Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 171 - Episode 72

Chapter 171 - Episode 72


Episode 72

© Ayo Omolayo

I was washing the clothes with my ear buds safely hanging in my ear loops. I was getting busy with some music while working. So immediately a call came in, I only had to dry my hands with a towel and tap the finger print on my ear bud. 


"Julie angel!" The male voice called.

A broad grin appeared on my face and I started singing my favourite song I usually sing for him. 

"Please! Stop the music!"

"Why! I told you to come and marry me and you refused, now look at the way I'm suffering as an unmarried woman in mummy's hands."

"Haaaaaaaa! Madam! What kind of accusation is this?"

"See, don't sit there and try to claim innocence ooooo! You better come and marry me before I lose my mind!" I threatened playfully and we both burst into laughter.

"How's ministry?"

"We thank God. We have been planting the seed and God has been giving the increase. We are ever grateful to him for that."

"Indeed we are grateful!" 

"Thank you so much for being there for me! Thank you for being the best friend I ever had!" 

"Haaaaaaaa! I'm more than a friend na!"

"Can you see! That's why I have been disturbing you to come and marry me and you refused."

"Woman of God! This your mouth is anointed. The more you keep saying the two of us will get married, the more it's likely to happen oooo. Please if it's joke, stop it now oooo! Abeg!"

I burst into laughter.

"You fear alot!"

"Yes oooo! Especially when it has to do with my Juliet Anderson. I don't play with her at all. She's all I've got."

"Awnnnnnn! You're gonna make me blush!"

"Woman of God is not supposed to blush! You're supposed to be meditating on the scriptures and catching Rhema."

"How will I be able to concentrate, when you're there spoiling me with your love?"

"Okay! I withdraw my love!"

"Withdraw wetin? Don't even think about it! Don't you know it's this your love that is making me not to fall for other guys?"

"Haaaa! A woman of God that cannot stand firm! What kind of woman of God is that?"

"Calm down oooo! I'm a woman before you add of God to the name. A woman will always be a woman. She loves to blush, she love to hear someone say I love you. She wants to hear someone say you mean the whole world to me! 

Thank you so much for being there for me!"

"We thank God!"

"Say you're welcome!"

"We thank God!"

"No I said you should say I am welcome!"

"I said we thank God!"

"It is well with your soul Sha!" 

"Amen ooooo! Small thine you'll say I should take you to America. Is that how you'll be telling Americans we thank God?"

"Madam! The name of the Lord must be praised!"


"Any gist for me?"

"Yes ooooo! That's the more reason why I said your love is overwhelming me oooo! Your goodness....."

"Abeg! Talk make I hear word!"

"There was this brother that didn't want your girl to rest oooo. Brothers can be desperate oooo! God forbid! They are ready to do anything to get a lady!"

"You're a kind of lady no man would want to miss. They would fight tooth and nail to ensure they get you."

"Haaaaaaaa! This guy kept disturbing me. I wanted to block him oooo! But somehow, I said let me be enjoying the sugarcoated words he was using on me. This guy is such a poet. Like play, he started filling my head oooo! How he got into my head I don't know."

"You broke one of the rules of engagement. If you don't want to eat a food, don't bring it close to your nose to smell it. Because in the process of smelling it, you would end up tasting it."

"Hmmmmmmm! Wise words!"

"Yes! If you don't want to date a guy and the guy is still insisting you give in and give him a chance, block him. As an adult, he's supposed to respect your decisions. He has no right to break your convictions. Anyone who manipulates you into breaking your convictions is not a good person. 

A true friend must be patient and allow you to make up your mind on your own. Not mounting unnecessary pressure on you and forcing you to believe what they believe. If you believe God said I'm your wife, you have to allow me to believe as well. Not mounting pressure and getting into my head with your playboy schemes.

And you as a lady, you must be firm. A wavering lady is nothing but a piece of bread otn the hands of evil guys. Once they know that you melt when there's pressure, they'll attack from that angle. So as a lady, once you give a guy your no and he's pursuing, block him. Don't allow him get into your head and break your convictions.

That's what happened to Eve in the garden. God had already said she must not eat of the forbidden fruit. But she wanted to hear what Lucifer had to say. She was hanging around the tree of knowledge. She was watching it and fascinated by it's beauty. I believe she must be asking questions like, what's wrong with this tree? Why did God say we must not eat from it?

That's the same thing with many ladies today. They already heard God telling them that the guy proposing to them is not theirs, but they'll not dismiss the guy. They'll allow him to keep hanging around them. They'll listen to him profess love to them and blush. They don't know the devil is planting seeds of rebellion in their heart. 

Soon, they'll open his picture on their phones and look at him. What's bad about this guy? Why did God say he's not my man? He's such an amazing fellow. 

These negative thoughts wouldn't have found expression, if you had simply given no room for the guy. 

I'm not saying the two of you should become enemies. What I'm saying is that, you should make him respect your decisions. If he cannot respect your decisions and remain a platoonic friend, wave him goodbye. That's a manipulative person. He'll always find a way of forcing you into agreeing with him if you start a relationship with him. 

"Wow! I never saw this marriage seminar coming. Thank you so much! My apostle Paul!"

"You're welcome!"

"Haaaaaaaa! At last! Thank you Jesus!"

"What happened?"

"You finally said it! You said it at last!"


I burst into laughter.

