(Marwa) kept angry, agitated, she goes and comes in her room angry, biting her nails while cursing (Amal): That gypsy, poor, wretched, immoral... Why did she come back so quickly?!
(Wael) entered the room, noticed her anger, but decided not to speak and quickly put on his suit coat to go to work...
She stood behind him, shouting: Did you see what happened?!
He sighed in boredom as he closed the cupboard door, saying, "No , Did you see what happened?!"
(Marwa): Are you kidding me?! she imposes control over the entire palace.
He sat on the edge of the bed, wearing his shoes, saying: What are you saying?! .... (Marwa) I completely understand your anger, but there is no need for unnecessary slander?!!
(Marwa): Unnecessary slander?!! So wait to see.
(Wael) heading to the door of the room: Calm down, my love, and try to sleep a little to calm your nerves... Bye.
He came out while she stood looking at the door in disgust, saying: You will see this girl who will impose control on everyone, especially your father.
(Amal) entered the room again after deciding yesterday that she would never return to it, she sat on her bed remembering Mr. Ali's words to her..
she sat in front of him eating food with him as he asked, he used to eat it with pleasure as it was in front of him the best kind of food..
He suddenly said: (Amal) I apologize for what happened to you yesterday.
She looked at him in astonishment and said: Mr.( Ali)?!!
(Ali): Please make me finish my words...
She indicated with her eyes that he should continue, so he continued: I know what happened to you yesterday, it was a very bad thing, and that everyone gathered around you with ugliness, especially (Neven) and (Marwa), I knew that they were lying, but despite that, I did nothing.
(Amal) Sadly, she said: It's okay, of course you will prefer your family above everything.
Mr. (Ali) is firm: I cannot allow any excesses in my house, but that girl stood in my way and began to play her games.
(Amal) Not realizing: What do you mean?!
(Ali): It is complicated, there are mistakes that many of us make, even I made many mistakes, and my biggest mistakes are (Neven) and (Marwa).... I am ashamed of you because I allowed them to manipulate the situation yesterday in this way, and you were the victim.
There was silence between them. (Amal) said while getting up from her seat: There is no need for useless talk, Mr. (Ali), I decided not to go back to work.
He looked at her quietly, sipped some tea, then said: You will come back.
To say angrily: I respect you a lot, Mr. (Ali), but that will not give you the right to dictate to me what I should do?!
He smiles calmly and says: I know that you are an independent woman and you are free in all your choices, and I will not impose anything on you....but let's think a little together quietly about it.
She sat in front of him, listening to what he wanted to say. He sipped the tea again in enjoyment. He says: Really, the best cup of tea I've ever drank.
He noticed the curiosity in her eyes m so he put the cup on the table saying: I still like the way you take situations....
She nodded her head not understanding, so he continued: No one in the palace has yet been able to stand up to your reaction to their stupid actions, you were listening, thinking and then replying.... and this is what I want you for.
She kept nodding her head not understanding, so he continued: I know very well the intention of (Marwa) to bring that woman called (Neven) home, so I had to put an end to the matter, but you have not set your limit yet.... You have to go back to show them your innocence Your indifference, your victory?!!!
To Be continued ....
Enjoy ☺