The next day came and dark circles and swollen eyes on (Amal) face a lot from crying and lack of sleep...
Yesterday's situation is unenviable, she was completely insulted by everyone in front of her father, who did not care about her for a moment, in front of Mr. (Ali) who remained silent looking at her calmly and coldly?!!
In front of everyone and gloating looks pouring from their eyes...
She washed her face, made herself a piece of bread with cheese, sat outside in front of her house, remembering how her brother used to give her food, how she used to perform with pain in her hands until he gave her food...
She turned her back and sighed: I wish you were here (Hassan), I miss you so much.
"How are you (Amal)?!" She turned to the sound to be surprised by Mr. (Ali) standing in front of her?!
she looked at him in astonishment, got up from her place, looking behind him, while he said with a smile: Don't worry, I came alone...
Then he looked at her breakfast, continuing: May I have a cup of tea?
A look of astonishment remained on her face as she pointed to the nearest seat to sit down, saying, "Of course, go ahead, sir."
She entered the kitchen, gasping for breath, and in her mind the same question: What is he doing here?!
She prepared a cup of tea and went out to give it to him, and found him eating some of her bread and cheese, she felt embarrassed and said quickly: Sorry, I don't have your usual food here.
He smiled looking at the food and said with enjoyment: This is the best food for me, believe me, I did not eat anything else when I was young, I longed to have it only on the table....
Then he looked at her and said: Come on, let's sit down and eat together.
(Amal) hesitantly, she said, "Sir? I ...
He interrupted her insistently: Come on, sit down, and let's have breakfast together.
He finished getting dressed, and decided to go to her quickly, he had to convince her to work with him, she had to stay with him and under his watch...
Although he was sad about what happened to her yesterday, but it was an opportunity he had, he had to take advantage of it..
He heard the doorbell of the house wondering who had come so early, he went to the door, to open it, to find (Salim) in front of him?!!
He brought him a glass of juice that (Selim) had asked for. He sat cross-legged in front of him as he looked at his watch saying: What brings you now?! Don't you find it early?!!
(Selim) sips a lot of juice and then puts it down, he says sarcastically: But it looks like you're getting ready to go out?!
(Adam) put one leg on the other and said: What do you want, Selim?!
(Selim) He sat like him saying: Is this how you deal with your future father-in-law?
(Adam) was upset, saying, "What do you want?" If there's nothing important to say go away, I have an important business.
(Selim): Are you going to (Amal)?
(Adam): So?!
(Selim) looking at his worn-out hours, he says: I think you're a little late, you didn't get up early.
(Adam): What do you mean?!
(Selim): An hour ago, Mr. (Ali) went alone to (Amal), and she came home with him again.
(Marwa) sat with her husband calmly eating breakfast, (Marwa) said while sipping her coffee with pleasure: The house is quiet and comfortable today.
To look at her (Wael) in reproach: I wish you would stop acting with your brain, and take my opinion before doing something stupid.
(Marwa): Honey, don't worry, you'll thank me later.
He erupted and says: (Marwa) Did you see what happened?! My father is angry with us, Mrs. (Nevin) was fired in a humiliating manner and this could harm our work... and you plotted against a poor girl without guilt.
To say in factory: Who told you this?! Your dad two days and he'll be back as he was, and Mrs. (Nevin) can't quit working with you, believe me, but that girl, believe me, is...
She cut off her expressions, wide-eyed to find Mr. (Ali) entering the dining room, and behind him (Amal)?!!!!!
To Be continued .....
Enjoy ☺