Chereads / JESUS SLAY QUEENS / Chapter 58 - Episode 59

Chapter 58 - Episode 59


Episode 59

I sat down and shook my legs as I continued kabashing. I was just speaking the heavenly language with authority and power.

I had to keep my agreement with God. I had a personal scheduled prayer time. One hour with God personally before going to bed. I cannot continue to remain empty. I must carry power.

I knew very well that I would fall asleep if I sit down. Infact, immediately I sat down, the spirit within started making me uncomfortable. It took away my peace. I tried to ignore it at first but it was getting stronger and stronger.

I was not happy actually. I was like, why must I fall asleep everytime I sit down to pray? Is it a must? Or can't God take away this spirit of sleep from me? I'm tired of standing. Can't God give me the power to sit down without falling asleep? Why would he have the power to do certain things and just watch us continue struggling when he can solve it with just a snap of his fingers?

This was what was in my mind when I got a response from the Holy Ghost.


"No sir!" I replied as I jumped to my feet.

I was just blasting in tongues all over the place. It was already 11:30. Soon, we would be reporting to the prayer room where I would be speaking on the topic God gave me. I was so nervous and wanted the Holy Spirit to help me so badly.

I continued praying aggressively. I mean fervently. I stood with my hands akimbo as I groaned angrily in the Holy Ghost.

I continued withe the prayers until something dramatic, something I never expected would happen, happened.

You know one thing about praying in the Holy Ghost? The bible says we know not what we ought to pray for. But the spirit maketh intercession for us with groaning that cannot be uttered.

What this means is, sometimes, we don't know what we're supposed to pray about. We can kneel down and start praying for some particular things in our lives. Yes, prayer points is beautiful. But there are other things surrounding you as a person that you ought to pray about. But your human mind is limited.

And sometimes even when the Holy Ghost brings up the subject and say pray about it, we end up forgetting because we are humans. So praying in tongues is an advantage in the spirit where you pray about certain things in your life, without you even knowing that this is what I'm praying about.

I mean, you pray for everything in your life without your knowledge. Through praying in tongues, you can interceed for your loved ones, pray for your family, pray for your spiritual growth, pray for the nation you live in, without knowing.

So sometimes God wants you to pray for your church, but you're too busy concentrating your prayers on the crisis in your family. Immediately you begin to pray in tongues, the Holy Ghost begins to give you utterance that you don't understand, but in spiritual meaning, you're praying for your church at that particular moment.

But you doing the prayers, don't know you just prayed for someone. All you knew you did was that you spoke in tongues. Mummy taught me something recently. She said God is powerless untill we open our mouths and pray.

Until there are men to pray, demons will continue to wreck lives. So once someone is praying for example maybe there's an armed robbery taking place at a street. The people being robbed may not even christians to begin with. But as the gun men points the weapons at them, they begin to beg for mercy.

God needs someone to pray instantly, in order to save those lives. So he looks for one of his son's or daughter in that location and wakes her in the night to pray. I'm so sorry to say that many believers just don't understand. They go back to sleep. The next morning we will be greeted with the news that armed robbers attacked a neighbour, shot him and his family and went with their money.

All we would sit in our houses to do is God why? Why did you allow armed robbers to kill that good man?

God will be like, 'I don't understand. Aren't you the one who allowed that armed robbers? Why are you accusing me?'

Many accidents that happened to our parents are the faults of our prayerlessness. Wake up and pray, no! Is sleep we want to sleep.

And when mummy will travel and have an accident. We will begin to cry and ask God why? We will not remember to tell him that we were busy sleeping oo. We will accuse him very well for allowing evil things to happen when we were the ones who allowed it through prayerlessness.

So back to where I was. When that armed robbery is taking place and God wants to help. He wakes up that believer and places a strong urge in him to pray. That guy may not understand why or what to pray about. So, he begins to pray in tongues. Exactly what the Holy Ghost needs. The Holy Ghost begins to give him utterance that when interpreted in English means, God should rescue those people that are being robbed at that moment.

Through that prayer, God intervenes. Suddenly there is the arrival of the vigilante group or a police patrol vehicle and the armed robbery attack is terminated. That's what praying in tongues can accomplish.

So I was praying, suddenly I found myself in a dark room. I tried looking around but I couldn't see anything. Haaa! Was I on the road that leads to hell?

I won't attend Broadway academy again.

"CALM DOWN!" Came the reassuring voice.

"Oh!" I'm sorry about that!"

