(Selim) kept thinking all the time about what (Adam) said to him and recalculating, this could be the deal of a lifetime for him that he will never get again, he has to move fast, his stupid daughter wasted a lot of time in nonsense and stupid actions, he has to hurry to help ( Adam) to achieve his goal, especially before the return of (Hassan)?!!
Who can sabotage all his plans with his more stupid actions than his sister!!!
He did not pay attention to Mr. (Ali)'s repeated call: (Selim) ... (Selim)?!
Pay attention to him at last. He says: Sorry, Mr. (Ali). I'm busy thinking a bit.
Mr. (Ali): Busy driving now...then think about what you want later.
(Selim): Mr. Ali commanded you, I apologize for my misbehavior.
And he was silent, while inside him he cursed his little luck that made him a servant to others...
He must definitely come to terms with it.
Everyone finished eating dinner, and then sat gathered in the hall, engaging in conversation, until Mrs. (Nevin) said: It seems that I have stayed here for a long time. If I disturb you, I can leave and stay in a hotel until the completion of my house renovation?
(Marwa) said quickly: Of course you are welcome here all the time.
(Wael) to follow her by saying: There is no inconvenience from your stay, Mrs. (Nevin). We are glad to have you with us.
Then everyone looked at Mr.( Ali), who was quietly drinking his coffee. (Wael) said: Dad, won't you say something?!
Mr. (Ali) sighed while setting the coffee and then looked at Mrs. (Nevin) after that to (Wael) saying: You have decided! What is the reason for my question then?! ....
Then he stopped and said: Excuse me everyone.
He left while everyone was angry and embarrassed....
(Marwa) shouted: (Amal)?!
(Amal) came quickly and said: Yes?!
(Marwa): Where is the juice I asked for?!
(Amal) surprised: What juice, madam?! You didn't ask for anything from me?!
(Marwa): so I'm lying, come get the juice right now.
(Amal) calmly: Ok, but what kind of juice do you want?!!
(Marwa) embarrassed: Orange of course?!
(Amal) looked at her for a long time without answering, then went out to prepare the juice, while (Wael) said: There is no need for this exaggeration?!
(Marwa) shouted more on him: What do you want to pamper her until she gets what she wants?
(Wael) puffed in anger saying: The matter has become unbearable.
He went to his room in anger...
(Neven) lighting a cigarette: What now?!
(Marwa) maliciously: Where is the necklace that you showed me at the New Year's party?!
(Nevin): What do you want from it?!!
(Marwa) angrily: (Nevin) Wake up for me, please, we want to hurry, and I don't have time to stand your stupidity.
(Nevin) was embarrassed by Marwa's poor manner and saying: What?!
(Marwa) in a diabolical way: This necklace that you brought with you and is in your room, it disappeared after (Amal) cleaned the room, and guess where we found it?!
(Nevin) understood what (Marwa) was alluding to, so she stood behind her laughing and said: Now I understand?!!!!!!
To Be continued .....
Enjoy ☺