Chereads / Online Game: The Sword Immortal of Wonderville / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: Kill One by One

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: Kill One by One

Ye Rong was hidden in the grass, remaining motionless. The fluttering weeds on his face were unbearably itchy.

"First, kill Murong Mountain. As for the other two, even if I face them head-on, I can wear them down." Ye Rong thought to himself. Of all those people, only Murong Mountain had decent equipment and some skills; the others weren't even worth his attention.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Four Aquarius spells connected in succession and struck Murong Mountain, bursting out four damage numbers. At the same time, Ye Rong leaped up and stabbed at him with the Peach-tree Sword. The Fire spell's damage was too low, and it couldn't instantly emit multiple fireballs without interval. Ye Rong simply abandoned it and directly engaged in close combat.

"Damn, this kid hasn't left yet!"

Murong Mountain stepped back, swallowing a Blood-Supplementing pill to slowly recover his Life Value. Ye Rong had instantly deducted more than half of his 200 Life Value, which frightened him too much to stay put. He was afraid that he would suffer the same fate as the fat kid.

Pig Flying Low had told him that Ye Rong had two magical weapons, but Murong Mountain never expected the Aquarius to have such a powerful attack.

Especially at lower levels, players have very low resistance to spells, which makes it easy to deal high damage.

Ye Rong blocked the swinging Bronze Sword of Carrot Riding a Rabbit with his Peach-tree Sword and used his body to resist the attack from Rabbit Eating Radish. -16, Ye Rong had several defensive pieces of equipment that added up to quite an impressive attribute, so ordinary attacks could only cause minimal damage.

Ye Rong ignored them, charging straight at Murong Mountain with full confidence. He could take him down before his Life Value dropped to the danger line.

Murong Mountain's face turned pale, and he retreated hurriedly, his steps stumbling. Nevertheless, Ye Rong closed the gap between them.

Ye Rong raised his left hand, and a fireball started to form in his palm. He hadn't tried using the Fire spell while running before, but he could tell it would require higher operating skill from players. Any tremble or misjudgment could cause the fireball to deviate significantly from the intended direction.

However, his primary goal was merely to stop Murong Mountain from escaping, so accuracy was not his main concern.

With a wave of his hand, a fireball flew out wobbly. Ye Rong calculated the advance and intentionally released it behind Murong Mountain. Surprisingly, it hit him squarely in the chest, charring the area. The fireball didn't take away much of Murong Mountain's Life Value, but it scared him and made him instinctively stop in his tracks.

Ye Rong didn't show any mercy. He swung his Peach-tree Sword, slashing across Murong Mountain's arm and sending out a spray of blood.

"Damn, it doesn't feel good to control this non-official flying sword!"

Holding the Peach-tree Sword like this, it could hardly be considered controlling a flying sword. It was more akin to wielding a stick for starting a fire, unable to bring out Ye Rong's full advantage. But even wielding an ordinary sword, Ye Rong's hands were steadier, and his strikes were more precise, bringing out the maximum potential of the slow-attacking weapon.

-23, -24, -41, he struck Murong Mountain's chest three times in a row. A final critical strike took his life.

Before his body fell and turned into white light, disbelief and resentment filled his eyes. He couldn't understand how their group of four could have ended up like this when facing a player of the same level.

Ye Rong picked up something that looked like a page from a book from Murong Mountain's loot and, without any time to look at it properly, stuffed it into his Qiankun Bag. He had taken four or five hits to his back. Even with his high defense, his life value had been reduced by almost half. He quickly checked his Life Value, which was now just under 100.

Ye Rong kept running at full speed, swallowing a Blood-Supplementing pill as he sprinted. As he passed a large cypress tree, he suddenly braked and changed direction, circling the tree trunk.

Carrot Riding a Rabbit's sword slashed into the tree trunk with great force. After struggling for a while, he pulled out his Bronze Sword, but Ye Rong had already run a considerable distance. Rabbit Eating Radish was still chasing Ye Rong, but the gap between them had widened to more than ten meters.

"Honey, be careful! Come back!"

Carrot Riding a Rabbit suddenly realized that Ye Rong had taken care of their leader in just a few moves. Ye Rong had even recovered his Life Value, and now he was chasing Rabbit Eating Radish instead.

One Sword Withering and Prosperity was deliberately luring the enemy!

+30, +30, +30... Ye Rong ran a distance, and the Blood-Supplementing pill had already refilled his Life Value.

No wonder it cost fifty copper coins for one pill. The effect of the pill was exceptional, it was just a pity that it was too expensive. If only he had more of them, he would not be afraid of fighting even more players.

Ye Rong turned around and swung his sword, but Rabbit Eating Radish was chasing too fast to stop. His body went straight towards the sword's tip. He calmly launched an offensive, and Carrot Riding a Rabbit was still more than ten meters away. Ye Rong knew he could finish her off before he arrived.

Just as Ye Rong had been doing earlier, Rabbit Eating Radish attempted to block his attacks with her sword, but she was nowhere near as effective. Often, two of the three sword strikes would break through her defense, aiming straight at her chest. The gap in swordsmanship skills and innate strength between them played a significant role. Rabbit Eating Radish's strength was inferior to Ye Rong's, which was why he could so easily break through her defense.

Rabbit Eating Radish's combat strategy was correct: delay as much as possible and wait for her boyfriend to arrive and fight Ye Rong together.

However, she didn't expect Ye Rong's attacks to be so fierce that she could not even hold out that long.

Ye Rong pushed the Peach-tree Sword to its limits, utilizing various precise angles to attack. Rabbit Eating Radish couldn't even find the time to grab a Blood-Supplementing pill from her Qiankun Bag.

Under the intense onslaught, Rabbit Eating Radish couldn't escape her fate of dying and turning into white light. She screamed and reincarnated back to the Newbie Village.


Carrot Riding a Rabbit was stunned, watching his girlfriend and teammate die in Ye Rong's hands. His eyes were filled with fire, and he wanted to tear Ye Rong apart. But after witnessing Ye Rong's prowess, a faint fear had crept into his heart, and a voice deep inside told him: you can't win against him. Staying would only give up 70 lifetime points, and there would be plenty of opportunities for revenge later.

Carrot Riding a Rabbit shouted and turned to run, not daring to face Ye Rong any longer.

Ye Rong sneered at his retreating figure. At this point, he would not let him escape. He charged in a straight line and quickly caught up, thrusting his Peach-tree Sword viciously into his back.

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