Chereads / To the Moon and Back. / Chapter 9 - The Black Sun 1

Chapter 9 - The Black Sun 1

She's disgusting, say what?

This girl, does she know what she's talking about?

I simply glared at her, though it seemed that she expected that reaction.

"Huh...?" was all I could say.

" You heard what I said, I will not explain any further. "

She gives off the aura of someone who thinks they have made their point.

One who thinks they're absolutely correct.

" Then, bye, we will meet again. " She waved goodbye, turned her back and walked away.

and I'm still speechless.

I see, she's just another terrible person.


I glared at her back that slowly walks away from me.

I too, turned my back and went for my class.

I took my phone and earphones out to listen to music before the class starts.

I just sat there alone, all my other classmates are having fun conversations with each other, not really my thing.

I just sat silently.

Until this guy approached me.

Sorasaki Hikari, was it? what is it this time?

" Hey, want to come with us later? we'll be going to a cafe. "

He's inviting me? pity? spare me from that.

There's nothing I hate more than people who do things out of pity... this guy...

It's not pity...?

Instead of pity, what I felt was true curiosity, a desire to get to know me better.

This is the first time it ever hapoened.

Should I go?

I gave it some thought.

I do want to go, but it feels like too much work so...

But this is the first time someone genuinely wants to know me, I should maybe give it a try?

I can't decide.

" Um, it's alright if you don't want to, sorry for the bother. " he apologized, ready to leave.

That's when

" I will go, thank you. "

I accepted.

Thank you... I actually said that word.

I can feel joy from him upon my response.

" Alright, we'll go later after school. "

Wow... am I really experiencing this? me of all people?

My heart races with that thought.

I sat through the day, until the class ended.

I can't stop thinking of how I will do once the time comes, anxiety...

What should I do if this, if that? too many what ifs keeping my mind occupied instead of listening to the lessons.

The closer the time is, the more anxious I got.

and now, it's the time. they should be waiting for me by the gate.

I stood from my seat and gazed through the windows to see the orange sky signifying the near arrival of dusk. 4PM.

I grabbed my things and left the room.

I traversed the stairs as quick as I could.

as usual, too many eyes on me.

I hate this so much. why are you looking at me? get lost.

too many eyes.

what is there too see?

am I that weird?

am I hideous?

a stream of negative thoughts flooded my mind.

it's always like this, another reason why I hate crowds.

This feeling burned all the colors away, to my eyes, the world is monochrome.

I felt relieved when I finally left the building, but before I could go for the gate, I came and passed by her, you know who's class.

There she stood with many people around her, it's like she's a walking magnet that attracts everyone around her.

Is a person like me really fitting of being with her? I, who does the exact opposite thing she subconsciously do?

Maybe it's why we haven't interacted as much as we used to.

I might be just an object of a pass, once passed through, becomes irrelevant.

I sighed to myself and left the building. even though I wanted to say goodbye and that I will be going ahead first.

I scrapped that thought, I might be just a nuisance if I do.

Maybe I shouldn't really go for that invitation earlier... I feel like lying in my bed and do nothing but sleep.

Ah, my chest feels so heavy...

I approached the gate while looking down.

I was thinking of going straight home, I'm pretty sure they changed their minds as well and went ahead already.

That only makes sen—

" Alright, now let's go! "

A voice spoke to me, enthusiastically.


I raised my head and turned my attention to the voice that spoke to my right ear.

They were waiting.

No way.

They really waited?

I was certain that they had gone there already.

I really have trust issues don't I?

in my past experiences, I have been invited on different occasions by people before.

they were bullshit.

Invitation out of pity, it disgusts me.

Invitation just to show people how "kind" they are, oh, how kind of them indeed, it makes me want to vomit.

I could see through their intentions, but I accepted.

In the end, none of them kept their words and I was left like a fool.

one time, I kept waiting until midnight.

I wanted to think that they might be just late, but deep down I already know the truth.

It happened a lot that I'm basically numb when it comes to it now. one just have to learn to live through, that's how life is; some may be left behind while others are above.

It is what it is.

So, this is really surprising for me.

