(Nevein) lit a cigarette, took some and then said: Now what?!
(Marwa) enjoying with her coffee: What about what?!
(Nevien): Are you kidding me?!! I've been here for about a week and we've done nothing but see how that girl got hold of everyone, and Mr. (Ali) got close to her and hated me so much.
(Marwa) laughed while putting the coffee on the tray: My dear, a lot has happened.
(Nevien): Like what for example?!
(Marwa): Like (Wael) not feeling comfortable with her being at home after he noticed his father's interest in her, like Adam's hug for her in the midst of everyone and this will help us a lot to bring them closer to each other, and like Tollin's unlimited hate for (Amal). ...all this if we mix them together we will get what we want, and more, my dear.
(Nevien): I'm really surprised that you're so cold?! Mr. (Ali) will soon kick me out of the house.
(Marwa): Believe me, he does not want, and even if he wants, everyone will not allow him, because now everyone wants you near their father from the maid.
(Nevin) put out her cigarette while looking out the window saying: The bird has arrived, show me your skill.
(Amal) entered the palace exhausted and tired from her dialogue with (Adam) for God's sake, what does he mean? What does he want?!!
She went away and found Mrs. (Marwa) and Mrs. (Nevien) holding their hands in front of their chest and looking at her provocatively, she took deep breath while saying: What?!
(Marwa) approached her to say: You really have the courage to talk to the owners of the house in which you work as a servant in that way.
(Amal): I mean, what do you want, Mrs. (Marwa)?!
(Marwa): Don't you find that the time is a little late, Miss (Amal), or will the food and the cleanliness of the house take care of themselves?!
(Amal) Confidently: I didn't go out before I finished my work for the day, and if you mean food, it's already almost done waiting for you to gather to eat it.
(Marwa) did not find anything to respond to, so (Amal) asked with a simple smile to leave...
But Mrs. (Nevin) stopped her to say: It seems that working here does not suit you, especially when you are a medical student. I think it is better to leave it.
To say to her (Amal) with a smile calmly: Thank you very much for your interest in me, but the owners of the house in which I work as a maid do not object, and I do not find a problem, with the permission of the guest of the house.
And left them in the midst of a volcano of anger from (Nevien), who could not control her nerves, so she exclaimed: That girl really does not know anything about education, she must be expelled and immediately?!!!
(Selim) asked Mr. Ali's permission to leave only two hours for a prior appointment with a friend. Mr. (Ali) willingly agreed on the condition that he would not be late to return...
(Selim) headed to the intended place quickly, to catch up with the time for Mr. (Ali) to finish his work, and his mind is preoccupied with what that person wants from him?!!
He arrived at a building under construction, asked who he had requested him, to find him in a side office next to the building.
He went to the place, knocked on the door several times to enter after it, to find (Adam) in front of him saying welcoming: Hello Mr. (Selim), I have been waiting for you for a long time?!!!!!!!
To Be continued .....
Enjoy ☺