"So where am I going to get an apostle Paul like you now? If I marry another guy, I wouldn't have an apostle Paul to teach me the word of God like you! I feel like shedding tears!" I said and feigned to be someone crying.

"Madam! You better stop that drama and tell me how the guy was sent off."

"Oh! Yes! So, on this fateful day when the guy was trying to get into my head. I started telling him to back off that I was in a relationship. He didn't want to believe me. He kept telling me that I was trying to threaten I was in a relationship because I didn't want to be in a relationship with him. I was almost angry with him because he was trying to tell me I was lying.

That was when my superhero came to the rescue. Suddenly, your call started ringing on my phone. I took up the phone and started calling you all the sweet names on earth. I saw the jealousy that appeared on his face. But this guy was so persistent that he still went ahead to say I should show him the caller's ID.

Thank God I saved your name with, My Superhero. Immediately saw the name, he was completely broken. That was when you finally accepted defeat and left."


"Yes ooooo!"

"We thank God!"

"I hear you joor!" I replied and we both burst into laughter.

"So you told me you were going to see mum to tell her about Segun's proposal. Are you at her place right now?"

"Yes I am!"

"And how did the meeting go?"

"It was a total disaster."

"Jesus! What happened?"

"Actually, I would say it's all my fault. First, I just had a level of Peace about this proposal. Let me be honest with you I never prayed to God about it. I just allowed the peace in my heart to be my only anchor. And even this peace that I'm claiming I have I feel a bit of unrest. Secondly, I didn't tell Mommy about the proposal before accepting to marry.

My mummy found out that I had already given him yes without her knowledge, she was furious. Right now, she even punished me and told me to end the relationship."

"What's the punishment?"

"She said my punishment is 7 hours prayer. And she also said I must get the vision of my husband. That I must see him in the vision and also know his name and the assignments that God gave to him. She said until I have this information, I'm not coming out of the prayer room."

"Wow! Such kind of love!"

"Daddy, what kind of love are you talking about? Can't you see the way you are punishing your baby girl?"

"You deserve it na! If I were the one, I would have done more than that."

"Haaaaaaaa! You're not my apostle Paul again!" I said with a playful sulk.

"How would you accept the proposal without informing your mentor? You deserve to be laid on the table and flogged 24 strokes of the cane. Anyway make sure you complete the punishment and get back to me."

"Okay sir!"


"Bye sir!"

That's how that call ended. Daddy almost made me finish washing without realizing. Any man that will marry me must be an apostle Paul like my dad oooo! He's such a sweet guy. 

Suddenly, my phone started ringing again. I thought it was my dad calling, so I quickly tapped the fingerprint of my earbud.




"Yes ma!"

"Have you completed the assignment I give you?"

"No ma!"

"What is wrong with you this boy?"

"I'm sorry ma!"

"Please! If you know you're not ready to be serious with God, stop disturbing my phone! I told you to pray for just 3 hours and you're here telling me you have not done it! What kind of spiritual laziness is that?"

"I'm sorry ma!"

"Please stop telling me that rubbish! You claim you want to carry the fire of God and simple instructions you do not obey. How long are you going to continue with this nonsense! Listen this mentorship stuff is not by force. If you know you told me to mentor you because you wanted to waste my time, I will simply back off. 

You said you were ready to grow spiritually. You said you were ready to follow all my instructions. Now instead of following them, all I am getting are your excuses. If you knew were not ready to follow instructions why did you ask me to mentor you in the first place?"

"I'm sorry ma! I just don't know how to explain what's going on?"

"You better package you're useless explanation and dump it in the trash can. At this stage many believers are rising in spiritual rank and entering into realms in God. You are here busy giving me all manner of excuses. I don't think you are ready to do business in deep waters.

Until you complete your assignment, I don't want to ever see you calling me! Am I understood?"

"Yes ma!"

"The next time you're calling me, you're calling me to tell me you have completed the assignment. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma!" 

"Have a nice day!"

"And you..."

I didn't wait for him to finish his statement before hanging up.

To be Continued......

This is a message to every young lady.

The great proverb that says, 'if you don't want to eat a meal, don't smell it. Cause in the process of smelling it, you would end up tasting it.'

You've already asked God about the guy and God made his reply clear. Don't waste time trying to investigate why God said he's not the one. Once you are certain God said he's not the one, back off.

Also, beware of manipulative brothers. People that you have made it clear to them that you can't get married to them and it's as if their ears are not working. Those kind of people are extremely dangerous when given a chance. If they can find a way to force you into agreement with them to start a relationship. You always have a way of forcing you to do whatever they want in that relationship.

A matured adult, must learn to respect the decisions of a lady. Anyone who has no respect for your decisions this is a manipulative person. Such a person is dangerous and must be avoided. 

Life itself is a journey of conviction. Nobody is permitted to force you into something you are not convinced to do.

So, if the brother says God said you're his wife and you are not convinced God said the same thing to you. His duty is to go back to God and ask God to convince you not to start pushing you everywhere and calling you his baby on WhatsApp. Using heavy romantic words on you to make you break your resolve and fall in love. Asking you when are you going to give him a chance? 

And you tell him you are still praying about it and he replies you what are you still praying about? 

Those kind of people, they are dangerous.

I'm not a relationship counselor. So nobody should call me marriage counselor oooo.


But I believe God has spoken to someone.