Chereads / The Confusing tale of a Fairy / Chapter 1 - Prologue: Youthful beginnings

The Confusing tale of a Fairy

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Chapter 1 - Prologue: Youthful beginnings

In a realm known to only a select few, resided a young fairy named Zephyrus. Unlike the contented fairies within the Weltenbaum der Feen, Zephyrus harbored an unsatisfied yearning. "I often wonder about the world beyond," she mused as her gaze fixated on the world beyond her tree, a thought that led her to an intriguing sight.

Swiftly repositioning herself for a better view, Zephyrus observed an unfamiliar woman. Piqued by this rare occurrence, she ventured closer, recognizing her sister Zelda in conversation with the enigmatic woman. Waiting for their discussion to conclude, Zephyrus then approached Zelda.

"Hey ZEL!" she called out, to which Zelda replied with an inappropriate exclamation. "Why the surprise entrance, Zephyr? And what brings you here?" Zelda impatiently queried.

"What fun is there in a normal approach? Besides, it's not my style. Anyway, enough small talk. Who was that woman? She doesn't resemble a fairy at all," Zephyrus inquired.

"Firstly, you yourself bear a more angelic appearance with those wings, yet you remain a fairy. As for the woman, she's an outsider, set to depart tomorrow," Zelda explained.

"That hardly addressed my questions! It only fuels my desire to uncover the truth," Zephyrus protested.

"Enough with the theatrics, Zephyr, and respect my decision. No means no," Zelda stated, flying away and leaving Zephyrus in confusion.

Fast forward to nighttime...

Zephyrus stood beside a lake, entranced by the moon's reflection. 'Why would Zelda withhold the woman's identity? She's usually eager to share the latest gossip, so why this secrecy?' Fatigue overwhelmed her, and she drifted into sleep.

The sound of footsteps drew nearer until they stopped. A cloaked stranger stood beside the slumbering Zephyrus, whispering, "What exquisite wings you possess. It would be a shame for them to disappear."

Zelda's voice pierced the silence, "Halt! Advancing toward my sister would violate our fairy rules."

The stranger revealed herself as the enigmatic woman from earlier, engaged in a tense exchange with Zelda. "I mean no harm, Zel," the woman claimed, but Zelda branded her a monster.

"Monster? Spare me the hypocrisy. Who among us slaughtered a hundred elves without remorse, Zelda?" the woman retorted.

Zelda, maintaining composure, defended herself, "I know not who you are or your connection to the elves. But their attempt to exploit the World Tree instigated our retaliation."

As the woman's body ignited with red-glowing markings, Zelda fought to suppress the immense fire within her. She lunged, clashing with the woman until a fiery explosion silenced her opponent.

Observing the woman's fiery aura, Zelda's thoughts raced to contain the power. She wielded Gungir, her spear, striking the woman's shield of fire. The woman retaliated, but Zelda's onslaught continued, slicing the woman's arm.

Gasping in pain, the woman unleashed a gun, shooting Zelda's foot. In desperation, Zelda invoked a chant, causing Gungnir to create a cataclysmic explosion that vanquished the woman.

Arriving at the lake, Zelda found Zephyrus gazing skyward. Fire consumed the sky, and their home, Weltenbaum der Feen, was ablaze.

Zelda shook her sister, frantic, "Zephyrus, what happened? Tell me!"

"It was her," Zephyrus stammered.

"Her who? Be precise," Zelda demanded.

"The woman from before, the morning," Zephyrus clarified.

Shocked and perplexed, Zelda sought to compose herself. "We must stick together, Zephyrus. Promise me."

"Yes," Zephyrus nodded.

The sisters raced through the forest, but a sudden punch felled Zelda.


Zelda felt a sharp pain at her cheek as she was struck by a fist that surprised her. "ZELDAAAA" Zephyrus yelled for her sister after seeing her fall down from the sky. She soon tried to follow the direction of her sister's fall - KEYWORD *tried*.

