going to be in my prayer room. You are going to pray until you see your true husband. If you do not see him, you're not coming out of that room. You're going to see him and the kind of ministry God will give to him. Then you are going to tell me what his name is.

Listen carefully, number one, you will see him. Number two, what kind of ministry God will give to him? Number three, what is his name?

If you do not see these three things, that prayer room will become your house."

I went down on my knees and began to cry. I wanted to convince Mummy to accept Segun. Everything got worse than it was before. Now I was under serious punishment.

I remember the last time mummy gave me a punishment like this. She told me to pray for an hour till I am able to see an angel appear in my vision. I ended up praying till the morning of the next day before I was able to see an angel. I prayed from 10 p.m. till 6 a.m. the next day.

I'm wondering how many hours are we spend before I will see all these things she's asking me to see.

"Mummy please! Don't do this to me! I will end the relationship."

"Juliet you know me by now. I don't go back on my decisions. Go and wash those clothes then lock up yourself in that room. Pass the key through the loop underneath the door, I'll pick it up when I passed there.

Make sure you lock the door and throw the key out through the bottom of the door. If the devil wants to bury you, I will not allow it."

Na wa ooooo! See wetin mentorship don do me!

To be Continued.......

One of the greatest blessings in life is having a spiritual head. 

There were so many things that would have gone wrong in my life if not for the blessing of accountability to a spiritual father. 

I won't lie! There were times when everything in me wanted to give up and allow sin take place. But the consciousness of having somebody to report myself to whenever I commit an offence, will be the last thing to stand between me and sin. 

But I want to advise everyone of you. It's not enough to have a spiritual head. Do you submit yourself to that spiritual father? When he gives you instructions do you obey completely? 

Do you report yourself to him or her? Or are you too secretive that he doesn't have a clue about anything happening around you?

Many Christians today have a mentor, but they only report the good things they do to him. Whenever they disobey his instructions, they hide it very well. So they will be labelled the good child that child that never commits offence.

Unknown to the spiritual head that there are a lot of things going on, covered and not reported. 

I believe this message is for someone.