" Let's go shall we? " asked the kind guy.

I responded with a nod, he then lead the way.

The girl with him followed as well, I assume they're lovers? maybe close friends.

That's not for me to think of, I shouldn't pry on private relationships.

The guy, Hikari, engaged with different topics.

most of them were questions to get to know me better. that may be common sense?

I answered all of them honestly.

I must pay back that sincerity.

" Where do you go home? " was one of his questions.

why? no matter, I will answer.

" just by the east district, there's only one apartment over there so it's not that hard to find, I live by the 2nd floor "

I gave them my room number too.

to them, it was amazing.

" You live alone? " he followed another question which I responded with a nod.

a unison of reaction that says "interesting" came from them.

" It must be difficult to live all by yourself at such young age... "

Maybe, I didn't really think of it.

All I thought of was to keep surviving everyday, hoping that things will get better.

My neigbor, my only friend, Kurone Senpai was there too for me.

so it wasn't that bad at all.

" What about your parents? " asked the girl with a crescent hair ornament.

What about my parents? he's right... what about them? I never gave it a thought before.

All I know of is that they abandoned me.

" I'm not really sure, I'm an abandoned c..hild...."

It looks like they felt bad for asking that question.

" I'm sorry, it was insensitive of me to ask that... "

why? i see no problem to it.

" It's okay, I don't really feel anything about it. "

I genuinely don't feel anything about it.

But if I could meet them, I would really like to. I wonder what kind of family do I have?

We moved on to a different topic, which continued until we arrived by the said Cafe

This is a Cafe I've always wanted to visit, but seeing that most of the people that visits here have someone with them, I feel like it will be awkward to go in alone.

But here I am now.

The 3 of us entered the pleasant environment.

A Cafe filled with Cats.

this cafe is a cat themed one.

a group of cats welcomed the 3 of us.

out of all things, cats, are one of the few I find really pleasant.

They just roll around, eat, sleep and mind their own business. I find that endearing, my dream life style too.

no worries, no stress, just meow meow all day.

this is the part when I snap back to reality where I'm forced to deal with terrible and displeasing things everyday.

If only I could sleep and never wake up again.

before I realized, I was drowning in my thoughts again.

I was pulled back to reality by Sorasaki after asking me to take a seat.

I apologized for spacing it and sat myself.

Cats approached as immediately, they're really friendly here.

One sat on my lap, I couldn't resist and started caressing it.

" Do you like Cats? " asked Sorasaki.

That's a question you should ask before inciting someone in... but no matter, it's fortunate that I do.

" I do, very much. " I answered.

" That's reassuring " Sorasaki responded in relief.

you should be. It would've been a different scenario had I been a not so cat lover.

The 3 of us has placed our orders with the waiter approaching us with the Menu.

The girl, apparently named Kaguya asked for a velvet cake and a latte.

Sorasaki went for a strawberry cake and a latte as well.

As for me, I don't see any pure black coffee option here.

maybe they don't serve it? too bad.

I want to ask but...

whatever, I will go with a latte as well.

as for a snack.

I'm not really that fond of cakes, simply too sweet for me so I went for a sandwich.

and then we wait for our order.

I kept on caressing the cat on my lap with it's purring getting stronger.

after a few minutes and there, our order arrived.

All of it looked nice.

I took my food and drink and so did they.

— Yozora received his sandwich and drink with no problem.

But Kaguya and Hikari...

Kaguya noticed that Hikari's cake had an actual strawberry in it.

" Hey, that's mine! " said Kaguya to Hikari who started picking the strawberry with his fork.

" Didn't you order a velvet? too bad, you should've thought of it mo— " Before Hikari could finish his sentence, Kaguya snatched the fork that carried a strawberry from his hand and ate it for herself.

" Ah... AH! MY STRAWBERRY! " Said the devastated Hikari.

" Bow down before my supreme speed that no man can catch up with! fufufufu. " rejoiced Kaguya as she munched and savored the strawberry.

" Then I'll take this! "

Hikari snatched Kaguya's plate with the velvet cake and quickly cut it in half with the fork eating the half in one bite.