Zephyrus was caught off guard when she heard gunshot noises coming for her. "A gun? but how - those unique weapons are impossible to get unless they went to the gate of Abbadon "

As rifles were pointed at Zephyrus without hesitation she summoned a whirlpool that destroyed the attackers formation. '1..2.. about 6 attackers , I have to defeat them before I help Zelda ' Zephyrus started her plan.

She was like a gust of wind and soon was right in front of one of the attackers. She then swung her fist and then smacked the enemy right near the fire of the forest.

The enemies were stunned, especially seeing one so petite that held the strength of a dozen elephants altogether.

The enemy seeing their ally die from just a punch soon re-evaluates the power of the one in front of them. The group of 5 then attacked Zephyrus in multiple directions.

"Shit" Zephyrus cursed quickly realizing the situation she's in. She flew upwards to avoid it but the onslaught attacks of the enemies still left her injured. 'If I just use my physical prowess that wouldn't be enough ugh , if only I can use mana' Zephyrus thought to herself.

Even though Zephyrus is much stronger than an average fairy , she doesn't possess the ability to do magic. Her body contains no mana, not even just a little.

'I need a plan of attack - I can't just keep dodging them. I'll lose my stamina'


The gunshots of the enemy kept resounding as Zephyrus tried to think of a plan.

"SCREW IT - I'll Just GO BERSERK" Zephyrus exclaimed.

She then zoomed right in front of one of the enemies. Backhanded the unique weapon which is a gun. And then performed a kick which hit the 2 enemies.

"That's more like it," Zephyrus said while smiling.

Not wanting to give her enemies a chance. Zephyrus continued, battling gun-wielding assailants with a whirlpool attack.

"Finally, I can now go to Zelda," Zephyrus defeated her attackers and rushed to Zelda

30 minutes earlier at another location:

"Urgk" Zelda let out a sound of pain as she landed rather disgracefully. 'Fuck I didn't see that coming' "Did you really think that I would die that easily Zelda~~~"

"You— But I killed you" Zelda said

"Well– You killed a part of me that is so your about 0.0001 % right" said by the woman who Zelda fought earlier in the–(Basta ang kalaban nun)

"I guess its my fault for underestimating a cursed elf such as you Sandra" Zelda said

"Well finally you said my name, all it took was for your face to get dirty" The woman who's name was soon revealed to be Sandra said.

Zelda once again summoned her spear "Gungnir" and then striked Sandra.

Sandra shot Gungir which then left a dent to the spear.

"Impossible - Gungnir is a weapon made from voiranium. How can a mere gun leave a dent to it" Zelda said while still in shock.

"Well I found out that even though humans are weak in body. The minds they have are quite spectacular. Aren't they amazing?" Sandra explained.

After finishing her monologue Sandra shot Zelda Gungir again. Zelda tried to steer the bullet away but found Gungir to be too brittle.

While seemingly bored Sandra keeps shooting Zelda.

"AGHH" Zelda was blasted and her Gungir was broken. Zelda on the grass and gasping for breath. 'Urgh, my strength was already depleted because of the previous fight' Zelda thought to herself.

"I anticipated more from the famous elf slaughterer but I guess this is all you are" Sandra sighs. "Oh well" Sandra then shot Zelda's heart.


Seeing Zelda dead – Sandra took out a knife and then started to cut Zelda wings. "This would be useful" Sandra said to herself and then went to the shadows.

Zephyrus POV:

After defeating the enemies. I went to the direction of where my sister fell. Just to see my sister on the ground. "No ‐ tell me it's not true Zelda. You're joking right if you are, this is a horrible joke" Zephyrus said while crying.

"Zelda Zelda ZELDAAAAA"

"I promise whoever did this to you would pay. I'll find her and get your wings back. THAT I PROMISE and I would stop at Nothing NOTHING just to get my REVENGE!!!!!" Zephyrus cried out loud as she vowed revenge, promising to recover Zelda's stolen wings and avenge her sister's suffering.