Soon I looked ahead of me and saw Romeo tied to a pole with chains.

"Ha! Romeo! How did you get here? What are you doing here?"

Immediately I asked that question, a lady appeared. She was almost naked except for the bikini she was putting on.

She stood before me, arms akimbo.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"What do I want?"


"That's my friend over there! Why is he tied like a sacrificial animal?"

"He's not cooperating with me! He's trying to prove stubborn. So I decided to tie him up!"

I was more confused.

"Cooperating with you? I don't understand. Please explain! Who are you and why must he cooperate with you?"

"You don't know me do you?" She asked and gave me a mocking smile.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the demon responsible for pornography. My job is to make sure if you watch pornography, you must come back to watch it again. Whenever I fail or see my victims repent of watching pornography. It my duty to entice them and make sure they visit pornography again. If I fail, Lucifer will deal with me mercilessly.

That's why you see Christians secretly watching pornography once in a while. I don't stop them from going to church. Not at all! I'm not even interested in their prayer life. They can pray as many times as they want. If they want to be workers in the church, I'm okay with it. Let them be choristers or ushers, that's none of my business.

My assignment is to make sure that once in a while, they watch pornography and masturbate. That's my assignment. Even if it takes 3 months interval. As long as they continue visiting porn sites and masturbating, my assignment is complete."

"Haaaaa!" I screamed.

"But what about those teaching I gave Romeo? I taught him how to defeat the spirit of immorality."

"Yes! And your teaching was awesome. You taught him well and you handled the problem wonderfully. But the only thing you didn't mention was me. Infact, I am step one. If you have not prayerfully break out of the spirit of immorality, those teaching will only succeed in holding the porn addict from pornography for a long time. But after a while, they will still come back to us, because we have tied them up.

Until the problem is spiritually handled, we will keep walking in circles. First break these chains, then you can teach him how to prevent me from coming back.

I am step one!"

I was so angry in my spirit. I took a praying position and began to speak in aggressive tongues.

"You spirit of pornography! Hear the word of the Lord! At the mention of the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord! Therefore I command you to release my friend in the name of Jesus.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The lady laughed.

I was shocked. I don't understand.

"At the mention of the name of Jesus every knee is supposed to bow na! Why is this one not bowing?

Maybe it's my faith! Father please increase my faith. I just come out of this revelation with Romeo. Lord please! Increase my faith! Your are not a liar.

You said in the book of Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.

Verse 18. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Father, I command this evil spirit to bow in the name of Jesus!"

"Juliet! Why do you love wasting your time? Go and sleep jare! You think I'm one of those spirits you order around?"

If you don't leave this place I will tie you up as well! Get out!" She yelled.

Fear gripped me. I jerked and moved back in surprise.

"Daddy! You have never disappointed me. Even when I was stabbed in the belly, just a declaration from my mouth, you spared my life. What's happening today? Why is your word looking as if it is powerless?"

It was as if daddy was not ready to rescue Romeo. Maybe it was God's will that Romeo continues watching pornography and maybe one day, end up masturbating.

"Be ye holy, for I am holy!" That was the scripture that popped up in my head.

"Yes! God wants us to be Holy. So, who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain.

I command you to loose your chains in the name of Jesus!"

"Juliet get out of this place, you disgust me! Get lost!" Was the response the demon gave me.

"God! Do you mean the spirit of immorality is more stronger than the name of Jesus?"

"All power in heaven and on earth has been given unto me!" That was the scripture that came to my heart.

"So what is wrong? Have I committed sin? Did I lust after a guy? No I didn't. Did I curse anyone in my heart? Or maybe I joke too much that my words no longer have power."

"In the name of Jesus! Let Romeo be set free in Jesus name!" I screamed authoritatively.

She began to dance and gave me a mocking smile.

"Haa! Daddy! Why have you forsaken me?" I cried.

"You said I have authority! You said I have power! Why is it looking as if you deceived me?"

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I thought maybe the Holy Ghost had showed up to help.

I opened my eyes and discovered it was Susan.

"Juliet! It's time for the prayers!" She said.

To be continued...

Who wants to find out why Juliet couldn't defeat the spirit of immorality?


It's war friends! The battle line has been drawn. We are going to find out more deep secrets to the strength of the spirit of immorality.

And God will use this story to set many addicts free.

Praying in tongues is one of the most amazing ways to pray. Don't take it for granted. Practice it more often, especially if you're a person that loves interceeding for other people. You may not know who your prayers will save.