" Wait—!! " too late. Hikari was faster than Kaguya could react.

" Now we're fair. " said Hikari.

" Which part of this is fair!? " asked Kaguya while she pointed at her cake that's been reduced into half.

" Sorry to say, but all things comes with a price to pay.

you take my strawberry, I take half of yours."

" Strawberry equals half of cake is not even logical! " Kaguya complained.

" I don't make the rules " Hikari replied.

" You literally made up that statement earlier! "

Kaguya won't back down herself.

as the two had a banter, Yozora watched them.

They're really getting along very well, he thought to himself.

After a few more arguments, Hikari backed down and just gave Kaguya half of his cake thus pleasing the Moon Princess.

" You know how to please people don't you? good, good! " Kaguya praised with her mouth stuffed with cake.

" What about you, you don't like cakes? " Hikari asked.

" I don't, it's just too sweet for me to handle. " I responded.

" I can relate to that, eating half of Kaguya's cake was already more than enough for me. "

" So, what kind of food do you like? "

What kind of food? good question.

I don't really know that much about what I like, maybe it's time for me to give some thought to it.

" I like curry, maybe? "

I really like the flavor and spice of a curry, especially paired with rice.

the spicier it is, the better.

" A spicy fella? " Hikari asked.

" I guess, I am. " I responded.

" I know a restaurant that serves a really good curry, wanna come there some time? my treat. " Hikari gave out another invitation.

" I mean, if it's fine with you... "

Another invitation already?

I might be making friends, holy.

" Curry, huh? I remember the first time it became popular in this country " Kaguya reminisced.

— Her face was filled with both happiness and sadness, a nostalgia.

I've also been curious about this...

" Are you two dating? " I asked. 

My question caused silence for about 10 seconds until Kaguya answered. 

" Fufu, maybe? I wonder "

She has no intention of answering.

I really hate it when I'm curious but don't get a clear answer, an answer so vague it will keep me up all night over thinking it. 

But the way they they act, I guess they are.

" What about you, do you have someone? Someone you like atleast? " a question no one has ever asked me before

not like there was anyone to ask me anything ever though. 

But of course there's someone I like. 

" There is actually, but i never had the courage to say anything about it... "

I looked down. 

" I see, you should tell her soon you know "


" It's only a matter of time before she stray too far, too far she'll be forever out of your grasp. "

She spoke as if she's experienced them. 

" Regrets always comes in the end after all, you'll regret it forever. "

She has a point. Maybe i really should... 

" For courage, just don't think about it, seize the opportunity, it's now or never, never be afraid of taking risks. "

Kaguya herself looked down. 

" The more you avoid, the more you miss out, you'll end up unable to accomplisjh anything so keep your head straight and move towards the path you wish to take. That's all I can say. "

I looked into her eyes, this feeling from her... 

The feeling of deep regret and loss. 

What is she going through? 

But she's right. 

" I think I will do that, thanks... "

I'm genuinely thankful for her words. 

Those are the words i needed to push me into doing it. 

Our conversation extended for quite some time, I began to open up and talk about myself more before I could realize it.

but they seemed to like listening.

really, what is there interesting in me?

But still, I started smiling.

This feeling, I like this.

The world is slowly regaining it's color.

I want to continue with this conversation more.

I really do, but...

My eye again, it started throbbing in pain.

a very agonizing one that I could barely resist it.

I twitched in pain, but tried my best not to scream.

The two started worrying about me.

" Are you okay?! " the two asked in unison.

I can't answer that, right now I'm doing my best to hold my voice to not scream.

eventually, the pain started to fade.

tears flowed from the pained eye.

but slowly, the pain started to disappear and I regained my composure.

I fixed my sitting position and reassured the two of them that I'm fine.

" It's okay, I'm alright, this is nothing, no need to worry " I said.

" even if you say that, you were in agony earlier... " Said Kaguya.

" No, really, I'm fine "

I let go of my hand and opened the eye that was previously burning in pain.

" Hey...your eye... "

" It's golden... "

My eyes, which are supposedly crimson red.

one of them changed color into golden yellow.

glowing like that of a star...